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Learning Objectives:
Discovery, Awakening, Integration, Implimentation
1. To compare traditional, contemporary and dragonkin thinking about
symbols, myths and themes and their place in the dragon heritage;
2. To analyze the creation, use and misuse (exploitation; coercion) of symbols in cultural and personal life;
3. To create symbolic meaning and describe its impact on individuals and culture;
4. To describe symbolic processes and expression in individual and group transformation;
5. To critique new conceptualizations of our historical symbols and the creation of symbolic meaning.
Discovery, Awakening, Integration, Implimentation
1. To compare traditional, contemporary and dragonkin thinking about
symbols, myths and themes and their place in the dragon heritage;
2. To analyze the creation, use and misuse (exploitation; coercion) of symbols in cultural and personal life;
3. To create symbolic meaning and describe its impact on individuals and culture;
4. To describe symbolic processes and expression in individual and group transformation;
5. To critique new conceptualizations of our historical symbols and the creation of symbolic meaning.
Genetic Genealogy * Epigenetics * Psychosocial Genomics * Meta-Genetics * KINdling
VERITIES Issue 2: Summer Solstice, 2011
The Dragon, the Vampire & the Vortex
That Which Is Above is Like That Which Is Below
Origins & History of Consciousness, Erich Neumann
Walter Bruneel, the Orion Gate
The mythological theory of foreknowledge also explains the view that all knowing is “memory.” Man’s task in the world is to remember with his conscious mind what was knowledge before the advent of consciousness. In this sense it is said of the saddik, the “perfect righteous man” of Hasidism, the mystical Jewish movement dating from the end of the eighteenth century:
The Saddik finds that which has been lost since birth and restores it to men.
It is the same conception as Plato’s philosophical doctrine of the prenatal vision of ideas and their remembrance. The original knowledge of one who is still enfolded in the perfect state is very evident in the psychology of the child. For this reason many primitive peoples treat children with particular marks of respect. In the child the great images and archetypes of the collective unconscious are living reality, and very close to him; indeed, many of his sayings and reactions, questions and answers, dreams and images, express this knowledge which still derives from his prenatal existence. It is transpersonal experience not personally acquired, a possession acquired from “over there.” Such knowledge is rightly regarded as ancestral knowledge, and the child as a reborn forebear.
The theory of heredity, proving that the child has the ancestral heritage biologically in himself, and to a large extent actually “is” this heritage, also has a psychological justification. Jung therefore defines the transpersonal - or the archetypes and instincts of the collective unconscious - as “the deposit of ancestral experience.” Hence the child, whose life as a prepersonal entity is largely determined by the collective unconscious, actually is the living carrier of this ancestral experience.
The Saddik finds that which has been lost since birth and restores it to men.
It is the same conception as Plato’s philosophical doctrine of the prenatal vision of ideas and their remembrance. The original knowledge of one who is still enfolded in the perfect state is very evident in the psychology of the child. For this reason many primitive peoples treat children with particular marks of respect. In the child the great images and archetypes of the collective unconscious are living reality, and very close to him; indeed, many of his sayings and reactions, questions and answers, dreams and images, express this knowledge which still derives from his prenatal existence. It is transpersonal experience not personally acquired, a possession acquired from “over there.” Such knowledge is rightly regarded as ancestral knowledge, and the child as a reborn forebear.
The theory of heredity, proving that the child has the ancestral heritage biologically in himself, and to a large extent actually “is” this heritage, also has a psychological justification. Jung therefore defines the transpersonal - or the archetypes and instincts of the collective unconscious - as “the deposit of ancestral experience.” Hence the child, whose life as a prepersonal entity is largely determined by the collective unconscious, actually is the living carrier of this ancestral experience.
Circumpolar Star Trails Vortex
When the ancient Sumerian astronomers looked at the center of the northern night sky,
they saw what they decided was a mythical serpent, a dragon, around which the other constellations appeared to revolve. This is the constellation 'Draco'.
When the ancient Sumerian astronomers looked at the center of the northern night sky,
they saw what they decided was a mythical serpent, a dragon, around which the other constellations appeared to revolve. This is the constellation 'Draco'.
That which is Above is like that which is Below.
Vortex - Spiral - Whirlwind - Labyrinth - Vagina
Symbolic turbulence first emerges in ancient "whirls" that display a spiral, spiro-helical, or vertical configuration and usually have cosmic or religious significance.The first significant textual examples of vertical symbolism occur in the Boulak Papyrus, the Bible, and The Odyssey, where the destructive connotations of the symbol stand out. For the philosophers and poets of the ancient classical period, including certain Pre-Socrates, Plato, Epicurus, and Lucretius, the vortex is a universal structuring principle, although the underlying causes vary. For Dante, the emphasis is no longer on the dynamic cosmogonic role of the whirl, but on the gradations inherent in the vertical structure itself. Descartes and Blake associated the symbol with the transcendence of a mystical vision, which involves, for the latter, an epiphanal breakthrough. In Poe, the maelstrom excites conflicting feelings of horror in the face of death and curiosity about the "novel" beyond. Rimbaud develops Blake's and Poe's fascination with a transcendent vision, but for Mallarme, the vortex-symbol is Poesque in the more negative way. Not only is it a threatening destructive force, it is the specter of death itself, relentlessly drawing the shipwrecked mariner to ultimate extinction and nonentity. --Minahen,
The Dragon, the Vampire, the Vagina, & the Vortex
by Iona Miller, 2011
The image of the serpent has been corrupted by the will of man, yet beyond the scope of his vision, it readies itself at his root, preparing to return him to the Godhead upon his death. --C.G. Jung
For it ascends from earth to Heaven, and descends again new born to earth, having acquired the powers of the Above and the Below. . .The power of the Telesma* is not complete if it is not converted into earth. --Emerald Tablet
Apophenia is the method of understanding Uroboros. Uroboros is the Coil Power of Torsion Fields, so in the area of Torsion Fields the Chaos and Synchronicity can be importand tools to create events, realities and life forms. Alchemy is the Art of Psychonauts -- the "Nautonniers" of Apophenia. Apophenia derives from Apophis, the Egyptian Uroboros, Ophis! --Georg De Vere-Limburg
For it ascends from earth to Heaven, and descends again new born to earth, having acquired the powers of the Above and the Below. . .The power of the Telesma* is not complete if it is not converted into earth. --Emerald Tablet
Apophenia is the method of understanding Uroboros. Uroboros is the Coil Power of Torsion Fields, so in the area of Torsion Fields the Chaos and Synchronicity can be importand tools to create events, realities and life forms. Alchemy is the Art of Psychonauts -- the "Nautonniers" of Apophenia. Apophenia derives from Apophis, the Egyptian Uroboros, Ophis! --Georg De Vere-Limburg
Galactic Core Vortex
2012 is the Year of the Dragon
The Mouth of the Ouroboros is at Galactic Central Point
The Milky Way Galactic Center is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros. Myth refers to a serpent of light residing in the heavens. The Milky Way is this serpent, and viewed at galactic central point near Sagittarius, this serpent eats its own tail. The Milky Way Galaxy keeps a great time cycle that ends in catastrophic change. The sign of the Suntelia Aion is the sun rising out of the mouth of the ouroboros, which allegedly will occur on the solstice, December 21, 2012. The Greeks called the End of the Age the Suntelia Aion. Ancient historians and especially Plato referred to a cycle of catastrophe at the End of the Age. The AION was symbolized by the Ouroboros.
Dragons, Vampires & the Primordial Vortex
The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient mystical circle depicting a serpent-dragon of Primordial Unity. It represents eternity, the Milky Way, cyclic processes like Precession, and the "circle of life." In self-referential dynamic motion, it becomes the Vortex, the primary icon of the Dragon peoples from time immemorial. It is the first glyph in the universal language of symbols, encompassing all others -- the threshold of symbol and substance. It is the "Mother of all symbols". Rose windows in medieval cathedrals were Christian depictions of the cosmic vortex. The esoteric view of this vortex of Being's internal logic, is raw Feminine power.
Originally creator god-kings and queens, Dragons became the model of sovereignty for later human rulers. The Dragon King was known as the King of Kings and his symbol, the "central" constellation Draco, represented his succession. Dragon ancestry traces through the proto-Scythians, Sumerians, Egyptian pharaohs, the Egyptian Therapeutae, the Qumran Essenes to the Royal Ashinas of Eurasia and Merovingian kings of Europe. The Merovingians trace their kingly succession to the original Dragon King, which was Cain. The Druidic Dragon King or Pendragon was chosen by a Council of Elders to rule over all the kingdoms. The Druidic Pendragon was passed on to the Merovingian kings.
The Dragons were called "rulers" because they knew the mystery of ancient metrology. Metrology was the basis for development of both philosophic and scientific attitudes. The divine order of the universe was the central idea of the ancient world, and all belief-systems were enmeshed with it. Metrology provided the foundation of the systematic rational vision of the world.
Cosmic order embodied in metrology was the fundamental aspect of ancient thought. Number mysticism and alphanumerics was the essential basis of knowledge. Ancient religions emphasized astrological elements, which defined precessional ages from Taurus yo Pisces, through today's imminent Age of Aquarius. Ancient state temples functioned as permanent repositories of standards of measures. Gods, (to whom the temples were dedicated) had characteristic numbers, from which they were indistinguishable.
Only god-kings who claimed the Mandate of Heaven were considered emperors in Asia. Anunnaki means "Sons of the Heavenly Prince", according to Prof. Tenney of the Sumerian Dictionary Project. Nicholas de Vere claims the Grail bloodline arose in an antediluvian civilization, with a super-human, red-haired race of Grail kings that conquered and ruled over the ancient world, with tribes on each continent. It provided the royal houses which guided the destiny of civilization.
The Dragons were overseers, “navigators”, directing the affairs of the world with transcendent wisdom inherent in their blood. Religion relates life choices to divine models, while Mythology creates narratives that contextualize experience by relating a history that took place in Primordial Time. Creation stories relate to what is sacred in a society.
Jung states that both myth and science reveal truths, however mythic realities are understood in a different method than scientific truths. He also states that both myths and the elemental world are naturally occurring phenomena. In many instances mythology and religion function simultaneously. However, a major distinction between the two traditions is that mythology is defined as an adaptive narration, while dogmatic perspective restricts religion to a lived mythic model. As a lived mythology, religion is a lens or paradigm through which to view the world.
Specific examples of the relationship between myth and religion are better understood through the narratives surrounding the mystic arts, such as Qabalah, Magick, and Alchemy. The science-art of alchemy metaphorically relates physical phenomenon to the sacred, uniting objective and subjective apprehension. It generates and regenerates myth and symbolic experience.
The residue of the alchemical tradition is found in science, mythology, religion, art, literature, psychology, politics, and multidisciplinary intellectual thought and cultural experience. Symbols and models are employed by them all, and the nondual Vortex, or "First Swirlings" (Primum Mobile) is the prime symbol -- the commencement of whirling motions of pure potential. As the root of existence, this primal Glory is the Light-giving power of comprehension of the First Principle. In Qabalah, Kether -- the Crown of Creation -- stands for the Fount of Creation, welling up from the depths of the Great Unmanifest. This Crown is reflected on Earth in the royal crowned head. Metaphor and matter merge in the vortex and in the hereditary ruler.
The idea of reincarnation, or transmigration of souls, known as 'gilgul' (meaning revolving or swirling) was integral to Qabalistic belief, an ancient oral tradition first published in the Bahirin the late thirteenth century. In Qabalah, the heaven of Kether is called Rashith ha-Gilgalim (the first swirlings). The soul aspires to its highest aspect, the Yechidah, seeking to elevate the lower aspects so they may be united with the highest and then re-merge with the ultimate divine. The Dragon god-kings were exemplars of this process of "uniting Heaven and Earth".
Speaking of rebirth, Tibetan Buddhism suggests that the third bardo consists of a series of images determined by the soul's karma that lead to psychic vortices that draw the soul into a womb. The soul's reaction to the images (attraction or repulsion) determines which vortex the soul enters and in which womb the soul ends up. The Tibetan tradition gives detailed advice on which representations to choose and which to avoid in order to gain a desirable rebirth.
A dragon glyph, the Crux Dissimulata -- an ancient swastika -- symbolized the four winds or directions and their corresponding spirits. It was also an Asian and Germanic fire and sun symbol. The cross inscribed in a circle mediates between the square and the circle, emphasizing the "joining of heaven and earth" and "the perfected human being". It encodes dynamic dragon energy in minimal graphic form.
Thus, the Dragon Tradition is a meta-mythology, resonating through history, woven by metaphor to give lived experience a universal purpose. A Ruler with royal ancestry is deified as King or Queen, dependent on gender. In Sumerian culture 'kingship' was identical with 'kinship' - and 'kin' means 'blood relative'. In its original form, 'kinship' was 'Kainship'. And the first King of the Messianic Dragon succession was the biblical 'C(Kain)', head of the Sumerian House of Kish. A Ruler without royal ancestry may also be called an Overlord. The Sumerian word for ruler, "excellence" is lugal, which etymologically means "big person." Vampire or oupere is Old European and uber is Turkish and thus from Upari, we discover that originally Uber - Vampire - meant Overlord.
Dragon Civilization did not begin in Sumeria. Far older societies have been revealed in Transylvania and Central Asia. Such terms originally arose in Paleolithic Transylviania (Central Balkans). According to Nicholas de Vere, the term for a witch was Uber meaning Overlord. In practical terms and suggested by the term "uber" itself, a Scythian druid was an overlord, and so originally a vampire was an overlord. A guardian - a "Watcher" - is an overseer, and from this meaning we obtain the Scythian word uber, meaning a vampire or Overlord. By association, we also obtain from "watcher" the word Nefilim, which relates to the Anunnagi or Anunnaki.
The Anunnaki descended from thousands of unknown years of human culture in Old Europe, prior to the Mesopotamian flowering (Gimbutas; Eisler, 1988) of the cult of the serpent-dragon sun. Between 7000-3500 B.C.E. the early Europeans (Vinca, Varna, Butmir, Petresti, Cucuteni, Kurgan, etc.) developed a complex social organization involving craft specialization. Spiral motifs and meanders adorned their Neolithic to post-glacial pottery.
The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient mystical circle depicting a serpent-dragon of Primordial Unity. It represents eternity, the Milky Way, cyclic processes like Precession, and the "circle of life." In self-referential dynamic motion, it becomes the Vortex, the primary icon of the Dragon peoples from time immemorial. It is the first glyph in the universal language of symbols, encompassing all others -- the threshold of symbol and substance. It is the "Mother of all symbols". Rose windows in medieval cathedrals were Christian depictions of the cosmic vortex. The esoteric view of this vortex of Being's internal logic, is raw Feminine power.
Originally creator god-kings and queens, Dragons became the model of sovereignty for later human rulers. The Dragon King was known as the King of Kings and his symbol, the "central" constellation Draco, represented his succession. Dragon ancestry traces through the proto-Scythians, Sumerians, Egyptian pharaohs, the Egyptian Therapeutae, the Qumran Essenes to the Royal Ashinas of Eurasia and Merovingian kings of Europe. The Merovingians trace their kingly succession to the original Dragon King, which was Cain. The Druidic Dragon King or Pendragon was chosen by a Council of Elders to rule over all the kingdoms. The Druidic Pendragon was passed on to the Merovingian kings.
