Dragon Nodes
Our Universe Is Recalibrating Itself,
Changing Ages
If you know your birth data, you can punch in a FREE Draconic Chart at astrodienst.com
Is Your Soul Mate a Dragon?
The Draconic Chart, derived from our natal horoscope, has perhaps been overlooked and underrated. Its origin, mysterious -- the earliest traceable records date back to Babylonia with little referred to until the beginning of the 20th century. Its significance, mystifying -- believed to reveal the patterns of our higher self or our true identity, our soul's status at the point of its incarnation into this present lifetime.
The Draconic Chart remains elusive today. We may never know exactly what it represents, however when we begin to work with it its significance becomes evident. Discovering our Draconic Chart is sure to ignite a massive 'aha!' Complex variables of who we are begin to make much more sense. Simply put, the Draconic Chart is derived from the natal horoscope by transferring the North Node of the Moon back to 00 degrees of Aries, known as the Aries Point. In other words, we take the natal position of the North Node and look at how many degrees are needed to move the North Node back to 00 Aries. That difference in degrees is then subtracted from the natal Angles, the Sun, Moon and the planets to bring them to their draconic position - a new degree and sign of the zodiac. Nothing has changed in terms of the horoscope's gestalt. The planets still remain in the same houses. Nothing has changed in terms of the planetary patterns in their relationship to each other. The aspects between planets and points still remain the same. What has changed however is their location within the zodiac, in terms of degrees and signs.
Software programs such as Solar Fire and Matrix Win*Star Plus will automatically calculate the draconic chart from the birth chart. The Draconic Chart is also accessible online at www.astro.com under the option, Extended Chart Selections.
People born with the natal North Node very close to 0 degrees Aries will see practically no difference between their draconic chart and natal chart. This occurs approximately every 18 years for those born around December 1931, July 1950, and April 1969. What it may suggest is that these individuals 'practice what they preach' or 'what you see is what you get.' Certainly the door remains open for further understanding.
Much can be intuited by studying the Draconic Chart alone. The dynamics of House rulership change since the draconic horoscope reflects a new set of angles, a new degree and sign on the Ascendant and Midheaven. The draconic Sun-Moon blend introduces a new ingredient to the mix. The final dispositor in the Draconic Chart raises another strong dimension. Draconic planets and midpoints now falling on the Aries Point bring intensified patterns of our higher self forward in this lifetime.
In the Draco chart, there is no “sitting on the fence” or hesitating about “what to do” if we want to seek our destiny and any aspects to the natal chart can be quite instructional. Remember, the ONLY thing different in the Draco chart is the signs of the house cusps and the planets. This tells us about an underlying orientation that we otherwise have, but may not always see.
There are two main ways to consider the Draconic Natal Chart. It can be read as a stand alone, considering the difference between the orientation of the signs in the original natal chart, and it can be read in aspect to the tropical natal chart. The fist technique is most instructional if you compare the two Zodiacs planet by planet, cusp by cusp. For example if the Natal chart has the sun at 2 degrees of Gemini in the 10th house, we might say there is a need to communicate widely and knowledgeable in ones chosen profession--to feel distinct, this person needs to shine before the public in a sharp, dynamic, witty way. If the Draconic sun is there (it will always have the same house position and aspects) in the sign of Capricorn, there may be an underlying need for that public recognition to reap tangible results--something Gemini alone is not too concerned with. Going through all the planets and angles in this way brings quick insights.
The second technique is a way of comparing aspects between planets and points otherwise not revealed. The measurement, remember, is the distance of any planet from the North Lunar Node. If, for example, the original natal chart has the Moon 32 degrees ahead of the North Node and the Draconic Chart has Saturn at 2 degrees of Taurus (32 degrees ahead of the Draconic North Lunar Node or 0 Aries) there is a conjunction between the Moon and Saturn that otherwise would not have been seen. This can explain much in charts were there is no original aspect between planets but a powerful conjunction in the Draco to Tropical comparison.
Draconic Synastry Synastry describes the technique of comparing the natal or progressed charts of two or more people. It literally means ‘stars in the same place’ such as when one person’s Sun is conjunct another person’s Moon. All aspects between the two charts are important, the angle, or type of aspect, being less relevant than the actual link. Each planet contact brings its own symbolism to life in a relationship and evaluating them in synastry charts can supply information as to the needs, purpose and desires that are awakened when two people meet, connect and interact.
People are like permanent transits. When you meet someone who has their natal Jupiter conjunct your natal Sun, it's like having Jupiter on the Sun whenever they are around! This is an easy contact to spot when comparing the tropical zodiac natal charts but they many also have their Draconic Pluto on your Mars, and that might feel a little different. It might also go a long way in explaining some intense dynamics in the relationship that might not otherwise be obvious.
The Draconic Chart, derived from our natal horoscope, has perhaps been overlooked and underrated. Its origin, mysterious -- the earliest traceable records date back to Babylonia with little referred to until the beginning of the 20th century. Its significance, mystifying -- believed to reveal the patterns of our higher self or our true identity, our soul's status at the point of its incarnation into this present lifetime.
