Genealogy * Hermeneutics * Genetics * Philosophy * Anthropology * Shamanism * History * Esoterics * Myth * Mysticism
Krupa De Tarnawa
Royal Ashina Dynasty / Khazar Descent
Chieftains of the Hun tribe (渾), one of the nine main constituent tribes of the Tiele Confederation.
Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang By James A. Millward
2015 DNA Project Update: M378
Purple = Ancient Hun/Xiongnu Markers.
Light Blue = Listed as Contemporary Ashkenazim Lines.
Green = Contemporary Urygur lines.
Matches = Exact Matches.X = Not an Exact Match.
(However, it is still considered to be a match if it is within 1 or 2 mutation deviations, because the comparison groups are around 2,000 to 2,200 years old.)Initial Conclusion: The above M378 Ashkenazi and Uyghur lines are the direct progeny of the elite Hun/Xiongnu line(s). Arabian sample represents separate lineage, probably predating Xiongnu.The ancient elite ethnic Hun remains were from a 2,000 year old cemetery in Mongolia (Egyin Gol), and from a cemetery in Heigouliang, Xinjiang (referred to as the summer palace of the Xiongnu king). The latter samples date from the 2nd-1stcentury BC.Note: The above surnames (lines) were taken from samples of lines.Note: Urygur (Faux) is treated as a 6th sample; however, it is a modal representative sample.Note: Elite Hun/Xiongnu markers are referred to as: EliteH from Egyin Gol and HG5, HG6, HG7, and HG8 from Barkol-Heigouliang. Note: Q1b has been discovered throughout Mongolia and Japan, but those Y-STR haplotypes will be added when they become available.
Note: M378 lines can also include one of the M378 subclades, such as L245 or Y2200.Note: The greatest variation is in the 447 markers.
1) Culture Mounds in Scandinavia. David Faux. 2007.
2) Y Chromosome Genetic Diveristy of the Ancient Northern Chinese Populations. 2012.
3) Y Chromosomes of Ancient Hunnu People and its Implication on the Phylogeny of East Asian Linguistic Families.
The Uyghurs are a Eurasian (mixed ancestry) population with Eastern and Western Eurasian anthropometric and genetic traits. Uyghurs are thus one of the many populations of Central Eurasia that can be considered to be genetically related to European and East Asian populations. However, various scientific studies differ on the size of each component.[89] One study, using samples from Hetian (Hotan) only, found that Uyghurs have 60% European ancestry and 40% East Asian ancestry.[90] A further study showed slightly greater European component (52% European) in the Uyghur population in southern Xinjiang, but slightly greater East Asian component (47% European) in the northern Uyghur population.[91] Another study used a larger sample of individuals from a wider area, and found only about 30% European component to the admixture.[92] A study on mitochondrial DNA (therefore the matrilineal genetic contribution) found the frequency of western Eurasian-specific haplogroup in Uyghurs to be 42.6%.[93]
The admixture may be the result of a continuous gene flow from populations of European and Asian descent, or may have been formed by a single event of admixture during a short period of time (the hybrid isolation model). If a hybrid isolation model is assumed, it can be estimated that the hypothetical admixture event occurred about 126 generations ago, or 2,520 years ago assuming 20 years per generation.[
Purple = Ancient Hun/Xiongnu Markers.
Light Blue = Listed as Contemporary Ashkenazim Lines.
Green = Contemporary Urygur lines.
Matches = Exact Matches.X = Not an Exact Match.
(However, it is still considered to be a match if it is within 1 or 2 mutation deviations, because the comparison groups are around 2,000 to 2,200 years old.)Initial Conclusion: The above M378 Ashkenazi and Uyghur lines are the direct progeny of the elite Hun/Xiongnu line(s). Arabian sample represents separate lineage, probably predating Xiongnu.The ancient elite ethnic Hun remains were from a 2,000 year old cemetery in Mongolia (Egyin Gol), and from a cemetery in Heigouliang, Xinjiang (referred to as the summer palace of the Xiongnu king). The latter samples date from the 2nd-1stcentury BC.Note: The above surnames (lines) were taken from samples of lines.Note: Urygur (Faux) is treated as a 6th sample; however, it is a modal representative sample.Note: Elite Hun/Xiongnu markers are referred to as: EliteH from Egyin Gol and HG5, HG6, HG7, and HG8 from Barkol-Heigouliang. Note: Q1b has been discovered throughout Mongolia and Japan, but those Y-STR haplotypes will be added when they become available.
Note: M378 lines can also include one of the M378 subclades, such as L245 or Y2200.Note: The greatest variation is in the 447 markers.
1) Culture Mounds in Scandinavia. David Faux. 2007.
2) Y Chromosome Genetic Diveristy of the Ancient Northern Chinese Populations. 2012.
3) Y Chromosomes of Ancient Hunnu People and its Implication on the Phylogeny of East Asian Linguistic Families.
The Uyghurs are a Eurasian (mixed ancestry) population with Eastern and Western Eurasian anthropometric and genetic traits. Uyghurs are thus one of the many populations of Central Eurasia that can be considered to be genetically related to European and East Asian populations. However, various scientific studies differ on the size of each component.[89] One study, using samples from Hetian (Hotan) only, found that Uyghurs have 60% European ancestry and 40% East Asian ancestry.[90] A further study showed slightly greater European component (52% European) in the Uyghur population in southern Xinjiang, but slightly greater East Asian component (47% European) in the northern Uyghur population.[91] Another study used a larger sample of individuals from a wider area, and found only about 30% European component to the admixture.[92] A study on mitochondrial DNA (therefore the matrilineal genetic contribution) found the frequency of western Eurasian-specific haplogroup in Uyghurs to be 42.6%.[93]
The admixture may be the result of a continuous gene flow from populations of European and Asian descent, or may have been formed by a single event of admixture during a short period of time (the hybrid isolation model). If a hybrid isolation model is assumed, it can be estimated that the hypothetical admixture event occurred about 126 generations ago, or 2,520 years ago assuming 20 years per generation.[
"Uigur Y-DNA is a real biological link into the world of Huns. Because Y-chromosome is passed from father to son without modifications, we are able to pinpoint the origin of a chromosome down to a single individual, and because Uigurs were a maternal dynastic tribe of the Huns, the Uigur women were delivering boys carrying Y-chromosome of their royal Hun father into posterity.
With the relocation of the Eastern Huns to the west in the period from the 1st c. BC to the 4th c. AD, along with their Uigur counterparts, many of those Y-chromosome flowed through the Middle Asia into the Eastern Europe. Uigurs also lived in the Middle Asia and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Age, brought over by the activities of the First Türkic Kaganate, and once again in the Middle Age, brought over with the Mongol invasion. The knowledge of the Eastern Turkestan Uigur Y-DNA, and their traces in Western Asia and Europe will be a powerful tool in restoring the ancient events, and hopefully we will read about them. For the history of Türkic people, there is not much deeper then the Huns at the dawn of the historical period."
Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in Chinese Uigur ethnic group,
Bo Feng Zhu, Zhen Yuan Wang, Chun Hua Yang, Xiao Song Li, Jun Zhu, Guang Yang, Ping Huang, Yao Liu
Int J Legal Med, Volume 119, issue 5, September 2005, p. 306 - 309, DOI10.1007/s00414-005-0549-5
Khazars has been identified by Chinese medieval historians as Tiele-Uygur tribe Ko-Sa/Gesa/He-sa/Qasar around the Caspian Sea. When Q-M378 has been found among Hazara people in Pakistan and Afghanistan great effort has been invested in refusal of claim that both Khazars and Hazara are of the same origin or the same people.
It turns to be that there is at least 4 Hazara tribes of the Tiele-Uyghur origin:
Telew of Tiele
Uigur of Uyghur
Jaghori of Uyghur
Ongut of Ongud (Uyghur)
"Uigur Y-DNA is a real biological link into the world of Huns. Because Y-chromosome is passed from father to son without modifications, we are able to pinpoint the origin of a chromosome down to a single individual, and because Uigurs were a maternal dynastic tribe of the Huns, the Uigur women were delivering boys carrying Y-chromosome of their royal Hun father into posterity.
With the relocation of the Eastern Huns to the west in the period from the 1st c. BC to the 4th c. AD, along with their Uigur counterparts, many of those Y-chromosome flowed through the Middle Asia into the Eastern Europe. Uigurs also lived in the Middle Asia and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Age, brought over by the activities of the First Türkic Kaganate, and once again in the Middle Age, brought over with the Mongol invasion. The knowledge of the Eastern Turkestan Uigur Y-DNA, and their traces in Western Asia and Europe will be a powerful tool in restoring the ancient events, and hopefully we will read about them. For the history of Türkic people, there is not much deeper then the Huns at the dawn of the historical period."
Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in Chinese Uigur ethnic group,
Bo Feng Zhu, Zhen Yuan Wang, Chun Hua Yang, Xiao Song Li, Jun Zhu, Guang Yang, Ping Huang, Yao Liu
Int J Legal Med, Volume 119, issue 5, September 2005, p. 306 - 309, DOI10.1007/s00414-005-0549-5
Khazars has been identified by Chinese medieval historians as Tiele-Uygur tribe Ko-Sa/Gesa/He-sa/Qasar around the Caspian Sea. When Q-M378 has been found among Hazara people in Pakistan and Afghanistan great effort has been invested in refusal of claim that both Khazars and Hazara are of the same origin or the same people.
It turns to be that there is at least 4 Hazara tribes of the Tiele-Uyghur origin:
Telew of Tiele
Uigur of Uyghur
Jaghori of Uyghur
Ongut of Ongud (Uyghur)
On my great surprise, genome wide analyse (FTDNA autosomal DNA test) showed that I do not have Ashkenazi autosomal DNA at all.... Instead of that I have 12.85% or 15.00% or 21% or 23% (different results from different project; FTDNA, Diekenes Dodecad V2.1,Eurogenes, Harappa etc..) I have the Baylim DNA...
It means from Babylonian (Iraq) Jews, oldest Jewish group since 722 B.C.E.(One of the longest surviving Jewish communities still lives in Iraq. In 722 B.C.E., the northern tribes of Israel were defeated by Assyria and some Jews were taken to what is now known as Iraq. A larger community was established in 586 B.C.E., when the Babylonians conquered the southern tribes of Israel and enslaved the Jews. These Jews distinguished themselves from Sephardim, referring to themselves as Baylim (Babylonions). In later centuries, the region became more hospitable to Jews and it became the home to some of the world's most prominent scholars who produced the Babylonian Talmud between 500 and 700 C.E.), genetically in the same cluster with Persian Jews (The Jewish community of Persia, modern-day Iran, is one of the oldest in the Diaspora, and its historical roots reach back to the 6th century B.C.E., the time of the First Temple. Their history in the pre-Islamic period is intertwined with that of the Jews of neighboring Babylon. Cyrus, the first of the Archemid dynasty, conquered Babylon in 539 B.C.E. and permitted the Jewish exiles to return to the Land of Israel, bringing the First Exile to an end. The Jewish colonies were scattered from centers in Babylon to Persian provinces and cities such as Hamadan and Susa. The books of Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel give a favorable description of the relationship of the Jews to the court of the Achaemids at Susa.), Druze (also spelled Druse, Arabic plural Durūz, singular Darazi, elatively small Middle Eastern religious sect characterized by an eclectic system of doctrines and by a cohesion and loyalty among its members (at times politically significant) that have enabled them to maintain through almost a thousand years of turbulent history their close-knit identity and distinctive faith. They numbered more than 250,000 in the late 20th century and lived mostly in Lebanon, with smaller communities in Israel and Syria. They call themselves muwaḥḥidūn (“monotheists”).The Druze permit no conversion, either away from or to their religion, and no intermarriage. In these circumstances the survival of their religion and community across almost a millennium is the more remarkable in that their religious system is kept secret not only from the outside world but in part even from their own number; only an elite of initiates, known as ʿuqqāl (“knowers”), participate fully in their religious services and have access to the secret teachings of the ḥikmah, the Druze religious doctrine. In times of persecution, a Druze is allowed to deny his faith outwardly if his life is in danger. This concession, or taqīyah, is allowed according to at-Taʿlīm (“Instruction”), the anonymously written “catechism” of Druze faith.It is not known to what extent this people was self-conscious and distinct before adopting their present religion. Druze religious beliefs developed out of Ismaʿīlite teachings. Various Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, Neoplatonic, and Iranian elements, however, are combined under a doctrine of strict monotheism.),and some Palestinians, Bedouin,Bedouin South, Adygei.
When we put my known lineages (German, Polish, Croatian-Hungarian) into computer , then the best fit is Iraq Jews.
And there are further interesting moments....
Sharon Begley. "The DNA of Abraham's Children." Newsweek Web Exclusive (June 3, 2010). Excerpt;
"Historical records suggest that Iranian and Iraqi Jews date from communities that formed in Persia and Babylon, respectively, in the fourth to sixth centuries B.C.E., and the DNA confirms that. The genetic signatures of these groups show that they remained relatively isolated--inbred--for some 3,000 years. The DNA also reveals that these Middle Eastern Jews diverged from the ancestors of today's European Jews about 100 to 150 generations ago, or sometime during the first millennium B.C.E."
Andrea Anderson. "Study Points to Shared Genetic Patterns amongst Jewish Populations." GenomeWeb News (June 3, 2010). Excerpt;
"Instead, Ashkenazi Jews seem to be more genetically similar to non-Jewish populations in Northern Italy, France, and Sardinia. Meanwhile, Jewish populations in Iran and Iraq tended to cluster closer to non-Jewish Palestinian, Druze, and Bedouin populations than to Europeans. ..."
"The Khazars enjoyed close relations with the Jews of the Levant and Persia. The Persian Jews, for example, hoped that the Khazars might succeed in conquering the Caliphate.[35] The high esteem in which the Khazars were held among the Jews of the Orient may be seen in the application to them, in an Arabic commentary on Isaiah ascribed by some to Saadia Gaon, and by others to Benjamin Nahawandi, of Isaiah 48:14: "The Lord hath loved him." "This", says the commentary, "refers to the Khazars, who will go and destroy Babel" (i.e., Babylonia), a name used to designate the country of the Arabs.[36] From the Khazar Correspondence it is apparent that two Spanish Jews, Judah ben Meir ben Nathan and Joseph Gagris, had succeeded in settling in the land of the Khazars.
Saadia, who had a fair knowledge of the kingdom of the Khazars, mentions a certain Isaac ben Abraham who had removed from Sura to Khazaria.[37]"
by Nathan Ausubel,Crown Publishers, Inc.New York, NY, 1953.;
"The Khazars, during the Byzantine era, were an aggregation of warlike tribes who, it is conjectured, must have sprung from Hun or Turkish stock... With dramatic suddenness the Khazars entered the orbit of Jewish life. One of their khagans (kings), called Bulan, was converted to Judaism about theyear 740 C.E. and with him went the Khazar tribes. There was a tradition, believed by the Khazars themselves,that Bulan decided to become a Jew after he had listened to a disputation participated in by an Arab mullah,a Christian priest, and a rabbi on the relative merits of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.A later khagan, Obadiah,who wanted to establish the Jewish faith on firmer doctrinal foundation, imported rabbis and Talmudic scholars from either Babylonia or the Crimea. These founded synagogues and religious schools where they taught the Torahto the Khazar people. "
My maternal grandfather Ivica Benchich was from Slavonia region in Croatia (bordering Hungary) ...
Paper about Hungarian genetic (take note on ORSEG) attached.
This is online version;
The most original Hungarian group ORSEG lives on Croatian-Slovenian border!
Khazar history in Hungary;
Now, all of the above taken in account together with my Altaic Hunnic Ashina Y-DNA ,with Szlachta Polish Blood...looks pretty much interesting.
Attached is also Eurogenes Genetic Chart (I am HR1). Obviously the most closest Turkic group is Chuvash, the only Khazar Oghuric Turkic Language speaking nation in world today.Mordvinians and Adygei are also interesting.
The DNA data of the cousin family of the Sanada Tarnawa-de Vere family, the Tarnawa-Krupa de Vere of HI&RH Prince Alfred Krupa Y-(male) haplogroup and in particular the subclade within it, indicates a Central Asian origin in the area of the Hindu Kush-Altay Mountain range, and today this haplogroup appears only in the south of Central Asia/North India, with some appearing in South Siberia/West China, as well as in Eastern Europe in very low percentages (below 0.061%). The genetic genealogy data strongly indicate an ancient Turk/Hun origin and as such, represents a very rare genetic trail/signature that is certified by the genetic-genealogy community as the Imperial and Royal Ashina (Grey She-Wolf) Dynasty of Khazaria and the CelestialTurk Empire. This family DNA data also shows the descent from the original Levites – the so-called "Babylonian Levites" through frequent intermarriages with the Khazar royals. The Sanada Tarnawa-de Vere von Drakenberg and Tarnawa-Krupa de Vere von Drakenberg families, now amalgated, are descended from the same Ha’Melech dynasty. --NDV
About us This project has been founded in 2007 as The Royal Ashina of Khazaria DNA project.
It was the very first DNA project with an aim to properly attribute origin of haplogroup Q-M242 among Ashkenazi. This name was coin to describe hetereogenous judaised rulling class of the Khazarian Empire.
Since that time number of important papers/articles in various scientific fields has been published.
The following has been revealed :
- haplogroup Q-M242 among contemporary Ashkenazi actually is subclade Q-M378 (sometimes called Q1b, Q1b1 etc.) and its further subclades Q-L245 and Q-Y2200 (exclusively Jewish)
- TMRCA (time of most recent common ancestor) of haplogroup Q-Y2200 is 1600 YBP, therefore it is not Isrealite genetic marker/haplogroup
- it is restricted to only few % of the Ashkenazi genetic pool
- the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been located in the tomb of the Yeniseian language speaking Xiongnu/Hunnu aristocracy at the Heigouliang cemetery (Xiongnu king summer camp)- the Black Gouliang barrow to the east of the Barkol Basin at the ruins of Hami (Kumul) in North Xinjiang (at the Mongolian border) from 2nd-1st century BCE
- the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been detected among contemporary Uyghurs of Xinjiang (2010, 2014)
- availalble Uyghur Q-M378 haplotypes shows striking similarity to those of Ashkenazi Q-M378 suggesting that at least part of Uyghur Q-M378 actually are L245
- haplogroup Q-M378 has been also located throughout Mongolia and in Japan
We understand these findings through lenses of the medieval Chinese sources and sciences of 21st century.
Main facts are:
- Medieval Chinese sources located and equated Tiele (direct progeny of the Xiongnu/Hunnu/Huns according to the same sources) tribe Kosa (Gejie, Gesa etc.) with the Khazar clan/tribe/surname located around Caspian Sea and with Qasar clan/tribe/surname of legendary Orkhon Uyghur Nobility „Nine Tiele Clans/Names/Tribes„(Toquz Oghuz, Jiu Xing) founders and later rulers of the Uyghur Empire
- the same sources links exclusively both Uyghurs and Ashina to Tiele, not all Turkic speaking peoples
- Turks had become a strong power after absorbing about 50,000 households of the Tiele Tribes (which included the later so-called 'Nine Family Names')
- sometime during early 7th century branch of the Khazar/Qasar clan together with branch of Ashina clan migrated to Eastern Europe and formed independent Khazar Empire
- remaining part of the Khazar/Qasar Clan as part of Toquz Oghuz alliance destroyed Eastern Gok Turk Empire and formed independent Uyghur Empire
- after fall of the Yaglakar Royal Dynasty in early 9th century, it has been replaced with the Qasar/Khazar/Ko-Sa Royal Dynasty to rule with the Uyghur Empire
- the European branch of the Khazar/Qasar Royal Clan accepted Judaism sometime in 8th or 9th century
- While the plundering of the Roman areas is variously attested (for sources, see Maenchen-Helfen, pp. 38-42), only Priscus (frag. 11) and the Liber Calipharum (Chronicon miscellaneum 3.4; tr., pp. 106-7) report the invasion of the Persian empire. Under the leadership of Basikh and Koursikh, a detachment of Huns rode down the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris to Ctesiphon. This invasion (395-396/8) included Armenia, Syria, Palestine and Northern Mesopotamia.