The Dragons were called "rulers" because they knew the mystery of ancient metrology. Metrology was the basis for development of both philosophic and scientific attitudes. The divine order of the universe was the central idea of the ancient world, and all belief-systems were enmeshed with it. Metrology provided the foundation of the systematic rational vision of the world.
Cosmic order embodied in metrology was the fundamental aspect of ancient thought. Number mysticism and alphanumerics was the essential basis of knowledge. Ancient religions emphasized astrological elements, which defined precessional ages from Taurus yo Pisces, through today's imminent Age of Aquarius. Ancient state temples functioned as permanent repositories of standards of measures. Gods, (to whom the temples were dedicated) had characteristic numbers, from which they were indistinguishable.
Only god-kings who claimed the Mandate of Heaven were considered emperors in Asia. Anunnaki means "Sons of the Heavenly Prince", according to Prof. Tenney of the Sumerian Dictionary Project. Nicholas de Vere claims the Grail bloodline arose in an antediluvian civilization, with a super-human, red-haired race of Grail kings that conquered and ruled over the ancient world, with tribes on each continent. It provided the royal houses which guided the destiny of civilization.
The Dragons were overseers, “navigators”, directing the affairs of the world with transcendent wisdom inherent in their blood. Religion relates life choices to divine models, while Mythology creates narratives that contextualize experience by relating a history that took place in Primordial Time. Creation stories relate to what is sacred in a society.
Jung states that both myth and science reveal truths, however mythic realities are understood in a different method than scientific truths. He also states that both myths and the elemental world are naturally occurring phenomena. In many instances mythology and religion function simultaneously. However, a major distinction between the two traditions is that mythology is defined as an adaptive narration, while dogmatic perspective restricts religion to a lived mythic model. As a lived mythology, religion is a lens or paradigm through which to view the world.
Specific examples of the relationship between myth and religion are better understood through the narratives surrounding the mystic arts, such as Qabalah, Magick, and Alchemy. The science-art of alchemy metaphorically relates physical phenomenon to the sacred, uniting objective and subjective apprehension. It generates and regenerates myth and symbolic experience.
The residue of the alchemical tradition is found in science, mythology, religion, art, literature, psychology, politics, and multidisciplinary intellectual thought and cultural experience. Symbols and models are employed by them all, and the nondual Vortex, or "First Swirlings" (Primum Mobile) is the prime symbol -- the commencement of whirling motions of pure potential. As the root of existence, this primal Glory is the Light-giving power of comprehension of the First Principle. In Qabalah, Kether -- the Crown of Creation -- stands for the Fount of Creation, welling up from the depths of the Great Unmanifest. This Crown is reflected on Earth in the royal crowned head. Metaphor and matter merge in the vortex and in the hereditary ruler.
The idea of reincarnation, or transmigration of souls, known as 'gilgul' (meaning revolving or swirling) was integral to Qabalistic belief, an ancient oral tradition first published in the Bahirin the late thirteenth century. In Qabalah, the heaven of Kether is called Rashith ha-Gilgalim (the first swirlings). The soul aspires to its highest aspect, the Yechidah, seeking to elevate the lower aspects so they may be united with the highest and then re-merge with the ultimate divine. The Dragon god-kings were exemplars of this process of "uniting Heaven and Earth".
Speaking of rebirth, Tibetan Buddhism suggests that the third bardo consists of a series of images determined by the soul's karma that lead to psychic vortices that draw the soul into a womb. The soul's reaction to the images (attraction or repulsion) determines which vortex the soul enters and in which womb the soul ends up. The Tibetan tradition gives detailed advice on which representations to choose and which to avoid in order to gain a desirable rebirth.
A dragon glyph, the Crux Dissimulata -- an ancient swastika -- symbolized the four winds or directions and their corresponding spirits. It was also an Asian and Germanic fire and sun symbol. The cross inscribed in a circle mediates between the square and the circle, emphasizing the "joining of heaven and earth" and "the perfected human being". It encodes dynamic dragon energy in minimal graphic form.
Thus, the Dragon Tradition is a meta-mythology, resonating through history, woven by metaphor to give lived experience a universal purpose. A Ruler with royal ancestry is deified as King or Queen, dependent on gender. In Sumerian culture 'kingship' was identical with 'kinship' - and 'kin' means 'blood relative'. In its original form, 'kinship' was 'Kainship'. And the first King of the Messianic Dragon succession was the biblical 'C(Kain)', head of the Sumerian House of Kish. A Ruler without royal ancestry may also be called an Overlord. The Sumerian word for ruler, "excellence" is lugal, which etymologically means "big person." Vampire or oupere is Old European and uber is Turkish and thus from Upari, we discover that originally Uber - Vampire - meant Overlord.
Dragon Civilization did not begin in Sumeria. Far older societies have been revealed in Transylvania and Central Asia. Such terms originally arose in Paleolithic Transylviania (Central Balkans). According to Nicholas de Vere, the term for a witch was Uber meaning Overlord. In practical terms and suggested by the term "uber" itself, a Scythian druid was an overlord, and so originally a vampire was an overlord. A guardian - a "Watcher" - is an overseer, and from this meaning we obtain the Scythian word uber, meaning a vampire or Overlord. By association, we also obtain from "watcher" the word Nefilim, which relates to the Anunnagi or Anunnaki.
The Anunnaki descended from thousands of unknown years of human culture in Old Europe, prior to the Mesopotamian flowering (Gimbutas; Eisler, 1988) of the cult of the serpent-dragon sun. Between 7000-3500 B.C.E. the early Europeans (Vinca, Varna, Butmir, Petresti, Cucuteni, Kurgan, etc.) developed a complex social organization involving craft specialization. Spiral motifs and meanders adorned their Neolithic to post-glacial pottery.
Rose Window Vortex
Grail Vortex
The "Great Rite" was the "Sacred Marriage" (Hieros Gamos) Rite of ancient Sumer, the origin of every such rite found in all later civilizations. This Great and Holy "Sacred Marriage" Rite ensured the continuation and renewal of the utlimate equality between male and female for an epoch. For more than 3,000 years before both the Sumerian and Egyptian Empires their direct ancestors guided Humankind more than ruled. Male and Female lived and communed in true fulfillment of their full potentials, emotionally, spiritually and sensually.
The Dragon bloodline proceeds through Cain from Enki [Satan] and Ava [Eve], so his blood was three quarters Anunnaki. His half brothers Hevel and Satanael (better known as Abel and Seth) were less than half Anunnaki, being the offspring of Ateba and Ava (Adam and Eve).
In Sumerian ME means Lord or Master (an Overseer or Overlord) and in Gaelic Mor means ’high’ (also related to mountain and thus ’dweller on the mountain’, one who soars to the heights - a druid or Merlin). It is used as a suffix to the names of Scotic chieftains or kings as in - ’The Conor Mor’ - the High King (or Overlord) of the Clan Conor, for example. If Sumer means guardian and thus overlord, then so does sumaire and the SU component thus means ’the Power’ - the Sidhe or Siddhi. ME is also specifically related to wisdom and knowledge (the Aryas) and in both senses therefore the ’sumer’ or ’sumaire’, being one and the same thing - is a derkesthai, a dragon. Sumer and Sumaire mean therefore - Lord of the Powers - SU.ME.
Thus, the ruler (divine sovereign and "measure") became a symbol of power and divine order. The oldest preserved measuring rod used with a rolled string is a copper-alloy bar, found by the German Assyriologist Eckhard Unger while excavating Nippur. Two statues of the priest-king Gudea of Lagash in the Louvre depict him sitting with a tablet on his lap, upon which are placed surveyors tools including a measuring rod. The "ruler" is thus synonymous with the universal standard of measurement -- an exemplar for humanity and one who knows the mystery of cosmic cycles.
Sacred geometry is the language of shape, developed from our Ancestors' original measurements of Earth and Sky over pre-historic millennia. All cultures speak of a time before the fixed form and order of today’s world, and of powers dwelling in the world that predate humanity in both sentience and insight. The Dreamers are the architects of greatness. Their vision lies within their souls. They never see the mirages of Fact, but peer beyond the veils and mists of doubt and pierce the boundaries of unborn Time. This is the sense of Immortality.
Many of these archetypes still exist in the human species memory, and are reflected in our own consciousness even if the original presence seems to be gone. Our genetic memory can be viewed as "Mem-Ori" -- literally, a golden braid of liquid light -- metaphysical fiber optic cable. "Mem" = "Water" and "Ori" = "Light" in ancient Hebrew, ie: Memory is Liquid Light and our brain is 90% water. We need to assert sovereignty over our own consciousness. Dragons were one of the most influential creatures of the terran "dreamtime". Seeing with Dragon Eyes is a non-stop fugue of symbolism and meaning that plunges you into the Vortex -- the flowing spontaneity of glowing consciousness.
The vortex is the meta-pattern of the universe and an elemental image. It is an archetypal symbol embodying above and below, in the Cosmos, Earth and our own microcosmic nature. Galaxies, Earth, the quantum realm, and the human energy body share this essence -- vortex energy. The field governs the particle. Earth's magnetic field protects all life on the planet. Our DNA has a helix/vortex configuration. DNA operates through holographic Light and Sound transduction with optical projection and mechano-acoustic properties (Gariaev). The nonlocal vortex field generates and regenerates matter.
The Alchemical Vortex is Mercurius, the transformative substance which allows the process of transmutation to occur. In Projection and Recollection in Jungian Psychology, M.L. von Franz describes Mercurius:
"The old way of picturing energy lived on in the alchemistic tradition in the idea of Mercurius as a "hidden fire" or fiery life-breath or a kind of life-spirit inherent in all things...This fire-spirit imagines everything in nature; he is a creation spirit who contains in himself "the image of all creatures." In the alchemical opus he must be liberated from his imprisonment in matter and then he begins to rotate in himself, vortex-fashion; at the same time he reveals himself as an immortal component of the alchemist's psyche. By way of the different stages of the so-called phlogiston theory this archetypal image gradually developed into the energy concept of modern physics. There is therefore no concept fundamental to modern physics that is not in one degree or another a differentiated form of some primordial archetypal idea."
Now Age Physics
In the cult film, "Eat the Sun", the fictional guru Videru Telemahandi says, "The ecology of the soul is to recycle one's consciousness." Then "Eat the Sun and you will be your own Father." Both suggest self-referential feedback processes that reach back to the ancient/future.
Vortexes will simultaneously replicate all signaled input and enlarge it. Vortexes divide themselves into dynamic, rhythmic wavelengths with unlimited harmonic designs. Every biological creation has use of multiple vortexes. Engineered with skill, a vortex has vast applications and capacitance. Energy gain and creative replication happen in a vortex. It can be the primary tool of every scientist. A modern alchemist, however, needs to know the vortex as a dynamic biological tool within his own being. He must realize, learn to use, the inner circle within himself/herself. Energy gain and creative replication happen in a vortex.
The vortex can act as a strange attractor. In chaos theory, strange attractor vortices define the creative edge between order and chaos. Classical attractors are smooth manifolds; strange attractors are not manifolds, they are rough and fractal -- vortices within vortices. At the turbulent brink of chaos -- the bifurcation point -- we see nonlinearity and feedback throbbing in the form of an utterly wild and eerily beautiful creature called the strange attractor -- a virtual dragon. With its siren call, it beckons us to dissolve and merge with the formless, shapeless, unborn chaotic potential. We transform through repatterning by the whole -- to reiterate the process of unfolding creation from nothingness to refresh, even immortalize our existence.
The unfolding process of creation is riddled with intermittency taking the form of islands of order in a sea of randomness, or randomness interrupting order, like static breaks up a clear signal. Paradoxically, in regions of intermittency, the old order (or chaos) momentarily reasserts itself. It is a never-ending dance at the edge of chaos -- the universal flux of creation and destruction. Paradox constantly reenters itself through the process of iteration -- feedback loops involving the continual reabsorption or enfolding of what has come before. Chaos theory describes this operation as one of stretching and folding spacetime.
Frank Herbert made a prophetic metaphor in his scifi novel Dune when he used this stretching and folding of spacetime to describe how the Guild Navigators could "travel without moving", faster than light. Dragon "nautioneers" have employed a similar process in their visionary explorations, navigating waves of Unborn Nothingness.
Dune used another trope of a "messiah" figure from a dynastic breeding program, culled from Hebrew folklore. The Kwisatz Haderach has the ability to jump instantaneously from one place to another. The Hebrew term literally means "jump of the path," the archaic equivalent of the English expression "short cut." This Dune Messiah was the genetic solution to being in many places at once. Within the Hassidic movement, the term was used to describe the ability to jump instantaneously from one place to another, attributed to various revered holy men.
A strange attractor describes the shape paradoxical feedback traces. There will always be missing information, a hole (or whole) at the center of our logic. The missing, transformative information lies within the very heart of chaos, a shapeless, unborn form--an unborn dream, waiting to unfold its potential. Chaos is an infinite information source, a "hidden variable." Nuances are full of a sense of the "missing information." Dreams are full of creative nuances. So are wondering, uncertainty, and questioning; they are the very flux of creative disequilibrium.
Dreams express as sensory metaphor. For metaphor to elicit nuance it must be fresh, not dead; it must shock the mind into wonder by opening up a gap, an abyss, a void. Herein lies that missing information -- again, the unborn dream. Thus dreams continually amaze us with their freshness, engage us with their ability to clothe our recycling issues in story and metaphor. Dreams also encode our evolution, our coevolution with the entire webwork of life. Pioneer dream researcher Montague Ullman (1988) states, "I no longer look upon dreaming primarily as an individual matter. Rather, I see it as an adaptation concerned with the survival of the species and only secondarily with the individual." Shamanic dreaming harnesses this transcultural aspect of dreamtime.
As Above; So Below
Microcosm: One model of the photon is that it is alternately, an electric field wave and an magnetic field wave. As the electric field builds up and collapses, it generates a magnetic field wave. As the magnetic field wave builds up and collapses, it generates an electric field wave. That is the classical electromagnetic theory as developed by Maxwell and it works great at the macro level but not when things get small.
Is there really a wobbly core-vortexial-center-point to every fermion and boson of universe, like the moon and Earth, for example, have wobbly vortexial center cores? The spiral or vortex appears at all levels of the organization of matter -- from the spin of quantum physics to the singularity of black holes in the center of each galaxy. Spin is the angular momentum of elementary particles. All elementary particles of a given kind have the same spin quantum number, an important part of a particle's quantum state. When combined with the spin-statistics theorem, the spin of electrons results in the Pauli exclusion principle, which in turn underlies the periodic table of chemical elements.
Physicists have proposed a way to get easily measurable signals out of the spin of electrical particles within atoms. That should remove a key roadblock to the development of a new generation of power-saving computers, as well as eventually to even more advanced “quantum” computing, they say. The first of these goals is known as spintronics computing, which doesn’t rely on the electrical charge to digitize information.
Macrocosm: At the cosmological scale, an accretion disc is a vortex structure (often a circumstellar disk) formed by diffuse material in orbital motion around a central body. The central body is typically a star. Gravity causes material in the disc to spiral inward towards the central body. Gravitational forces compress the material causing the emission of electromagnetic radiation. The frequency range of that radiation depends on the central object.