The Draconic Chart remains elusive today. We may never know exactly what it represents, however when we begin to work with it its significance becomes evident. Discovering our Draconic Chart is sure to ignite a massive 'aha!' Complex variables of who we are begin to make much more sense. Simply put, the Draconic Chart is derived from the natal horoscope by transferring the North Node of the Moon back to 00 degrees of Aries, known as the Aries Point. In other words, we take the natal position of the North Node and look at how many degrees are needed to move the North Node back to 00 Aries. That difference in degrees is then subtracted from the natal Angles, the Sun, Moon and the planets to bring them to their draconic position - a new degree and sign of the zodiac. Nothing has changed in terms of the horoscope's gestalt. The planets still remain in the same houses. Nothing has changed in terms of the planetary patterns in their relationship to each other. The aspects between planets and points still remain the same. What has changed however is their location within the zodiac, in terms of degrees and signs.
Software programs such as Solar Fire and Matrix Win*Star Plus will automatically calculate the draconic chart from the birth chart. The Draconic Chart is also accessible online at www.astro.com under the option, Extended Chart Selections.
People born with the natal North Node very close to 0 degrees Aries will see practically no difference between their draconic chart and natal chart. This occurs approximately every 18 years for those born around December 1931, July 1950, and April 1969. What it may suggest is that these individuals 'practice what they preach' or 'what you see is what you get.' Certainly the door remains open for further understanding.
Much can be intuited by studying the Draconic Chart alone. The dynamics of House rulership change since the draconic horoscope reflects a new set of angles, a new degree and sign on the Ascendant and Midheaven. The draconic Sun-Moon blend introduces a new ingredient to the mix. The final dispositor in the Draconic Chart raises another strong dimension. Draconic planets and midpoints now falling on the Aries Point bring intensified patterns of our higher self forward in this lifetime.
In the Draco chart, there is no “sitting on the fence” or hesitating about “what to do” if we want to seek our destiny and any aspects to the natal chart can be quite instructional. Remember, the ONLY thing different in the Draco chart is the signs of the house cusps and the planets. This tells us about an underlying orientation that we otherwise have, but may not always see.
There are two main ways to consider the Draconic Natal Chart. It can be read as a stand alone, considering the difference between the orientation of the signs in the original natal chart, and it can be read in aspect to the tropical natal chart. The fist technique is most instructional if you compare the two Zodiacs planet by planet, cusp by cusp. For example if the Natal chart has the sun at 2 degrees of Gemini in the 10th house, we might say there is a need to communicate widely and knowledgeable in ones chosen profession--to feel distinct, this person needs to shine before the public in a sharp, dynamic, witty way. If the Draconic sun is there (it will always have the same house position and aspects) in the sign of Capricorn, there may be an underlying need for that public recognition to reap tangible results--something Gemini alone is not too concerned with. Going through all the planets and angles in this way brings quick insights.
The second technique is a way of comparing aspects between planets and points otherwise not revealed. The measurement, remember, is the distance of any planet from the North Lunar Node. If, for example, the original natal chart has the Moon 32 degrees ahead of the North Node and the Draconic Chart has Saturn at 2 degrees of Taurus (32 degrees ahead of the Draconic North Lunar Node or 0 Aries) there is a conjunction between the Moon and Saturn that otherwise would not have been seen. This can explain much in charts were there is no original aspect between planets but a powerful conjunction in the Draco to Tropical comparison.
Draconic Synastry Synastry describes the technique of comparing the natal or progressed charts of two or more people. It literally means ‘stars in the same place’ such as when one person’s Sun is conjunct another person’s Moon. All aspects between the two charts are important, the angle, or type of aspect, being less relevant than the actual link. Each planet contact brings its own symbolism to life in a relationship and evaluating them in synastry charts can supply information as to the needs, purpose and desires that are awakened when two people meet, connect and interact.
People are like permanent transits. When you meet someone who has their natal Jupiter conjunct your natal Sun, it's like having Jupiter on the Sun whenever they are around! This is an easy contact to spot when comparing the tropical zodiac natal charts but they many also have their Draconic Pluto on your Mars, and that might feel a little different. It might also go a long way in explaining some intense dynamics in the relationship that might not otherwise be obvious.
The draconic chart displays how you are on the inside, and what really is going on instead of what only '''appears''' to be going on. The idea of karma comes into play with the draconic chart where the belief is that people are given certain natural ways of expression, certain ways of being or style or the way they get along with people, so their soul level is how they function deep, deep down on the inside... and the natal chart would be how it '''comes to the surface''' how it is expressed and how it is seen. so some people have a pure expression to them and natural flow of energy, seemingly almost identical natal and draconic charts, so what you '''see''' is what you get, but others have a different expression of energy about them. How they function on the inside is not always or ever how they are on the outside, this is a natural phenomenon and not a created or artificial image; it is the way the energy transforms before it comes to the surface. It is the energy you are created with, the energy that is connected to your invisible path in life, and the visible part of that path and energy is the natal. In my perspective this is the more simple way to gain an understanding of the concepts behind the natal and draconic. It’s really fascinating to consider, when many interested people in astrology make a similar claim where they intuitively sense that they belong or identify with their draconic chart more so than with their natal chart and go on to describe their understanding as something similar to an epiphany.
Also check the Sabian Symbols for your Draconic Chart as well as Natal.
Also check the Sabian Symbols for your Draconic Chart as well as Natal.
Soul Mates & Blood Links
When the likely astrological links between two people are not found in the natal, progressed or directed charts, we look further afield. The Draconic chart provides pivotal information regarding the soul's purpose. The Draconic chart shows hidden relations to parent and child and between siblings. The Draconic chart can be categorised as karmic, spiritual and unconscious, with possible connections to reincarnation. It pinpoints those we draw close to us in our lifetimes, to resolve unconscious issues , which in turn connects to our state of physical and emotional health. It speaks less of free will than the basic natal chart.