Therefore that can be one of the likely source events for Q-L245 in the region.
We believe that evidences strongly suggest conclusion/possibility that minor part of contemporary Ashkenazi people, those with Y-DNA mutations Q-M378,Q-L245, Q-Y2200 (and its various further subclades) are direct progeny of the Xiongnu supreme rulling class through Qasar/Khazar/Kosa historical episode.
We also believe that this genetic pool is not consisted only of Q-M378 and its subclades, but of other haplogroups as well. This project is open to all and everyone. And it will change/evolve as our knowledge expands.
Refererences: (enter name: Uygur)
Li Hongjie, Y chromosome genetic diversity of ancient population in the Northern China, Jilin
University, 2012.
Zhong et al., Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern
humans into East Asia via the northern route // Molecular Biology and Evolution, First published
online: September 13, 2010, doi: 10.1093/molbev/msq247
Wenjuan Shan et al. (2014) Genetic polymorphism of 17 Y chromosomal STRs in Kazakh and
Uighur populations from Xinjiang, China
Y-chromosome lineage in five regional Mongolian populations, Toshimichi Yamamoto, Tomoki sending, Daiki Horiba, Masayoshi Sakuma, Yuuka Kawaguchi, Yuuichi Kano Department of Legal Medicine and Bioethics, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan, 2013
Y chromosomes of ancient Hunnu people and its implication on the phylogeny of East Asian linguistic families. LL. Kang et al., 2013
Knowing the Xiongnu Culture in Eastern Tianshan Mountain from Tomb Heigouliang and Dongheigou Site at the Beginning of Xihan Dynasty, RenMeng, WangJianXin, 2008
Some Chinese Sources on the Khazars and Khwarazm, Lin Ying 2004-08-02 19:02:24 阅读 2714 次作者提供,原刊ARCHIVUM EURASIAE MEDII AEVI, 11 (2000-2001), Wiesbaden:Harrassowitz Verlag, 339-364
The Research on the Identification Between Tiele and the Oghuric Tribes, Fangyi Cheng
Qasar-Qurug: Western Headquarters of the Uighur Khagans and the Problem of Por-Bazhyn Identification, S.G. Klyashtornyi, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dvortsovaya Nab. 18, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia
The Problems Of Uighur (Uygur) Kagan Family //// Uygur Kag an Ailesinin Problemleri, Saadettin Gomec, Hamiyet Sezer
About us This project has been founded in 2007 as The Royal Ashina of Khazaria DNA project. It was the very first DNA project with aim to properly attribute origin of haplogroup Q-M242 among Ashkenazi. This name was coin to describe hetereogenous judaised rulling class of the Khazarian Empire. Since that time number of important papers/articles in various scientific fields has been published. The following has been revealed : - haplogroup Q-M242 among contemporary Ashkenazi actually is subclade Q-M378 (sometimes called Q1b, Q1b1 etc.) and its further subclades Q-L245 and Q-Y2200 (exclusively Jewish) - TMRCA (time of most recent common ancestor) of haplogroup Q-Y2200 is 1600 YBP, therefore it is not Isrealite genetic marker/haplogroup - it is restricted to only few % of the Ashkenazi genetic pool - the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been located in the tomb of the Yeniseian language speaking Xiongnu/Hunnu aristocracy at the Heigouliang cemetery (Xiongnu king summer camp)- the Black Gouliang barrow to the east of the Barkol Basin at the ruins of Hami (Kumul) in North Xinjiang (at the Mongolian border) from 2nd-1st century BCE - the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been detected among contemporary Uyghurs of Xinjiang (2010, 2014) - availalble Uyghur Q-M378 haplotypes shows striking similarity to those of Ashkenazi Q-M378 suggesting that at least part of Uyghur Q-M378 actually are L245 - haplogroup Q-M378 has been also located throughout Mongolia and in Japan We understand these findings through lenses of the medieval Chinese sources and sciences of 21st century. Main facts are: - Medieval Chinese sources located and equated Tiele (direct progeny of the Xiongnu/Hunnu/Huns according to the same sources) tribe Kosa (Gejie, Gesa etc.) with the Khazar clan/tribe/surname located around Caspian Sea and with Qasar clan/tribe/surname of legendary Orkhon Uyghur Nobility „Nine Tiele Clans/Names/Tribes„(Toquz Oghuz, Jiu Xing) founders and later rulers of the Uyghur Empire - the same sources links exclusively both Uyghurs and Ashina to Tiele, not all Turkic speaking peoples - Turks had become a strong power after absorbing about 50,000 households of the Tiele Tribes (which included the later so-called 'Nine Family Names') - sometime during early 7th century branch of the Khazar/Qasar clan together with branch of Ashina clan migrated to Eastern Europe and formed independent Khazar Empire - remaining part of the Khazar/Qasar Clan as part of Toquz Oghuz alliance destroyed Eastern Gok Turk Empire and formed independent Uyghur Empire - after fall of the Yaglakar Royal Dynasty in early 9th century, it has been replaced with Qasar/Khazar Royal Dynasty to rule with the Uyghur Empire - the European branch of the Khazar/Qasar Royal Clan accepted Judaism sometime in 8th or 9th century - While the plundering of the Roman areas is variously attested (for sources, see Maenchen-Helfen, pp. 38-42), only Priscus (frag. 11) and the Liber Calipharum (Chronicon miscellaneum 3.4; tr., pp. 106-7) report the invasion of the Persian empire. Under the leadership of Basikh and Koursikh, a detachment of Huns rode down the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris to Ctesiphon. This invasion (395-396/8) included Armenia, Syria, Palestine and Northern Mesopotamia. Therefore that can be one of the likely source events for Q-L245 in the region. We believe that evidences strongly suggest conclusion that minor part of contemporary Ashkenazi people, those with Y-DNA mutations Q-M378,Q-L245, Q-Y2200 (and its various further subclades) are direct progeny of the Xiongnu supreme rulling class through Qasar/Khazar historical episode. We also believe that this genetic pool is not consisted only of Q-M378 and its subclades, but of other haplogroups as well. This project is open to all and everyone. And it will change/evolve as our knowledge expands.
Refererences: (enter name: Uygur) Li Hongjie, Y chromosome genetic diversity of ancient population in the Northern China, Jilin University, 2012. Zhong et al., Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route // Molecular Biology and Evolution, First published online: September 13, 2010, doi: 10.1093/molbev/msq247 Wenjuan Shan et al. (2014) Genetic polymorphism of 17 Y chromosomal STRs in Kazakh and Uighur populations from Xinjiang, China Y-chromosome lineage in five regional Mongolian populations, Toshimichi Yamamoto, Tomoki sending, Daiki Horiba, Masayoshi Sakuma, Yuuka Kawaguchi, Yuuichi Kano Department of Legal Medicine and Bioethics, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan, 2013 Y chromosomes of ancient Hunnu people and its implication on the phylogeny of East Asian linguistic families. LL. Kang et al., 2013 Knowing the Xiongnu Culture in Eastern Tianshan Mountain from Tomb Heigouliang and Dongheigou Site at the Beginning of Xihan Dynasty, RenMeng, WangJianXin, 2008 Some Chinese Sources on the Khazars and Khwarazm, Lin Ying 2004-08-02 19:02:24 阅读 2714 次作者提供,原刊ARCHIVUM EURASIAE MEDII AEVI, 11 (2000-2001), Wiesbaden:Harrassowitz Verlag, 339-364 The Research on the Identification Between Tiele and the Oghuric Tribes, Fangyi Cheng Qasar-Qurug: Western Headquarters of the Uighur Khagans and the Problem of Por-Bazhyn Identification, S.G. Klyashtornyi, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dvortsovaya Nab. 18, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia The Problems Of Uighur (Uygur) Kagan Family //// Uygur Kag an Ailesinin Problemleri, Saadettin Gomec, Hamiyet Sezer
It was the very first DNA project with an aim to properly attribute origin of haplogroup Q-M242 among Ashkenazi. This name was coin to describe hetereogenous judaised rulling class of the Khazarian Empire.
Since that time number of important papers/articles in various scientific fields has been published.
The following has been revealed :
- haplogroup Q-M242 among contemporary Ashkenazi actually is subclade Q-M378 (sometimes called Q1b, Q1b1 etc.) and its further subclades Q-L245 and Q-Y2200 (exclusively Jewish)
- TMRCA (time of most recent common ancestor) of haplogroup Q-Y2200 is 1600 YBP, therefore it is not Isrealite genetic marker/haplogroup
- it is restricted to only few % of the Ashkenazi genetic pool
- the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been located in the tomb of the Yeniseian language speaking Xiongnu/Hunnu aristocracy at the Heigouliang cemetery (Xiongnu king summer camp)- the Black Gouliang barrow to the east of the Barkol Basin at the ruins of Hami (Kumul) in North Xinjiang (at the Mongolian border) from 2nd-1st century BCE
- the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been detected among contemporary Uyghurs of Xinjiang (2010, 2014)
- availalble Uyghur Q-M378 haplotypes shows striking similarity to those of Ashkenazi Q-M378 suggesting that at least part of Uyghur Q-M378 actually are L245
- haplogroup Q-M378 has been also located throughout Mongolia and in Japan
We understand these findings through lenses of the medieval Chinese sources and sciences of 21st century.
Main facts are:
- Medieval Chinese sources located and equated Tiele (direct progeny of the Xiongnu/Hunnu/Huns according to the same sources) tribe Kosa (Gejie, Gesa etc.) with the Khazar clan/tribe/surname located around Caspian Sea and with Qasar clan/tribe/surname of legendary Orkhon Uyghur Nobility „Nine Tiele Clans/Names/Tribes„(Toquz Oghuz, Jiu Xing) founders and later rulers of the Uyghur Empire
- the same sources links exclusively both Uyghurs and Ashina to Tiele, not all Turkic speaking peoples
- Turks had become a strong power after absorbing about 50,000 households of the Tiele Tribes (which included the later so-called 'Nine Family Names')
- sometime during early 7th century branch of the Khazar/Qasar clan together with branch of Ashina clan migrated to Eastern Europe and formed independent Khazar Empire
- remaining part of the Khazar/Qasar Clan as part of Toquz Oghuz alliance destroyed Eastern Gok Turk Empire and formed independent Uyghur Empire
- after fall of the Yaglakar Royal Dynasty in early 9th century, it has been replaced with the Qasar/Khazar/Ko-Sa Royal Dynasty to rule with the Uyghur Empire
- the European branch of the Khazar/Qasar Royal Clan accepted Judaism sometime in 8th or 9th century
- While the plundering of the Roman areas is variously attested (for sources, see Maenchen-Helfen, pp. 38-42), only Priscus (frag. 11) and the Liber Calipharum (Chronicon miscellaneum 3.4; tr., pp. 106-7) report the invasion of the Persian empire. Under the leadership of Basikh and Koursikh, a detachment of Huns rode down the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris to Ctesiphon. This invasion (395-396/8) included Armenia, Syria, Palestine and Northern Mesopotamia.
Therefore that can be one of the likely source events for Q-L245 in the region.
We believe that evidences strongly suggest conclusion/possibility that minor part of contemporary Ashkenazi people, those with Y-DNA mutations Q-M378,Q-L245, Q-Y2200 (and its various further subclades) are direct progeny of the Xiongnu supreme rulling class through Qasar/Khazar/Kosa historical episode.
We also believe that this genetic pool is not consisted only of Q-M378 and its subclades, but of other haplogroups as well. This project is open to all and everyone. And it will change/evolve as our knowledge expands.
Refererences: (enter name: Uygur)
Li Hongjie, Y chromosome genetic diversity of ancient population in the Northern China, Jilin
University, 2012.
Zhong et al., Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern
humans into East Asia via the northern route // Molecular Biology and Evolution, First published
online: September 13, 2010, doi: 10.1093/molbev/msq247
Wenjuan Shan et al. (2014) Genetic polymorphism of 17 Y chromosomal STRs in Kazakh and
Uighur populations from Xinjiang, China
Y-chromosome lineage in five regional Mongolian populations, Toshimichi Yamamoto, Tomoki sending, Daiki Horiba, Masayoshi Sakuma, Yuuka Kawaguchi, Yuuichi Kano Department of Legal Medicine and Bioethics, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan, 2013
Y chromosomes of ancient Hunnu people and its implication on the phylogeny of East Asian linguistic families. LL. Kang et al., 2013
Knowing the Xiongnu Culture in Eastern Tianshan Mountain from Tomb Heigouliang and Dongheigou Site at the Beginning of Xihan Dynasty, RenMeng, WangJianXin, 2008
Some Chinese Sources on the Khazars and Khwarazm, Lin Ying 2004-08-02 19:02:24 阅读 2714 次作者提供,原刊ARCHIVUM EURASIAE MEDII AEVI, 11 (2000-2001), Wiesbaden:Harrassowitz Verlag, 339-364
The Research on the Identification Between Tiele and the Oghuric Tribes, Fangyi Cheng
Qasar-Qurug: Western Headquarters of the Uighur Khagans and the Problem of Por-Bazhyn Identification, S.G. Klyashtornyi, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dvortsovaya Nab. 18, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia
The Problems Of Uighur (Uygur) Kagan Family //// Uygur Kag an Ailesinin Problemleri, Saadettin Gomec, Hamiyet Sezer
About us This project has been founded in 2007 as The Royal Ashina of Khazaria DNA project. It was the very first DNA project with aim to properly attribute origin of haplogroup Q-M242 among Ashkenazi. This name was coin to describe hetereogenous judaised rulling class of the Khazarian Empire. Since that time number of important papers/articles in various scientific fields has been published. The following has been revealed : - haplogroup Q-M242 among contemporary Ashkenazi actually is subclade Q-M378 (sometimes called Q1b, Q1b1 etc.) and its further subclades Q-L245 and Q-Y2200 (exclusively Jewish) - TMRCA (time of most recent common ancestor) of haplogroup Q-Y2200 is 1600 YBP, therefore it is not Isrealite genetic marker/haplogroup - it is restricted to only few % of the Ashkenazi genetic pool - the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been located in the tomb of the Yeniseian language speaking Xiongnu/Hunnu aristocracy at the Heigouliang cemetery (Xiongnu king summer camp)- the Black Gouliang barrow to the east of the Barkol Basin at the ruins of Hami (Kumul) in North Xinjiang (at the Mongolian border) from 2nd-1st century BCE - the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been detected among contemporary Uyghurs of Xinjiang (2010, 2014) - availalble Uyghur Q-M378 haplotypes shows striking similarity to those of Ashkenazi Q-M378 suggesting that at least part of Uyghur Q-M378 actually are L245 - haplogroup Q-M378 has been also located throughout Mongolia and in Japan We understand these findings through lenses of the medieval Chinese sources and sciences of 21st century. Main facts are: - Medieval Chinese sources located and equated Tiele (direct progeny of the Xiongnu/Hunnu/Huns according to the same sources) tribe Kosa (Gejie, Gesa etc.) with the Khazar clan/tribe/surname located around Caspian Sea and with Qasar clan/tribe/surname of legendary Orkhon Uyghur Nobility „Nine Tiele Clans/Names/Tribes„(Toquz Oghuz, Jiu Xing) founders and later rulers of the Uyghur Empire - the same sources links exclusively both Uyghurs and Ashina to Tiele, not all Turkic speaking peoples - Turks had become a strong power after absorbing about 50,000 households of the Tiele Tribes (which included the later so-called 'Nine Family Names') - sometime during early 7th century branch of the Khazar/Qasar clan together with branch of Ashina clan migrated to Eastern Europe and formed independent Khazar Empire - remaining part of the Khazar/Qasar Clan as part of Toquz Oghuz alliance destroyed Eastern Gok Turk Empire and formed independent Uyghur Empire - after fall of the Yaglakar Royal Dynasty in early 9th century, it has been replaced with Qasar/Khazar Royal Dynasty to rule with the Uyghur Empire - the European branch of the Khazar/Qasar Royal Clan accepted Judaism sometime in 8th or 9th century - While the plundering of the Roman areas is variously attested (for sources, see Maenchen-Helfen, pp. 38-42), only Priscus (frag. 11) and the Liber Calipharum (Chronicon miscellaneum 3.4; tr., pp. 106-7) report the invasion of the Persian empire. Under the leadership of Basikh and Koursikh, a detachment of Huns rode down the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris to Ctesiphon. This invasion (395-396/8) included Armenia, Syria, Palestine and Northern Mesopotamia. Therefore that can be one of the likely source events for Q-L245 in the region. We believe that evidences strongly suggest conclusion that minor part of contemporary Ashkenazi people, those with Y-DNA mutations Q-M378,Q-L245, Q-Y2200 (and its various further subclades) are direct progeny of the Xiongnu supreme rulling class through Qasar/Khazar historical episode. We also believe that this genetic pool is not consisted only of Q-M378 and its subclades, but of other haplogroups as well. This project is open to all and everyone. And it will change/evolve as our knowledge expands.
Refererences: (enter name: Uygur) Li Hongjie, Y chromosome genetic diversity of ancient population in the Northern China, Jilin University, 2012. Zhong et al., Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route // Molecular Biology and Evolution, First published online: September 13, 2010, doi: 10.1093/molbev/msq247 Wenjuan Shan et al. (2014) Genetic polymorphism of 17 Y chromosomal STRs in Kazakh and Uighur populations from Xinjiang, China Y-chromosome lineage in five regional Mongolian populations, Toshimichi Yamamoto, Tomoki sending, Daiki Horiba, Masayoshi Sakuma, Yuuka Kawaguchi, Yuuichi Kano Department of Legal Medicine and Bioethics, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan, 2013 Y chromosomes of ancient Hunnu people and its implication on the phylogeny of East Asian linguistic families. LL. Kang et al., 2013 Knowing the Xiongnu Culture in Eastern Tianshan Mountain from Tomb Heigouliang and Dongheigou Site at the Beginning of Xihan Dynasty, RenMeng, WangJianXin, 2008 Some Chinese Sources on the Khazars and Khwarazm, Lin Ying 2004-08-02 19:02:24 阅读 2714 次作者提供,原刊ARCHIVUM EURASIAE MEDII AEVI, 11 (2000-2001), Wiesbaden:Harrassowitz Verlag, 339-364 The Research on the Identification Between Tiele and the Oghuric Tribes, Fangyi Cheng Qasar-Qurug: Western Headquarters of the Uighur Khagans and the Problem of Por-Bazhyn Identification, S.G. Klyashtornyi, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dvortsovaya Nab. 18, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia The Problems Of Uighur (Uygur) Kagan Family //// Uygur Kag an Ailesinin Problemleri, Saadettin Gomec, Hamiyet Sezer
In 2008-2009, the Shaman/Qam Emelye Ulubayan of Ashkenazi family from Southern Russia claimed that the Spirits of Elders/Begs of Khazaria during number of her lucid dreamings , recognized the Krupa family as descent of Obadiah - Hebrew King of Khazars from Ashina Royal Clan, and that they called/named prof. Freddy Krupa de Tarnawa as "Prince (SHAD or BEG in Turkic) of Itil" and that the family is connected to Princess Chichak (Flower) /Tzitzak was daughter of Khazar Quaghan Bihar/, who married into the Byzantine Royal family and became the mother of Emperor Leo IV, the Khazar. By those claims she, not knowing that fact, re-confirmed visions of Zagreb clairvoyant "Iskra" who described , in 2000, the Krupa family as "line of power, from North, and Jews-forced converts on Christianity".