Accretion discs are a ubiquitous phenomenon in astrophysics; active galactic nuclei, protoplanetary discs, and gamma ray bursts all involve accretion discs. These discs very often give rise to jets coming from the vicinity of the central object. Jets are an efficient way for the star-disc system to shed angular momentum without losing too much mass. The most spectacular accretion discs found in nature are those of active galactic nuclei and of quasars, which are believed to be massive black holes at the center of galaxies. As matter spirals into a black hole, the intense gravitational gradient gives rise to intense frictional heating. The accretion disc of a black hole is hot enough to emit X-rays just outside of the event horizon.
The "Great Rite" was the "Sacred Marriage" (Hieros Gamos) Rite of ancient Sumer, the origin of every such rite found in all later civilizations. This Great and Holy "Sacred Marriage" Rite ensured the continuation and renewal of the utlimate equality between male and female for an epoch. For more than 3,000 years before both the Sumerian and Egyptian Empires their direct ancestors guided Humankind more than ruled. Male and Female lived and communed in true fulfillment of their full potentials, emotionally, spiritually and sensually.
The Dragon bloodline proceeds through Cain from Enki [Satan] and Ava [Eve], so his blood was three quarters Anunnaki. His half brothers Hevel and Satanael (better known as Abel and Seth) were less than half Anunnaki, being the offspring of Ateba and Ava (Adam and Eve).
In Sumerian ME means Lord or Master (an Overseer or Overlord) and in Gaelic Mor means ’high’ (also related to mountain and thus ’dweller on the mountain’, one who soars to the heights - a druid or Merlin). It is used as a suffix to the names of Scotic chieftains or kings as in - ’The Conor Mor’ - the High King (or Overlord) of the Clan Conor, for example. If Sumer means guardian and thus overlord, then so does sumaire and the SU component thus means ’the Power’ - the Sidhe or Siddhi. ME is also specifically related to wisdom and knowledge (the Aryas) and in both senses therefore the ’sumer’ or ’sumaire’, being one and the same thing - is a derkesthai, a dragon. Sumer and Sumaire mean therefore - Lord of the Powers - SU.ME.
Thus, the ruler (divine sovereign and "measure") became a symbol of power and divine order. The oldest preserved measuring rod used with a rolled string is a copper-alloy bar, found by the German Assyriologist Eckhard Unger while excavating Nippur. Two statues of the priest-king Gudea of Lagash in the Louvre depict him sitting with a tablet on his lap, upon which are placed surveyors tools including a measuring rod. The "ruler" is thus synonymous with the universal standard of measurement -- an exemplar for humanity and one who knows the mystery of cosmic cycles.
Sacred geometry is the language of shape, developed from our Ancestors' original measurements of Earth and Sky over pre-historic millennia. All cultures speak of a time before the fixed form and order of today’s world, and of powers dwelling in the world that predate humanity in both sentience and insight. The Dreamers are the architects of greatness. Their vision lies within their souls. They never see the mirages of Fact, but peer beyond the veils and mists of doubt and pierce the boundaries of unborn Time. This is the sense of Immortality.
Many of these archetypes still exist in the human species memory, and are reflected in our own consciousness even if the original presence seems to be gone. Our genetic memory can be viewed as "Mem-Ori" -- literally, a golden braid of liquid light -- metaphysical fiber optic cable. "Mem" = "Water" and "Ori" = "Light" in ancient Hebrew, ie: Memory is Liquid Light and our brain is 90% water. We need to assert sovereignty over our own consciousness. Dragons were one of the most influential creatures of the terran "dreamtime". Seeing with Dragon Eyes is a non-stop fugue of symbolism and meaning that plunges you into the Vortex -- the flowing spontaneity of glowing consciousness.
The vortex is the meta-pattern of the universe and an elemental image. It is an archetypal symbol embodying above and below, in the Cosmos, Earth and our own microcosmic nature. Galaxies, Earth, the quantum realm, and the human energy body share this essence -- vortex energy. The field governs the particle. Earth's magnetic field protects all life on the planet. Our DNA has a helix/vortex configuration. DNA operates through holographic Light and Sound transduction with optical projection and mechano-acoustic properties (Gariaev). The nonlocal vortex field generates and regenerates matter.
The Alchemical Vortex is Mercurius, the transformative substance which allows the process of transmutation to occur. In Projection and Recollection in Jungian Psychology, M.L. von Franz describes Mercurius:
"The old way of picturing energy lived on in the alchemistic tradition in the idea of Mercurius as a "hidden fire" or fiery life-breath or a kind of life-spirit inherent in all things...This fire-spirit imagines everything in nature; he is a creation spirit who contains in himself "the image of all creatures." In the alchemical opus he must be liberated from his imprisonment in matter and then he begins to rotate in himself, vortex-fashion; at the same time he reveals himself as an immortal component of the alchemist's psyche. By way of the different stages of the so-called phlogiston theory this archetypal image gradually developed into the energy concept of modern physics. There is therefore no concept fundamental to modern physics that is not in one degree or another a differentiated form of some primordial archetypal idea."
Now Age Physics
In the cult film, "Eat the Sun", the fictional guru Videru Telemahandi says, "The ecology of the soul is to recycle one's consciousness." Then "Eat the Sun and you will be your own Father." Both suggest self-referential feedback processes that reach back to the ancient/future.
Vortexes will simultaneously replicate all signaled input and enlarge it. Vortexes divide themselves into dynamic, rhythmic wavelengths with unlimited harmonic designs. Every biological creation has use of multiple vortexes. Engineered with skill, a vortex has vast applications and capacitance. Energy gain and creative replication happen in a vortex. It can be the primary tool of every scientist. A modern alchemist, however, needs to know the vortex as a dynamic biological tool within his own being. He must realize, learn to use, the inner circle within himself/herself. Energy gain and creative replication happen in a vortex.
The vortex can act as a strange attractor. In chaos theory, strange attractor vortices define the creative edge between order and chaos. Classical attractors are smooth manifolds; strange attractors are not manifolds, they are rough and fractal -- vortices within vortices. At the turbulent brink of chaos -- the bifurcation point -- we see nonlinearity and feedback throbbing in the form of an utterly wild and eerily beautiful creature called the strange attractor -- a virtual dragon. With its siren call, it beckons us to dissolve and merge with the formless, shapeless, unborn chaotic potential. We transform through repatterning by the whole -- to reiterate the process of unfolding creation from nothingness to refresh, even immortalize our existence.
The unfolding process of creation is riddled with intermittency taking the form of islands of order in a sea of randomness, or randomness interrupting order, like static breaks up a clear signal. Paradoxically, in regions of intermittency, the old order (or chaos) momentarily reasserts itself. It is a never-ending dance at the edge of chaos -- the universal flux of creation and destruction. Paradox constantly reenters itself through the process of iteration -- feedback loops involving the continual reabsorption or enfolding of what has come before. Chaos theory describes this operation as one of stretching and folding spacetime.
Frank Herbert made a prophetic metaphor in his scifi novel Dune when he used this stretching and folding of spacetime to describe how the Guild Navigators could "travel without moving", faster than light. Dragon "nautioneers" have employed a similar process in their visionary explorations, navigating waves of Unborn Nothingness.
Dune used another trope of a "messiah" figure from a dynastic breeding program, culled from Hebrew folklore. The Kwisatz Haderach has the ability to jump instantaneously from one place to another. The Hebrew term literally means "jump of the path," the archaic equivalent of the English expression "short cut." This Dune Messiah was the genetic solution to being in many places at once. Within the Hassidic movement, the term was used to describe the ability to jump instantaneously from one place to another, attributed to various revered holy men.
A strange attractor describes the shape paradoxical feedback traces. There will always be missing information, a hole (or whole) at the center of our logic. The missing, transformative information lies within the very heart of chaos, a shapeless, unborn form--an unborn dream, waiting to unfold its potential. Chaos is an infinite information source, a "hidden variable." Nuances are full of a sense of the "missing information." Dreams are full of creative nuances. So are wondering, uncertainty, and questioning; they are the very flux of creative disequilibrium.
Dreams express as sensory metaphor. For metaphor to elicit nuance it must be fresh, not dead; it must shock the mind into wonder by opening up a gap, an abyss, a void. Herein lies that missing information -- again, the unborn dream. Thus dreams continually amaze us with their freshness, engage us with their ability to clothe our recycling issues in story and metaphor. Dreams also encode our evolution, our coevolution with the entire webwork of life. Pioneer dream researcher Montague Ullman (1988) states, "I no longer look upon dreaming primarily as an individual matter. Rather, I see it as an adaptation concerned with the survival of the species and only secondarily with the individual." Shamanic dreaming harnesses this transcultural aspect of dreamtime.
As Above; So Below
Microcosm: One model of the photon is that it is alternately, an electric field wave and an magnetic field wave. As the electric field builds up and collapses, it generates a magnetic field wave. As the magnetic field wave builds up and collapses, it generates an electric field wave. That is the classical electromagnetic theory as developed by Maxwell and it works great at the macro level but not when things get small.
Is there really a wobbly core-vortexial-center-point to every fermion and boson of universe, like the moon and Earth, for example, have wobbly vortexial center cores? The spiral or vortex appears at all levels of the organization of matter -- from the spin of quantum physics to the singularity of black holes in the center of each galaxy. Spin is the angular momentum of elementary particles. All elementary particles of a given kind have the same spin quantum number, an important part of a particle's quantum state. When combined with the spin-statistics theorem, the spin of electrons results in the Pauli exclusion principle, which in turn underlies the periodic table of chemical elements.
Physicists have proposed a way to get easily measurable signals out of the spin of electrical particles within atoms. That should remove a key roadblock to the development of a new generation of power-saving computers, as well as eventually to even more advanced “quantum” computing, they say. The first of these goals is known as spintronics computing, which doesn’t rely on the electrical charge to digitize information.
Macrocosm: At the cosmological scale, an accretion disc is a vortex structure (often a circumstellar disk) formed by diffuse material in orbital motion around a central body. The central body is typically a star. Gravity causes material in the disc to spiral inward towards the central body. Gravitational forces compress the material causing the emission of electromagnetic radiation. The frequency range of that radiation depends on the central object.
Accretion discs are a ubiquitous phenomenon in astrophysics; active galactic nuclei, protoplanetary discs, and gamma ray bursts all involve accretion discs. These discs very often give rise to jets coming from the vicinity of the central object. Jets are an efficient way for the star-disc system to shed angular momentum without losing too much mass. The most spectacular accretion discs found in nature are those of active galactic nuclei and of quasars, which are believed to be massive black holes at the center of galaxies. As matter spirals into a black hole, the intense gravitational gradient gives rise to intense frictional heating. The accretion disc of a black hole is hot enough to emit X-rays just outside of the event horizon.
Creative Vortex
The vortex informs the organization of information, which is more fundamental than matter. The Universe's matter is organized by information, represented as energy patterns contained within the field. Consciousness is information -- consciousness-in-forming -- the process of unfolding -- creative pattern imprinting. There are flows of information, energy and matter.
In The Self-Aware Universe, physicist Amit Goswami, Ph.D. proposed a theory of consciousness, rather than atoms, as the fundamental reality of the material world. Now Age physics argues for a conscious universe; so did the ancient Vedas. Reality is structured by light and sound. This sequential flow of transcendent sound within self-referral consciousness is Veda. Veda is the vibrancy of intelligence in the form of sound generated by the self-referral dynamics of consciousness — those specific sounds that construct self-referral consciousness. Consciousness creates and dissolves matter-energy.
Rk Veda is structured in consciousness, and the mechanics of transformation of the unmanifest to the manifest is also Veda. This unified field of pure consciousness is therefore that one element in Nature on the ground of the infinite variety of creation, continuously emerging, growing, and dissolving. The whole field of change emerges from this field of non-change, from this self-referral, immortal state of consciousness.
Cybernetics describes systems in terms of matter-energy interactions, but adds the element of information, which creates a feedback loop for the system. Information is processing, an action, a verb. Physical matter may be maya, holographic illusions of interacting vortices, dynamically infolded informational patterns of organization of matter and energy. In an analogous way, cultures are patterns in social systems. In the holistic paradigm we would come together and work together in harmony like the cells of an organism.
Consciousness, ab origine, is intuitive. Primordial Awanress is the groundstate of the human mindbody, seeing through illusion to primal reality and emptiness. Uniting Above and Below, we mirror Transcendent Consciousness. The uninterrupted narrative of self is embodied as short and longterm memory and genetic memory. The Mystery level of consciousness or abyss of consciousness (Cocchi et al. 2009) includes prophetic intuition. An abyss of consciousness opens the way for intellectual freedom as liberation from the outer limits and internal biological determinism.
Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) can be achieved through meditation, trauma, sleep disturbance, sensory deprivation or sensory overload, neurochemical imbalance, epileptic seizure, or fever. They may also be induced by social behavior, such as frenzied dancing ("Spiral Dance of the Vortex" to honor the dead), drumming, or chanting.They may be induced by electrically stimulating parts of the brain or by ingesting psychotropic drugs, such as the hoama used by the Saka or Scythians.
Apophenia is the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the "unmotivated seeing of connections" accompanied by a "specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness", but it has come to represent the human tendency to seek patterns in random nature in general, as with gambling, spiritual phenomenology, paranormal phenomena, arcane correspondences, synchronicities, religion, and even attempts at scientific observation. Or, perhaps, it is a relic of authentic holistic Vision -- the "clarity" of the Dragons.
In a most ancient rite, when the world went awry (when the ruler misapprehended reality), a collective mandate made it necessary to kill and replace the dragon king. Assassination is the Dark Hammer of history. Mythic politics is a staged psychodrama. "Killing the dragon" can refer to a cosmic happening. "Killing the Divine King" takes on cosmic proportions.
The divine martyr is sacrificed for the "original sin" of misperception.The killing of the god, that is, of his human incarnation, is therefore a necessary step to his revival or resurrection in a better form. Far from being an extinction of the divine spirit, it is only the beginning of a purer and stronger manifestation of it. Mimetic execution rituals persist in secret societies. The executioner brandishes his axe, and with the words, “One, two, three, let the King headless be!” he strikes off the King’s crown.
The secret of the universe is -- "Its alive!" In alchemy, this sacrificial act is the penetration of the ‘prima materia’ as primal ocean, or primal chaos by the secret fire or the divine spirit. The fiery serpent emanated fire and light into the primal waters. When the dragon (or serpent, as the cat of Ra the sun god cut off the head of the serpent Apophis), is killed, the original chaos ceased and the process of cosmic evolution started.
The vortex informs the organization of information, which is more fundamental than matter. The Universe's matter is organized by information, represented as energy patterns contained within the field. Consciousness is information -- consciousness-in-forming -- the process of unfolding -- creative pattern imprinting. There are flows of information, energy and matter.
In The Self-Aware Universe, physicist Amit Goswami, Ph.D. proposed a theory of consciousness, rather than atoms, as the fundamental reality of the material world. Now Age physics argues for a conscious universe; so did the ancient Vedas. Reality is structured by light and sound. This sequential flow of transcendent sound within self-referral consciousness is Veda. Veda is the vibrancy of intelligence in the form of sound generated by the self-referral dynamics of consciousness — those specific sounds that construct self-referral consciousness. Consciousness creates and dissolves matter-energy.