Through our Draconic chart we can discover how others are acutely, albeit subconsciously, aware of our soul's purpose and act accordingly -- opening life's doors and sometimes slamming them in our face. It traces where we came from (test it with parents and grandparent's charts) and where we are going (compare it with the charts of your children and soul mates). Links will be found by comparing Natal and Draconic charts, plus Draconic and Draconic. Draconic charts are also quite sensitve to transits, so compare the Draconic chart with transits of important events.
When the likely astrological links between two people are not found in the natal, progressed or directed charts, we look further afield. The Draconic chart provides pivotal information regarding the soul's purpose. The Draconic chart shows hidden relations to parent and child and between siblings. The Draconic chart can be categorised as karmic, spiritual and unconscious, with possible connections to reincarnation. It pinpoints those we draw close to us in our lifetimes, to resolve unconscious issues , which in turn connects to our state of physical and emotional health. It speaks less of free will than the basic natal chart.
Through our Draconic chart we can discover how others are acutely, albeit subconsciously, aware of our soul's purpose and act accordingly -- opening life's doors and sometimes slamming them in our face. It traces where we came from (test it with parents and grandparent's charts) and where we are going (compare it with the charts of your children and soul mates). Links will be found by comparing Natal and Draconic charts, plus Draconic and Draconic. Draconic charts are also quite sensitve to transits, so compare the Draconic chart with transits of important events.
The natal Ascendant describes how others perceive us in a physical sense, the silent message we project through our physical image. THE DRACONIC ASCENDANT is our intuitive identity, certain hereditary factors and the unique qualities we pass on through reproduction and spiritual teaching. For further information consider the decanate of the Draconic Ascendant (eg 28°26' Libra on the Draconic Ascendant is in its 3rd decan, incorporating a Gemini/Mercury influence to the Libran energies).
The natal Midheaven depicts our ego expression, career, worldy status, parent figures and mentors. The Draconic Midheaven speaks more of super-consciousness, the soul's divine quest, vocation as distinct from occupation.
The natal Ascendant describes how others perceive us in a physical sense, the silent message we project through our physical image. THE DRACONIC ASCENDANT is our intuitive identity, certain hereditary factors and the unique qualities we pass on through reproduction and spiritual teaching. For further information consider the decanate of the Draconic Ascendant (eg 28°26' Libra on the Draconic Ascendant is in its 3rd decan, incorporating a Gemini/Mercury influence to the Libran energies).
The natal Midheaven depicts our ego expression, career, worldy status, parent figures and mentors. The Draconic Midheaven speaks more of super-consciousness, the soul's divine quest, vocation as distinct from occupation.
21st Century Dragon Nodes

Quaoar and the Lunar Nodes of the Dragon
Quaoar has special power in relation to the Lunar Nodes. This should come as no surprise having in mind the connection that we have established between Quaoar and the Moon. But this can also be seen in the way that the divided Serpent, held by Ophiuchus, can be related to the Lunar Nodes. As mentioned before, the Serpent was once identified with Tiamat, the Sea Monster, whom eventually was struck by Marduk (Jupiter). This Sea Monster is of course just another image of the mythical Dragon. The point here, is that the two Lunar Nodes are different in nature and that one is known as the Head of the Dragon (Moon's North Node), and the other is known as the Tail of the Dragon (Moon's South Node).
In Indian astrology these nodes are very prominent and are named Rahu (Moon's North Node) and Ketu (Moon's South Node) and are thought of as 'shadowy planets'. So, the suggestion that Quaoar have special power in relation to the Lunar Nodes, relates to the fact that Ophiuchus is then symbolically handling the powers of the Dragon and wrestling from it its secrets or treasures. Because the Nodes are related to Tiamat, and Tiamat also represent Chaos from which all other things come, then we see how Quaoar has a special function in relation to the Nodes in that it has the power to order what is in a state of chaos. It can also be said that Quaoar and Ophiuchus represent the present, while Rahu represent the future, and Ketu the past. It is therefore again bridging the situation, this time in terms of the flow of time in manifestation. It adapts the present situation based upon the past tendencies and karma, and future potentials. It therefore represent decisive corrections or regulations in the present. The objective thing which you and I can see and touch and handle in the now.
Quaoar and the Mother - Virgo and Ceres
Orion in his boasting nature swore to kill all the animals of the earth, something which the earth goddess Ceres did not approve of. Ceres saw to it that Orion was stung by the scorpion and died. However Asclepius saved him and restored him back to life. Ceres taking offense, then constanly sent serpents to harrass the offender, eventually arranging for his death, while she also put him in the stars after his death.
What does all this mean? What astrologically does a combination of influences from Ceres, Asclepius, Orion and Quaoar mean? For example when considering the combination of Ceres and Quaoar in a chart, I think an important lesson being taught is one about harmlessness. Harmlessness is not negative but perfect poise, a completed point of view and divine understanding. It serves to facilitate the development of a collective conscious caring world wide mind.