In 2009, the house has been recognised by the International Commission and Association on Nobility.
In 2010, the house has been recognized as "draconian" by Nicholas de Vere of international NGO "Imperial and Royal Dragon Court".
This ancient royal bloodline has been verified and certified (comparative method applied), in 2010, by iGENEA, of Zurich, which is the largest genetic genealogy organization of Europe, as "The Ashina of Khazaria".
Visit Official Krupa de Tarnawa site,
"Ashina Mysteries of the Lost Khazar Empire" here:
"Ashina Mysteries of the Lost Khazar Empire" here:
Ernst Fuchs
Medieval Kingdom of Khazaria, 652-1016
Over a thousand years ago, the far east of Europe was ruled by Jewish
kings who presided over numerous tribes, including their own tribe: the
Turkic Khazars. After their conversion, the Khazar people used Jewish
personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had
synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed
Hanukkah, Pesach, and the Sabbath. The Khazars were an advanced
civilization with one of the most tolerant societies of the medieval
period. It hosted merchants from all over Asia and Europe.
Authentic/historical golden Ashina Banner Head!! — at Kazakhstan.
Central Asia has always
been a strategic crossroads, where the silk route connected China to the
west, the lazurite route connected the mine-rich area of northeastern
Afghanistan to the Middle East, and the nephrite (jade) route ran
between China and eastern Turkestan. The
"Anunnaki gene" has made a remarkable migratory journey throughout the
greater Silk Road area, carried by the hereditary descent of the royal
Dragon Lineage.
A study published in 2004 by Stephen L. Zegura states that, "The mutational age of Q-P36*, the marker defining the entire Q lineage, is 17,700 ± 4,820 years BP". Its original source is the region of the Altay Mountains near the borders of Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China (Zegura 2004, pp. 164-175). Q1b (M378) is found in only 5% of Ashkenazi Jews and at low frequency among samples of Hazara, Sindhis.
The Tarnawa Dynasty is rooted in the Ashina Line of Turkick rulers. Ashina, depicted as a she-wolf which is equated with the Dragon, is from the nomads of the Steppes, the Xiongnu. One legend of the origin of the Türks relates how a boy is nurtured back to health by a she-wolf, who later becomes pregnant by him and gives birth in a cavern to ten boys who take the name Ashina and “in front of the gate to the camp the Türks placed a standard with a wolf’s head on it, so as to show that they had not forgotten their origins” . (Sinor, “Legendary Origin,” 224-25, see also 233-35 and Golden, “Imperial,” 42-43)
The Wolf symbolizes honour and is also considered the father of most Turkic peoples. Asena (Ashina Tuwu) is the wolf mother of Tumen Il-Qağan, the first Khan of the Göktürks. The Horse is also one of the main figures of Turkic mythology. Türks consider the horse an extension of the human, one creature. The Dragon, also expressed as a Snake or Lizard, is the symbol of might and power. It is believed, especially in mountainous Central Asia, that dragons still live in the mountains of Tian-Shan (Tangri Tagh) and Altay. Dragons also symbolize the god Tengri (Tanrı) in ancient Turkic tradition, although dragons themselves aren't worshipped as gods.
A study published in 2004 by Stephen L. Zegura states that, "The mutational age of Q-P36*, the marker defining the entire Q lineage, is 17,700 ± 4,820 years BP". Its original source is the region of the Altay Mountains near the borders of Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China (Zegura 2004, pp. 164-175). Q1b (M378) is found in only 5% of Ashkenazi Jews and at low frequency among samples of Hazara, Sindhis.
The Tarnawa Dynasty is rooted in the Ashina Line of Turkick rulers. Ashina, depicted as a she-wolf which is equated with the Dragon, is from the nomads of the Steppes, the Xiongnu. One legend of the origin of the Türks relates how a boy is nurtured back to health by a she-wolf, who later becomes pregnant by him and gives birth in a cavern to ten boys who take the name Ashina and “in front of the gate to the camp the Türks placed a standard with a wolf’s head on it, so as to show that they had not forgotten their origins” . (Sinor, “Legendary Origin,” 224-25, see also 233-35 and Golden, “Imperial,” 42-43)
The Wolf symbolizes honour and is also considered the father of most Turkic peoples. Asena (Ashina Tuwu) is the wolf mother of Tumen Il-Qağan, the first Khan of the Göktürks. The Horse is also one of the main figures of Turkic mythology. Türks consider the horse an extension of the human, one creature. The Dragon, also expressed as a Snake or Lizard, is the symbol of might and power. It is believed, especially in mountainous Central Asia, that dragons still live in the mountains of Tian-Shan (Tangri Tagh) and Altay. Dragons also symbolize the god Tengri (Tanrı) in ancient Turkic tradition, although dragons themselves aren't worshipped as gods.
Alfred Freddy Krupa de Tarnawa
"I can foresee that reconstituted Ashina Clan as
spiritual non-religious pre-abrahamic faiths royal dynasty will become
important unifying element for some new, expanded global pan-turkic
movement, above any sort of politics existing today. In the future, the only surviving house will be those
houses of universal, spiritual and non-corporeal qualities. And Ashina
is one of them." - Alfred Krupa
Biography by years
1971- June, 14, born in Karlovac. The son of Mladen Krupa and Đurđica Krupa, maiden name Benčić. Born into the family of the famous and respected Yugoslav artist Alfred Krupa, Senior. Lives in a big family along with his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
1973 - Alfred's great-grandfather, Stjepan Ožbolt dies
1978 – Alfred’s sister Margareta is born
1980 – Alfred’s sister Magdalena is born
1983 – Alfred’s brother Mladen is born
1984 - Marija Ožbolt, maiden Wolf, his great-grandmother with whom he lived his whole life dies. Marija Ožbolt was a renowned member of Croatian AFŽ (Women's Antifascist Front of Croatia) and the wife of Stjepan Ožbolt, highly decorated Second World War fighter who was a comrade and assistant of Vjećeslav Holjevac (known, among other things, for being one of the first who entered the liberated Karlovac, where he restarted the post office and remained its manager until his leaving for Križevci) .
1985 - Finishes “Ivo Lola Ribar” elementary school (today’s “Braća Seljan” elementary school) in Karlovac. Enrolls into Veterinarian Secondary School at Agricultural Educational Center in Zagrebačka Dubrava.
1989 - Alfred Krupa, his grandfather, teaches him the drawing and painting skills intensively, but dies early in the morning of October, 16, with his wife Štefica, Alfred, Margareta and Magdalena by his side. The guard of honour accompanied by thousands of citizens attended the burial of this doyen and nestor of Yugoslav aquarelle and the favourite artist of Karlovac.
1990 - First exhibition in the City Guard (Gradska straža) in Karlovac. Does national service in the Reserve Officers School in Sarajevo.
1991- He is transferred to Maribor where, following the war events on June, 28, he is one of the first two JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army) non-commissioned officers who stands on the side of Slovenian Territorial Defense. The office for defense of Karlovac sends a formal and public congratulation to Mladen and Đurđica on the right choice their son has made. The map of the works that he made in the nights during his national service in Bosnia and Herzegovina is accepted at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, but he is prevented from attending the test in fine arts skills by his engagement at the camp of Slovenian Territorial Defense in Areh, Mariborsko Pohorje. According to the statements of deserters who arrived later, he is sentenced to death as a deserter who was a member of JNA general headquarters in Maribor. After some time, his uncle Željko Benčić brings him in secret to Karlovac where he spends the summer in voluntary house confinement. Counterintelligence service (KOS) tries to get to him by craft, but in a house yard conflict his father (already a member of Croatian National Guard) prevents their intentions. In the autumn, the Academy of Fine Arts organizes an additional entrance exam for those who were, because of the war events, unable to make it to Zagreb in the regular term, so Alfred goes to Zagreb, accompanied by his uncle Željko, both armed with guns. Under continuous air raid warnings during three days he passes the practical and written part of the exam and is admitted to the first year of painting in the class of professor Josip Biffel. During the first semester he applies as a volunteer to Croatian Army where he stays until the first demobilization in the spring of 1992.
1992 – In the summer, together with Croatian Ministry of Defense he organizes a charity exhibition for the children of the deceased defenders, one of the first of this kind in the new state. He is in the class of professor Nikola Koydl. He exhibits in Duga Resa. Meets his future wife, Ljiljana at the “1992 War ZILIK” (Winter Painting Colony). Granted the City of Karlovac Scholarship for talented students.
1993 - Exhibits in several places. Goes on to study in the class of professor Josip Vasilij Jordan. Along with his studies he works at the Duga Resa Gymnasium.
1994 – Makes the first official portrait of mayor of Karlovac Ivan Benić and the prefect of Karlovac district Josip Jakovčić. Along with the poet Željko Mavretić publishes a pictorial and poetic map “Ti mahneš zvijezdama da stanu” (“You Wave the Stars to Stop”) Exhibits in Ozalj, Karlovac and Zagreb in the Society of Croato-Izrealian Friendship. (prefaced by Anton Bauer, PhD, member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art) Writes “Malu studiju o akvarelu” (“A Small Study of Aquarelle”) and publishes “Malu recentnu kolekciju crteža” (“A Small Recent Collection of Drawings”). Along with Professor Zlatko Keser he goes to school of landscape organized by the Academy in Klek, near the delta of the Neretva river. Parallel to his studies he teaches at the Duga Resa Gymnasium, the Faculty of Textile Technology and Banija Elementary School. Travels to Padua and Florence where he paints at the banks of the river Arno.
1995 – Graduates from the Academy of Arts, majors in painting in the class of Zlatko Kauzlarić Atač with en plain-air aquarelle. His exhibition of portraits and nudes in “Zorin Dom” thetre in Karlovac is prefaced by Juraj Baldani and opened by the first Austrian ambassador in the Republic of Croatia, Andreas Berlakovitch. Becomes a member of Croatian Society of Fine Artists (HDLU) in Zagreb. Travels to a study trip to London where he visits Royal Watercolour Society, Tate Gallery, National Gallery. Paints at the banks of the Themes. Teaches at Banija Elementary School.
1996 – Organizes District of Karlovac and Burgeland, Austria to become twin districts, but the project fails due to the lack of cooperation on Croatian part. LIKUM (Fine Artists’ Cooperative) organizes posthumous exhibition of Alfred Krupa, Senior named “The Chopin of Croatian Painting” in Ulrich Galery. “Pečarić and Radočaj Printing House” publishes a great printed map, prefaced by Danko Plevnik, PhD, consisting exclusively out of drawings made with different Freddy Krupa’s quill pens. Exhibits in Zagreb and Karlovac. The District of Karlovac commissions a portrait of the president Franjo Tuđman, and despite their later giving up on the commission, the portrait is today in the Presidential Palace art collection.
1997 – The chief curator of Art Pavilion in Zagreb Stanko Špoljarić writes the preface for his solo exhibition of paintings and drawings in Karlovac. Exibits at the Croatian Aquarelle Festival in Split. Visits the Royal Society of Aquarellists in London for the second time and works en plain-air in London.
1998 – works as a manager of Fine Arts Studio and Gallery in the “Zorin Dom” city theatre in Karlovac and organizes Culture Bus to the display of Monet and Hague School in Wienna. Organizes a number of solo exhibitions for artists of different profiles as well as scenography for “Kazališni kotao” and “Dramski studio”. Granted Japanese Ministry of Education Scholarship for Japanese drawing in Tokyo Gakugei University. Starts working as cars salesman for Korean firm Daewoo Motor. Croatian Army arranges a great solo exhibition in the Croatian Armed Forces Centre reviewed by Stanko Špoljarić. Goes to postgraduate research to Japan. Travels to South Korea.
1999 – Comes back from his studies in Japan. Manages the business with his father Mladen. They are awarded the “Srebrni pobjednik” prize (“Silver Winner” prize) as the second most successful car dealer firm in the Croatian dealer network. Marries Ljiljana Krupa, maiden name Jakšetić. Son Gabriel is born. Travels to Finland.
2000 – Answering the call of art historian Nikola Alabaneže exhibits in the fine art project – study “Generacija 90-tih” (“The Generation of Nineties”). Daewoo Motor declares bankruptcy, breakdown of the dealers’ network follows.
2001 – Accepted to the prestigious Royal College of Art-Drawing Studio in London, but is prevented from attending due to refusal of Ministry of Culture to finance his studies.
2003 – Teaches at Žakanje and Kamanje elementary school. Accepted to Royal Society for encouragement of the Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce under patronage of the Queen Elizabeth the Second.
2004 – Teaches at Duga Resa secondary school, at graphic design major. Gives a lecture on painting technique of aquarelle at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Organizes a school of drawing “Krupa”.
2005 – Gets the professional title “Professor of Drawing and Painting” at the Croatian Institute of Education. Publishes a map of graphics titled “Zapisi” (“Notes”). Manages artistic and scenographic workshop at the city theatre. Daughter Eleonora is born. Member of school counsel of the oldest music school in Croatia. Author of the scenography and artistic props for the play “The Bold Soprano”.
2006 – Takes part in the organization of the great retrospective exhibition of Alfred Krupa, Sr. by art historian Nikola Albaneže in “Vjekoslav Karas Gallery”. Manages artistic and scenographic workshop in the city theatre.
2007 – Starts a large-scale genetic genealogical research of the origin of his family that arrived to Yugoslavia from Poland in 1943 and whose history was little known. Makes a series of large drawings of symbolical profile. Starts and leads the DNA research project “Ashina Royal Dynasty” in FamilyTreeDNA in Houston, Texas. Accepted to PhD studies of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, but decides to quit because of his family’s difficult financial situation.
2008 – The City Museum of Karlovac arranges a great solo exhibition of drawings and paintings, which is reviewed by Professor Mladen Muić. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, LIKUM (Fine Artists’ Cooperative) organizes exhibitions “Krupa and Krupa”. In Tomislav Hauptfeld’s play in the “Zorin Dom” theatre in Karlovac he plays the character of Vjekoslav Karas, Croatian first modern painter, born in Karlovac. Seventy-seven-year-old Emeliye Ulubayan, a shaman from South Russia claims that in her shaman travels the ghosts of Khazars Beys have identified him as Duke of Grey She-Wolf, Ashina of Itila (once the capital of the Russian Khazar Empire).
2010 – The greatest genetic genealogical organization in Europe, iGENEA situated in Zurich confirms the family origin as “Ashina of Khazaria”, at the same time confirming the authenticity of the late Emelye Ulubayan’s shaman travels. Publishes e-book titled “Royal Ashina Khazar-Beg Y-DNA Link of the Krupa Family of Croatia” in Amazon-Kindle Edition. Sets up his first art web page.
Biography by years
1971- June, 14, born in Karlovac. The son of Mladen Krupa and Đurđica Krupa, maiden name Benčić. Born into the family of the famous and respected Yugoslav artist Alfred Krupa, Senior. Lives in a big family along with his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
1973 - Alfred's great-grandfather, Stjepan Ožbolt dies
1978 – Alfred’s sister Margareta is born
1980 – Alfred’s sister Magdalena is born
1983 – Alfred’s brother Mladen is born
1984 - Marija Ožbolt, maiden Wolf, his great-grandmother with whom he lived his whole life dies. Marija Ožbolt was a renowned member of Croatian AFŽ (Women's Antifascist Front of Croatia) and the wife of Stjepan Ožbolt, highly decorated Second World War fighter who was a comrade and assistant of Vjećeslav Holjevac (known, among other things, for being one of the first who entered the liberated Karlovac, where he restarted the post office and remained its manager until his leaving for Križevci) .
1985 - Finishes “Ivo Lola Ribar” elementary school (today’s “Braća Seljan” elementary school) in Karlovac. Enrolls into Veterinarian Secondary School at Agricultural Educational Center in Zagrebačka Dubrava.
1989 - Alfred Krupa, his grandfather, teaches him the drawing and painting skills intensively, but dies early in the morning of October, 16, with his wife Štefica, Alfred, Margareta and Magdalena by his side. The guard of honour accompanied by thousands of citizens attended the burial of this doyen and nestor of Yugoslav aquarelle and the favourite artist of Karlovac.
1990 - First exhibition in the City Guard (Gradska straža) in Karlovac. Does national service in the Reserve Officers School in Sarajevo.
1991- He is transferred to Maribor where, following the war events on June, 28, he is one of the first two JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army) non-commissioned officers who stands on the side of Slovenian Territorial Defense. The office for defense of Karlovac sends a formal and public congratulation to Mladen and Đurđica on the right choice their son has made. The map of the works that he made in the nights during his national service in Bosnia and Herzegovina is accepted at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, but he is prevented from attending the test in fine arts skills by his engagement at the camp of Slovenian Territorial Defense in Areh, Mariborsko Pohorje. According to the statements of deserters who arrived later, he is sentenced to death as a deserter who was a member of JNA general headquarters in Maribor. After some time, his uncle Željko Benčić brings him in secret to Karlovac where he spends the summer in voluntary house confinement. Counterintelligence service (KOS) tries to get to him by craft, but in a house yard conflict his father (already a member of Croatian National Guard) prevents their intentions. In the autumn, the Academy of Fine Arts organizes an additional entrance exam for those who were, because of the war events, unable to make it to Zagreb in the regular term, so Alfred goes to Zagreb, accompanied by his uncle Željko, both armed with guns. Under continuous air raid warnings during three days he passes the practical and written part of the exam and is admitted to the first year of painting in the class of professor Josip Biffel. During the first semester he applies as a volunteer to Croatian Army where he stays until the first demobilization in the spring of 1992.
1992 – In the summer, together with Croatian Ministry of Defense he organizes a charity exhibition for the children of the deceased defenders, one of the first of this kind in the new state. He is in the class of professor Nikola Koydl. He exhibits in Duga Resa. Meets his future wife, Ljiljana at the “1992 War ZILIK” (Winter Painting Colony). Granted the City of Karlovac Scholarship for talented students.
1993 - Exhibits in several places. Goes on to study in the class of professor Josip Vasilij Jordan. Along with his studies he works at the Duga Resa Gymnasium.
1994 – Makes the first official portrait of mayor of Karlovac Ivan Benić and the prefect of Karlovac district Josip Jakovčić. Along with the poet Željko Mavretić publishes a pictorial and poetic map “Ti mahneš zvijezdama da stanu” (“You Wave the Stars to Stop”) Exhibits in Ozalj, Karlovac and Zagreb in the Society of Croato-Izrealian Friendship. (prefaced by Anton Bauer, PhD, member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art) Writes “Malu studiju o akvarelu” (“A Small Study of Aquarelle”) and publishes “Malu recentnu kolekciju crteža” (“A Small Recent Collection of Drawings”). Along with Professor Zlatko Keser he goes to school of landscape organized by the Academy in Klek, near the delta of the Neretva river. Parallel to his studies he teaches at the Duga Resa Gymnasium, the Faculty of Textile Technology and Banija Elementary School. Travels to Padua and Florence where he paints at the banks of the river Arno.