Rk Veda is structured in consciousness, and the mechanics of transformation of the unmanifest to the manifest is also Veda. This unified field of pure consciousness is therefore that one element in Nature on the ground of the infinite variety of creation, continuously emerging, growing, and dissolving. The whole field of change emerges from this field of non-change, from this self-referral, immortal state of consciousness.
Cybernetics describes systems in terms of matter-energy interactions, but adds the element of information, which creates a feedback loop for the system. Information is processing, an action, a verb. Physical matter may be maya, holographic illusions of interacting vortices, dynamically infolded informational patterns of organization of matter and energy. In an analogous way, cultures are patterns in social systems. In the holistic paradigm we would come together and work together in harmony like the cells of an organism.
Consciousness, ab origine, is intuitive. Primordial Awanress is the groundstate of the human mindbody, seeing through illusion to primal reality and emptiness. Uniting Above and Below, we mirror Transcendent Consciousness. The uninterrupted narrative of self is embodied as short and longterm memory and genetic memory. The Mystery level of consciousness or abyss of consciousness (Cocchi et al. 2009) includes prophetic intuition. An abyss of consciousness opens the way for intellectual freedom as liberation from the outer limits and internal biological determinism.
Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) can be achieved through meditation, trauma, sleep disturbance, sensory deprivation or sensory overload, neurochemical imbalance, epileptic seizure, or fever. They may also be induced by social behavior, such as frenzied dancing ("Spiral Dance of the Vortex" to honor the dead), drumming, or chanting.They may be induced by electrically stimulating parts of the brain or by ingesting psychotropic drugs, such as the hoama used by the Saka or Scythians.
Apophenia is the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the "unmotivated seeing of connections" accompanied by a "specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness", but it has come to represent the human tendency to seek patterns in random nature in general, as with gambling, spiritual phenomenology, paranormal phenomena, arcane correspondences, synchronicities, religion, and even attempts at scientific observation. Or, perhaps, it is a relic of authentic holistic Vision -- the "clarity" of the Dragons.
In a most ancient rite, when the world went awry (when the ruler misapprehended reality), a collective mandate made it necessary to kill and replace the dragon king. Assassination is the Dark Hammer of history. Mythic politics is a staged psychodrama. "Killing the dragon" can refer to a cosmic happening. "Killing the Divine King" takes on cosmic proportions.
The divine martyr is sacrificed for the "original sin" of misperception.The killing of the god, that is, of his human incarnation, is therefore a necessary step to his revival or resurrection in a better form. Far from being an extinction of the divine spirit, it is only the beginning of a purer and stronger manifestation of it. Mimetic execution rituals persist in secret societies. The executioner brandishes his axe, and with the words, “One, two, three, let the King headless be!” he strikes off the King’s crown.
The secret of the universe is -- "Its alive!" In alchemy, this sacrificial act is the penetration of the ‘prima materia’ as primal ocean, or primal chaos by the secret fire or the divine spirit. The fiery serpent emanated fire and light into the primal waters. When the dragon (or serpent, as the cat of Ra the sun god cut off the head of the serpent Apophis), is killed, the original chaos ceased and the process of cosmic evolution started.
Dark Energy Vortex?
DNA Vortex
Numerous ancient cultures picture the "Tree of Life" with serpents entwined around its trunk or at its roots. While the leaves reach out to receive the energy of the sun, the roots absorb the nutrition of the soil and water. One cannot exist without the other. In life we often acknowledge the leaves, but ignore the jumbled roots of our existence. The DNA molecule, itself the primary molecule, shapes our being from the electro-chemical soup of the womb. DNA excels at bioacoustic and bioelectric signaling -- electromagnetic energy reception and transmission.
The vortex guides the process of embryonic holography. DNA at the center of each cell creates the multi-cellular creature biohologram. First, the zygote is spherical, then it flattens into the embryonic disk. The disk differentiates into three layers: 1) the inner layer (the endoderm; viscera - digestion, blood, etc.); 2) the middle layer (the mesoderm; the musculature); and 3) the outer layer (the ectoderm, furthest from the wall of the uterus), becomes the nervous system and the skin. From a point in the center of the embryonic disk, a radial line defines itself out to the edge of the disk. On both sides of this neural groove, the flesh puckers up and curves over, entrapping electromagnetic lines of force.
The biohologram projected by the embryonic nervous system forms a three-dimensional pattern of resonant structures. These include points, lines, and planes that electromagnetically behave as cymatic acoustic waves, material standing waves. They form locations of no movement. Drawn from the blood of the mother, matter and electrolytic solutions are flowing.
At vortex points, lines and planes motion stops; structures are laid down and built up. The zygote acts like a three-dimensional nozzle, through which electrolytes flow into the cymatic structure of standing wave patterns distributed through space inside the embryo, becoming fixed, solidified structures. (Miller & Webb, 1973). The embryo then recapitulates the entire phylogenetic evolution of species.The human embryo begins as a single cell and is progressively transformed into a tadpole, then to a fish, to an amphibian, to a mammal, and finally to man. In other words, at the different stages of development, the embryo is actually a series of ancestor species.
Absolute Space Vortex
"Turning and turning within the widening gyre," the vortex structures turbulence. The internal structuring process is a vortex. The stillness at its center is the groundstate. A vortex field pulls objects in a circular or spiraling direction. These powerful eddies structure a mass of energy into a rotary or whirling motion, causing a depression or vacuum at the center. The simplest form of a vortex is the cross in the circle, but its dynamic form is serpentine.
Madame Blavatsky anticipated numerous modern concepts describing the creation of the Universe and the mechanisms of the laws of nature, including the holistic/holographic paradigm in psychology and physics. Blavatsky articulated the concept of the zero point or singularity origin of the Cosmos, and a profound alternative view of the nature of the Aether and hyperdimensions. Blavatsky states: "... 'material points without extension' (zero-points) are ... the materials out of which the 'Gods' and other invisible powers clothe themselves in bodies ... the entire universe concentrating itself, as it were, in a single point."
A vortex carries angular momentum; oscillating motion results in an elongated spiral or vortex of energy. One of its forms is called Zero Point Energy (ZPE; virtual vacuum fluctuation). The vortex is a depiction of the dynamic form of pure energy ordering chaos through toroidal forms. Quantum particles are quantum vortices. Interaction between these vortexlike objects is mediated by a subquantum level with superfluid properties. A vortex behaves as a massive particle. In physics, a quantum vortex is a topological defect exhibited in superfluids and superconductors (Feynman). The subquantal domain has superfluid properties. The Black Hole is a cosmic variant. In the quantum and cosmological world, it means spin, flux and field -- the Singularity.
The vortex guides the process of embryonic holography. DNA at the center of each cell creates the multi-cellular creature biohologram. First, the zygote is spherical, then it flattens into the embryonic disk. The disk differentiates into three layers: 1) the inner layer (the endoderm; viscera - digestion, blood, etc.); 2) the middle layer (the mesoderm; the musculature); and 3) the outer layer (the ectoderm, furthest from the wall of the uterus), becomes the nervous system and the skin. From a point in the center of the embryonic disk, a radial line defines itself out to the edge of the disk. On both sides of this neural groove, the flesh puckers up and curves over, entrapping electromagnetic lines of force.
The biohologram projected by the embryonic nervous system forms a three-dimensional pattern of resonant structures. These include points, lines, and planes that electromagnetically behave as cymatic acoustic waves, material standing waves. They form locations of no movement. Drawn from the blood of the mother, matter and electrolytic solutions are flowing.
At vortex points, lines and planes motion stops; structures are laid down and built up. The zygote acts like a three-dimensional nozzle, through which electrolytes flow into the cymatic structure of standing wave patterns distributed through space inside the embryo, becoming fixed, solidified structures. (Miller & Webb, 1973). The embryo then recapitulates the entire phylogenetic evolution of species.The human embryo begins as a single cell and is progressively transformed into a tadpole, then to a fish, to an amphibian, to a mammal, and finally to man. In other words, at the different stages of development, the embryo is actually a series of ancestor species.
Absolute Space Vortex
"Turning and turning within the widening gyre," the vortex structures turbulence. The internal structuring process is a vortex. The stillness at its center is the groundstate. A vortex field pulls objects in a circular or spiraling direction. These powerful eddies structure a mass of energy into a rotary or whirling motion, causing a depression or vacuum at the center. The simplest form of a vortex is the cross in the circle, but its dynamic form is serpentine.
Madame Blavatsky anticipated numerous modern concepts describing the creation of the Universe and the mechanisms of the laws of nature, including the holistic/holographic paradigm in psychology and physics. Blavatsky articulated the concept of the zero point or singularity origin of the Cosmos, and a profound alternative view of the nature of the Aether and hyperdimensions. Blavatsky states: "... 'material points without extension' (zero-points) are ... the materials out of which the 'Gods' and other invisible powers clothe themselves in bodies ... the entire universe concentrating itself, as it were, in a single point."
A vortex carries angular momentum; oscillating motion results in an elongated spiral or vortex of energy. One of its forms is called Zero Point Energy (ZPE; virtual vacuum fluctuation). The vortex is a depiction of the dynamic form of pure energy ordering chaos through toroidal forms. Quantum particles are quantum vortices. Interaction between these vortexlike objects is mediated by a subquantum level with superfluid properties. A vortex behaves as a massive particle. In physics, a quantum vortex is a topological defect exhibited in superfluids and superconductors (Feynman). The subquantal domain has superfluid properties. The Black Hole is a cosmic variant. In the quantum and cosmological world, it means spin, flux and field -- the Singularity.
The Mystic Vortex
The gateway between the physical and spirit realms is known as a vortex. Geomagnetic vortex sites are often called Dragon’s Lairs and link the Dragon ley lines in a vast Earth grid. Megalithic sites were located on these energetic lines. The Serpent life-force is the spiraling life-force energy that moves through the portals.
Shamans consider these Serpent vortices inter-dimensional doorways. These vortex sites facilitate spontaneous synchronization of the anomalous geomagnetic event, EEG brainwaves, and Schumann Resonance which amplifies the vortex effect (Miller & Lonetree, 2010). This resonance produces a sense of high well-being and paranormal effects.
Chakras are vortex energy centers, "spinning wheels of energy" or "wheels of light" within the subtle body. In Tibertan Khorlo (Tib.: འཁོར་ལོ་; 'khor-lo) means: 'wheel', 'round', 'mandala', 'chakra'. They are inter-relating spirals of energy. The body has seven nervous energy plexi, vortexes that feed seven endocrine glands, now commonly known as the Chakras.
The vortex in our DNA (Starfire) enables vision, illumination, lucid dreaming, and memory through death. Wine, soma or ambrosia is emblematic of the sacred Starfire, a hyper-hormonal cocktail that potentiates the Vehicle of Light -- ultimate source of manifestation. It was directly equated with the mystical Waters of Creation - the vortex flow of eternal wisdom. Genetic memory is invoked to explain feelings and ideas inherited from our ancestors as part of a "collective unconscious". Entering the primal transformative spiral means entering the vortex of the internal structuring process, the natural kaleidoscope of shapes, expressed in sacred geometry.
According to de Vere, "The purpose of vampirism depends on the type of vampirism practiced. Starfire was the purpose of "royal" or druidic vampirism in the ancient Scythian families, and in Scythian "warrior" vampirism, drinking the blood of fallen brothers in battle was intended to take their essence and bravery into the recipient. The blood of vanquished foes was also drunk. In both cases this also had the advantage of topping up one's adrenaline and testosterone levels in the heat of conflict. The folklore image of the vampire in Europe stems from this historical root. Vampirism was an integral part of Scythian/Dragon life."
Greed and ambition destroy transcendent Dragon perception and spiritual regeneration. Such misperception is really the original sin. Power flows naturally for those whose vision is clear, and clear perception will determine that those powers are used with detachment. The fact of the matter is that to Dragons, Dragon magic is simple and straightforward and fundamentally it relies in discovering simplicity and stillness within the self -- naked awareness.
In a vortex of consciousness, questions and answers form in the scintillating swirling ether that also symbolizes the Collective Unconscious. Ezra Pound defined the vortex as, "a radiant node or cluster" "from which, and into which, ideas are constantly rushing." An image is a compositional vortex. Soulful images weave a vortex of longing. In the flow, the forces impel us. As we spin deeper into the creative vortex we are flooded with knowledge -- gnosis.
The interaction of fields, and the formation of a vortex of energy, the attractor, represents the beginning of our consciousness structure. This process culminates in the formation of separate identity, the ego. In therapy or shamanic Dreamhealing, the vortex can also heal. For example, a fluid image of a deep red stab wound with a black center might become a swirling vortex pulling the dreamer and guide into a blackness. It is cold and empty, and the spinning of the vortex dismembers and dissolves the dreamer. In fact, he experiences a sense of being disintegrated. The old self dies, so the emergent transformed self image can be reborn, completing the transformational cycle.
The unconscious lends itself to the language of chaos. The whirling, twisting motion of a molecule of water in the chaotic world of non-laminar flow through a pipe is analogous to chaos consciousness. The disorienting, dizzying surrender to the vortex, tornado, or whirlpool is a surrender to chaos, an experience of no form and total confusion and disorientation. We penetrate deeper into the psyche -- into the vortex of the internal structuring process -- through progressively de-structuring patterns of organization.
It is like the experience of committing oneself to the fire and becoming it, then as the random flickering of the flames and torrid heat, disintegrating into pure energy. It means becoming the boiling, flowing, every-changing molten magma at the core of the earth, or the root of a volcano. A spiral or a vortex exerts a magnetic draw and the journeyers are drawn into it. Sensations of spinning and being drawn deeper often cause the journeyer to report intense dizziness and disorientation. Often there are feelings of flying apart, limbs and eventually all parts of the self flying off in the centrifugal forces experienced in the vortex.
These are all descriptions of the personal, subjective experience of total chaos. Always, after passing through this state, the new order which emerges of self-image, thought, emotion, and sensory perception reflectes the new and less dis-eased state of being. The deeper self-image undercut or superseded the old belief system, and began to create a new order of being, a new way of perceiving self and world. The new image provides a magnetic nucleus around which to order the personality, and often the physiology.
Carl Jung likened "complexes" to impersonal psychological vortex points, into which we are drawn. A complex is a core pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, such as self-image, shadow, power or status. We mediate it through myths, ritual, art and dreams. The vortex is a focal point or eddy in the vast ocean of consciousness, in the individual stream of consciousness. It is an icon of the Flow State, from which creativity emerges. For active, trancendent consciousness, the center of the vortex is primordial emptiness, the gap between breaths, the stillpoint of illumination which is a royal marriage with the eternal. Our future is a vortex of emergent fateful change. Mythemes of the Vortex form their own widening gyre.
Chaos is self-organizing, self-iterating, and self-generating. It is an evolutionary force. The tendency of new forms emerging from chaos is toward a higher degree of adaptation, hence evolution. This "recycling" of consciousness leads to a self-referential vortex. Chaotic systems revolve around nexus points, known as strange attractors, because of their unpredictable quality. Rather than being "point-like," they are more like vortices within vortices. The Philosopher's Stone is like a psychic lodestone (or vortex). It acts like an inner magnet, ordering the contents of our consciousness around it (through feedback loops) in chaotic, yet meaningful fashion.