Also when considering the combination of Ceres and Quaoar in a chart we have to consider that Ceres guards the secrets and sends the snakes...testing the man to see if he is ready for the secrets she carries and guards. Therefore there may be an urge to discover the keys and solutions to Nature's mysteries through advanced scientific research and experimentation. Only "when man becomes radio-active and can work and think in group terms, will it be safe or wise for him to utilise the power latent in the atom. Everything in nature is beautifully co-ordinated, and nothing can be discovered or utilised before the right time. Only as man becomes unselfish will this tremendous power be permitted to pass into his hands."
This combination is also related to the Seventh ray energy, which is "the energy needed to bring order out of chaos and rhythm to replace disorder. It is this energy which will bring in the new world order for which all men wait; it will restore the ancient landmarks, indicate the new institutions and forms of civilisation and culture which human progress demands, and nurture the new life and the new states of consciousness which advanced humanity will increasingly register. Nothing can arrest this activity; all that is happening today as men search for the new ways, for organised unity and peaceful security, is being implemented through the incoming Ray of Order or Ceremonial Magic."
There can be found an innate drive to bring order out of chaos. Having in mind that Ceres is personifying the asteroid belt and the Mother or Dragon energy, there can also be an ability to handle complexity and multitude, while striving for simplicity and wholeness. Also to "nurture and conceal," thus protecting from trouble the germ or seed of a new idea, culture or civilisation. Certainly, there can be a definite healing capacity. It can be worthwhile to mention the sign Virgo, as this is "one of the most significant in the zodiac for its symbology concerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process which is to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality. This every form veils, but the human form is equipped and fitted to manifest it in a manner different to any other expression of divinity and so make tangible and objective that for which the whole creative process was intended. Gemini and Virgo are closely related but Gemini presents the pairs of opposites—soul and body—as two separate entities whereas in Virgo, they are blended and of great and supreme importance to each other; the mother protects the germ of the Christ life; matter guards, cherishes and nurtures the hidden soul."
So, there can be a development of the sense of negotiation, because of an understanding of both spirit and matter, and the achievement of the best possible manifestation possible at any time, based upon the present state of the vehicle or mechanism (matter) and the idea or purpose (spirit aspect) whose time has come.
Also, there may come an understanding that "the laws of nature, the free will of humanity itself and the inevitability of karma combine to prevent an intervention in just these terms. This does not mean that some form of intervention may not be possible but it must conform to law; it must not interfere with humanity's right to handle its own affairs, and it must be timed in such a way that the best and maximum results can be attained."
There may be a need or a tendency to control the productive principle and bring it in line with higher purpose. I am reminded of this passage relating to the 5th Ray: "Destroy that which thou hast built and build anew. But only build when thou has climbed the upward way, traversed the gallery of tribulation and entered into light within the chamber of the king. Build from the heights, and thus shew forth the value of the depths."
By NN © 2002
1. Patterns in the Sky, Julius D. W. Staal
2. CD-ROM: Twenty-four books on Esoteric Philosophy, Alice A. Bailey
Draconic, Saronic and Metonic Cycles
The Moon’s behaviour is extremely complex, but other elements in the Moon’s behaviour which are relevant here are the Draconic, Saronic and Metonic cycles, which are largely concerned with longer periods.
The Draconic cycle is linked with the paths of the Moon and Sun, and the two points where the Moon’s path crosses the apparent path of the Sun, the ecliptic, which are called the Moon’s Nodes (the Moon’s orbit is tilted at an average of 5° with respect to the ecliptic). The point where the Moon goes from south of the ecliptic to north of the ecliptic is called the Ascending or North Node and the opposite point the Descending or South Node, these are traditionally the Dragon’s Head and the Dragon’s Tail, respectively, and from this Dragon comes the adjective ‘draconic’. The ecliptic owes its name to the fact that an eclipse of the Sun or Moon can only happen when the Moon is at these points, where the two bodies coincide, since otherwise, although the Sun and Moon are in conjunction at the New Moon or opposition at the Full Moon, the Moon’s path is above or below that of the Sun, so that the bodies or the Earth’s shadow do not coincide. The lunar Nodes are usually imaginary points formed by the planes of the two orbits (except for the moment when the Moon is actually at one of them), and appear to go backwards through the Zodiac, so that a Draconic month (27.21 days) is slightly shorter than the Moon’s Sidereal Month (27.32 days), and the Nodes complete a cycle around the Zodiac in 6793.4 days (18.6 years), the Draconic cycle. (For further information, see an article by Dwight Ennis, an astrologer, on the astronomy of the Lunar Nodes.) In Indian astrology, Jyotish, the Dragon’s Head (Rahu) and Tail (Ketu) are accorded almost equal status with the planets.
The Moon’s behaviour is extremely complex, but other elements in the Moon’s behaviour which are relevant here are the Draconic, Saronic and Metonic cycles, which are largely concerned with longer periods.
The Draconic cycle is linked with the paths of the Moon and Sun, and the two points where the Moon’s path crosses the apparent path of the Sun, the ecliptic, which are called the Moon’s Nodes (the Moon’s orbit is tilted at an average of 5° with respect to the ecliptic). The point where the Moon goes from south of the ecliptic to north of the ecliptic is called the Ascending or North Node and the opposite point the Descending or South Node, these are traditionally the Dragon’s Head and the Dragon’s Tail, respectively, and from this Dragon comes the adjective ‘draconic’. The ecliptic owes its name to the fact that an eclipse of the Sun or Moon can only happen when the Moon is at these points, where the two bodies coincide, since otherwise, although the Sun and Moon are in conjunction at the New Moon or opposition at the Full Moon, the Moon’s path is above or below that of the Sun, so that the bodies or the Earth’s shadow do not coincide. The lunar Nodes are usually imaginary points formed by the planes of the two orbits (except for the moment when the Moon is actually at one of them), and appear to go backwards through the Zodiac, so that a Draconic month (27.21 days) is slightly shorter than the Moon’s Sidereal Month (27.32 days), and the Nodes complete a cycle around the Zodiac in 6793.4 days (18.6 years), the Draconic cycle. (For further information, see an article by Dwight Ennis, an astrologer, on the astronomy of the Lunar Nodes.) In Indian astrology, Jyotish, the Dragon’s Head (Rahu) and Tail (Ketu) are accorded almost equal status with the planets.