1995 – Graduates from the Academy of Arts, majors in painting in the class of Zlatko Kauzlarić Atač with en plain-air aquarelle. His exhibition of portraits and nudes in “Zorin Dom” thetre in Karlovac is prefaced by Juraj Baldani and opened by the first Austrian ambassador in the Republic of Croatia, Andreas Berlakovitch. Becomes a member of Croatian Society of Fine Artists (HDLU) in Zagreb. Travels to a study trip to London where he visits Royal Watercolour Society, Tate Gallery, National Gallery. Paints at the banks of the Themes. Teaches at Banija Elementary School.
1996 – Organizes District of Karlovac and Burgeland, Austria to become twin districts, but the project fails due to the lack of cooperation on Croatian part. LIKUM (Fine Artists’ Cooperative) organizes posthumous exhibition of Alfred Krupa, Senior named “The Chopin of Croatian Painting” in Ulrich Galery. “Pečarić and Radočaj Printing House” publishes a great printed map, prefaced by Danko Plevnik, PhD, consisting exclusively out of drawings made with different Freddy Krupa’s quill pens. Exhibits in Zagreb and Karlovac. The District of Karlovac commissions a portrait of the president Franjo Tuđman, and despite their later giving up on the commission, the portrait is today in the Presidential Palace art collection.
1997 – The chief curator of Art Pavilion in Zagreb Stanko Špoljarić writes the preface for his solo exhibition of paintings and drawings in Karlovac. Exibits at the Croatian Aquarelle Festival in Split. Visits the Royal Society of Aquarellists in London for the second time and works en plain-air in London.
1998 – works as a manager of Fine Arts Studio and Gallery in the “Zorin Dom” city theatre in Karlovac and organizes Culture Bus to the display of Monet and Hague School in Wienna. Organizes a number of solo exhibitions for artists of different profiles as well as scenography for “Kazališni kotao” and “Dramski studio”. Granted Japanese Ministry of Education Scholarship for Japanese drawing in Tokyo Gakugei University. Starts working as cars salesman for Korean firm Daewoo Motor. Croatian Army arranges a great solo exhibition in the Croatian Armed Forces Centre reviewed by Stanko Špoljarić. Goes to postgraduate research to Japan. Travels to South Korea.
1999 – Comes back from his studies in Japan. Manages the business with his father Mladen. They are awarded the “Srebrni pobjednik” prize (“Silver Winner” prize) as the second most successful car dealer firm in the Croatian dealer network. Marries Ljiljana Krupa, maiden name Jakšetić. Son Gabriel is born. Travels to Finland.
2000 – Answering the call of art historian Nikola Alabaneže exhibits in the fine art project – study “Generacija 90-tih” (“The Generation of Nineties”). Daewoo Motor declares bankruptcy, breakdown of the dealers’ network follows.
2001 – Accepted to the prestigious Royal College of Art-Drawing Studio in London, but is prevented from attending due to refusal of Ministry of Culture to finance his studies.
2003 – Teaches at Žakanje and Kamanje elementary school. Accepted to Royal Society for encouragement of the Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce under patronage of the Queen Elizabeth the Second.
2004 – Teaches at Duga Resa secondary school, at graphic design major. Gives a lecture on painting technique of aquarelle at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Organizes a school of drawing “Krupa”.
2005 – Gets the professional title “Professor of Drawing and Painting” at the Croatian Institute of Education. Publishes a map of graphics titled “Zapisi” (“Notes”). Manages artistic and scenographic workshop at the city theatre. Daughter Eleonora is born. Member of school counsel of the oldest music school in Croatia. Author of the scenography and artistic props for the play “The Bold Soprano”.
2006 – Takes part in the organization of the great retrospective exhibition of Alfred Krupa, Sr. by art historian Nikola Albaneže in “Vjekoslav Karas Gallery”. Manages artistic and scenographic workshop in the city theatre.
2007 – Starts a large-scale genetic genealogical research of the origin of his family that arrived to Yugoslavia from Poland in 1943 and whose history was little known. Makes a series of large drawings of symbolical profile. Starts and leads the DNA research project “Ashina Royal Dynasty” in FamilyTreeDNA in Houston, Texas. Accepted to PhD studies of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, but decides to quit because of his family’s difficult financial situation.
2008 – The City Museum of Karlovac arranges a great solo exhibition of drawings and paintings, which is reviewed by Professor Mladen Muić. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, LIKUM (Fine Artists’ Cooperative) organizes exhibitions “Krupa and Krupa”. In Tomislav Hauptfeld’s play in the “Zorin Dom” theatre in Karlovac he plays the character of Vjekoslav Karas, Croatian first modern painter, born in Karlovac. Seventy-seven-year-old Emeliye Ulubayan, a shaman from South Russia claims that in her shaman travels the ghosts of Khazars Beys have identified him as Duke of Grey She-Wolf, Ashina of Itila (once the capital of the Russian Khazar Empire).
2010 – The greatest genetic genealogical organization in Europe, iGENEA situated in Zurich confirms the family origin as “Ashina of Khazaria”, at the same time confirming the authenticity of the late Emelye Ulubayan’s shaman travels. Publishes e-book titled “Royal Ashina Khazar-Beg Y-DNA Link of the Krupa Family of Croatia” in Amazon-Kindle Edition. Sets up his first art web page.
Krupa de Tarnawa is an Eastern European family of Ashkenazi origin. As forced converts to Christianity, they were adopted into the ranks of the Polish-Lithuanian Nobility (Szlachta). This custom was endorsed by the articles of the 3rd Lithuanian Statute.
A very rare and exotic Altaic Mongoloid haplogroup Q1b of male Krupa de Tarnawa lineage was recently discovered, presenting only among Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe in North-Western China (Xinjiang/Turkestan), and in the low distribution in southern Central Asia is considered fully coherent with the history of the Royal Ashina Turks and known genealogies of Turkic Royalty. The Khazar Empire has been ruled by the branch of the Ashina Royal Clan and was converted to Judaism in 740 AC or 861 AC. This ancient royal bloodline has been verified by iGENEA of Zurich, which is the largest genetic genealogy organization of Europe. iGENEA focuses on antic populations of Europe.
Khazars were the only people present in Eastern Europe and Western Asia with the "imperial pedigree" descended from the ancient ASHINA Royal Clan of ancient Turks and Huns. They ruled with over 25 nations and tribes, without the same imperial pedigree and the mandate of heaven. For some 500 years the ultimate force in eastern areas of Europe (Ukraine,South Russia etc.), Khazaria was actually the very first feudal state of Europe. Khazars were people of Turkic stock, with origin in Central Asia.
If we believe to current DNA results, my family (we are now speaking purely about male lineage, as they married with many different people) dwelled for at least 20,000 years in Central Asia/South Siberia. They believed that they are carriers of "utkha" , the "inner fire", which is transmitted in male or female line. Blood of Ashina Tribe was considered as sacred, and it was not allowed to shed the sacred blood at any conditions. Therefore, there was an inventive solution for that issue -- boiling in hot water or murder with a silk cord.
Dragon is one of the common images on the Khazarian artefacts. Khazaria was almost an absolute secret for a thousand years. Its existence was almost deleted from history. Also, it was the most tolerant and cosmopolitan society of that time. Some time around 740 AD, the imperial ruling class (around 4000 individuals) started to convert from Turkic Shamanism (Tengrism) to Judaism, and Khazaria turned into the only Hebrew Empire in whole known history.
Prof. Alfred Freddy Krupa de Tarnawa academic painter (M.F.A.)
राजकुमार अल्फ्रेड क्रुपा
Web sites;
Krupa de Tarnawa is an Eastern European family of Ashkenazi origin. As forced converts to Christianity, they were adopted into the ranks of the Polish-Lithuanian Nobility (Szlachta). This custom was endorsed by the articles of the 3rd Lithuanian Statute.
A very rare and exotic Altaic Mongoloid haplogroup Q1b of male Krupa de Tarnawa lineage was recently discovered, presenting only among Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe in North-Western China (Xinjiang/Turkestan), and in the low distribution in southern Central Asia is considered fully coherent with the history of the Royal Ashina Turks and known genealogies of Turkic Royalty. The Khazar Empire has been ruled by the branch of the Ashina Royal Clan and was converted to Judaism in 740 AC or 861 AC. This ancient royal bloodline has been verified by iGENEA of Zurich, which is the largest genetic genealogy organization of Europe. iGENEA focuses on antic populations of Europe.
Khazars were the only people present in Eastern Europe and Western Asia with the "imperial pedigree" descended from the ancient ASHINA Royal Clan of ancient Turks and Huns. They ruled with over 25 nations and tribes, without the same imperial pedigree and the mandate of heaven. For some 500 years the ultimate force in eastern areas of Europe (Ukraine,South Russia etc.), Khazaria was actually the very first feudal state of Europe. Khazars were people of Turkic stock, with origin in Central Asia.
If we believe to current DNA results, my family (we are now speaking purely about male lineage, as they married with many different people) dwelled for at least 20,000 years in Central Asia/South Siberia. They believed that they are carriers of "utkha" , the "inner fire", which is transmitted in male or female line. Blood of Ashina Tribe was considered as sacred, and it was not allowed to shed the sacred blood at any conditions. Therefore, there was an inventive solution for that issue -- boiling in hot water or murder with a silk cord.
Dragon is one of the common images on the Khazarian artefacts. Khazaria was almost an absolute secret for a thousand years. Its existence was almost deleted from history. Also, it was the most tolerant and cosmopolitan society of that time. Some time around 740 AD, the imperial ruling class (around 4000 individuals) started to convert from Turkic Shamanism (Tengrism) to Judaism, and Khazaria turned into the only Hebrew Empire in whole known history.
Prof. Alfred Freddy Krupa de Tarnawa academic painter (M.F.A.)
राजकुमार अल्फ्रेड क्रुपा
Web sites;
Alfred Krupa, Sr.
The Population Finder tool is a way of looking at your genetic history. It uses a process called principal component analysis (PCA) to provide biogeographical analysis of your autosomal DNA.
Population Finder uses about 295K out of 710K of the autosomal DNA SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) from the Family Finder microarray chip.
The Population Finder program compares each autosomal DNA Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) individually. It does not use linked DNA segments.
Only your autosomal DNA results from the Family Finder microarray chip are used. The Population Finder tool does not use Mitochondrial DNA (mtdna), X-chromosome DNA, or Y-chromosome DNA results.
Population Finder results are your personal genetic ancestry that reflects the last 100 to 2,000 years (about 4 to 80 generations). They may also reflect one population that mixed with another in ancient times and became fixed in the second population.
It is not possible to tell how much of each region you match is from each parent. This is because your autosomal DNA comes equally but randomly from each parent.
Your percentage from any one reference population may reflect either recent or long term genetic ancestry. Determining which it is requires that you evaluate your results in light of what you know of your family history and the history of your ancestors.
Having about one third of your ancestry from a population may indicate that there has been recent admixture in your family. That is, some of your recent ancestors were from that population.
On the other hand, it may indicate that some ancestors migrated from the location of the reference population and lived in their new location for many generations. Thus, the admixture levels are common to all from the town's population.
The countries shown in your Population Finder results and on the Population Finder map correspond to the program's reference populations (see FAQ #1039). Your actual heritage may come from one of those countries, two or more countries that are equidistant from those countries, or several of those countries. This is because genetic variation is a gradient between any two locations.
For example, if your actual ancestry is from Germany, but the program uses a mixture of Orcadian (Orkney Islands) and South Indian samples to create the same genetic combination.
The percentages provided by Population Finder are admixture amounts.
A program that calculates admixture amounts uses the DNA profiles from multiple regions and populations to discover a combination that fits with your genetic profile. It reports the amount of each population used to obtain a high quality match. This is able to identify correctly when someone has ancestry from more than one population or region, as most of us do.
On the other hand, a program that assesses a match probability tries to match you to a single population. It rates the match quality with a likelihood number. Results give the likelihood number as a percentage. This type of calculation only works well when the person tested is from one and only one population. That population also needs to be included in the comparison database.
Krupa Results are here:
Continent (Subcontinent) Population Percentage Margin of Error
Europe (Western European) Orcadian 87.15% ±3.68%
Middle East Palestinian, Adygei, Bedouin, Bedouin South, Druze, Iranian, Jewish 12.85% ±3.68%
After 100% Ashkenazi matches in 12,25,37 and 67 Y-DNA list...and of Siberian Mongolic Turkic haplogroup Q1b1a...
Orcadians from Orkney Island are descent of Picts,Vikings and Scots. Which can be looked as another proof of claim of Zoharist (Frankist) Jews mass baptismal and adoption into ranks of Polish Nobility in mid 1700's and intermarriage within original medieval Polish Royal Caste.
Vikings as in early Russia Rus (Kingdom) were important part in formation of Medieval Polish Kingdom. Krupa - Tarnawa is such medieval family.
The other part of 13-16% brings me back directly to Khazaria. Isn't it so?
This may explain why my grandfather was short like Jew or Siberian, but with grey-blue eyes. And why I have red beard.
From Wikipedia ; "Orcadians, who reside primarily in Orkney, are the descendants of Iron Age Picts, Norwegian Vikings and Scots. Because Orkney is a trading hub Orcadians are found all over the world."
But, after that I stumbled upon this:
A new study on ancient human migrations suggests that Orcadians and Siberians are closely related, writes Roger Highfield.
Orkney Islanders are more closely related to people in Siberia and in Pakistan than those in Africa and the near East, according to a novel method to chart human migrations.
The surprising findings come from a new way to infer ancient human movements from the variation of DNA in people today, conducted by a team from the University of Oxford and University College Cork, which has pioneered a technique that analyses the entire human genetic makeup, or genome.
Although it provides relative genetic contributions of one group to another, rather than timings, it confirms how the first modern humans came out of Africa 50,000 years ago, mostly from a group in southern Africa called the San.
But the subsequent movements around the world, via the near east, central Asia and then Europe, turned up some surprises including a strong similarity between the Sindih, a people who once lived in Pakistan, and Orkney Islanders, or Orcadians.
In turn, the Orcadians are closely related to the people who first colonised Siberia.
"Reindeer herders (a people called the Yakut) are indeed unexpectedly related to British, because one of their strongest signals of ancestry is from Orcadians, the only British population in the sample" says Dr Daniel Falush of University College Cork, a co-author on the paper in the journal PLoS Genetics.
The Orcadians, or those closely related to them in central/northern Europe, also contribute to two other North East Asian populations, the Hezhen and Han from Northern China. "
If they are closely related, can this be Siberian DNA instead of Orcadian? Bearing in mind my Siberian Y-DNA haplogroup M242 (Q).
From Wikipedia; "Adyghe,Адыгэ,Attéghéi .Total population 3.7 million est. worldwide (including Circassian diaspora).
Related ethnic groups; Abkhazians (Abaza, Abazin) and Ubykh.
The Adyghe or Adygs (Adyghe: Адыгэ or Adǝgă, Arabic: شركس/جركس, Jarkas/Sharkas), also often known as Circassians or Cherkess, are in origin a North Caucasian ethnic group who were displaced in the course of the Russian conquest of the Caucasus in the 19th century, especially after the Russian–Circassian War of 1862.
Adyghe people mostly [dubious – discuss] speak Adyghe and most practice Sunni Islam. There remain about half a million speakers of Adyghe, about a quarter of them in the Russian Federation, mostly in the Republic of Adygea, besides smaller numbers in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. The majority of Adyghe today live in the Republic of Turkey (about 300,000 Adyghe speakers as of 2000).
The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization estimates that there are as many as 3.7 million "ethnic Circassians" (meaning that only one in seven "ethnic Circassians" is a speaker of the Circassian language), of whom about 2 million live in the Republic of Turkey, 700,000 in the Russian Federation, about 150,000 in the Levant, and about 50,000 in western countries (Europe and USA)."
Communication with Bennet Greenspan;
Dear Bennett,
Greetings from Croatia.
Today I have received my Population Finder test results. It states that I am cca. 87% Orcadian (Orkney Islands in UK). Pretty much unexplainable for me (at the moment). But, after that I have stumble upon this:
If they are closely related, can this be Siberian DNA instead of Orcadian? Bearing in mind my Y-DNA haplogroup M242 (Q).
Please clarify.
Alfred Krupa
Hi Alfred.
The current problem with Population finder is that we have an insufficient # of populations to give everyone a country comment. We are very underrepresented in Asia. I hope that when this comes out of BETA it will be better for the current 10% of customers whose results seem inexplicable.
Best Regards,
Bennett Greenspan
Family Tree DNA
"History Unearthed Daily"
The Population Finder tool is a way of looking at your genetic history. It uses a process called principal component analysis (PCA) to provide biogeographical analysis of your autosomal DNA.
Population Finder uses about 295K out of 710K of the autosomal DNA SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) from the Family Finder microarray chip.
The Population Finder program compares each autosomal DNA Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) individually. It does not use linked DNA segments.
Only your autosomal DNA results from the Family Finder microarray chip are used. The Population Finder tool does not use Mitochondrial DNA (mtdna), X-chromosome DNA, or Y-chromosome DNA results.
Population Finder results are your personal genetic ancestry that reflects the last 100 to 2,000 years (about 4 to 80 generations). They may also reflect one population that mixed with another in ancient times and became fixed in the second population.
It is not possible to tell how much of each region you match is from each parent. This is because your autosomal DNA comes equally but randomly from each parent.
Your percentage from any one reference population may reflect either recent or long term genetic ancestry. Determining which it is requires that you evaluate your results in light of what you know of your family history and the history of your ancestors.
Having about one third of your ancestry from a population may indicate that there has been recent admixture in your family. That is, some of your recent ancestors were from that population.
On the other hand, it may indicate that some ancestors migrated from the location of the reference population and lived in their new location for many generations. Thus, the admixture levels are common to all from the town's population.
The countries shown in your Population Finder results and on the Population Finder map correspond to the program's reference populations (see FAQ #1039). Your actual heritage may come from one of those countries, two or more countries that are equidistant from those countries, or several of those countries. This is because genetic variation is a gradient between any two locations.
For example, if your actual ancestry is from Germany, but the program uses a mixture of Orcadian (Orkney Islands) and South Indian samples to create the same genetic combination.
The percentages provided by Population Finder are admixture amounts.
A program that calculates admixture amounts uses the DNA profiles from multiple regions and populations to discover a combination that fits with your genetic profile. It reports the amount of each population used to obtain a high quality match. This is able to identify correctly when someone has ancestry from more than one population or region, as most of us do.
On the other hand, a program that assesses a match probability tries to match you to a single population. It rates the match quality with a likelihood number. Results give the likelihood number as a percentage. This type of calculation only works well when the person tested is from one and only one population. That population also needs to be included in the comparison database.
Krupa Results are here:
Continent (Subcontinent) Population Percentage Margin of Error
Europe (Western European) Orcadian 87.15% ±3.68%
Middle East Palestinian, Adygei, Bedouin, Bedouin South, Druze, Iranian, Jewish 12.85% ±3.68%
After 100% Ashkenazi matches in 12,25,37 and 67 Y-DNA list...and of Siberian Mongolic Turkic haplogroup Q1b1a...