Shamans consider these Serpent vortices inter-dimensional doorways. These vortex sites facilitate spontaneous synchronization of the anomalous geomagnetic event, EEG brainwaves, and Schumann Resonance which amplifies the vortex effect (Miller & Lonetree, 2010). This resonance produces a sense of high well-being and paranormal effects.
Chakras are vortex energy centers, "spinning wheels of energy" or "wheels of light" within the subtle body. In Tibertan Khorlo (Tib.: འཁོར་ལོ་; 'khor-lo) means: 'wheel', 'round', 'mandala', 'chakra'. They are inter-relating spirals of energy. The body has seven nervous energy plexi, vortexes that feed seven endocrine glands, now commonly known as the Chakras.
The vortex in our DNA (Starfire) enables vision, illumination, lucid dreaming, and memory through death. Wine, soma or ambrosia is emblematic of the sacred Starfire, a hyper-hormonal cocktail that potentiates the Vehicle of Light -- ultimate source of manifestation. It was directly equated with the mystical Waters of Creation - the vortex flow of eternal wisdom. Genetic memory is invoked to explain feelings and ideas inherited from our ancestors as part of a "collective unconscious". Entering the primal transformative spiral means entering the vortex of the internal structuring process, the natural kaleidoscope of shapes, expressed in sacred geometry.
According to de Vere, "The purpose of vampirism depends on the type of vampirism practiced. Starfire was the purpose of "royal" or druidic vampirism in the ancient Scythian families, and in Scythian "warrior" vampirism, drinking the blood of fallen brothers in battle was intended to take their essence and bravery into the recipient. The blood of vanquished foes was also drunk. In both cases this also had the advantage of topping up one's adrenaline and testosterone levels in the heat of conflict. The folklore image of the vampire in Europe stems from this historical root. Vampirism was an integral part of Scythian/Dragon life."
Greed and ambition destroy transcendent Dragon perception and spiritual regeneration. Such misperception is really the original sin. Power flows naturally for those whose vision is clear, and clear perception will determine that those powers are used with detachment. The fact of the matter is that to Dragons, Dragon magic is simple and straightforward and fundamentally it relies in discovering simplicity and stillness within the self -- naked awareness.
In a vortex of consciousness, questions and answers form in the scintillating swirling ether that also symbolizes the Collective Unconscious. Ezra Pound defined the vortex as, "a radiant node or cluster" "from which, and into which, ideas are constantly rushing." An image is a compositional vortex. Soulful images weave a vortex of longing. In the flow, the forces impel us. As we spin deeper into the creative vortex we are flooded with knowledge -- gnosis.
The interaction of fields, and the formation of a vortex of energy, the attractor, represents the beginning of our consciousness structure. This process culminates in the formation of separate identity, the ego. In therapy or shamanic Dreamhealing, the vortex can also heal. For example, a fluid image of a deep red stab wound with a black center might become a swirling vortex pulling the dreamer and guide into a blackness. It is cold and empty, and the spinning of the vortex dismembers and dissolves the dreamer. In fact, he experiences a sense of being disintegrated. The old self dies, so the emergent transformed self image can be reborn, completing the transformational cycle.
The unconscious lends itself to the language of chaos. The whirling, twisting motion of a molecule of water in the chaotic world of non-laminar flow through a pipe is analogous to chaos consciousness. The disorienting, dizzying surrender to the vortex, tornado, or whirlpool is a surrender to chaos, an experience of no form and total confusion and disorientation. We penetrate deeper into the psyche -- into the vortex of the internal structuring process -- through progressively de-structuring patterns of organization.
It is like the experience of committing oneself to the fire and becoming it, then as the random flickering of the flames and torrid heat, disintegrating into pure energy. It means becoming the boiling, flowing, every-changing molten magma at the core of the earth, or the root of a volcano. A spiral or a vortex exerts a magnetic draw and the journeyers are drawn into it. Sensations of spinning and being drawn deeper often cause the journeyer to report intense dizziness and disorientation. Often there are feelings of flying apart, limbs and eventually all parts of the self flying off in the centrifugal forces experienced in the vortex.
These are all descriptions of the personal, subjective experience of total chaos. Always, after passing through this state, the new order which emerges of self-image, thought, emotion, and sensory perception reflectes the new and less dis-eased state of being. The deeper self-image undercut or superseded the old belief system, and began to create a new order of being, a new way of perceiving self and world. The new image provides a magnetic nucleus around which to order the personality, and often the physiology.
Carl Jung likened "complexes" to impersonal psychological vortex points, into which we are drawn. A complex is a core pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, such as self-image, shadow, power or status. We mediate it through myths, ritual, art and dreams. The vortex is a focal point or eddy in the vast ocean of consciousness, in the individual stream of consciousness. It is an icon of the Flow State, from which creativity emerges. For active, trancendent consciousness, the center of the vortex is primordial emptiness, the gap between breaths, the stillpoint of illumination which is a royal marriage with the eternal. Our future is a vortex of emergent fateful change. Mythemes of the Vortex form their own widening gyre.
Chaos is self-organizing, self-iterating, and self-generating. It is an evolutionary force. The tendency of new forms emerging from chaos is toward a higher degree of adaptation, hence evolution. This "recycling" of consciousness leads to a self-referential vortex. Chaotic systems revolve around nexus points, known as strange attractors, because of their unpredictable quality. Rather than being "point-like," they are more like vortices within vortices. The Philosopher's Stone is like a psychic lodestone (or vortex). It acts like an inner magnet, ordering the contents of our consciousness around it (through feedback loops) in chaotic, yet meaningful fashion.
The Magick Vortex
The Dragon Vortex is probably the oldest iconic symbol on Earth. It was by mystical Cosmic Fire that the earth was destroyed and renewed with the passing of each age and from which is born a new heaven and a new earth. The Cosmic Fire was seen as the mythical Vortex of change emanating from Spiritual Fluid which gives rise to the Vortex of Fate, which is that situation into which persons or things are steadily drawn, and from which they, like ships pulled into the Maelstrom, cannot escape; and the Vortex of Emotions with its increasing round of excitement or pleasure.
The heart-centered Dragon Egregor is also a Vortex -- a transformative imperative -- the intense focus of common purpose. Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The word "egregore" derives from the Greek word, ἐγρήγοροι (egrḗgoroi), meaning "watchers" (also transliterated "grigori"). The Gregori have many of the same attributes as the Watchtower Watchers. they are guardians who provide protection and safekeeping to the Keeper, the Keeper's home & family. The concept of the egregore as a group thoughtform was developed in works of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Rosicrucians.
Psychosocial Genomics contends that, “Nothing, it seems turns on gene expression and brain plasticity as much as the presence of others of the same species!” (Rossi) In The Conference of the Birds, Sufi Poet Farid ud-Din Attar invites, "Come you lost Atoms to your Centre draw, And be the Eternal Mirror that you saw: Rays that have wander'd into Darkness wide Return and back into your Sun subside."
Dragons share the heartful holistic Evermind that is indistinguishable from the Vortex of First Swirlings. They are nonlocally interconnected, entangled -- forming a shining cloudlike spirit. The process cultivates both neural and quantum aspects of consciousness, and amplifies when it is conscious and compassionate. The Egregore is maintained through the mental and psychic energies of its creators and, as an autonomous entity, it is formed through the persistence and intensities of the current emotional and mental waves.
The Bornless One is pure unborn Spirit, the unborn dream or vision. Because of its pre-existent condition, it is eternal, beyond the realm of time and space, always without exception. It is inherent in its paradoxical nature, however, that it can be unfolded into "ordinary" experience from initiation in nonordinary consciousness--i.e. dream-healing, vision quest, etc.
As a patterning principle, it transcends and contains all forms. The image is one of symbolic penetration and immersion in the primordial field. Perception of the "pregnant void" implies penetration to that sacred dimension of experience. Imagery orders the process until the last possible instant, even the "imagery" of "nonperception." Like the void, emergent imagery is "pregnant" with meaning, which only partially emerges as the panoply unfolds. Imagery is a natural expression of the Void fleshing itself out to the fullest extent.
On the so-called Dragon "path" one is imbued hereditarily with Dragon capabilities in varying measures. As one progresses these capabilities wax and wane according to necessity. One of the main capacities is the Derkesthai Process, in which information is "channeled" through the conduit of the Dragon archetype; specifically the racial consciousness of those of the Dragon blood. Through this process one may pick up naturally, all sorts of information relating to varied aspects of the Dragon Tradition in its many branches and manifestations. However, this is of no use intellectually and rationally without informed academic confirmation and corroboration (de Vere).
The Egyptians saw the cosmic Vortex as Nu, the primordial waters of creation from which the galaxies and solar systems of the universe were created. But it was the earthly Vortices which controlled their lives. The ancient Egyptians professed a knowledge of the workings of the vortic fields through which they could see the future, control the elements and not only control the spirits, but commune with the Gods. The Egyptians believed that during their mortal lives they could gain knowledge that would allow their spirits to make the perilous journey from the world of the dead to the heavens where the immortal Gods lived. It was the Vortices which gave the Priestesses of Isis their magic and power over life and death.
The Dragon Vortex is probably the oldest iconic symbol on Earth. It was by mystical Cosmic Fire that the earth was destroyed and renewed with the passing of each age and from which is born a new heaven and a new earth. The Cosmic Fire was seen as the mythical Vortex of change emanating from Spiritual Fluid which gives rise to the Vortex of Fate, which is that situation into which persons or things are steadily drawn, and from which they, like ships pulled into the Maelstrom, cannot escape; and the Vortex of Emotions with its increasing round of excitement or pleasure.
The heart-centered Dragon Egregor is also a Vortex -- a transformative imperative -- the intense focus of common purpose. Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The word "egregore" derives from the Greek word, ἐγρήγοροι (egrḗgoroi), meaning "watchers" (also transliterated "grigori"). The Gregori have many of the same attributes as the Watchtower Watchers. they are guardians who provide protection and safekeeping to the Keeper, the Keeper's home & family. The concept of the egregore as a group thoughtform was developed in works of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Rosicrucians.
Psychosocial Genomics contends that, “Nothing, it seems turns on gene expression and brain plasticity as much as the presence of others of the same species!” (Rossi) In The Conference of the Birds, Sufi Poet Farid ud-Din Attar invites, "Come you lost Atoms to your Centre draw, And be the Eternal Mirror that you saw: Rays that have wander'd into Darkness wide Return and back into your Sun subside."
Dragons share the heartful holistic Evermind that is indistinguishable from the Vortex of First Swirlings. They are nonlocally interconnected, entangled -- forming a shining cloudlike spirit. The process cultivates both neural and quantum aspects of consciousness, and amplifies when it is conscious and compassionate. The Egregore is maintained through the mental and psychic energies of its creators and, as an autonomous entity, it is formed through the persistence and intensities of the current emotional and mental waves.
The Bornless One is pure unborn Spirit, the unborn dream or vision. Because of its pre-existent condition, it is eternal, beyond the realm of time and space, always without exception. It is inherent in its paradoxical nature, however, that it can be unfolded into "ordinary" experience from initiation in nonordinary consciousness--i.e. dream-healing, vision quest, etc.
As a patterning principle, it transcends and contains all forms. The image is one of symbolic penetration and immersion in the primordial field. Perception of the "pregnant void" implies penetration to that sacred dimension of experience. Imagery orders the process until the last possible instant, even the "imagery" of "nonperception." Like the void, emergent imagery is "pregnant" with meaning, which only partially emerges as the panoply unfolds. Imagery is a natural expression of the Void fleshing itself out to the fullest extent.
On the so-called Dragon "path" one is imbued hereditarily with Dragon capabilities in varying measures. As one progresses these capabilities wax and wane according to necessity. One of the main capacities is the Derkesthai Process, in which information is "channeled" through the conduit of the Dragon archetype; specifically the racial consciousness of those of the Dragon blood. Through this process one may pick up naturally, all sorts of information relating to varied aspects of the Dragon Tradition in its many branches and manifestations. However, this is of no use intellectually and rationally without informed academic confirmation and corroboration (de Vere).
The Egyptians saw the cosmic Vortex as Nu, the primordial waters of creation from which the galaxies and solar systems of the universe were created. But it was the earthly Vortices which controlled their lives. The ancient Egyptians professed a knowledge of the workings of the vortic fields through which they could see the future, control the elements and not only control the spirits, but commune with the Gods. The Egyptians believed that during their mortal lives they could gain knowledge that would allow their spirits to make the perilous journey from the world of the dead to the heavens where the immortal Gods lived. It was the Vortices which gave the Priestesses of Isis their magic and power over life and death.
Vampire Sumaire & Virgins: The Spiral Serpent of the Vortex
In THE DRAGON LEGACY, Nicholas de Vere notes, Sumaire is a Gaelic word for ’vampire’ that is pronounced shimarie, with the accent on the middle syllable - shim AR ri. Sumaire is translated as ’vortex’, meaning a whirlpool, tornado, or spiral, a labyrinth: a sucker, a reptile (serpent or Dragon). The blood of virgins was food for the dragon soul, and the vagina was the vortex womb of the Great Goddess.
The Dragon Legacy: The Origins of Vampirism
The Turkish, or properly Galatian word Uber, meaning ’witch’ [...], as Upari, we discover that originally Uber - Vampire - meant Overlord. In summary vampire [...] the witch or druid - was a Scythian High Queen or King: an Overlord. We can say with confidence then that real vampirism was indulged in by living beings who, unerringly, were members of the pre-christian and anti-christian high nobility and royalty. The most famous vampire stories, those of Dracula, Bathory and de Rais, support this conclusion. The historical evidence therefore supports the etymological origin of the word ’vampire’ - An Overlord.
The Dragon Legacy: The Origins of Vampirism
Wicca, derived from the same Saxon word as Willow, means to "bend or yield" ones spirit to that of a daemon (Greek, meaning praeter human intelligence or inspiration), giving the christian idea of possession, though erroneously. The witch was indeed possessed by a daemon and that daemon was certainly praeter-human and not of this world. This is confirmed in the word genius, meaning inborn intellect or inspiration. Closely related to this word is genie, meaning a spirit, as in genius loci - ’a spirit of place’. In Arabic the jinni is a spirit of fire or inspiration.
The Dragon Legacy: Scythians and Druids
The Sumerians appeared first in Mesopotamia in 3500 BC. Prior to their emergence they were preceded by the Ubaid migrants from what is now southern Romania, from Carpathia and Scythia, who had fled south to escape the Black Sea flood of 4000 BC. Dated to about 5000 BC, archaeologists working in Tartaria in the Ubaid territory of Transylvania, discovered a ’tepes’ or Rath under which they found a fire-pit. Buried amongst the ashes were the human remains of a cannibalistic sacrificial victim and two clay tablets. On these were inscribed the name of Enki ((representing)Samael), the number of Anu - 60 - and the image of a goat, Enki again, and a Tree - (representing) Lilith. In Hinduism, Siva is the Goatherd of the Mountains. The pictographic nature of the inscriptions convinced the archaeologists that the language was the forerunner of Sumerian and so they called it proto-Sumerian. Making it fairly obvious that the Sumerians were originally Ubaid Overlords from Central Eurasia. (Remember Drake from Blade: Trinity, found in a Sumerian step-pyramid)
The symbol of Samael the Serpent reclining in the Branches of Lilith’s Apple Tree in the Garden of Eden actually depicts the concept of the Dragon eating the fruit itself. This can also be found slightly more abstractly but conversely and paradoxically more graphically at the same time, in the Tantric equivalent of the serpent entwined around a female figure.