When the Draconic months are taken together with the months of the
New Moons (the Synodic months, 29.53 days), and the months of the Moon’s
farthest distance from the Earth or perigee (the Anomalistic months,
27.55 days), they all reach a whole number of cycles (or almost) in
6585.32 days, just over 18 years, which is called the Saronic cycle (see
NASA’s site
for more). Within the Saronic cycle sequences of eclipses repeat
themselves, since the Sun, Moon and Earth return to almost the same
relative positions. In consecutive cycles the later eclipse occurs at
roughly the same latitude and for the same duration but about 8 hours
later and 115° of longitude further west. The word is a Greek form of a
Babylonian word shâr or shâru which may mean ‘universe’
or the number 3,600. Each saros contains about 43 solar and 28 lunar
eclipses, and the slight element of difference in the bodies’ positions
accumulates so that an eclipse cycle ends after a number of saroses, 71
saroses for solar and 48 for lunar eclipses (see also WordIQ’s site on
the Eclipse Cycle.
Within the Metonic cycle of 19 years the lunar calendar of synodic months reaches a form of accord with the solar calendar, so that the phases of the Moon occur on the same days of the solar year, though there is a slight difference and therefore a gradual accumulation of ‘error’. Devised by Meton of Athens ca. 432 BCE, the cycle’s application is mainly in calendar-making and is numerical rather than truly astronomical, representing the point where the two cycles both complete a whole number of cycles, or almost: modern observation shows that 19 solar years are 6939.6 days and 235 lunations are 6939.69 days. The cycle, for instance, determines the Jewish calendar, where seven intercalary months (First Adar) are added during each period of nineteen years in order to keep the lunar calendar in line with the seasons (19 x 12 = 228 and 228 + 7 = 235). It enters the Christian calendar in the date of Easter, and the so-called ‘golden number’ of the year: if the new Moon falls on 1st January, the year’s number is 1, and so on.
Within the Metonic cycle of 19 years the lunar calendar of synodic months reaches a form of accord with the solar calendar, so that the phases of the Moon occur on the same days of the solar year, though there is a slight difference and therefore a gradual accumulation of ‘error’. Devised by Meton of Athens ca. 432 BCE, the cycle’s application is mainly in calendar-making and is numerical rather than truly astronomical, representing the point where the two cycles both complete a whole number of cycles, or almost: modern observation shows that 19 solar years are 6939.6 days and 235 lunations are 6939.69 days. The cycle, for instance, determines the Jewish calendar, where seven intercalary months (First Adar) are added during each period of nineteen years in order to keep the lunar calendar in line with the seasons (19 x 12 = 228 and 228 + 7 = 235). It enters the Christian calendar in the date of Easter, and the so-called ‘golden number’ of the year: if the new Moon falls on 1st January, the year’s number is 1, and so on.
NOTES ON DRACONIC CHARTS by Bette Denlinger Copyright 1997
How to Interpret Draconic Charts by Andrea Arden
The Draconic zodiac is a wonderful tool for illuminating the kinds of experiences you will encounter on your life path. A planet’s Draconic position represents that planet’s role in expressing your soul’s chosen purpose. Mixing the two zodiacs and noting their interaction best shows how that purpose is likely to manifest in this lifetime. In other words, the kind of events and people you draw into your life to learn your soul’s lessons can be found by comparing your Draconic planetary positions to the Tropical planetary positions in your natal chart.
To illustrate, if your Draconic Saturn is conjunct your Tropical Moon, it would suggest that your spiritual need to experience the matters of Saturn in your life (structure, responsibility, limitation, grief, etc.) would manifest through the matters of the Moon (family, the mother, women in general, or feelings). And conversely, if your Draconic Moon is conjunct your Tropical Saturn, it indicates that matters of the Moon are influenced by Saturn in your life, implying that they may be blocked, limited in some way, or even missing altogether. In both examples, whatever manifests is the life condition your soul has chosen as the best way for you to learn your spiritual lessons.
Draconic planets also work another way. If you are not consciously striving to align your life with your soul’s purpose, choosing to ignore it instead, then the Draconic positions often represent your "shadow," which is your unconscious self which you experience through your interactions with others. For instance, having Draconic Mars conjunct your Ascendant suggests that spiritually you have chosen to learn the lesson of assertiveness. However, if you fail to express Mars in a consciously assertive way, you will very likely experience everyone else’s Mars powerfully directed at you. You might even find that Tropical Mars rises in the charts of most of your significant others. Although that may make life seem a little unfair, it’s actually a pretty ingenious process. Sooner or later you will be forced to "own" your own Mars rising (Draconic) to keep everyone you meet from running roughshod over you. It’ll be just a matter of time before you finally stand up for yourself, even if it takes a lifetime or two.