Orcadians from Orkney Island are descent of Picts,Vikings and Scots. Which can be looked as another proof of claim of Zoharist (Frankist) Jews mass baptismal and adoption into ranks of Polish Nobility in mid 1700's and intermarriage within original medieval Polish Royal Caste.
Vikings as in early Russia Rus (Kingdom) were important part in formation of Medieval Polish Kingdom. Krupa - Tarnawa is such medieval family.
The other part of 13-16% brings me back directly to Khazaria. Isn't it so?
This may explain why my grandfather was short like Jew or Siberian, but with grey-blue eyes. And why I have red beard.
From Wikipedia ; "Orcadians, who reside primarily in Orkney, are the descendants of Iron Age Picts, Norwegian Vikings and Scots. Because Orkney is a trading hub Orcadians are found all over the world."
But, after that I stumbled upon this:
A new study on ancient human migrations suggests that Orcadians and Siberians are closely related, writes Roger Highfield.
Orkney Islanders are more closely related to people in Siberia and in Pakistan than those in Africa and the near East, according to a novel method to chart human migrations.
The surprising findings come from a new way to infer ancient human movements from the variation of DNA in people today, conducted by a team from the University of Oxford and University College Cork, which has pioneered a technique that analyses the entire human genetic makeup, or genome.
Although it provides relative genetic contributions of one group to another, rather than timings, it confirms how the first modern humans came out of Africa 50,000 years ago, mostly from a group in southern Africa called the San.
But the subsequent movements around the world, via the near east, central Asia and then Europe, turned up some surprises including a strong similarity between the Sindih, a people who once lived in Pakistan, and Orkney Islanders, or Orcadians.
In turn, the Orcadians are closely related to the people who first colonised Siberia.
"Reindeer herders (a people called the Yakut) are indeed unexpectedly related to British, because one of their strongest signals of ancestry is from Orcadians, the only British population in the sample" says Dr Daniel Falush of University College Cork, a co-author on the paper in the journal PLoS Genetics.
The Orcadians, or those closely related to them in central/northern Europe, also contribute to two other North East Asian populations, the Hezhen and Han from Northern China. "
If they are closely related, can this be Siberian DNA instead of Orcadian? Bearing in mind my Siberian Y-DNA haplogroup M242 (Q).
From Wikipedia; "Adyghe,Адыгэ,Attéghéi .Total population 3.7 million est. worldwide (including Circassian diaspora).
Related ethnic groups; Abkhazians (Abaza, Abazin) and Ubykh.
The Adyghe or Adygs (Adyghe: Адыгэ or Adǝgă, Arabic: شركس/جركس, Jarkas/Sharkas), also often known as Circassians or Cherkess, are in origin a North Caucasian ethnic group who were displaced in the course of the Russian conquest of the Caucasus in the 19th century, especially after the Russian–Circassian War of 1862.
Adyghe people mostly [dubious – discuss] speak Adyghe and most practice Sunni Islam. There remain about half a million speakers of Adyghe, about a quarter of them in the Russian Federation, mostly in the Republic of Adygea, besides smaller numbers in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. The majority of Adyghe today live in the Republic of Turkey (about 300,000 Adyghe speakers as of 2000).
The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization estimates that there are as many as 3.7 million "ethnic Circassians" (meaning that only one in seven "ethnic Circassians" is a speaker of the Circassian language), of whom about 2 million live in the Republic of Turkey, 700,000 in the Russian Federation, about 150,000 in the Levant, and about 50,000 in western countries (Europe and USA)."
Communication with Bennet Greenspan;
Dear Bennett,
Greetings from Croatia.
Today I have received my Population Finder test results. It states that I am cca. 87% Orcadian (Orkney Islands in UK). Pretty much unexplainable for me (at the moment). But, after that I have stumble upon this:
If they are closely related, can this be Siberian DNA instead of Orcadian? Bearing in mind my Y-DNA haplogroup M242 (Q).
Please clarify.
Alfred Krupa
Hi Alfred.
The current problem with Population finder is that we have an insufficient # of populations to give everyone a country comment. We are very underrepresented in Asia. I hope that when this comes out of BETA it will be better for the current 10% of customers whose results seem inexplicable.
Best Regards,
Bennett Greenspan
Family Tree DNA
"History Unearthed Daily"
Welcome all visitors on path of exploration of rich and long forgotten dimension of Old Turkic-Ashkenazim amalgamated blood tradition and heritage!
"Somewhat inspired with tremendous success in determination of the Kohanim Gene signature, and existence of the Royal Davidian Project idea, I have started in 2007 my own research with probably pretty much common desire and agenda; to confirm and prove ancient Israelite origin.
With deeper understanding, and taking in account all available in formations, with applied comparative scientific method, not just from field of genetic-genealogy (which is a tool for genealogist when paper trails do not exist), but also from fields of history, ethnography, linguistic, geography, mythology and others, it become self-evident and irrefutable fact that my Siberian mongoloid genetic signature Q1b1a (M242+,M378+,L245+) in unbroken male lineage originate from the ancient and medieval caste of the heterogeneous supranational overlords called (K)Hazar-Beks (Ashina Royal Clan).
Those enlightened, polygamous warlords, blood carriers of "Qut" - the universal regnal charisma, with common semi-divine genealogy and belief in afterlife, in initial number 4000 of them (and my venerable ancestor was one among equals!), converted in mass on Judaism in 8th or 9th century from ancient Turkic/Hunnic Tengriism and formed most powerful and largest Jewish state in whole known history. And in the same time it was the empire that represented very peak of the Old-Turkic culture and statehood.
This is how started the Ashina Royal Dynasty DNA Project in FTDNA, Houston and the International Siberian Dragon Association in 2007 and 2011 retrospectively.
What was once only private research, today arise as a form of international movement of understanding and acceptance of eternal royal and spiritual shamanic legacy of Ashkenazim recognized by number of Rabbis, Jewish university professors and scholars, students of Shamanism, European nobility, Maharajas, Sultans and many other persons of weight and importance coming from all walks of life and backgrounds."
Alfred Krupa prof.
Hazar-Bek (...of the tribes of Kuzarim)
"Somewhat inspired with tremendous success in determination of the Kohanim Gene signature, and existence of the Royal Davidian Project idea, I have started in 2007 my own research with probably pretty much common desire and agenda; to confirm and prove ancient Israelite origin.
With deeper understanding, and taking in account all available in formations, with applied comparative scientific method, not just from field of genetic-genealogy (which is a tool for genealogist when paper trails do not exist), but also from fields of history, ethnography, linguistic, geography, mythology and others, it become self-evident and irrefutable fact that my Siberian mongoloid genetic signature Q1b1a (M242+,M378+,L245+) in unbroken male lineage originate from the ancient and medieval caste of the heterogeneous supranational overlords called (K)Hazar-Beks (Ashina Royal Clan).
Those enlightened, polygamous warlords, blood carriers of "Qut" - the universal regnal charisma, with common semi-divine genealogy and belief in afterlife, in initial number 4000 of them (and my venerable ancestor was one among equals!), converted in mass on Judaism in 8th or 9th century from ancient Turkic/Hunnic Tengriism and formed most powerful and largest Jewish state in whole known history. And in the same time it was the empire that represented very peak of the Old-Turkic culture and statehood.
This is how started the Ashina Royal Dynasty DNA Project in FTDNA, Houston and the International Siberian Dragon Association in 2007 and 2011 retrospectively.
What was once only private research, today arise as a form of international movement of understanding and acceptance of eternal royal and spiritual shamanic legacy of Ashkenazim recognized by number of Rabbis, Jewish university professors and scholars, students of Shamanism, European nobility, Maharajas, Sultans and many other persons of weight and importance coming from all walks of life and backgrounds."
Alfred Krupa prof.
Hazar-Bek (...of the tribes of Kuzarim)

"According to the New Book of Tang, the Ashina were related to the northern tribes of the Xiongnu ... Ashina was one of ten sons born to a grey she-wolf ...The Ashina belonged to the last Xiongnu princedom destroyed by Xianbei-Toba by AD 439. From Gansu, the Ashina retreated to the Altai, taking with them a number of distinctive ethnographic traits." Nonpolitical, nonprofit, cultural international association with single aim to preserve, restore and adapt to contemporary society, ancient tradition and culture of the Altaic Central Asian and Siberian Chieftain/Kingship.
Full membership is restricted and limited to Jewish people with tested Y-DNA, showing any haplogroup Q (M-242, P-36) mutation.
Membership is also open to other individuals recognized as Royal Ashina offspring trough scientific or shamanic methods.
Friends and supporters are included in membership as well.
All full members are entitled to use cultural title/description/distinction; Grey She-Wolf (Ashina) Prince/Princes.
Insignia of the Siberian Dragon Association is alleged flag of the Xiongnu Empire .
S.D.A. actively support the following goals;
- Ashina Clan re-organization, revitalization and empowerment
- Preservation, restoration and adaptation to contemporary society, ancient tradition and culture of the Altaic Central Asian and Siberian Chieftain/Kingship
- Rehabilitation of Siberian and Central Asian kingdom Cultural sites, as well those in Eastern Europe
- Preservation of Central Asian and Siberian Culture and Social Aptitude
"According to the New Book of Tang, the Ashina were related to the northern tribes of the Xiongnu ... Ashina was one of ten sons born to a grey she-wolf ...The Ashina belonged to the last Xiongnu princedom destroyed by Xianbei-Toba by AD 439. From Gansu, the Ashina retreated to the Altai, taking with them a number of distinctive ethnographic traits." Nonpolitical, nonprofit, cultural international association with single aim to preserve, restore and adapt to contemporary society, ancient tradition and culture of the Altaic Central Asian and Siberian Chieftain/Kingship.
Full membership is restricted and limited to Jewish people with tested Y-DNA, showing any haplogroup Q (M-242, P-36) mutation.
Membership is also open to other individuals recognized as Royal Ashina offspring trough scientific or shamanic methods.
Friends and supporters are included in membership as well.
All full members are entitled to use cultural title/description/distinction; Grey She-Wolf (Ashina) Prince/Princes.
Insignia of the Siberian Dragon Association is alleged flag of the Xiongnu Empire .
S.D.A. actively support the following goals;
- Ashina Clan re-organization, revitalization and empowerment
- Preservation, restoration and adaptation to contemporary society, ancient tradition and culture of the Altaic Central Asian and Siberian Chieftain/Kingship
- Rehabilitation of Siberian and Central Asian kingdom Cultural sites, as well those in Eastern Europe
- Preservation of Central Asian and Siberian Culture and Social Aptitude
According to Wikipedia article;
"Shamanic practices may originate as early as the paleolithic, predating all organized religions, and certainly as early as the Neolithic period."
Siberia is regarded as the locus classicus of shamanism." The term "shaman" is a loan from the Tungus word saman, meaning "priest of the Ural-Altaic peoples". It also gained currency in the wider native cultures in ancient Siberia." ..."Turner and colleagues mention a phenomenon called shamanistic initiatory crisis. A rite of passage for shamans-to-be, commonly involving physical illness and/or psychological crisis. The significant role of initiatory illnesses in
the calling of a shaman can be found in the detailed case history of Chuonnasuan, the last master shaman among the Tungus peoples in Northeast China."
Therefore, the Krupa family being of true/core Siberian-Altaic genetic-spiritual root and legacy, with faced and experienced extremely severe psychological, spiritual, social and material crisis at certain point in past, can rightfully claim Shamanic Kingship re-newed and re-emerged from the Utkha (inner fire)/ Qut (cohesion force, a link between the Sky and Earth) harwired into blood of royal shamanic descent. Y-DNA findings within the Krupa male lineage and Shaman Emeliye Ulubayan prophetic messages about the Krupa family only underline this fact.
"Shamanic practices may originate as early as the paleolithic, predating all organized religions, and certainly as early as the Neolithic period."
Siberia is regarded as the locus classicus of shamanism." The term "shaman" is a loan from the Tungus word saman, meaning "priest of the Ural-Altaic peoples". It also gained currency in the wider native cultures in ancient Siberia." ..."Turner and colleagues mention a phenomenon called shamanistic initiatory crisis. A rite of passage for shamans-to-be, commonly involving physical illness and/or psychological crisis. The significant role of initiatory illnesses in
the calling of a shaman can be found in the detailed case history of Chuonnasuan, the last master shaman among the Tungus peoples in Northeast China."
Therefore, the Krupa family being of true/core Siberian-Altaic genetic-spiritual root and legacy, with faced and experienced extremely severe psychological, spiritual, social and material crisis at certain point in past, can rightfully claim Shamanic Kingship re-newed and re-emerged from the Utkha (inner fire)/ Qut (cohesion force, a link between the Sky and Earth) harwired into blood of royal shamanic descent. Y-DNA findings within the Krupa male lineage and Shaman Emeliye Ulubayan prophetic messages about the Krupa family only underline this fact.
Some Remarks on the Headgear of the Royal Turks
The ancient Khazar Empire was a major but almost forgotten power in
Eastern Europe. In the Dark ages it converted to Judaism. Khazaria was
finally wiped out by the forces of Ghengis Khan, but evidence indicates
that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of
Western Jewry.
The standard story of the origin of the Ashkenazis, or East-European
Jews, holds that they descended from refugees of Crusade- and
Black-Death-time persecutions of Jews from western Germany
who sought a new life in Poland.
In 1976 Arthur Koestler revived the theory the bulk of the Ashkenazis were the descendants of a turkik tribe (the medieval Khazars). The Khazar Caucasian Jews -- Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe" - were later converts which arose in Slavic Lands -- they weren't from the Mid-East. The geographic contours of the jewish Pale of Settelments under Russian imperial rule overlap significantly the contours of the reduced khazarian province after the Mongols (Gazaria).
Khazars (known also as Chozars, as Khazírs in Armenian and Khwalissas in Russian chronicles), an ancient people who occupied a prominent place among the secondary powers of the Byzantine state-system. In the epic of Firdousi Khazar is the representative name for all the northern foes of Persia, and legendary invasions long before the Christian era are vaguely attributed to them. But the Khazars are an historic figure upon the borderland of Europe and Asia for at least 900 years (AD 190-1100). The epoch of their greatness is from AD 600 to 950. Their home was in the spurs of the Caucasus and along the shores of the Caspian — called by medieval Moslem geographers Bahr-al-Khazar (" sea of the Khazars ").
They were the Venetians of the Caspian and the Euxine, the organizers of the transit between the two basins, the universal carriers between East and West; and the meeting-place of the commerce of Persia, Byzantium, Armenia, Russia and ihc Bulgarians of the middle Volga. The tide of their dominion ebbed and flowed repeatedly, but the normal Khazari may be taken as the territory between the Caucasus, the Volga and the Don, with the outlying province of the Crimea, or Little Khazarh. The southern boundary never greatly altered; it did at times reach the Kur and the Aras, but on that side the Khazars were confronted by Byzantium and Persia, and were for the most part restrained within the passes of the Caucasus. Among the nomadic Ugrians and agricultural Slavs of the north their frontier fluctuated widely, and in its zenith Khazaria extended from the Dnieper to Bolgari upon the Volga, and along the eastern shore of the Caspian to Astarabad.
There were Khazars and Black Khazars. The Khazars were fair-skinned, black-haired of a remarkable beauty and stature; their women indeed were sought as wives equally at Byzantium and Bagdad; while the Kara (black) were ugly, short, and were reported by the Arabs almost as dark as Indians. The latter were indubitably the Ugrian nomads of the steppe, akin to the Tatar invaders of Europe, who convoyed the caravans of the ruling caste. But the Khazars proper were a civic commercial people, the founders of cities, remarkable for somewhat elaborate political institutions, persistence and for good faith — all qualities foreign to the Hun's character.
They appear in European history as White Huns (Ephthalites) or White Bulgarians. Owing to climatic causes thi tract they occupied was slowly drying up. They were the outpost> of civilization towards the encroaching desert, and the Tatar nomadism that advanced with it. They held in precarious subjegation the hordes whom the conditions of the climate made it impossible to supplant. They bore the brunt of the great waves of Tatar conquests, and were eventually overwhelmed.
Amidst this white race of the steppe the Khazars can be first historically distinguished at the end of the 2nd century AD They burst into Armenia in AD 198. They were repulsed and attacked in turn. The pressure of the nomads of the steppe, the quest of plunder or revenge, these seem the only motives of these early expeditions; but in the long struggle between the Roman and Persi?? empires, of which Armenia was often the battlefield, and eventually the prize, the attitude of the Khazars assumed political importance. Armenia inclined to the civilization and ere long to the Christianity of Rome, whilst her Arsacid princes maintained an inveterate feud with the Sassanids of Persia. It became therefore the policy of the Persian kings to call in the Khazars in every collision with the empire (200-350).
During the 4th century however, the growing power of Persia culminated in the annexation of eastern Armenia. The Khazars, endangered by so powerful a neighbour, passed from under Persian influence into that remote alliance with Byzantium which thenceforth characterized their policy, and they aided Julian in his invasion of Persia (363). Simultaneously with the approach of Persia to the Caucasus the terrible empire of the Huns sprang upon the northern steppes. The Khazars, straitened on every side, remained passive till the danger culminated in the accession of Attila (434). Khazaria became the apanage of his eldest son, and the centre of government amongst the eastern subjects of the Hun (448). Even the iron rule of Attila was preferable to the time of anarchy that succeeded it.
Upon his death (454) the wild immigration which he had arrested revived. The Khazars and the Sarogours {i.e. White Ogors, possibly the Barsileans of the Volga delta) were swept along in a flood of mixed Tatar peoples which the conquests of the Avars had set in motion. The Khazars and their companions broke through the Persian defences of the Caucasus. They appropriated the territory up to the Kur and the Aras, and roamed at large through Iberia, Georgia and Armenia.
Throughout the 6th century Khazaria was the mere highway for the wild hordes to whom the Huns had opened the passage into Europe, and the Khazars took refuge (like the Venetians from Attila) amongst the seventy mouths of the Volga. The pressure of the Turks in Asia precipitated the Avars upon the West, The conquering Turks followed in their footsteps (560-580). They beat down all opposition, wrested even Bosporus in the Crimea from the empire, and by the annihilation of the Ephthalites completed the ruin of the White Race of the plains from the Oxus to the Don. The empires of Turks and Avars, however, ran swiftly their barbaric course, and the Khazars arose out of the chaos to more than their ancient renown. They issued from the land of Barsilia and extended their rule over the Bulgarian hordes left masterless by the Turks, compelling the more stubborn to migrate to the Danube (641).
The agricultural Slavs of the Dnieper and the Oka were reduced to tribute, and before the end of the 7th century the Khazars had annexed the Crimea, had won complete command of the Sea of Azov, and, seizing opon the narrow neck which separates the Volga from the Don, had organized the portage which has continued since an important link in the traffic between Asia and Europe. The alliance with Byzantium was revived. Simultaneously, and no doubt in concert, with the Byzantine campaign against Persia (589), the Khazars had reappeared in Armenia, though it was not till 625 that they appear as Khazars in the Byzantine annals. They are then described as " Turks from the East," a powerful nation which held the coasts of the Caspian and the Euxine, and took tribute of the Viatitsh, the Severians and the Polyane. The khakan, enticed by the promise of an imperial princess, furnished Heradius with 40.000 men for his Persian war, who shared in the victory over Chosroes at Nineveh.