In the Upper Paleolithic, Goddess power is represented in labyrinth, vaginal, uterine, and other female designs. Throughout the Neolithic, her forces are symbolized by the female figure positioned in holy postures and gestures of empowerment, with the presence of animals, primarily birds and snakes with whom she is intimately connected. These images appear in the Mediterranean area and extend into the late Bronze Age of Minoan Crete, (1600 BC) where she is represented as the refined serpent-goddess-priestess.
Snakes coil around her arms, legs or are entwined in her hair and are shown whispering into her ear. The serpent is a totem of the cycles of life, death and rebirth and the seasons. It is the connection to the fertile earth and to the underworld. It also symbolizes immortality as it was thought to shed its skin indefinitely. Because of this the serpent was placed in relationship to women throughout antiquity as they correspond to the immortal properties of the blood of menstruation. The serpent is also an emblem of the ocean as the sea was known as an earth girdling serpent.
The Labyrinth denotes the sacred womb and labia or vulva. It takes us along different elemental pathways on the initiate's nonlinear journey. This is a symbol of the life-giving, creative power of the feminine. Traveling in then out of the labyrinth is a symbolic death and leads like a vaginal passage straight from the centre. There is a symbolic association of the female vagina with the 'universal void', represented by the spiral/vortex and its associations with the symbolism of the Maze or Labyrinth. It implies sacred sex, Starfire, the menstrual blood of the Goddess, the “womb of the world.”
The menstrual Star Fire ('Elixir Rubeus') of the goddess, being essentially regarded as fluid intelligence, was symbolically represented as the all-seeing eye {circle with a dot }, or as the fiery cross (the 'rosi-crucis') {The Circle with the cross}, precisely as depicted in the Mark of Cain. The emblems were later used by the mystery school of ancient Egypt, particularly that of the priest-prince Ankhfn-khonsu (c.2170 BC}, who served the Dragon Court of the twelfth-dynasty Queen Sobeknefru.
The labyrinth and its companion symbol, the spiral, appear in myths and ceremonies. The labyrinth itself is seen as the vaginal entryway to Mother Earth. The cave is a dark protected place, where inner vision and change can manifest. Our dreams are labyrinthine. The cave is a death lodge for all beings at the end of their lives. The temple is the ultimate development of the cave. The gate is the entrance into the sacred space, the womb of the goddess, where rebirth takes place.
The Altai Mountains of Central Asia are the primordial dragon homeland of the Saka or Scythians and the Royal Ashinas. A venerated site, a huge energy vortex there is known as the "umbilicus" of the Earth. The shamans built a trail of stone to tie the dead to the naval of the world, the center of everything. The umbilicus is marked out by a curved line of stone on the slopes of he Altai, the cradle of Scythian-Turkic culture that straddles Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. According to the Altai tradition, Uch-Enmek is the umbilical cord of the Earth, maintaining the spiritual and energy balance of our planet, and regulating the weather and climate. Beluha Mountain is the umbilical cord of the planet.
As below, so above: due to a plasma filament effect, galaxies often exhibit alignment with one another across vast distances, emulating an umbilicus to their origins. According to Electric Universe theory, galactic evolution occurs as large-scale plasma discharges form spinning wheels of coherent filaments that display electrodynamic behavior and not merely that which gravity alone contributes. Stars in galaxies can also form long arcs that thread through them like silver beads on a string. No nebular contraction theory can adequately explain star formation. Beyond that, the great spirals that collect in clusters, that then also group themselves in superclusters, are beyond any conventional definition. (
In THE DRAGON LEGACY, Nicholas de Vere notes, Sumaire is a Gaelic word for ’vampire’ that is pronounced shimarie, with the accent on the middle syllable - shim AR ri. Sumaire is translated as ’vortex’, meaning a whirlpool, tornado, or spiral, a labyrinth: a sucker, a reptile (serpent or Dragon). The blood of virgins was food for the dragon soul, and the vagina was the vortex womb of the Great Goddess.
The Dragon Legacy: The Origins of Vampirism
The Turkish, or properly Galatian word Uber, meaning ’witch’ [...], as Upari, we discover that originally Uber - Vampire - meant Overlord. In summary vampire [...] the witch or druid - was a Scythian High Queen or King: an Overlord. We can say with confidence then that real vampirism was indulged in by living beings who, unerringly, were members of the pre-christian and anti-christian high nobility and royalty. The most famous vampire stories, those of Dracula, Bathory and de Rais, support this conclusion. The historical evidence therefore supports the etymological origin of the word ’vampire’ - An Overlord.
The Dragon Legacy: The Origins of Vampirism
Wicca, derived from the same Saxon word as Willow, means to "bend or yield" ones spirit to that of a daemon (Greek, meaning praeter human intelligence or inspiration), giving the christian idea of possession, though erroneously. The witch was indeed possessed by a daemon and that daemon was certainly praeter-human and not of this world. This is confirmed in the word genius, meaning inborn intellect or inspiration. Closely related to this word is genie, meaning a spirit, as in genius loci - ’a spirit of place’. In Arabic the jinni is a spirit of fire or inspiration.
The Dragon Legacy: Scythians and Druids
The Sumerians appeared first in Mesopotamia in 3500 BC. Prior to their emergence they were preceded by the Ubaid migrants from what is now southern Romania, from Carpathia and Scythia, who had fled south to escape the Black Sea flood of 4000 BC. Dated to about 5000 BC, archaeologists working in Tartaria in the Ubaid territory of Transylvania, discovered a ’tepes’ or Rath under which they found a fire-pit. Buried amongst the ashes were the human remains of a cannibalistic sacrificial victim and two clay tablets. On these were inscribed the name of Enki ((representing)Samael), the number of Anu - 60 - and the image of a goat, Enki again, and a Tree - (representing) Lilith. In Hinduism, Siva is the Goatherd of the Mountains. The pictographic nature of the inscriptions convinced the archaeologists that the language was the forerunner of Sumerian and so they called it proto-Sumerian. Making it fairly obvious that the Sumerians were originally Ubaid Overlords from Central Eurasia. (Remember Drake from Blade: Trinity, found in a Sumerian step-pyramid)
The symbol of Samael the Serpent reclining in the Branches of Lilith’s Apple Tree in the Garden of Eden actually depicts the concept of the Dragon eating the fruit itself. This can also be found slightly more abstractly but conversely and paradoxically more graphically at the same time, in the Tantric equivalent of the serpent entwined around a female figure.
In the Upper Paleolithic, Goddess power is represented in labyrinth, vaginal, uterine, and other female designs. Throughout the Neolithic, her forces are symbolized by the female figure positioned in holy postures and gestures of empowerment, with the presence of animals, primarily birds and snakes with whom she is intimately connected. These images appear in the Mediterranean area and extend into the late Bronze Age of Minoan Crete, (1600 BC) where she is represented as the refined serpent-goddess-priestess.
Snakes coil around her arms, legs or are entwined in her hair and are shown whispering into her ear. The serpent is a totem of the cycles of life, death and rebirth and the seasons. It is the connection to the fertile earth and to the underworld. It also symbolizes immortality as it was thought to shed its skin indefinitely. Because of this the serpent was placed in relationship to women throughout antiquity as they correspond to the immortal properties of the blood of menstruation. The serpent is also an emblem of the ocean as the sea was known as an earth girdling serpent.
The Labyrinth denotes the sacred womb and labia or vulva. It takes us along different elemental pathways on the initiate's nonlinear journey. This is a symbol of the life-giving, creative power of the feminine. Traveling in then out of the labyrinth is a symbolic death and leads like a vaginal passage straight from the centre. There is a symbolic association of the female vagina with the 'universal void', represented by the spiral/vortex and its associations with the symbolism of the Maze or Labyrinth. It implies sacred sex, Starfire, the menstrual blood of the Goddess, the “womb of the world.”
The menstrual Star Fire ('Elixir Rubeus') of the goddess, being essentially regarded as fluid intelligence, was symbolically represented as the all-seeing eye {circle with a dot }, or as the fiery cross (the 'rosi-crucis') {The Circle with the cross}, precisely as depicted in the Mark of Cain. The emblems were later used by the mystery school of ancient Egypt, particularly that of the priest-prince Ankhfn-khonsu (c.2170 BC}, who served the Dragon Court of the twelfth-dynasty Queen Sobeknefru.
The labyrinth and its companion symbol, the spiral, appear in myths and ceremonies. The labyrinth itself is seen as the vaginal entryway to Mother Earth. The cave is a dark protected place, where inner vision and change can manifest. Our dreams are labyrinthine. The cave is a death lodge for all beings at the end of their lives. The temple is the ultimate development of the cave. The gate is the entrance into the sacred space, the womb of the goddess, where rebirth takes place.
The Altai Mountains of Central Asia are the primordial dragon homeland of the Saka or Scythians and the Royal Ashinas. A venerated site, a huge energy vortex there is known as the "umbilicus" of the Earth. The shamans built a trail of stone to tie the dead to the naval of the world, the center of everything. The umbilicus is marked out by a curved line of stone on the slopes of he Altai, the cradle of Scythian-Turkic culture that straddles Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. According to the Altai tradition, Uch-Enmek is the umbilical cord of the Earth, maintaining the spiritual and energy balance of our planet, and regulating the weather and climate. Beluha Mountain is the umbilical cord of the planet.
As below, so above: due to a plasma filament effect, galaxies often exhibit alignment with one another across vast distances, emulating an umbilicus to their origins. According to Electric Universe theory, galactic evolution occurs as large-scale plasma discharges form spinning wheels of coherent filaments that display electrodynamic behavior and not merely that which gravity alone contributes. Stars in galaxies can also form long arcs that thread through them like silver beads on a string. No nebular contraction theory can adequately explain star formation. Beyond that, the great spirals that collect in clusters, that then also group themselves in superclusters, are beyond any conventional definition. (
Here in the dead center of Asia is where global shamanism originated, with its cross-cultural features. Tengrism was and is the religion revolving around the worship of nature and the endless Blue Sky which is the Blue Turban.The Believer has the duty to Honor of the Tengri by acheiving greater heights in his life. The Royal Ashina wolf is believed to reveal itself only to the worthy who have honored the Tengri. The vortex is also a metaphor for the continual ebb and flow of migrations for nomadic people.
Ancient structures, such as Gobekli Tepi and Arkaim, bore the marks of the sumaire, the spiral labyrinth or vortex design, thus emphasizing the creachaire - sumaire theme of the Dragon - witch - Vampire - Overlord theme. The Orobourus, (the reptilian symbol of the Precession, immortality, completeness, and the perpetuation of cycles) is the Sumaire, the serpent that encircles and spirals to create an inhaling vortex, a black hole that draws all energy and life into it.
Reminiscent of the word shimmer, sumaire suggests 'to glow radiantly as with a light that had the power to fascinate'. It is pertinent because from the dawn of time the Elven Gods were called the Shining Ones. The word also relates to 'shaman' and 'shamanism', a primordial spiritual practice rooted in Northern Asia, the homeland of the speakers of ’Ar Sidhe Cantu’, being the Sundered Elven Tribe who went east.
The early maze was a figurative vortex; a tornado or whirlpool. The Chartres Maze is associated with Melusine and Sheba and their swastika-vortex, source of life and life's blood. The Maze is associated with the root word from which we derive the adjective "to amaze". The maze represented the shamanic "Spiral Dance of the Vortex" (sacrificial sword dance), and on another level "The Quest for the Holy Grail". It can be associated with the name Mazda or Ormuzd, the principle of light, suggesting that whatever was at the centre of a Maze rendered enlightenment and that ecstatic amazement, or wonder, accompanied it .
Ancient structures, such as Gobekli Tepi and Arkaim, bore the marks of the sumaire, the spiral labyrinth or vortex design, thus emphasizing the creachaire - sumaire theme of the Dragon - witch - Vampire - Overlord theme. The Orobourus, (the reptilian symbol of the Precession, immortality, completeness, and the perpetuation of cycles) is the Sumaire, the serpent that encircles and spirals to create an inhaling vortex, a black hole that draws all energy and life into it.
Reminiscent of the word shimmer, sumaire suggests 'to glow radiantly as with a light that had the power to fascinate'. It is pertinent because from the dawn of time the Elven Gods were called the Shining Ones. The word also relates to 'shaman' and 'shamanism', a primordial spiritual practice rooted in Northern Asia, the homeland of the speakers of ’Ar Sidhe Cantu’, being the Sundered Elven Tribe who went east.
The early maze was a figurative vortex; a tornado or whirlpool. The Chartres Maze is associated with Melusine and Sheba and their swastika-vortex, source of life and life's blood. The Maze is associated with the root word from which we derive the adjective "to amaze". The maze represented the shamanic "Spiral Dance of the Vortex" (sacrificial sword dance), and on another level "The Quest for the Holy Grail". It can be associated with the name Mazda or Ormuzd, the principle of light, suggesting that whatever was at the centre of a Maze rendered enlightenment and that ecstatic amazement, or wonder, accompanied it .
Secrets of the Serpent, by Philip Gardiner, 2006
Vincan Serbona = Artemis
The Spiral Cosmos
Single and double vortexes can be seen in religious artifacts from all over the world and in use at any time, ancient or contemporary. There are too many to speak about, from petroglyphs, to holes in dolman stones, to the metal in the prayerful hands of the Tibetan Lamas. That is because a vortex makes manifest unseen signals, unknown realities. They are the rings through which a man or woman can speak to ALL THAT IS.
A spiral is a rotating or whirling energy or mass. The double spiral is a vortex. A triple spiral is sometimes suggested to represent the Triple Goddess. Spirals were symbols of eyes, forming part of the Goddess' iconography, as did circles, cups, and pits. In another sense the labyrinth represents the ever moving, spiralling vortex of the galaxy and the cosmos at whose centre lies utter stillness as in the centre of the maze, the journey’s end; death of the lesser self, stillness and release. Thus the centre of the maze is the nix, the nil point, the womb and the tomb, where the worm of fear dies and is reborn as the embryo of new consciousness.
The triple spiral was used consistently in Celtic art for 3000 years.Celtic artists used the spiral symbol as a mind-altering creative process in which the act of creating a spiral in their work released their minds into a creative splendor. The spiral is a symbol of the spiritual journey, shamanic trance, hypnosis, or transcendent consciousness -- the highward state of hyperdimensional awareness.
Next to the doorway to Hades Virgil locates a representation of the labyrinth, as a map of the underworld with, as we discover as the story unfolds, Elysium: Avallon, at its heart. As a teaching the story of the underworld quest incorporating the mistletoe can be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, suggesting a Mesopotamian origin for the labyrinth concept. As the spiral vortex, it is related to the decorative motifs employed by the Ubaid culture of Scythia and Carpathia, the root origin of the royal Sumerian culture.