The usual method of examining Draconic positions is to place them outside your natal Tropical chart. The aspects between the two zodiacs seems to take precedence over the signs in which the Draconic planets are found. However, the sign of your Draconic Sun will be very noticeable in your personality. In fact, that sign may be the one people most often guess to be your Sun sign. Angularity is also important in evaluating Draconic positions, for Draconic planets falling near the Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, or I.C. will be high focus in your life. In addition, Tropical planets found near your Draconic angles are also highlighted.
In addition to using Draconic positions to interpret individual natal charts, using them in chart comparisons can also be very illuminating. It can show a strong spiritual connection keeping two people together who you might not otherwise think were a good astrological match. Also, as was the case for the Mars rising example above, the Draconic/Tropical combinations in an individual’s chart are often found among the dominant Tropical aspects in the charts of their close friends and relatives. As for transits, Tropical transits to natal Draconic positions are often very descriptive of what’s happening when aspects to the Tropical positions don’t seem to describe an event. In addition, Draconic transits can be used in aspect to Tropical or Draconic positions and often tell the tale when nothing else works. Other astrological techniques, e.g., progressions, directions, solar returns, or composites, are greatly enhanced by adding Draconic placements.
- Once upon a time..... there were three zodiacs: the Sidereal, the Tropical, and the Draconic. The Sidereal zodiac takes into account the precession of the equinoxes and is the zodiac used by astronomers. The Tropical is based on the traditional positions of the demarcations of the zodiac and is primarily used by astrologers. The Draconic Zodiac, used by some astrologers searching for hidden spiritual truths, is a symbolic zodiac rather than real . Rumors abound, however, that the Draconic Zodiac is the oldest of them all.
The term DRACONIC comes from the Latin terms for the Lunar Nodes. Caput Draconis, is the dragon's head or Moon's North Node, and Cauda Draconis, the dragon's tail or South Node. It is traditional to place these points in a chart although they are often ignored and considered insignificant by those looking for indicators of "events". Or we may alternatively hear the terms "karma" or "fate" tossed about in regards to the Nodes. Those who use Arabic Parts in their practice may feel an affinity with the sensitive points created in a Draconic Chart.
A Draconic Chart is calculated by subtracting the TRUE NORTH NODE in absolute degrees of longitude (i.e...North Node at 4 degrees 26 minutes Scorpio becomes 214.26) from 360 degrees and placing the node at 0 degrees Aries. The difference between the North Node and 360 degrees is added to all the planets and house cusps, and a new chart is erected.
The planets will appear in the same houses, but the degrees and signs will change in direct proportion to the distance of the True North Node to 0 Aries. The TRUE NODE is always used because this is the position of the Node after correction for the perturbations caused by the gravitational forces of Sun and Moon.
"It is said that life lessons which surface when comparing the Draconic to the Tropical chart will always manifest in the charts of those with whom we form close relationships. Transits and progressions to the Draconic chart may manifest as major events which alter the course of our lives."
Among the superstitious the North Node as symbolized by the Dragon's Head represents a beneficial, lucky point, but the South Node is a place of evil and disaster where the Dragon's Tail wreaks havoc. Folk lore and fairy tales are filled with unfriendly, flame belching dragons, who lurk in caves, fill poor villagers with fear and terrorize the countryside when rambling about on their infrequent forays.
The dragon is often depicted as an ancient and rare creature with inscrutable habits, whose sheer size and terrible reputation deter all from his vicinity.
A brave knight or hero always takes up the challenge, chooses to leave his mundane existence behind as he sets out on a crusade, and slays or tames the dragon to win the hand of a beautiful maiden. Other stories may say he finds a treasure guarded by the dragon.
No matter the particulars of the tale, the champion receives great rewards by traveling to meet the Dragon on his own ground, and by demonstrating his previously untested and unrecognized skills he emerges victorious and enriched.
What is the Node then? Why is it important? The Nodes are astronomically, and in reality, the two points on the plane of the ecliptic that the Moon crosses on its daily orbit. If the ecliptic is where events happen, then those Nodal points are of importance as an indicator of trends in the world around us. The Node is the point of awareness of common events, daily occurrences, and perhaps could be termed the area of what�s happening in the world. The transits of the nodes give us the flavor for the day, the week, the month....the subjects for personal reflection...the activity and moods of the common people (i.e., the Moon). Though they do not produce events they produce a feel, an aura, a sense of the rhythms around us which we can tune into and harmonize with. The Nodes are where the Sun�s path and Moon�s path meet along the planes of the ecliptic; where Light path meets Light path. The symbols for the Nodes are two circles, symbols of the spirit, linked by a crescent which is the esoteric symbol of the soul, or the emotional and desire nature.
- One Node is associated with intake and the other with an outward flow, like respiration with the breathe going in and out or the tide's ebb and flow..... In some opinions the South Node represents the past and those areas of life we have experienced in a previous incarnation. Those areas if emphasized in this lifetime prevent growth, since we have already become accomplished in this area. The South Node tells you, in essence, "been there, done that". The North Node represents the future and what we need to strive towards to balance our personalities, and to empower our souls on a forward path. The North Node shows us the direction where we will become whole, internally united and empowered, if we choose to go.