Meanwhile the Moslem empire had arisen. The Persian empire was struck down (637) and the Moslems poured into Armenia, the khakan, who had defied the summons sent him by the invaders, now aided the Byzantine patrician in the defence of Armenia. The allies were defeated, and the Moslems undertook the subjugation of Khazaria (651). Eighty years of warfare followed, but in the end the Moslems prevailed. The khakan and his chieftains were captured and compelled to embrace Islam (737) and till the decay of the Mahommeaan empire Khazaria with all the other countries of the Caucasus paid an annual tribute of children and of corn (737-861). Nevertheless, though overpowered in the end, the Khazars had protected the plains of Europe from the Mahommcdans, and made the Caucasus the limit of their conquests.
While yet in their pagan state, the Khazars were exposed at one and the same time to the influences of three religions: Mohammedanism, which pursued its triumphant march from the Arabic Caliphate; Christianity, which was spreading in Byzantium, and Judaism, which, headed by the Exilarchs and Gaons of Babylonia, was centered in the Caliphate, while its ramifications spread all over the Empire of Byzantium and its colonies on the Black Sea. The Arabs and the Byzantines succeeded in converting several groups of the Khazar population to Islam and Christianity, but the lion's share fell to Judaism, for it managed to get hold of the royal dynasty and the ruling classes. The conversion of the Khazars to Judaism, which took place about 740, is described circumstantially in the traditions preserved among the Jews and in the accounts of the medieval Arabic travelers. The King, or Khagan, of the Khazars, by the name of Bulan, arranged a disputation between the advocates of the three religions, to be held in his presence. Both the Mohammedan and the Christian acknowledge the superiority of Judaism to the religion of their antagonist, so Bulan adopted the Jewish religion, and many of the Khazar nobles followed his example.
In the ninth and tenth centuries, the kingdom of the Khazars, governed by rulers professing the Jewish faith, attained to outward power and inner prosperity. The accounts of the Arabic writers of that period throw an interesting light on the inner life of the Khazars, which was marked by religious tolerance. The king of the Khazars and the governing classes professed the Jewish religion. Among the lower classes the three monotheistic religions were all represented, and in addition a considerable number of pagans still survived. In spite of the fact that royalty and nobility professed Judaism, the principle of religious equality was never violated.
In the interval between the decline of the Mahommedan rmpîre and the rise of Russia the Khazars reached the zenith of their power. The merchants of Byzantium, Armenia and Bagdad met in the markets of Itil (whither since the raids of the Mahommcdans the capital had been transferred from Scmendcr), and traded for the wax, furs, leather and honey that came down the Volga. So important was this traffic held at Constantinople that, when the portage to the Don was endangered by the irruption of a fresh horde of Turks (the Petchenegs), the emperor Theophilus himself despatched the materials and the workmen to build for the Khazars a fortress impregnable to their forays (834). Famous as the one stone structure ¡s in that stoneless region, the post became known far and wide amongst the hordes of the steppe as Sar-kel or the White Abode. Merchants from every nation found protection and good faith in the Khazar cities. The Jews, expelled from Constantinople, sought a home amongst them, developed the Khazar trade, and contended with Mahommcdans and Christians for t he theological allegiance of the Pagan people. The dynasty accepted Judaism (c. 740), but there was equal tolerance for all. and each man was held amenable to the authorized code and to the official judges of his own faith.
At the Byzantine court the khakan was held in high honor. The emperor Justinian Rhinotmetus took refuge with him during his exile and married his daughter (702). Justinian's rival Vardanes in turn sought an asylum in Khazaria, and in Leo IV. Í775) the grandson of a Khazar sovereign ascended the Byzantine throne. Khazar troops were amongst the bodyguard of the imperial court; they fought for Leo VI. against Simeon of Bulgaria ; and the khakan was honoured in diplomatic intercourse with the seal of three solidi, which marked him as a potentate of the first rank, above even the pope and the Carolingian monarch.
It was, however, from a power that Constantine did not consider that the overthrow of the Khazars came. The arrival of the Varangians amidst the scattered Slavs (862) had united them into a nation. The advance of the Petchenege from the East gave the Russians their opportunity. Before the onset of those fierce invaders the precarious suzerainty of the khakan broke up. By calling in the Uzes, the Khazars did indeed dislodge the Petchcnegs from the position they had seized yi the heart ofthe kingdom between the Volga and the Don, but only to drive them inwards to the Dnieper. The Hungarians, severed from theirkindredand theirruters. migrated to the Carpathians, whilst Oleg. the Russ prince of Kiev, passed through the Slav tribes of the Dnieper basin with the cry "Pay nothing to the Khazars" (884).
The kingdom dwindled rapidly to its ancient limits between the Caucasus, the Volga and the Don, while the Russian traders of Novgorod and Kiev supplanted the Khazars as the carriers between Constantinople and the North. When Ibn Fadian visited Khazaria forty years later, Itil was even yet a great city, with baths and market-places and thirty mosques, but there was no domestic product nor manufacture; the kingdom depended solely upon the now precarious transit dues, and administration was in the hands of a major domus also called khakan.
Slavonian tribes, who had been united under the leadership of Bussian princes, not only threw off the yoke of the Khazars, whose vassals they were, but also succeeded in invading and finally destroying their center at the mouth of the Volga. At the assault of Swiatoslav of Kiev the rotten fabric crumbled into dust. His troops were equally at home on land and water. Sarkel, Itil and Scmender surrendered to him (965-969). He pushed his conquests to the Caucasus, established Russian colonies upon the Sea of Azov, devastated the Khazar territories on the Ityl, and, penetrating to the heart of the country, dislodged the Khazars from the Caspian region.
The Khazars withdrew to their possessions on the Black Sea, and established themselves in particular on the Crimean Peninsula, which for a long time retained the name of Khazaria. The principality of Tmutarakan, founded by his grandson Mstislav (988), replaced the kingdom of Khazaria, the last trace of which was extinguished by a joint expedition of Russians and Byzantines (1016). A remnant of the nation took refuge in an island of the Caspian (Siahcouye); others retired to the Caucasus; part emigrated to the district of Kasakhi in Georgia, and appear for the first time joining with Georgia in her successful effort to throw off the yoke of the Seljuk Turks (1089).
The greatly reduced Khazar kingdom in Tauris, the survival of a mighty empire, was able to hold its own for nearly half a century, until in the eleventh century it fell a prey to the Russians and Byzantines (1016). The last of the khakans, George, Tzula, was taken prisoner. But the name is thought to survive in Kadzaria, the Georgian title for Mingrclia, and in Kadzaro, the Turkish word for the Lazis. Till the 13th century the Crimea was known to European travellers as Gazaria; the "ramparts of the Khazars" are still distinguished in the Ukraine; and the record of their dominion survives in the names of Kazarck, Kazaritshi, Kazarinovod, Kozar-owka, Kuzari, and perhaps in Kazan.
The relatives of the last khagan fled, according to tradition, to their coreligionists in Spain. The Khazar nation was scattered, and was subsequently lost among the other nations. By one account the remnants of the Khazars in the Crimea who professed Judaism were merged with the native Jews, consisting partly of Eabbanites and partly of Karaites. In this way the ancient Jewish settlements on the Crimean Peninsula suddenly received a large increase. At the same time the influx of Jewish immigrants, who, together with the Greeks, moved from Byzantium towards the northern shores of the Black Sea, continued as theretofore, the greater part of these immigrants consisting of Karaites, who were found in large numbers in the Byzantine Empire.
In 1976 Arthur Koestler revived the theory the bulk of the Ashkenazis were the descendants of a turkik tribe (the medieval Khazars). The Khazar Caucasian Jews -- Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe" - were later converts which arose in Slavic Lands -- they weren't from the Mid-East. The geographic contours of the jewish Pale of Settelments under Russian imperial rule overlap significantly the contours of the reduced khazarian province after the Mongols (Gazaria).
Khazars (known also as Chozars, as Khazírs in Armenian and Khwalissas in Russian chronicles), an ancient people who occupied a prominent place among the secondary powers of the Byzantine state-system. In the epic of Firdousi Khazar is the representative name for all the northern foes of Persia, and legendary invasions long before the Christian era are vaguely attributed to them. But the Khazars are an historic figure upon the borderland of Europe and Asia for at least 900 years (AD 190-1100). The epoch of their greatness is from AD 600 to 950. Their home was in the spurs of the Caucasus and along the shores of the Caspian — called by medieval Moslem geographers Bahr-al-Khazar (" sea of the Khazars ").
They were the Venetians of the Caspian and the Euxine, the organizers of the transit between the two basins, the universal carriers between East and West; and the meeting-place of the commerce of Persia, Byzantium, Armenia, Russia and ihc Bulgarians of the middle Volga. The tide of their dominion ebbed and flowed repeatedly, but the normal Khazari may be taken as the territory between the Caucasus, the Volga and the Don, with the outlying province of the Crimea, or Little Khazarh. The southern boundary never greatly altered; it did at times reach the Kur and the Aras, but on that side the Khazars were confronted by Byzantium and Persia, and were for the most part restrained within the passes of the Caucasus. Among the nomadic Ugrians and agricultural Slavs of the north their frontier fluctuated widely, and in its zenith Khazaria extended from the Dnieper to Bolgari upon the Volga, and along the eastern shore of the Caspian to Astarabad.
There were Khazars and Black Khazars. The Khazars were fair-skinned, black-haired of a remarkable beauty and stature; their women indeed were sought as wives equally at Byzantium and Bagdad; while the Kara (black) were ugly, short, and were reported by the Arabs almost as dark as Indians. The latter were indubitably the Ugrian nomads of the steppe, akin to the Tatar invaders of Europe, who convoyed the caravans of the ruling caste. But the Khazars proper were a civic commercial people, the founders of cities, remarkable for somewhat elaborate political institutions, persistence and for good faith — all qualities foreign to the Hun's character.
They appear in European history as White Huns (Ephthalites) or White Bulgarians. Owing to climatic causes thi tract they occupied was slowly drying up. They were the outpost> of civilization towards the encroaching desert, and the Tatar nomadism that advanced with it. They held in precarious subjegation the hordes whom the conditions of the climate made it impossible to supplant. They bore the brunt of the great waves of Tatar conquests, and were eventually overwhelmed.
Amidst this white race of the steppe the Khazars can be first historically distinguished at the end of the 2nd century AD They burst into Armenia in AD 198. They were repulsed and attacked in turn. The pressure of the nomads of the steppe, the quest of plunder or revenge, these seem the only motives of these early expeditions; but in the long struggle between the Roman and Persi?? empires, of which Armenia was often the battlefield, and eventually the prize, the attitude of the Khazars assumed political importance. Armenia inclined to the civilization and ere long to the Christianity of Rome, whilst her Arsacid princes maintained an inveterate feud with the Sassanids of Persia. It became therefore the policy of the Persian kings to call in the Khazars in every collision with the empire (200-350).
During the 4th century however, the growing power of Persia culminated in the annexation of eastern Armenia. The Khazars, endangered by so powerful a neighbour, passed from under Persian influence into that remote alliance with Byzantium which thenceforth characterized their policy, and they aided Julian in his invasion of Persia (363). Simultaneously with the approach of Persia to the Caucasus the terrible empire of the Huns sprang upon the northern steppes. The Khazars, straitened on every side, remained passive till the danger culminated in the accession of Attila (434). Khazaria became the apanage of his eldest son, and the centre of government amongst the eastern subjects of the Hun (448). Even the iron rule of Attila was preferable to the time of anarchy that succeeded it.
Upon his death (454) the wild immigration which he had arrested revived. The Khazars and the Sarogours {i.e. White Ogors, possibly the Barsileans of the Volga delta) were swept along in a flood of mixed Tatar peoples which the conquests of the Avars had set in motion. The Khazars and their companions broke through the Persian defences of the Caucasus. They appropriated the territory up to the Kur and the Aras, and roamed at large through Iberia, Georgia and Armenia.
Throughout the 6th century Khazaria was the mere highway for the wild hordes to whom the Huns had opened the passage into Europe, and the Khazars took refuge (like the Venetians from Attila) amongst the seventy mouths of the Volga. The pressure of the Turks in Asia precipitated the Avars upon the West, The conquering Turks followed in their footsteps (560-580). They beat down all opposition, wrested even Bosporus in the Crimea from the empire, and by the annihilation of the Ephthalites completed the ruin of the White Race of the plains from the Oxus to the Don. The empires of Turks and Avars, however, ran swiftly their barbaric course, and the Khazars arose out of the chaos to more than their ancient renown. They issued from the land of Barsilia and extended their rule over the Bulgarian hordes left masterless by the Turks, compelling the more stubborn to migrate to the Danube (641).
The agricultural Slavs of the Dnieper and the Oka were reduced to tribute, and before the end of the 7th century the Khazars had annexed the Crimea, had won complete command of the Sea of Azov, and, seizing opon the narrow neck which separates the Volga from the Don, had organized the portage which has continued since an important link in the traffic between Asia and Europe. The alliance with Byzantium was revived. Simultaneously, and no doubt in concert, with the Byzantine campaign against Persia (589), the Khazars had reappeared in Armenia, though it was not till 625 that they appear as Khazars in the Byzantine annals. They are then described as " Turks from the East," a powerful nation which held the coasts of the Caspian and the Euxine, and took tribute of the Viatitsh, the Severians and the Polyane. The khakan, enticed by the promise of an imperial princess, furnished Heradius with 40.000 men for his Persian war, who shared in the victory over Chosroes at Nineveh.
Meanwhile the Moslem empire had arisen. The Persian empire was struck down (637) and the Moslems poured into Armenia, the khakan, who had defied the summons sent him by the invaders, now aided the Byzantine patrician in the defence of Armenia. The allies were defeated, and the Moslems undertook the subjugation of Khazaria (651). Eighty years of warfare followed, but in the end the Moslems prevailed. The khakan and his chieftains were captured and compelled to embrace Islam (737) and till the decay of the Mahommeaan empire Khazaria with all the other countries of the Caucasus paid an annual tribute of children and of corn (737-861). Nevertheless, though overpowered in the end, the Khazars had protected the plains of Europe from the Mahommcdans, and made the Caucasus the limit of their conquests.
While yet in their pagan state, the Khazars were exposed at one and the same time to the influences of three religions: Mohammedanism, which pursued its triumphant march from the Arabic Caliphate; Christianity, which was spreading in Byzantium, and Judaism, which, headed by the Exilarchs and Gaons of Babylonia, was centered in the Caliphate, while its ramifications spread all over the Empire of Byzantium and its colonies on the Black Sea. The Arabs and the Byzantines succeeded in converting several groups of the Khazar population to Islam and Christianity, but the lion's share fell to Judaism, for it managed to get hold of the royal dynasty and the ruling classes. The conversion of the Khazars to Judaism, which took place about 740, is described circumstantially in the traditions preserved among the Jews and in the accounts of the medieval Arabic travelers. The King, or Khagan, of the Khazars, by the name of Bulan, arranged a disputation between the advocates of the three religions, to be held in his presence. Both the Mohammedan and the Christian acknowledge the superiority of Judaism to the religion of their antagonist, so Bulan adopted the Jewish religion, and many of the Khazar nobles followed his example.
In the ninth and tenth centuries, the kingdom of the Khazars, governed by rulers professing the Jewish faith, attained to outward power and inner prosperity. The accounts of the Arabic writers of that period throw an interesting light on the inner life of the Khazars, which was marked by religious tolerance. The king of the Khazars and the governing classes professed the Jewish religion. Among the lower classes the three monotheistic religions were all represented, and in addition a considerable number of pagans still survived. In spite of the fact that royalty and nobility professed Judaism, the principle of religious equality was never violated.
In the interval between the decline of the Mahommedan rmpîre and the rise of Russia the Khazars reached the zenith of their power. The merchants of Byzantium, Armenia and Bagdad met in the markets of Itil (whither since the raids of the Mahommcdans the capital had been transferred from Scmendcr), and traded for the wax, furs, leather and honey that came down the Volga. So important was this traffic held at Constantinople that, when the portage to the Don was endangered by the irruption of a fresh horde of Turks (the Petchenegs), the emperor Theophilus himself despatched the materials and the workmen to build for the Khazars a fortress impregnable to their forays (834). Famous as the one stone structure ¡s in that stoneless region, the post became known far and wide amongst the hordes of the steppe as Sar-kel or the White Abode. Merchants from every nation found protection and good faith in the Khazar cities. The Jews, expelled from Constantinople, sought a home amongst them, developed the Khazar trade, and contended with Mahommcdans and Christians for t he theological allegiance of the Pagan people. The dynasty accepted Judaism (c. 740), but there was equal tolerance for all. and each man was held amenable to the authorized code and to the official judges of his own faith.
At the Byzantine court the khakan was held in high honor. The emperor Justinian Rhinotmetus took refuge with him during his exile and married his daughter (702). Justinian's rival Vardanes in turn sought an asylum in Khazaria, and in Leo IV. Í775) the grandson of a Khazar sovereign ascended the Byzantine throne. Khazar troops were amongst the bodyguard of the imperial court; they fought for Leo VI. against Simeon of Bulgaria ; and the khakan was honoured in diplomatic intercourse with the seal of three solidi, which marked him as a potentate of the first rank, above even the pope and the Carolingian monarch.
It was, however, from a power that Constantine did not consider that the overthrow of the Khazars came. The arrival of the Varangians amidst the scattered Slavs (862) had united them into a nation. The advance of the Petchenege from the East gave the Russians their opportunity. Before the onset of those fierce invaders the precarious suzerainty of the khakan broke up. By calling in the Uzes, the Khazars did indeed dislodge the Petchcnegs from the position they had seized yi the heart ofthe kingdom between the Volga and the Don, but only to drive them inwards to the Dnieper. The Hungarians, severed from theirkindredand theirruters. migrated to the Carpathians, whilst Oleg. the Russ prince of Kiev, passed through the Slav tribes of the Dnieper basin with the cry "Pay nothing to the Khazars" (884).
The kingdom dwindled rapidly to its ancient limits between the Caucasus, the Volga and the Don, while the Russian traders of Novgorod and Kiev supplanted the Khazars as the carriers between Constantinople and the North. When Ibn Fadian visited Khazaria forty years later, Itil was even yet a great city, with baths and market-places and thirty mosques, but there was no domestic product nor manufacture; the kingdom depended solely upon the now precarious transit dues, and administration was in the hands of a major domus also called khakan.
Slavonian tribes, who had been united under the leadership of Bussian princes, not only threw off the yoke of the Khazars, whose vassals they were, but also succeeded in invading and finally destroying their center at the mouth of the Volga. At the assault of Swiatoslav of Kiev the rotten fabric crumbled into dust. His troops were equally at home on land and water. Sarkel, Itil and Scmender surrendered to him (965-969). He pushed his conquests to the Caucasus, established Russian colonies upon the Sea of Azov, devastated the Khazar territories on the Ityl, and, penetrating to the heart of the country, dislodged the Khazars from the Caspian region.
The Khazars withdrew to their possessions on the Black Sea, and established themselves in particular on the Crimean Peninsula, which for a long time retained the name of Khazaria. The principality of Tmutarakan, founded by his grandson Mstislav (988), replaced the kingdom of Khazaria, the last trace of which was extinguished by a joint expedition of Russians and Byzantines (1016). A remnant of the nation took refuge in an island of the Caspian (Siahcouye); others retired to the Caucasus; part emigrated to the district of Kasakhi in Georgia, and appear for the first time joining with Georgia in her successful effort to throw off the yoke of the Seljuk Turks (1089).