As in offerings made to Melusine’s father outside the cave in Northumbria, in the Canary Islands milk was poured into depressions and left to trickle away down the side of the monolith. The eight armed figure was believed by the islanders to be sacred to Isis. The virginal High Priestess of Waite’s alchemical Tarot gave "milk", the dew of the fleur de lys or rosicrucis, that flowed from the eight armed cross to form the Milky Way, the spiral vortex or labyrinth of the "cosmic" dragon, the Orouborus featured in the cross of the Dragon Court.
The word ’Viking’ has been explained in various ways. Originally spelt ’Wicking’ it was thought to derive from the word ’wic’ meaning the inlet or mouth of a Fjord, whilst the earlier meaning of the word from the Old Friesian and Old English had ’wic’ as an encampment. In Russia however the ’Vikhr’ was a whirlwind, a manifestation of the Zmei or Dragon king.
The Vikhr is a character which is common to both the Russians and the Irish and it will be remembered that Russia was actually founded by the Viking Ruotsi Clan, intimating that the actual definition of the word ’Viking’ is the same as the Irish word ’Sumaire’, a Dragon and a Vortex.
In tandem with their Aryan Hindu cousins, the Vikings used the symbol of the swastika -- the dynamic vortex. An example of its utilization by the Norse can be found in Iceland, whose early inhabitants emblazoned the blue swastika sacred to Kali Azura or ’blue Kali’, the sister of the Sumerian Cain or Qayin.
Variants of this figure inclue the hammer of Thor, earlier a copper, single-headed labrys or tomahawk common to the Ubaid. This is the shape of the spinning, creating the vortex, the spiral storm or tornado, which can also be found at numerous archaeological sites including Newgrange in its early spiralised form. This is the primal spiral design of the Sumaire of Sumeria. In its variant form, the swastika represents the curved Scythian sword reaping the whirlwind. It is also a symbol of the movement of the Earth fixed in one spot.
Single and double vortexes can be seen in religious artifacts from all over the world and in use at any time, ancient or contemporary. There are too many to speak about, from petroglyphs, to holes in dolman stones, to the metal in the prayerful hands of the Tibetan Lamas. That is because a vortex makes manifest unseen signals, unknown realities. They are the rings through which a man or woman can speak to ALL THAT IS.
A spiral is a rotating or whirling energy or mass. The double spiral is a vortex. A triple spiral is sometimes suggested to represent the Triple Goddess. Spirals were symbols of eyes, forming part of the Goddess' iconography, as did circles, cups, and pits. In another sense the labyrinth represents the ever moving, spiralling vortex of the galaxy and the cosmos at whose centre lies utter stillness as in the centre of the maze, the journey’s end; death of the lesser self, stillness and release. Thus the centre of the maze is the nix, the nil point, the womb and the tomb, where the worm of fear dies and is reborn as the embryo of new consciousness.
The triple spiral was used consistently in Celtic art for 3000 years.Celtic artists used the spiral symbol as a mind-altering creative process in which the act of creating a spiral in their work released their minds into a creative splendor. The spiral is a symbol of the spiritual journey, shamanic trance, hypnosis, or transcendent consciousness -- the highward state of hyperdimensional awareness.
Next to the doorway to Hades Virgil locates a representation of the labyrinth, as a map of the underworld with, as we discover as the story unfolds, Elysium: Avallon, at its heart. As a teaching the story of the underworld quest incorporating the mistletoe can be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, suggesting a Mesopotamian origin for the labyrinth concept. As the spiral vortex, it is related to the decorative motifs employed by the Ubaid culture of Scythia and Carpathia, the root origin of the royal Sumerian culture.
As in offerings made to Melusine’s father outside the cave in Northumbria, in the Canary Islands milk was poured into depressions and left to trickle away down the side of the monolith. The eight armed figure was believed by the islanders to be sacred to Isis. The virginal High Priestess of Waite’s alchemical Tarot gave "milk", the dew of the fleur de lys or rosicrucis, that flowed from the eight armed cross to form the Milky Way, the spiral vortex or labyrinth of the "cosmic" dragon, the Orouborus featured in the cross of the Dragon Court.
The word ’Viking’ has been explained in various ways. Originally spelt ’Wicking’ it was thought to derive from the word ’wic’ meaning the inlet or mouth of a Fjord, whilst the earlier meaning of the word from the Old Friesian and Old English had ’wic’ as an encampment. In Russia however the ’Vikhr’ was a whirlwind, a manifestation of the Zmei or Dragon king.
The Vikhr is a character which is common to both the Russians and the Irish and it will be remembered that Russia was actually founded by the Viking Ruotsi Clan, intimating that the actual definition of the word ’Viking’ is the same as the Irish word ’Sumaire’, a Dragon and a Vortex.
In tandem with their Aryan Hindu cousins, the Vikings used the symbol of the swastika -- the dynamic vortex. An example of its utilization by the Norse can be found in Iceland, whose early inhabitants emblazoned the blue swastika sacred to Kali Azura or ’blue Kali’, the sister of the Sumerian Cain or Qayin.
Variants of this figure inclue the hammer of Thor, earlier a copper, single-headed labrys or tomahawk common to the Ubaid. This is the shape of the spinning, creating the vortex, the spiral storm or tornado, which can also be found at numerous archaeological sites including Newgrange in its early spiralised form. This is the primal spiral design of the Sumaire of Sumeria. In its variant form, the swastika represents the curved Scythian sword reaping the whirlwind. It is also a symbol of the movement of the Earth fixed in one spot.
Ancient Swastikas Vinca Script
The Neolithic Vinca Culture [c5300 to c4500 BC] develops from the Starcevo-Koros-Cris Culture.
Among the many artifacts uncovered from this culture are examples of an enigmatic script called “Vinca script” or “Old European Script”
The Neolithic Vinca Culture [c5300 to c4500 BC] develops from the Starcevo-Koros-Cris Culture.
Among the many artifacts uncovered from this culture are examples of an enigmatic script called “Vinca script” or “Old European Script”
Dynamic Vortex
Since prehistory, the swastika has been used as an auspicious symbol of happiness and truth by very diverse cultures in many locations all over the globe. The earliest swastika-like symbols preserved appear on pottery dated from around 4000 BC, as part of the "Vinca script". Use in the vinca script could date to 6000 7000 BC. It is a tamga like many icons found all over the pre-historic Steppe. Today it can still be seen throughout Asia as a symbol of general good luck.
Yungdrung Bön could be translated as the Religion of the Swastika, rich in symbolism. Primarily, it represents the unchangeable, indestructible state, Buddha-nature, the Nature of Mind, the fundamental ground of existence, light. The four arms and the centre of the yungdrung also represent the four directions and the centre. In Nepal, for instance, it features not only on religious monuments but also on wrought iron gates, above doorways, embroidered on clothes, bags and belts, and as a logo.
The swastika is also found reversed and both forms respectively are thought to be moon and sun symbols respectively. Wen we consider the the philosophy of the Druids and other Indo-European, Aryan philosophies, it is wise to bear in mind that the teachings and symbols operate on both the macro and microcosmic levels at the least. Often the symbolism is multi-faceted. Girdap in Turkish means whirlpool-vortex (probably "also" from Arabic, see Mahmud of Kashgar's dictionary: "qirma: something which is made round" or we have KIVIR: to twist, curl).
The symbol of the swastika is not explicitly connected with the ancient Aryan tribes or Vedic religion. Since prehistory it has been used by many cultures of Eurasia, America and Africa, so it was common among nations which are not even Indo-European, let alone Aryan. Secondly, it was never connected with anti-Semitism anywhere in the world until in the 19th century when Émile-Louis Burnouf (1821-1907), a French orientalist and racialist who completely misinterpreted the teachings of Vedas and Buddhist doctrines, came up with this erroneous connection. This misinterpretation was exploited by the German nationalists, and then by the Nazis.
The moon and the sun symbolism applies to energy dynamics, as the sun radiates or pushes energy out while the moon draws energy to it in the form of the sun’s rays. Its gravitational field also pulls the tides. Kali is the Sumaire, the whirlpool which is the sucker-in of blood and energy, like the moon draws the sun's rays and sucks up the tides; the solar swastika symbolizes the donor or benefactor who gives willingly of their essence.
The circular swastika is the mark of Lilith given to Cain and also the mark of Kali. In their original form they represent the scythe of the reaper, the Golden Sickle of the Druids spinning on its hilt. The swastika has another three-armed formed which appears again at Newgrange and also as the badge of the fairy king Manannan Mac Lir, Lord of the isle of Man and Lord of the Waters of the Sea. It compares to the dragon’s eye of the south and also the dragon’s eye of the north. In the northern hemisphere, mimicking the pull of the whirlpool, the rotation of these devices is to the left as you look at them, or clockwise from the point of view of the one summoning the sumaire in themselves.
If we think of the swastika as being a turbine, the position of the arms indicates not the direction of rotation, but the angle at which the blades are set. The difference between the four and three armed swastika is that the four armed essentially represents the sowing or reaping of "the four winds", the pneuma, the spiritual or morphic energy, whilst the three armed cross, the swastika of Manannan of the waters, represents sowing (donating) or reaping (removing) the blood and waters of the Fountain of Life -- the Holy Grail.
The pineal gland is so-called because it is similar in shape to a pine cone. The dragon’s eye of the north looks similar to the plan view of a three sided pyramid and also represents the pineal gland that controls the secretion of the mystical fluids. In relation to the pineal gland the Grail is symbolized by the sacred head, the Baphomet or source of wisdom.
Related to the Solar disc and the Ajna chakra in Tantra, in Mithraism this stage of the Grail process is represented by the Dragon of the sun and so here the three armed swastika is the Dragon’s eye of the north representing the pine cone shape of the pineal gland and also the 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet Ayin, the 15th path of the Tarot - the Devil - and the number of Ishtar or Venus in the roll of the seniority of the Gods. The Ayin is the ’All Seeing Eye of God’ (Enki or Samael) peering both in and out of the void.
At the end of their journey from the brain, through its third ventrical, down the spinal column to the womb, Graffenberg gland and urethra, the fluids rest until naturally or manually discharged. The womb becomes the grail Cup containing the waters of life, the Cubic stone of the Philosophers. The Dragon’s eye of the south = the Cup.
Thus the Grail, among other things, is both the Head and the Cup, and both ’eyes’ of the dragon - north and south - are the eyes that contain "The light that illumines the human spirit". It is also the pineal i - D, the Delta or Hebrew Daleth or Tau - The Doorway to the eternal.
In any form the swastika (vortex) is an emblem of life, of breathing (the breath of ravens) and of self-sacrifice. As such therefore, the swastika is one of the primeval symbols of Priest-Kingship and Dragon Maidenhood. Greatly to be abhorred then is the fact that the Nazi Party of Germany hijacked the swastika of Kali and, along with numerous other fairy symbols, and made it the most hated and feared glyph on the Planet. The Dragon Court in no way endorses Nazism, and never uses the vortex or swastika as a nazi emblem. The Dragon context of vortex and swastika comes from an antecedent, primordial context.
The word swastika came from the Sanskrit word svastika, meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck. It is composed of su- meaning "good, well" and asti "to be" svasti thus means "well-being." The suffix -ka either forms a diminutive or intensifies the verbal meaning, so svastika can be translated literally as "that which is associated with well-being," corresponding to "lucky charm" or "thing that is auspicious."
The genesis of the swastika symbol is often treated in conjunction with cross symbols in general, such as the "sun wheel" of Bronze Age religion. Beyond its certain presence in the "proto-writing" symbol systems emerging in the Neolithic [proto-Scythians], nothing certain is known about the symbol's origin. There are nevertheless a number of speculative hypotheses.
One hypothesis is that the sun wheel, cross symbols and the swastika share a common origin in simply symbolizing the four seasons, where the division for 90-degree sections correspond to the solstices and equinoxes. This carries most significance in establishing a calendar that is seen to be more advanced than the lunar calendar (symbolized by the lunar crescent common to Islam) where the seasons drift from calendar year to calendar year. The luni-solar solution for correcting season drift was to intercalate an extra month in certain years to restore the lunar cycle to the solar-season cycle.
The Star of David is thought to originate as a symbol of that calendar system, where the two overlapping triangles are seen to form a partition of 12 sections around the perimeter with a 13th section in the middle, representing the 12 and sometimes 13 months to a year. As such, the Christian cross, Jewish hexagram star and the Muslim crescent moon are seen to have their origins in different views regarding which calendar system is preferred for marking holy days. Groups in higher latitudes experience the seasons more strongly, offering more advantage to the calendar represented by the swastika/cross.
Carl Sagan in his book Comet (1985) reproduces Han period Chinese manuscript (the Book of Silk, 2nd century BC) that shows comet tail varieties: most are variations on simple comet tails, but the last shows the comet nucleus with four bent arms extending from it, recalling a swastika. Sagan suggests that in antiquity a comet could have approached so close to Earth that the jets of gas streaming from it, bent by the comet's rotation, became visible, leading to the adoption of the swastika as a symbol across the world. Bob Kobres in Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse (1992) contends that the swastika like comet on the Han Dynasty silk comet atlas was labeled a "long tailed pheasant star" (Di-Xing) because of its resemblance to a bird's foot or track. Kobres goes on to suggest an association of mythological birds and comets also outside China.
The ubiquitous swastika pattern arises when parallel waves of neural activity sweep across the visual cortex during states of altered consciousness, producing a swirling swastika-like image, due to the way quadrants in the field of vision are mapped to opposite areas in the brain.
The Death’s Head of the SS is a corruption of the head of wisdom of the Templars - the Baphomet - whilst the Sig rune itself is the path of the serpent of wisdom descending the Tree of life. The swastika is the sumaire drawing life into it as the Moon draws the seas to her.
The self sacrificing Tantric priests of the Kaula Vama Marg shed the last vestige of their egos and their lives, to be left drained. As empty vessels they were then ready to be filled with primordial awareness -- the wisdom of the Cosmos and the power of the Siddhis.
However, the shadow-side of the Nazi swastika represents the suffering of four million people sacrificed to the stupidity of a rogue nation. The Holocaust replicated the systematic persecution and annihilation of the Elven families for over a thousand years and for exactly the same reasons -- control, money and power.
Since prehistory, the swastika has been used as an auspicious symbol of happiness and truth by very diverse cultures in many locations all over the globe. The earliest swastika-like symbols preserved appear on pottery dated from around 4000 BC, as part of the "Vinca script". Use in the vinca script could date to 6000 7000 BC. It is a tamga like many icons found all over the pre-historic Steppe. Today it can still be seen throughout Asia as a symbol of general good luck.
Yungdrung Bön could be translated as the Religion of the Swastika, rich in symbolism. Primarily, it represents the unchangeable, indestructible state, Buddha-nature, the Nature of Mind, the fundamental ground of existence, light. The four arms and the centre of the yungdrung also represent the four directions and the centre. In Nepal, for instance, it features not only on religious monuments but also on wrought iron gates, above doorways, embroidered on clothes, bags and belts, and as a logo.