The North Node then according to this philosophy looks backwards, relying on abilities one is already comfortable and competent with, but by adhering to the tried and true we miss out on a whole realm of experience and become one sided. The North Node points to new, unexplored territory, which may be daunting to the timid, but which if embraced creates joy, fulfillment, and coalescence. The South Node represents abilities and aptitudes we are born with in this life, and the North Node is the direction in which we can build or realize new skills and strengths that complement and enhance our natural ones. It then follows that to accentuate the area of life represented by the North Node via its house and sign will benefit the growth of the soul as it struggles on its spiral towards perfection.
The South Node may show what we possess innately, and the North what we lack, but only by striving for those very qualities which are the antithesis of our nature may we become a whole person, at one with the universe, and at peace. In every opposition and every duality one side both balances and needs the other to maintain its own balance. We often do not know just what our strengths and positive attributes are until we project them outward and utilize them with the other as represented by the opposition aspect.
Why is the Draconic Chart focused on zero degrees Aries? Consider that Aries is the starting gate, the Cardinal Sign of spring, the turning point of fresh beginnings, and symbolizes taking action that will lead to growth. Even the symbol for the sign Aries appears as a fountain of life gushing forth with vital force. In the Draconic chart the North Node moves symbolically to zero Aries, and we reorient the chart to the starting point. Now, what actually happens when the North Node is at 0 Aries? That is the time the Node starts a new 19 yr. cycle, isn't it? It is also when the Nodes are simultaneously on the ecliptic and equatorial planes. Powerful forces, magnetic and otherwise, are at work when planes coincide. An eclipse is an alignment of Sun and Moon along the same planes of ecliptic and declination. Other planes may coincide and intersect, creating areas that are conduits for energy transmittal.
The Vertex, called a point of fateful encounters over which we have no conscious control, is the intersection of the great circles of the ecliptic and the prime vertical in the west at the time and place of birth. In the Draconic Chart the ecliptic plane of the Sun, the equatorial plane of the Earth, and that of the Lunar orbit are all brought together.... Light paths meet Earth.
Compare the Tropical chart to the Draconic to examine the theme of the life search for actualization. If the Tropical planetary positions of another persons chart coincides with a Draconic placement in your chart, this person will in some way teach or challenge you to use the abilities of your Draconic planet in a way that sows seeds for future flowering. The same may be said for transits and progressions to those Draconic degrees. Aspects between charts retain their basic interpretations. If by trine; in positive, easy ways that inspire. If by square, by creating tension and cross purposes which may test your resolve. If by opposition a choice must be made, balance must be created, and if by conjunction the lesson may be for good or ill, but certainly important.
Since we have choice to set out on this quest to fulfill our spiritual needs and as the Draconic chart is based on the Aries point which represents taking action, it follows that to manifest the best and highest of our nature we must deliberately seek the characteristics and concepts of the planets and signs Draconically pointed out.
Each individual walks his own unique path, and only by self searching and reflection will you understand the particular lesson that is yours to learn. Below there are some guidelines, but choose what makes you feel right on target, trust to the voice of your Higher Self , and you can never go wrong.
When the Sun is highlighted in a Draconic comparison, you may reach out and achieve your potential through taking pleasure in creative abilities. One may create on many levels; you may visualize your goals, take pride in leadership and worldly accomplishment, raise either a child of the body or the mind, or simply enjoy and enlighten those around you. Whatever you focus your whole heart on will be successful if you will concentrate on the matters associated with this placement by house and by sign.
Should the Moon be notably aspected the expression of feelings and emotion will lead you on a path by which you may find completion. Attuning to the rhythms of the world around you, cherishing those people and things which surround you in daily life, and being receptive is the way to fulfillment of your Draconic road. Opportunities are presented for you to nurture and feed others as well as the self, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Learn to listen and reflect on what you hear and feel.
Mercury as a focus planet directs one towards using logic and precision in everyday matters. Strive for clarity of thought, use the mind as a tool for accomplishing your visions. What you say and write may have importance for your future. Information may be a springboard for consolidating your conflicts. The handle for improvement may lie within the immediate environment. Thoughts are things, so direct your mind along pleasant paths.
Venus lights the way of potentiality via relationships, social activities, and the ability to love. Pay close attention to people and things attracted into the life through no effort of your own. While you walk on a road with another being harmonize and agree with them. Appreciation of beauty and the arts may catapult you into new and untried directions. Your gaiety and kindness may attract friends that help you in times to come.
When Mars is the planet accentuated work and effort will be the rewarding areas of life to concentrate on. There may be higher implications in actions taken. Push forward your personal desires, assert yourself and go after those things you want. Your own initiative may produce a turning point for your future. By pleasing yourself first you may become a pleasure for others. Accept challenges and bravely face struggles as you can grow by overcoming strife.
The only way to deal with Saturn in any form is to accept the limitations put upon you and learn to follow the rules. As you become aware of the value of public recognition or accept the fact that a reputation is built and not given without merit, you grow in wisdom. Obstructions and responsibilities are placed in your path so that you may become stronger, more capable, and more organized. Learning to plan for the future is your vehicle for gaining self respect. Ethical considerations are important to your fulfillment.
Jupiter in the Draconic chart gives deeper meaning to the development of philosophy and faith. How you react to the opinions of others and their words has a deeper portent for you. Acts of generosity to and from other people, especially family, may be signposts to future rewards. Learning to refine your judgment, weigh what is wasteful and extravagant versus what empowers others, and expanding your horizons are all areas to explore. Educational opportunities are avenues of positive portent.