The greatly reduced Khazar kingdom in Tauris, the survival of a mighty empire, was able to hold its own for nearly half a century, until in the eleventh century it fell a prey to the Russians and Byzantines (1016). The last of the khakans, George, Tzula, was taken prisoner. But the name is thought to survive in Kadzaria, the Georgian title for Mingrclia, and in Kadzaro, the Turkish word for the Lazis. Till the 13th century the Crimea was known to European travellers as Gazaria; the "ramparts of the Khazars" are still distinguished in the Ukraine; and the record of their dominion survives in the names of Kazarck, Kazaritshi, Kazarinovod, Kozar-owka, Kuzari, and perhaps in Kazan.
The relatives of the last khagan fled, according to tradition, to their coreligionists in Spain. The Khazar nation was scattered, and was subsequently lost among the other nations. By one account the remnants of the Khazars in the Crimea who professed Judaism were merged with the native Jews, consisting partly of Eabbanites and partly of Karaites. In this way the ancient Jewish settlements on the Crimean Peninsula suddenly received a large increase. At the same time the influx of Jewish immigrants, who, together with the Greeks, moved from Byzantium towards the northern shores of the Black Sea, continued as theretofore, the greater part of these immigrants consisting of Karaites, who were found in large numbers in the Byzantine Empire.
1 Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b
2 Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b among Turkic Uyghurs of China
3 Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia
4 Ashina of Khazaria
5 Conversion on Judaism limited to Quaghan Bulan and 4000 of his nobles
6 Archeological and Anthropological evidences
7 Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree
Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b (Q1b1a)
The most recent discovery of a rare and exotic Altaic Mongoloid (Turanid) haplogroup Q1b of male Krupa de Tarnawa, presented only among Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe in North-Western China -Xinjiang/Eastern Turkestan (in two separate groups of Turkic Uyghurs), in the low distribution throughout Turan/Inner Asia, in particular in southern Central Asia (Hazara and Sindhi people) and Western Asia (North of Iran,Turkey,Caucaus Mountains) is considered fully coherent with the history of the Royal Ashina Turks and known genealogies of Turkic Royalty, including Khazars.
Rare samples in Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews (and other ethnos) positive on Q1b/Q1b1/Q1b1a (M-378/L-245) mutation follow and confirm the Khazarian exodus pattern after 985 AC or 1016 AC and onward. History records that Khazars fled to Iraq, Syria, Anatolia, and Spain etc.
The Black Death of 1347-8 accelerated the progressive depopulation of the former Khazar heartland between Caucasus, Don and Volga.
Gazaria was a later, but important distribution channel. Gazaria is the name given to the Genoese colonies in Crimea and around the Black Sea from the mid 13th century to the late 15th century. The word is derived from Khazaria, even though the Khazars had ceased to rule over the area by that time.
A study published in 2004 by Stephen L. Zegura states that "The mutational age of Q-P36*, the marker defining the entire Q (M-242) lineage, is 17,700 ± 4,820 years BP," and that its original source is the region of the Altay Mountains near the borders of Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China.
The Q1b (The Q1b-M378 subclade is currently defined by several mutations: M378, L214, L215, and L314, while L-275 is labeled as Q1b*) with its several submutations (Q-L245, Q-L301, and Q-L327) is situated directly below the Q1/P-36.2, and therefore, together with Q1 forms a genetic cluster that is the closest to the ancestral (original) Q (P36, M-242). Thus far, all records that have been assigned by SNP testing into Haplogroup Q1b, no matter on genetic distance, also have a null value for DYS 425.[22]
According to Behar et al. 5% of Ashkenazi males belong to haplogroup Q.[23] This has subsequently been found to be entirely the Q-M378 subclade and may be restricted to Q-L245. Behar suggests that this haplogroup is the minor Ashkenazi Jews founding lineage.
Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b among Turkic Uyghurs of China
Discovery of the Ashkenazi Jewish haplogroup Q1b among Uyghurs of China is of great importance due to the reason that Western and North China is considered as the region of Ashina formation and therefore confirm link with ancient Ashina Tribe; as second it makes hypothesis of the Khazar oldest and core tribal extraction from the Qasar tribe of Uyghurs much more valid, and further because certain scholars, such as D.M. Dunlop and P.B. Golden, considered the Khazars to be connected with a Uyghur or Tiele confederation tribe called He'san in Chinese sources from the 7th-century (Suishu, 84). Remarkable is the fact that the Khazar language appears to have been an Oghuric tongue, similar to that spoken by the early Bulgars and corresponding to the modern day Chuvash dialects. P.B. Golden along with M. Artamonov and A. Novoseltsev even went further claiming that Khazars were a tribal union of Uyghur, Sabir, and some other Altaic Turkic people. That particular theory is the most favorite among most of the post-Soviet Russian scholars, and, as third, because Ashina Tribe provided Imperial House to the Uyghur Nation; namely Ichichni Shihtu, descends chiefs/kings of the Uighurs, and, father of Asyana Shad, father of [?] Ay Uzhru, their first king (487), who founded the Uighur Khaganate centered in Central Asia between the Mongols, Huns, and Chinese.
S.P.Nesterov speaks about 500 hundred Ashina families in his work "The Old Turks in Central Asia and Southern Siberia ", while André Wink in his book „Al-Hind, the Making of the Indo-Islamic World: The Slavic Kings and the Islamic Conquest 11th-13th century“ inform us that during the Western Turk episode , the Royal Ashina Clan has been reinforced and expanded with the scions of older Hephthalite/White Hun, Kushan and Irana subregimes. Both Kushan Empire and White Hun Empire has been ruled by the Yuezhi Royal families. They were originally settled in the arid grasslands of the eastern Tarim Basin area, in what is today Xinjiang and western Gansu, in China, before they migrated to Transoxiana, Bactria and then northern South Asia.
From perspective of a contemporary researcher, various elements or Old Turkic ruling class of the Khazarian Empire, constituted from the Ashina clan, core Khazar clans and Yuezhi elements (and others) cannot be separated in terms of valid conclusion. What connects them is the very same shamanic creed (the mandate of heaven trough blood descent).
Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia
One of the carriers of Q1b SNP mutation are the Sunni Hazara, also known as: Khazars, Khazara, Hazara,Hazars, Hazaragi, Aimaq Hazara, Chahar Aimaq, Char Aimaq, Four Aimaq.
Prevailing part of located carriers of haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia are located in areas south and western of The Khunjerab pass,which is in a strategic position between the autonomous region of Gilgit-Baltistan (formerly known as the Northern Areas), part of the disputed region of Kashmir and the Xinjiang autonomous region of China. In turn it connects North-Western China (Xinjiang) with India and Western Asia (Y-DNA distribution from China to Hazaras and Sindhi and further).
Ashina of Khazaria
The Khazar Empire has been ruled by the branch of the Ashina Royal Tribe which was converted to Judaism in 8th century AC.
The account of al-Istakhrī, written c. 320/932, is as follows (Viae regnorum, ed. by M.J. De Goeje (1927), 223ff.):
"As to their politics and system of government, their chief is called khāqān of the Khazars. He is greater than the king of the Khazars [elsewhere called the bak or bāk, i.e., beg], except that the king of the Khazars appoints him. When they wish to appoint this khāqān, they bring him and throttle him with a piece of silk, till, when his breath is nearly cut off, they say to him, 'How long do you wish to reign?' and he says, 'So and-so many years.' If he dies short of them, well and good. If not, he is killed when he reaches that year. The khaqanate is valid among them only in a house of notables. He possesses no right of command nor of veto but he is honored, and people prostrate themselves when they enter his presence.…. The khaqanate is in a group of notables who possess neither sovereignty nor riches. When the chief place comes to one of them, they appoint him, and do not consider his condition. I have been informed by a reliable person that he had seen a young man selling bread in one of the sūqs. People said that when their khāqān died, there was none more deserving of the khaqanate than he, except that he was a Muslim, and the khaqanate is not conferred on any but a Jew."
Conversion on Judaism limited to Quaghan Bulan and 4000 of his nobles
Scholars Douglas Morton Dunlop, Robert M. Seltzer, Stephen Lowe, Raphael Patai, Abba Eban (etc.) as well as Ibn Fadlan, Ibn Dastan and many other contemporary travelers and geographers, reported about Khazar conversion on Judaism limited to the Ashina of Khazaria tribal ruling class.
Other accounts include; Gardîzî whose Zayn al-Ah_bâr dates from ca. 1050, drew from many of the same sources used by Ibn Rusta. He reports that the Qag_an and Išâd (Prince) are Jews as are all who are inclined (meil dârad ) to (these) two from among the generals (sarhangân) and great men . The rest of them have a faith (bar dînî and ) which resembles that of the religion of the Oğuz Turks (ba-dîn-i turkân-i ġuzz mânad)
Al-Mas_ûdî, in his description of the Khazar capital, Atıl/Itil, writes: In this city there are Muslims, Christians, Jews and pagans. As concerns the Jews, they are the king (malik, by which he later notes he means the Qağan), his entourage and the Khazars of his tribe (min jinsihi). The king of the Khazars converted to Judaism during the caliphate of (Hârûn) ar-Rašîd (reg. 786–809, pbg). Some Jews joined him, arriving there from various Islamic urban centers and from Byzantium (Rûm). This was because the king of Rûm, in our time i.e in 332/943 it is Armanûs (Romanos Lekapenos, reg. 920–944), converted those Jews who were in his kingdom to the Christian religion, using coercion on them . . .”
Russian History Encyclopedia quote; "Most Khazars practiced shamanist-Täri religion. In the late eighth to early ninth century (but perhaps as late as 861), THE KHAZAR RULING ELITE CONVERTED TO JUDAISM. While many questions remain concerning this conversion and its pervasiveness, it is clear that by accepting Judaism, the ruling class made Khazaria a religious neutral zone for its warring Christian and Islamic neighbors. Religious tolerance and Khazaria's international commercial interests brought Christians, Muslims, Jews, pagans, and others to trade and live within the kaghanate."
Those claims has been confirmed and fortified in full by the very latest Y-DNA studies on Jews;
A 2010 study on Jewish ancestry by Atzmon et al. says "Two major groups were identified by principal component, phylogenetic, and identity by descent (IBD) analysis: Middle Eastern Jews and European/Syrian Jews. The IBD segment sharing and the proximity of European Jews to each other and to southern European populations suggested similar origins for European Jewry and refuted large-scale genetic contributions of Central and Eastern European and Slavic populations to the formation of Ashkenazi Jewry.".
The recent archeological discovery of the Khazar Jewish Capitol - Itil/Atil by The Astrakhan State University and subsequent conclusions ,confirmed the very same.
Quote from The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia; "Ultimately, about 786-809, their king Bulan and 4,000 of his nobles accepted Judaism, the prince Obadiah being active in securing their Judaization. "
Some medieval sources give the name of the rabbi who oversaw the conversion of the Khazars as Isaac Sangari or Yitzhak ha-Sangari.
According to A. Harkavy ("Meassef Niddahim," i.), the conversion took place in 620; according to others, in 740. King Joeph, in his letter to Hasdai ibn Shaprut (about 960), gives the following account of the conversion:(see Harkavy, "Soobshchenija o Chazarakh," in "Yevreiskaya Biblioteka," vii. 153);
"Some centuries ago King Bulan reigned over the Khazars. To him God appeared in a dream and promised him might and glory. Encouraged by this dream, Bulan went by the road of Darlan to the country of Ardebil, where he gained great victories [over the Arabs]. The Byzantine emperor and the calif of the Ishmaelites sent to him envoys with presents, and sages to convert him to their respective religions. Bulan invited also wise men of Israel, and proceeded to examine them all. As each of the champions believed his religion to be the best, Bulan separately questioned the Mohammedans and the Christians as to which of the other two religions they considered the better. When both gave preference to that of the Jews, that king perceived that it must be the true religion. He therefore adopted it".
In its aftermath ... , the Khazar officers called for Jewish books which had been kept in a “cave in the plain of Tyzwl". These were produced and the explanations offered by the “sages of Israel” proved critical. “Then,” we are told, “returned Israel, with the people of Qazaria, (to Judaism) completely” and Jews began to emigrate to Khazaria from Iran, Iraq and Byzantium...
According to the Schechter Letter, early Khazar Judaism was centered on a tabernacle similar to that mentioned in the Book of Exodus. Archaeologists at Rostov-on-Don have tentatively identified a folding altar unearthed at Khumar as part of such a construct.
Names of the huge Hebrew aristocracy of Khazaria history do not record, only names of Hebrew Emperors are recorded (based upon 740 AC as conversion date),and famous Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Farisi al Istakhri records that those Hebrew Emperors (he call them kaqhan) are chosen in the very same old shamanic way based on ancient spiritual blood royal premises, despite the fact of nominal conversion;
fl. c. 740 Bulan Sabriel (amalgamation with the Babylonian Jews of Iran,Iraq and Byzant onward)
c. 786-809 Obadiah
Manasseh I
Manasseh II
fl. c. 900 Aaron I
fl. c. 920 Benjamin
c. late 920s-940 Aaron II
fl. 940-965 Joseph
c. 986-988 David
? -1016 Georgius Tzul (In Kerch on Crimea)
Archeological and Anthropological evidence:
Kevin Alan Brook; "It is certain that Khazar Jews lived in Phanagoria (Tmutorokan), since over sixty tombstones bearing Jewish symbols (such as seven-branched menorahs, shofars, and lulavs) on one side and Turkic tribe symbols (tamgas) on the other side were found on the Taman peninsula. Many of these tombstones date from the eighth or ninth century. Khazarian tombstones on the Crimean peninsula also depict the shofar, menorah, and staff of Aaron, as well as Turkic tribe symbols... The artifacts from Taman and Crimea are extremely significant since their tamgas show that these Jews were ethnic Turks."
In 1972, 263 graves were discovered near the village of Chelarevo, in the Vojvodina district of present-day Serbia... More important, Jewish motifs have been found on at least seventy of the brick fragments excavated from the graves. The Jewish symbols on the fragments include menorahs, shofars, etrogs, candle-snuffers, and ash-collectors. One of the brick fragments, which was placed over the grave of Yehudah, has a Hebrew inscription that reads, 'Yehudah, oh!'[31] A recent summation of the Čelarevo complex by R.Bunardžič,“Čelarevo—nekropol’ i poselenie VIII–IX vekov” in Xazary, ed. V. Petruxin, V.Moskovič et al. in Evrei i Slavjane 16 (Ierusalim-Moskva, 2005), pp. 522–531,dates the finds to the late eighth-early ninth centuries, notes the Judaic objects in the finds,connects them with one of the three groupings represented there, a people with “northern Mongolian” physical characteristics.
Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree
The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree shows over 20 Levite and Aaronite lineages, as well as of Crimean Karaite, a group traditionally associated with Khazars. It is clear, from all genetic evidences, that this genetic tree descend from a single person or one single endogamic family , and start to rapidly expand in number some 800 to 900 years ago.
Today many Crimean Karaites deny Israelite origins and consider themselves to be descendants of the Khazars. The consensus view among historians, however, considers that religion form of the Khazars was Talmudic Judaism.Some modern Crimean Karaites seek to distance themselves from being identified as Jews, emphasizing what they view as their Turkic heritage and claiming that they are Turkic practitioners of a "Mosaic religion" separate and distinct from Judaism.
As for the Levite identity quote from "Multiple Origins of Ashkenazi Levites: Y Chromosome Evidence for Both Near Eastern and European Ancestries" by Behar et al.; Talmudic sources may possibly be interpreted to support the notion of differences in the social, religious, and legal barriers that relate to the assumption of Cohen and Levite status. These include descriptions of the possible assumption of Levite status other than through patrilineal descent, in a Talmudic passage describing a debate regarding the potential assign- ment of Levite status to a man (and his descendants) whose father was a non-Jew and whose mother was the daughter of a Levite. Such differences could have provided the backdrop for the sanctioned acceptance of Levite status other than through patrilineal descent.
2 Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b among Turkic Uyghurs of China
3 Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia
4 Ashina of Khazaria
5 Conversion on Judaism limited to Quaghan Bulan and 4000 of his nobles
6 Archeological and Anthropological evidences
7 Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree
Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b (Q1b1a)
The most recent discovery of a rare and exotic Altaic Mongoloid (Turanid) haplogroup Q1b of male Krupa de Tarnawa, presented only among Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe in North-Western China -Xinjiang/Eastern Turkestan (in two separate groups of Turkic Uyghurs), in the low distribution throughout Turan/Inner Asia, in particular in southern Central Asia (Hazara and Sindhi people) and Western Asia (North of Iran,Turkey,Caucaus Mountains) is considered fully coherent with the history of the Royal Ashina Turks and known genealogies of Turkic Royalty, including Khazars.
Rare samples in Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews (and other ethnos) positive on Q1b/Q1b1/Q1b1a (M-378/L-245) mutation follow and confirm the Khazarian exodus pattern after 985 AC or 1016 AC and onward. History records that Khazars fled to Iraq, Syria, Anatolia, and Spain etc.
The Black Death of 1347-8 accelerated the progressive depopulation of the former Khazar heartland between Caucasus, Don and Volga.
Gazaria was a later, but important distribution channel. Gazaria is the name given to the Genoese colonies in Crimea and around the Black Sea from the mid 13th century to the late 15th century. The word is derived from Khazaria, even though the Khazars had ceased to rule over the area by that time.
A study published in 2004 by Stephen L. Zegura states that "The mutational age of Q-P36*, the marker defining the entire Q (M-242) lineage, is 17,700 ± 4,820 years BP," and that its original source is the region of the Altay Mountains near the borders of Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China.
The Q1b (The Q1b-M378 subclade is currently defined by several mutations: M378, L214, L215, and L314, while L-275 is labeled as Q1b*) with its several submutations (Q-L245, Q-L301, and Q-L327) is situated directly below the Q1/P-36.2, and therefore, together with Q1 forms a genetic cluster that is the closest to the ancestral (original) Q (P36, M-242). Thus far, all records that have been assigned by SNP testing into Haplogroup Q1b, no matter on genetic distance, also have a null value for DYS 425.[22]
According to Behar et al. 5% of Ashkenazi males belong to haplogroup Q.[23] This has subsequently been found to be entirely the Q-M378 subclade and may be restricted to Q-L245. Behar suggests that this haplogroup is the minor Ashkenazi Jews founding lineage.
Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b among Turkic Uyghurs of China
Discovery of the Ashkenazi Jewish haplogroup Q1b among Uyghurs of China is of great importance due to the reason that Western and North China is considered as the region of Ashina formation and therefore confirm link with ancient Ashina Tribe; as second it makes hypothesis of the Khazar oldest and core tribal extraction from the Qasar tribe of Uyghurs much more valid, and further because certain scholars, such as D.M. Dunlop and P.B. Golden, considered the Khazars to be connected with a Uyghur or Tiele confederation tribe called He'san in Chinese sources from the 7th-century (Suishu, 84). Remarkable is the fact that the Khazar language appears to have been an Oghuric tongue, similar to that spoken by the early Bulgars and corresponding to the modern day Chuvash dialects. P.B. Golden along with M. Artamonov and A. Novoseltsev even went further claiming that Khazars were a tribal union of Uyghur, Sabir, and some other Altaic Turkic people. That particular theory is the most favorite among most of the post-Soviet Russian scholars, and, as third, because Ashina Tribe provided Imperial House to the Uyghur Nation; namely Ichichni Shihtu, descends chiefs/kings of the Uighurs, and, father of Asyana Shad, father of [?] Ay Uzhru, their first king (487), who founded the Uighur Khaganate centered in Central Asia between the Mongols, Huns, and Chinese.