The swastika is also found reversed and both forms respectively are thought to be moon and sun symbols respectively. Wen we consider the the philosophy of the Druids and other Indo-European, Aryan philosophies, it is wise to bear in mind that the teachings and symbols operate on both the macro and microcosmic levels at the least. Often the symbolism is multi-faceted. Girdap in Turkish means whirlpool-vortex (probably "also" from Arabic, see Mahmud of Kashgar's dictionary: "qirma: something which is made round" or we have KIVIR: to twist, curl).
The symbol of the swastika is not explicitly connected with the ancient Aryan tribes or Vedic religion. Since prehistory it has been used by many cultures of Eurasia, America and Africa, so it was common among nations which are not even Indo-European, let alone Aryan. Secondly, it was never connected with anti-Semitism anywhere in the world until in the 19th century when Émile-Louis Burnouf (1821-1907), a French orientalist and racialist who completely misinterpreted the teachings of Vedas and Buddhist doctrines, came up with this erroneous connection. This misinterpretation was exploited by the German nationalists, and then by the Nazis.
The moon and the sun symbolism applies to energy dynamics, as the sun radiates or pushes energy out while the moon draws energy to it in the form of the sun’s rays. Its gravitational field also pulls the tides. Kali is the Sumaire, the whirlpool which is the sucker-in of blood and energy, like the moon draws the sun's rays and sucks up the tides; the solar swastika symbolizes the donor or benefactor who gives willingly of their essence.
The circular swastika is the mark of Lilith given to Cain and also the mark of Kali. In their original form they represent the scythe of the reaper, the Golden Sickle of the Druids spinning on its hilt. The swastika has another three-armed formed which appears again at Newgrange and also as the badge of the fairy king Manannan Mac Lir, Lord of the isle of Man and Lord of the Waters of the Sea. It compares to the dragon’s eye of the south and also the dragon’s eye of the north. In the northern hemisphere, mimicking the pull of the whirlpool, the rotation of these devices is to the left as you look at them, or clockwise from the point of view of the one summoning the sumaire in themselves.
If we think of the swastika as being a turbine, the position of the arms indicates not the direction of rotation, but the angle at which the blades are set. The difference between the four and three armed swastika is that the four armed essentially represents the sowing or reaping of "the four winds", the pneuma, the spiritual or morphic energy, whilst the three armed cross, the swastika of Manannan of the waters, represents sowing (donating) or reaping (removing) the blood and waters of the Fountain of Life -- the Holy Grail.
The pineal gland is so-called because it is similar in shape to a pine cone. The dragon’s eye of the north looks similar to the plan view of a three sided pyramid and also represents the pineal gland that controls the secretion of the mystical fluids. In relation to the pineal gland the Grail is symbolized by the sacred head, the Baphomet or source of wisdom.
Related to the Solar disc and the Ajna chakra in Tantra, in Mithraism this stage of the Grail process is represented by the Dragon of the sun and so here the three armed swastika is the Dragon’s eye of the north representing the pine cone shape of the pineal gland and also the 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet Ayin, the 15th path of the Tarot - the Devil - and the number of Ishtar or Venus in the roll of the seniority of the Gods. The Ayin is the ’All Seeing Eye of God’ (Enki or Samael) peering both in and out of the void.
At the end of their journey from the brain, through its third ventrical, down the spinal column to the womb, Graffenberg gland and urethra, the fluids rest until naturally or manually discharged. The womb becomes the grail Cup containing the waters of life, the Cubic stone of the Philosophers. The Dragon’s eye of the south = the Cup.
Thus the Grail, among other things, is both the Head and the Cup, and both ’eyes’ of the dragon - north and south - are the eyes that contain "The light that illumines the human spirit". It is also the pineal i - D, the Delta or Hebrew Daleth or Tau - The Doorway to the eternal.
In any form the swastika (vortex) is an emblem of life, of breathing (the breath of ravens) and of self-sacrifice. As such therefore, the swastika is one of the primeval symbols of Priest-Kingship and Dragon Maidenhood. Greatly to be abhorred then is the fact that the Nazi Party of Germany hijacked the swastika of Kali and, along with numerous other fairy symbols, and made it the most hated and feared glyph on the Planet. The Dragon Court in no way endorses Nazism, and never uses the vortex or swastika as a nazi emblem. The Dragon context of vortex and swastika comes from an antecedent, primordial context.
The word swastika came from the Sanskrit word svastika, meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck. It is composed of su- meaning "good, well" and asti "to be" svasti thus means "well-being." The suffix -ka either forms a diminutive or intensifies the verbal meaning, so svastika can be translated literally as "that which is associated with well-being," corresponding to "lucky charm" or "thing that is auspicious."
The genesis of the swastika symbol is often treated in conjunction with cross symbols in general, such as the "sun wheel" of Bronze Age religion. Beyond its certain presence in the "proto-writing" symbol systems emerging in the Neolithic [proto-Scythians], nothing certain is known about the symbol's origin. There are nevertheless a number of speculative hypotheses.
One hypothesis is that the sun wheel, cross symbols and the swastika share a common origin in simply symbolizing the four seasons, where the division for 90-degree sections correspond to the solstices and equinoxes. This carries most significance in establishing a calendar that is seen to be more advanced than the lunar calendar (symbolized by the lunar crescent common to Islam) where the seasons drift from calendar year to calendar year. The luni-solar solution for correcting season drift was to intercalate an extra month in certain years to restore the lunar cycle to the solar-season cycle.
The Star of David is thought to originate as a symbol of that calendar system, where the two overlapping triangles are seen to form a partition of 12 sections around the perimeter with a 13th section in the middle, representing the 12 and sometimes 13 months to a year. As such, the Christian cross, Jewish hexagram star and the Muslim crescent moon are seen to have their origins in different views regarding which calendar system is preferred for marking holy days. Groups in higher latitudes experience the seasons more strongly, offering more advantage to the calendar represented by the swastika/cross.
Carl Sagan in his book Comet (1985) reproduces Han period Chinese manuscript (the Book of Silk, 2nd century BC) that shows comet tail varieties: most are variations on simple comet tails, but the last shows the comet nucleus with four bent arms extending from it, recalling a swastika. Sagan suggests that in antiquity a comet could have approached so close to Earth that the jets of gas streaming from it, bent by the comet's rotation, became visible, leading to the adoption of the swastika as a symbol across the world. Bob Kobres in Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse (1992) contends that the swastika like comet on the Han Dynasty silk comet atlas was labeled a "long tailed pheasant star" (Di-Xing) because of its resemblance to a bird's foot or track. Kobres goes on to suggest an association of mythological birds and comets also outside China.
The ubiquitous swastika pattern arises when parallel waves of neural activity sweep across the visual cortex during states of altered consciousness, producing a swirling swastika-like image, due to the way quadrants in the field of vision are mapped to opposite areas in the brain.
The Death’s Head of the SS is a corruption of the head of wisdom of the Templars - the Baphomet - whilst the Sig rune itself is the path of the serpent of wisdom descending the Tree of life. The swastika is the sumaire drawing life into it as the Moon draws the seas to her.
The self sacrificing Tantric priests of the Kaula Vama Marg shed the last vestige of their egos and their lives, to be left drained. As empty vessels they were then ready to be filled with primordial awareness -- the wisdom of the Cosmos and the power of the Siddhis.
However, the shadow-side of the Nazi swastika represents the suffering of four million people sacrificed to the stupidity of a rogue nation. The Holocaust replicated the systematic persecution and annihilation of the Elven families for over a thousand years and for exactly the same reasons -- control, money and power.
This video is meant to educate the public as to the sacred qualities of the Fylfot or Swastika.
We must reclaim our holy symbols and try to undo the damage done by those who would pervert Germanic and European culture.
We must reclaim our holy symbols and try to undo the damage done by those who would pervert Germanic and European culture.
Minoan Egyptian
The Spiral Dance, Starhawk
Serpent/Dragons in Contemporary Art Therapy
SEPTEMBER 1976 Following the brief moment of balance reflected in paintings #53 and #54, I am again drawn back into the underground domain. This painting was an attempt to relate to a dream in which I discovered the serpents and the square containers in a cave. Elaborating on that symbolic dream imagery, the sunlight penetrates the cave from above, illuminating a central altar of fi e toward which the entwined serpents advance. The human woman shines her light of consciousness upon the serpents and brings an offering of milk. The Great Mother also contributes her light to the drama. Spectral figures emerge from the walls of the cave. Who knows what they will bring? I dedicated the next three years to fulfi lling a bachelor’s equivalency while earning a master’s degree, completing my training as a Jungian analyst, and becoming licensed as a marriage family therapist (M.F.T.). I did no paintings during this time. --KMS
For more see,
"The Serpent and the Cross: Healing the Split through Active Imagination", Katherine M. Sanford
FOR MORE VISIONARY PAINTINGS illustrating the vortex processes above,
For more see,
"The Serpent and the Cross: Healing the Split through Active Imagination", Katherine M. Sanford
FOR MORE VISIONARY PAINTINGS illustrating the vortex processes above,
de Vere, Nicholas, The Dragon Legacy, The Book Tree
Miller, Iona, 1993, THE UNBORN DREAM: Thriving On Chaos; Chaosophy Journal 1993 Asklepia Foundation, Oregon.
Alchemical Manual: Vortex,
*Telesma is a Greek word for a holy or miraculous object. The word talisman comes from the Arabic tilsam, ‘magical image’, which in turn probably comes from the Greek telesma. In the alchemy of the Renaissance, telesma was used as a name for the Philosopher’s Stone, which according to legend could transform metals to gold, cure diseases, and so on, but rather should be understood as a core of knowledge by which humans could refine and complete themselves. In some mystical traditions, telesma can also be the force by which objects or images received magical qualities. In the Emerald Tablet (see this word), this substance is described as a fluidum telesma, miraculous liquid, sprung from the four elements. Telesma is a force so potent that, as the Emerald Tablet puts it, ‘it overcomes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid substance.' The initiate’s work is to channel this telesma and condense it within his cells until a transformation takes place.” Hermes said, in the Emerald Tablet, “It is the cause, this, of all perfection of all things throughout the universe. This will attain the highest perfection of powers.”
Dragon Art by Walter Bruneel, Spain
Dragon Magick, Walter Bruneel
The Art of Transformation, Walter Bruneel
Interstellar Meditation, Walter Bruneel, 2007
Bon Horsehead Swastika
Transylvanian Homeland of the Serpent-Dragon-Spiral
Kurgan Spread
The Aurignacian stone tool industry occurs within the Upper Paleolithic Period in Europe from 34,000 to 29,000 years ago. The same stone tool making technology also occurs on sites in countries farther to the east into Siberia. Anatomically modern humans appear at least 100,000 years ago. But there are no significant technological changes until the Upper Paleolithic. The Aurignacian cultural tradition is generally accepted as the first modern humans in Europe. During this period an explosion of sudden and innovative changes take place. People begin to use musical instruments which indicates possible ceremony, ritual and dance. Plus all forms of art appears at this time which signifies the full emergence of modern symbolic expression.
Paolo Manzelli also commented on Massimo Pregnolato's note "Quantum Human & Animal Consciousness".Paolo wrote: ""QAI" NOTES FOR ITALIA DEGLI INNOVATORI. Paolo Manzelli "Quantum Art" //EGOCREANET community in Italy ("QAI") , follows a new strategy to improve creativity in quantum art and science, starting from the famous Renaisance culture of Leonardo da Vinci. Some key ideas upon which is based and here they are: "Quantum Art- ITALY" ("QAI" ) has entered an era of bio&nano-science technology organizing an essential infrastructure for the building of quantum relational international community. The creative development generated by "QAI" is based on an entanglement between "art and science", focusing in the quantum nature of reality that appear to be in either particle or wave form, depending on how the quantum-elements are observed in science and and expressed through the art. Therefore "QAI" aims to develop a quantum global community for improving an "Art and Science" transdisciplinary system , that has emergence as a fundamental innovation culture, for enhancing the diffusion and the dissemination of emergent technology all over the world. Based on the above key points "QAI" look forward to develop a creative international process, based on a quantum culture, for producing a set of ideas and creative processes to create some important outcomes in order to get a strong influence for improving the emergent technology innovation ."
Biology and culture, consciousness and the world, subject and object, inner and outer have continuity and find, in the "creative transcendence” of consciousness and its experiences, a privileged degree of understanding. The aims of this paper are: (1) to stress the validity of the phenomenological approach to consciousness and the subsequent interpretation of memory, expression of the “ego” as a continuous narrative of “self”; (2) to show that a molecular structure, such as tubulin, can effectively modulate the state of consciousness through the changes that occur within it; (3) to formulate a plausible hypothesis about the existence of different levels of consciousness in animals; (4) to introduce a hypothesis concerning the involvement of membrane viscosity and serotonin as regulatory agents in different levels of consciousness such as mood disorders and hallucinations. It is suggested that consciousness persists even in the face of minimal conditions, perhaps even in traumatic brain injuries. Such a suggestion is justified at the bio molecular level through introduction of the hypothesis that Schrödinger proteins (i.e. tubulins) are the biological interface from quantum to classical computation, underlying quantum/classical consciousness processes and at the crossroad of memory and learning capacities. --Massimo Pregnolato
Paolo Manzelli also commented on Massimo Pregnolato's note "Quantum Human & Animal Consciousness".Paolo wrote: ""QAI" NOTES FOR ITALIA DEGLI INNOVATORI. Paolo Manzelli "Quantum Art" //EGOCREANET community in Italy ("QAI") , follows a new strategy to improve creativity in quantum art and science, starting from the famous Renaisance culture of Leonardo da Vinci. Some key ideas upon which is based and here they are: "Quantum Art- ITALY" ("QAI" ) has entered an era of bio&nano-science technology organizing an essential infrastructure for the building of quantum relational international community. The creative development generated by "QAI" is based on an entanglement between "art and science", focusing in the quantum nature of reality that appear to be in either particle or wave form, depending on how the quantum-elements are observed in science and and expressed through the art. Therefore "QAI" aims to develop a quantum global community for improving an "Art and Science" transdisciplinary system , that has emergence as a fundamental innovation culture, for enhancing the diffusion and the dissemination of emergent technology all over the world. Based on the above key points "QAI" look forward to develop a creative international process, based on a quantum culture, for producing a set of ideas and creative processes to create some important outcomes in order to get a strong influence for improving the emergent technology innovation ."
Biology and culture, consciousness and the world, subject and object, inner and outer have continuity and find, in the "creative transcendence” of consciousness and its experiences, a privileged degree of understanding. The aims of this paper are: (1) to stress the validity of the phenomenological approach to consciousness and the subsequent interpretation of memory, expression of the “ego” as a continuous narrative of “self”; (2) to show that a molecular structure, such as tubulin, can effectively modulate the state of consciousness through the changes that occur within it; (3) to formulate a plausible hypothesis about the existence of different levels of consciousness in animals; (4) to introduce a hypothesis concerning the involvement of membrane viscosity and serotonin as regulatory agents in different levels of consciousness such as mood disorders and hallucinations. It is suggested that consciousness persists even in the face of minimal conditions, perhaps even in traumatic brain injuries. Such a suggestion is justified at the bio molecular level through introduction of the hypothesis that Schrödinger proteins (i.e. tubulins) are the biological interface from quantum to classical computation, underlying quantum/classical consciousness processes and at the crossroad of memory and learning capacities. --Massimo Pregnolato