Uranus brings sudden changes and unusual circumstances into the life and by meeting these face on you grow and fulfill the other side of your personality. Accept the new and different. The key to future possibilities lies in chance meetings and temporary friendships that spark new thoughts and goals. Embrace change, progress, and humanitarian endeavors. Refuse to stick with the tried and true out of fear. Learn to adjust to change. Let your innate independence shine.
The Draconic chart with Neptune exchanges indicates that seeds may be sown through an awareness of compassion and sympathy. Once we realize that all mankind is swimming together in a sea of similar consciousness, we may touch the pain of others from within ourselves. Acts of kindness stemming from imagined needs may be catalysts to our future. Confusing or glamorous situations may arise where things are not as they appear, but by accepting these without fear one may walk a path of higher ideals. Don�t shirk from sympathy or accepting charity. Walking a mile in another�s shoes may help you advance on your own road.
In Draconic charts Pluto dominating the delineation may point to accepting major upheavals as the route to satisfy the souls quest. There are people, situations, and things which must be eliminated and discarded to clear the road for future accomplishment. Pluto may represent abandonment of an element of the life that is the key to the future performance. The proverb, As we sow, so we reap reminds us to banish resentment from the past before we replant. Purity of purpose is all important with Pluto.
The Vertex involved in a Draconic combination blends the meaning of the Vertex with Nodes. There is no personal control whatsoever over the situation. The power over our own future lies in the hands of someone else. Another person is thrown into the life and we are swept up into a relationship that may , by surrendering our selves to the influence of the other, fulfill our personal dreams and bring them into actuality.
Draconic degrees show you exactly where you can grow, widen, fulfill, and enhance your life. These are the important points that can show where you may initiate individual growth of spirit and travel from what was into what will be. We can choose to make our futures brighter and happier by searching for the critical points upon which that future may hinge.
Use your Draconic Chart as a sign post pointing to relationships and experiences that will help you become rather than just be.
The hero in our fairy tales became a great prince, won great love, gained riches , achieved greatness and acclaim by valiantly searching out and meeting the dragon head on, face to face.
Set out on a journey and find the dragon.
..... nd everyone lived happily ever after...........** (except the dragon...)Much love and appreciation to Moyra L.who showed me Draconic Charts......and whose words I heard.
Bette Denlinger Copyright � 1997
How to Interpret Draconic Charts by Andrea Arden
The Draconic zodiac is a wonderful tool for illuminating the kinds of experiences you will encounter on your life path. A planet’s Draconic position represents that planet’s role in expressing your soul’s chosen purpose. Mixing the two zodiacs and noting their interaction best shows how that purpose is likely to manifest in this lifetime. In other words, the kind of events and people you draw into your life to learn your soul’s lessons can be found by comparing your Draconic planetary positions to the Tropical planetary positions in your natal chart.
To illustrate, if your Draconic Saturn is conjunct your Tropical Moon, it would suggest that your spiritual need to experience the matters of Saturn in your life (structure, responsibility, limitation, grief, etc.) would manifest through the matters of the Moon (family, the mother, women in general, or feelings). And conversely, if your Draconic Moon is conjunct your Tropical Saturn, it indicates that matters of the Moon are influenced by Saturn in your life, implying that they may be blocked, limited in some way, or even missing altogether. In both examples, whatever manifests is the life condition your soul has chosen as the best way for you to learn your spiritual lessons.
Draconic planets also work another way. If you are not consciously striving to align your life with your soul’s purpose, choosing to ignore it instead, then the Draconic positions often represent your "shadow," which is your unconscious self which you experience through your interactions with others. For instance, having Draconic Mars conjunct your Ascendant suggests that spiritually you have chosen to learn the lesson of assertiveness. However, if you fail to express Mars in a consciously assertive way, you will very likely experience everyone else’s Mars powerfully directed at you. You might even find that Tropical Mars rises in the charts of most of your significant others. Although that may make life seem a little unfair, it’s actually a pretty ingenious process. Sooner or later you will be forced to "own" your own Mars rising (Draconic) to keep everyone you meet from running roughshod over you. It’ll be just a matter of time before you finally stand up for yourself, even if it takes a lifetime or two.
The usual method of examining Draconic positions is to place them outside your natal Tropical chart. The aspects between the two zodiacs seems to take precedence over the signs in which the Draconic planets are found. However, the sign of your Draconic Sun will be very noticeable in your personality. In fact, that sign may be the one people most often guess to be your Sun sign. Angularity is also important in evaluating Draconic positions, for Draconic planets falling near the Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, or I.C. will be high focus in your life. In addition, Tropical planets found near your Draconic angles are also highlighted.
In addition to using Draconic positions to interpret individual natal charts, using them in chart comparisons can also be very illuminating. It can show a strong spiritual connection keeping two people together who you might not otherwise think were a good astrological match. Also, as was the case for the Mars rising example above, the Draconic/Tropical combinations in an individual’s chart are often found among the dominant Tropical aspects in the charts of their close friends and relatives. As for transits, Tropical transits to natal Draconic positions are often very descriptive of what’s happening when aspects to the Tropical positions don’t seem to describe an event. In addition, Draconic transits can be used in aspect to Tropical or Draconic positions and often tell the tale when nothing else works. Other astrological techniques, e.g., progressions, directions, solar returns, or composites, are greatly enhanced by adding Draconic placements.
(c) 2013, Iona Miller, All Rights Reserved, Sangreality Trust; GenIsis Genealogy
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