S.P.Nesterov speaks about 500 hundred Ashina families in his work "The Old Turks in Central Asia and Southern Siberia ", while André Wink in his book „Al-Hind, the Making of the Indo-Islamic World: The Slavic Kings and the Islamic Conquest 11th-13th century“ inform us that during the Western Turk episode , the Royal Ashina Clan has been reinforced and expanded with the scions of older Hephthalite/White Hun, Kushan and Irana subregimes. Both Kushan Empire and White Hun Empire has been ruled by the Yuezhi Royal families. They were originally settled in the arid grasslands of the eastern Tarim Basin area, in what is today Xinjiang and western Gansu, in China, before they migrated to Transoxiana, Bactria and then northern South Asia.
From perspective of a contemporary researcher, various elements or Old Turkic ruling class of the Khazarian Empire, constituted from the Ashina clan, core Khazar clans and Yuezhi elements (and others) cannot be separated in terms of valid conclusion. What connects them is the very same shamanic creed (the mandate of heaven trough blood descent).
Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia
One of the carriers of Q1b SNP mutation are the Sunni Hazara, also known as: Khazars, Khazara, Hazara,Hazars, Hazaragi, Aimaq Hazara, Chahar Aimaq, Char Aimaq, Four Aimaq.
Prevailing part of located carriers of haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia are located in areas south and western of The Khunjerab pass,which is in a strategic position between the autonomous region of Gilgit-Baltistan (formerly known as the Northern Areas), part of the disputed region of Kashmir and the Xinjiang autonomous region of China. In turn it connects North-Western China (Xinjiang) with India and Western Asia (Y-DNA distribution from China to Hazaras and Sindhi and further).
Ashina of Khazaria
The Khazar Empire has been ruled by the branch of the Ashina Royal Tribe which was converted to Judaism in 8th century AC.
The account of al-Istakhrī, written c. 320/932, is as follows (Viae regnorum, ed. by M.J. De Goeje (1927), 223ff.):
"As to their politics and system of government, their chief is called khāqān of the Khazars. He is greater than the king of the Khazars [elsewhere called the bak or bāk, i.e., beg], except that the king of the Khazars appoints him. When they wish to appoint this khāqān, they bring him and throttle him with a piece of silk, till, when his breath is nearly cut off, they say to him, 'How long do you wish to reign?' and he says, 'So and-so many years.' If he dies short of them, well and good. If not, he is killed when he reaches that year. The khaqanate is valid among them only in a house of notables. He possesses no right of command nor of veto but he is honored, and people prostrate themselves when they enter his presence.…. The khaqanate is in a group of notables who possess neither sovereignty nor riches. When the chief place comes to one of them, they appoint him, and do not consider his condition. I have been informed by a reliable person that he had seen a young man selling bread in one of the sūqs. People said that when their khāqān died, there was none more deserving of the khaqanate than he, except that he was a Muslim, and the khaqanate is not conferred on any but a Jew."
Conversion on Judaism limited to Quaghan Bulan and 4000 of his nobles
Scholars Douglas Morton Dunlop, Robert M. Seltzer, Stephen Lowe, Raphael Patai, Abba Eban (etc.) as well as Ibn Fadlan, Ibn Dastan and many other contemporary travelers and geographers, reported about Khazar conversion on Judaism limited to the Ashina of Khazaria tribal ruling class.
Other accounts include; Gardîzî whose Zayn al-Ah_bâr dates from ca. 1050, drew from many of the same sources used by Ibn Rusta. He reports that the Qag_an and Išâd (Prince) are Jews as are all who are inclined (meil dârad ) to (these) two from among the generals (sarhangân) and great men . The rest of them have a faith (bar dînî and ) which resembles that of the religion of the Oğuz Turks (ba-dîn-i turkân-i ġuzz mânad)
Al-Mas_ûdî, in his description of the Khazar capital, Atıl/Itil, writes: In this city there are Muslims, Christians, Jews and pagans. As concerns the Jews, they are the king (malik, by which he later notes he means the Qağan), his entourage and the Khazars of his tribe (min jinsihi). The king of the Khazars converted to Judaism during the caliphate of (Hârûn) ar-Rašîd (reg. 786–809, pbg). Some Jews joined him, arriving there from various Islamic urban centers and from Byzantium (Rûm). This was because the king of Rûm, in our time i.e in 332/943 it is Armanûs (Romanos Lekapenos, reg. 920–944), converted those Jews who were in his kingdom to the Christian religion, using coercion on them . . .”
Russian History Encyclopedia quote; "Most Khazars practiced shamanist-Täri religion. In the late eighth to early ninth century (but perhaps as late as 861), THE KHAZAR RULING ELITE CONVERTED TO JUDAISM. While many questions remain concerning this conversion and its pervasiveness, it is clear that by accepting Judaism, the ruling class made Khazaria a religious neutral zone for its warring Christian and Islamic neighbors. Religious tolerance and Khazaria's international commercial interests brought Christians, Muslims, Jews, pagans, and others to trade and live within the kaghanate."
Those claims has been confirmed and fortified in full by the very latest Y-DNA studies on Jews;
A 2010 study on Jewish ancestry by Atzmon et al. says "Two major groups were identified by principal component, phylogenetic, and identity by descent (IBD) analysis: Middle Eastern Jews and European/Syrian Jews. The IBD segment sharing and the proximity of European Jews to each other and to southern European populations suggested similar origins for European Jewry and refuted large-scale genetic contributions of Central and Eastern European and Slavic populations to the formation of Ashkenazi Jewry.".
The recent archeological discovery of the Khazar Jewish Capitol - Itil/Atil by The Astrakhan State University and subsequent conclusions ,confirmed the very same.
Quote from The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia; "Ultimately, about 786-809, their king Bulan and 4,000 of his nobles accepted Judaism, the prince Obadiah being active in securing their Judaization. "
Some medieval sources give the name of the rabbi who oversaw the conversion of the Khazars as Isaac Sangari or Yitzhak ha-Sangari.
According to A. Harkavy ("Meassef Niddahim," i.), the conversion took place in 620; according to others, in 740. King Joeph, in his letter to Hasdai ibn Shaprut (about 960), gives the following account of the conversion:(see Harkavy, "Soobshchenija o Chazarakh," in "Yevreiskaya Biblioteka," vii. 153);
"Some centuries ago King Bulan reigned over the Khazars. To him God appeared in a dream and promised him might and glory. Encouraged by this dream, Bulan went by the road of Darlan to the country of Ardebil, where he gained great victories [over the Arabs]. The Byzantine emperor and the calif of the Ishmaelites sent to him envoys with presents, and sages to convert him to their respective religions. Bulan invited also wise men of Israel, and proceeded to examine them all. As each of the champions believed his religion to be the best, Bulan separately questioned the Mohammedans and the Christians as to which of the other two religions they considered the better. When both gave preference to that of the Jews, that king perceived that it must be the true religion. He therefore adopted it".
In its aftermath ... , the Khazar officers called for Jewish books which had been kept in a “cave in the plain of Tyzwl". These were produced and the explanations offered by the “sages of Israel” proved critical. “Then,” we are told, “returned Israel, with the people of Qazaria, (to Judaism) completely” and Jews began to emigrate to Khazaria from Iran, Iraq and Byzantium...
According to the Schechter Letter, early Khazar Judaism was centered on a tabernacle similar to that mentioned in the Book of Exodus. Archaeologists at Rostov-on-Don have tentatively identified a folding altar unearthed at Khumar as part of such a construct.
Names of the huge Hebrew aristocracy of Khazaria history do not record, only names of Hebrew Emperors are recorded (based upon 740 AC as conversion date),and famous Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Farisi al Istakhri records that those Hebrew Emperors (he call them kaqhan) are chosen in the very same old shamanic way based on ancient spiritual blood royal premises, despite the fact of nominal conversion;
fl. c. 740 Bulan Sabriel (amalgamation with the Babylonian Jews of Iran,Iraq and Byzant onward)
c. 786-809 Obadiah
Manasseh I
Manasseh II
fl. c. 900 Aaron I
fl. c. 920 Benjamin
c. late 920s-940 Aaron II
fl. 940-965 Joseph
c. 986-988 David
? -1016 Georgius Tzul (In Kerch on Crimea)
Archeological and Anthropological evidence:
Kevin Alan Brook; "It is certain that Khazar Jews lived in Phanagoria (Tmutorokan), since over sixty tombstones bearing Jewish symbols (such as seven-branched menorahs, shofars, and lulavs) on one side and Turkic tribe symbols (tamgas) on the other side were found on the Taman peninsula. Many of these tombstones date from the eighth or ninth century. Khazarian tombstones on the Crimean peninsula also depict the shofar, menorah, and staff of Aaron, as well as Turkic tribe symbols... The artifacts from Taman and Crimea are extremely significant since their tamgas show that these Jews were ethnic Turks."
In 1972, 263 graves were discovered near the village of Chelarevo, in the Vojvodina district of present-day Serbia... More important, Jewish motifs have been found on at least seventy of the brick fragments excavated from the graves. The Jewish symbols on the fragments include menorahs, shofars, etrogs, candle-snuffers, and ash-collectors. One of the brick fragments, which was placed over the grave of Yehudah, has a Hebrew inscription that reads, 'Yehudah, oh!'[31] A recent summation of the Čelarevo complex by R.Bunardžič,“Čelarevo—nekropol’ i poselenie VIII–IX vekov” in Xazary, ed. V. Petruxin, V.Moskovič et al. in Evrei i Slavjane 16 (Ierusalim-Moskva, 2005), pp. 522–531,dates the finds to the late eighth-early ninth centuries, notes the Judaic objects in the finds,connects them with one of the three groupings represented there, a people with “northern Mongolian” physical characteristics.
Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree
The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree shows over 20 Levite and Aaronite lineages, as well as of Crimean Karaite, a group traditionally associated with Khazars. It is clear, from all genetic evidences, that this genetic tree descend from a single person or one single endogamic family , and start to rapidly expand in number some 800 to 900 years ago.
Today many Crimean Karaites deny Israelite origins and consider themselves to be descendants of the Khazars. The consensus view among historians, however, considers that religion form of the Khazars was Talmudic Judaism.Some modern Crimean Karaites seek to distance themselves from being identified as Jews, emphasizing what they view as their Turkic heritage and claiming that they are Turkic practitioners of a "Mosaic religion" separate and distinct from Judaism.
As for the Levite identity quote from "Multiple Origins of Ashkenazi Levites: Y Chromosome Evidence for Both Near Eastern and European Ancestries" by Behar et al.; Talmudic sources may possibly be interpreted to support the notion of differences in the social, religious, and legal barriers that relate to the assumption of Cohen and Levite status. These include descriptions of the possible assumption of Levite status other than through patrilineal descent, in a Talmudic passage describing a debate regarding the potential assign- ment of Levite status to a man (and his descendants) whose father was a non-Jew and whose mother was the daughter of a Levite. Such differences could have provided the backdrop for the sanctioned acceptance of Levite status other than through patrilineal descent.
Royal Ashina Line / Krupa de Tarnawa

The Babylonian Goddess Queen Tiamat (The Greek Goddess Chaos ), Mother of Gaia
The Babylonian Goddess Queen Kishar (The Greek Goddess Gaia; Mother Earth)
The Babylonian God-King Anu (Chronos-Saturn) and The High Council of Annunaki; The Jewish Elohim; The Old Gods
God Enlil, The Red Haired Zeus of The Greeks, The Jewish Jehowah, Tengri of Turks
Goddess Erish-Kigal = Nergal The King of Underworld
Queen Lilith I, The Beautiful, Lilith of The Ben Sirah; Red Haired Queen of The North, Jewish Leviathan-The Dragon of The Sea, She-Wolf = Shemo The Archer
Imperial and Royal Ashina Clan of Old Turks (500 families)
Khazar Empire Ruling Class
Ashkenazi of Eastern Europe
Krupa de Tarnawa
Latest research of Zhong, Shi and other authors confirmed that haplogroup Q1b in all EuroAsia (except Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe) can be founded only among Hazara and Sindhi people, and discovered samples of this very rare haplogroup only among Uygurs (Altaic group of languages) of Xinjiang/Turkestan (North-Western China)..
Xinjiang/Turkestan was according to ALL sources location of ultimate origin of the Ashina Royal tribe!
Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route, Hua Zhong,,Hong Shi,Xue-Bin Qi,Zi-Yuan Duan,Ping-Ping Tan,Li Jin,Bing Su, and Runlin Z. Ma, (First published online: September 13, 2010)
From Rootsweb-compiled by David Hughes;
This genealogy of the Turkish Assena Dynasty is based primarily on two sources, which are (a) Formhals' chart "Royal Race of Deuman", and (b) a chart by Mommaerts posted on the net. The genealogies reconstructed by Formhals and Mommaerts differ. Here I have hopefully successfully harmonized their conflicting genealogical data. For example Mommaerts identifies Iski Khan [Irksi Khan] with Buman's son Kara Kola Khan, but this throws the chronology out of whack; thus, I follow Formhals identification of Iski Khan [Irksi Khan] with Buman's brother Istami, which works out chronologically. Though I follow Formhals rather than Mommaerts on that particular identification; on another identification I follow Mommaerts rather than Formhals, which is where Formhals makes Kushu Mukan Kagan to be a brother of Bumen, but this cannot be correct, and, therefore, here I follow Mommaerts in making Kushu Mukan Kagan to be Buman's son. This is more sound chronologically. Too, Formhals only gives Bumen one son, whereas in nearly every source I have seen Bumen's offspring is referred to as "sons" [plural, i.e., more than one son].
The ancestry of the Ottomans from the Assena Dynasty is based on the identification of Torak Han in the traditional Ottomon pedigree with Turug in Formhals' chart, which works out chronologically. However, if Torak Han and Turug were different persons then they would have to be contemporaries, nevertheless, when one considers that the traditional Ottomon pedigree includes names found in the Assena Dynasty genealogy [e.g. Baz Kagan], one may assume that whoever drew-up the traditional Ottomon pedigree was influenced by the Assena Dynasty genealogy. Too, it is known that the Ottomans wanted to distant themselves from the Assena Dynasty and wanted a unique pedigree. This is evident where the traditional Ottomon pedigree diverges at a certain point from where it is proceeds to trace descent from Adam and Eve.
00. Liu Tsugu (d398)
a. Ashinha
398-43301. Ashinha (Ashina), Duke of Liang 396/8; King of Liang 400/6
(d433), eponym of the Assena clan
a. Apangpu
b. Ichichni Shihtu, father of Asyana Shad, father of Ay Uzhru, 1st
King of Uighurs (487-508)
c. Notuliu
433-46102. Apangpu
a. Hsien I
b. Pusun
c. Kulapan
d. Liangu
e. Wangu Sun, father of Ahingu, Benatru, & Wangu
f. Duku, father of Duku Tasien
461-490 03. Hsien I
a. Hsien II
b. Mengen Kaghan
c. Lilipan (dau), wife of Khuganye XIV, Hunnish Emperor of Asia
490-49104. Pusun
491-49605. Kulapan
496-51106. Liangu
511-52107. Hsien II
521-52308. Mengen Kaghan
issue: Tuwu "Tayehu"
523-54609. Tuwu "Tayehu" [T'u-u Mengen Tsugu]
a. Bumin, reck'd "1st" king (below)
b. Istami
c. Dardo
618-62701. Ziebel, founded new Khazar dynasty, id. with Turkish Khan
Tong Yabghu Khan
a. Harbis [I]
627-?02. Harbis [I] [Irbis]
= Epiphania, dau of Heraclius, Byzantine Emperor
a. Anastasia (dau)
= Khalge Kagan [Harbis II]
(640)03. Kieyue Khan
a. Khalge Kagan
b. Ashena Holo, father of Kaban Kagan, Khazar King
(650)04. Khalge Kagan [Harbis II]
= Anastasia, dau of Harbis [I], Khazar King (above)
a. Ibuzir Glavan
b. Theodora (dau)
= Justinian II, Byzantine Emperor
(670)05. Kaban Kagan
690-71506. Ibuzir Glavan
a. Barjik
715-73107. Barjik
a. Bulan Sabriel
b. Bihar [Bizar]
(740)08. Bulan Sabriel
a. Bagatur
(750)09. Bihar [Bizar]
a. Tzitzak [Chichak] [Irene], wife of Constantine V, Byzantine Emperor
(760)10. Bagatur
a. Obadiah
b. Hanukkah
c. Zebulun
786-80911. Obadiah
a. Hezekiah
809-?12. Hezekiah
a. Manasseh I
XXX13. Manasseh I
XXX14. Hanukkah
a. Yitzchak
XXX15. Yitzchak
a. Manasseh II
XXX16. Zebulun
a. son [name], father of Zachary, rival king
XXX17. Manasseh II
a. Nisi
(860)X. Zachary, rival king
XXX18. Nisi
a. Aaron I
(900)19. Aaron I
a. Menahem
b. Benjamin
(910)20. Menahem
(925)21. Benjamin
a. Aaron II
(940)22. Aaron II
a. Hakan Yusuf [Joseph]
945-96523. Hakan Yusuf [Joseph]
a. David
965-96924. David, dep by Russians, d in exile at Taman 986/8
a. George Tzula
(986/8)25. George Tzula, anti-king at Kerch, defeated in battle,
captured, and taken prisoner by Russians 1016 [last one]
The Babylonian Goddess Queen Tiamat (The Greek Goddess Chaos ), Mother of Gaia
The Babylonian Goddess Queen Kishar (The Greek Goddess Gaia; Mother Earth)
The Babylonian God-King Anu (Chronos-Saturn) and The High Council of Annunaki; The Jewish Elohim; The Old Gods
God Enlil, The Red Haired Zeus of The Greeks, The Jewish Jehowah, Tengri of Turks
Goddess Erish-Kigal = Nergal The King of Underworld
Queen Lilith I, The Beautiful, Lilith of The Ben Sirah; Red Haired Queen of The North, Jewish Leviathan-The Dragon of The Sea, She-Wolf = Shemo The Archer
Imperial and Royal Ashina Clan of Old Turks (500 families)
Khazar Empire Ruling Class
Ashkenazi of Eastern Europe
Krupa de Tarnawa
Latest research of Zhong, Shi and other authors confirmed that haplogroup Q1b in all EuroAsia (except Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe) can be founded only among Hazara and Sindhi people, and discovered samples of this very rare haplogroup only among Uygurs (Altaic group of languages) of Xinjiang/Turkestan (North-Western China)..
Xinjiang/Turkestan was according to ALL sources location of ultimate origin of the Ashina Royal tribe!
Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route, Hua Zhong,,Hong Shi,Xue-Bin Qi,Zi-Yuan Duan,Ping-Ping Tan,Li Jin,Bing Su, and Runlin Z. Ma, (First published online: September 13, 2010)
From Rootsweb-compiled by David Hughes;
This genealogy of the Turkish Assena Dynasty is based primarily on two sources, which are (a) Formhals' chart "Royal Race of Deuman", and (b) a chart by Mommaerts posted on the net. The genealogies reconstructed by Formhals and Mommaerts differ. Here I have hopefully successfully harmonized their conflicting genealogical data. For example Mommaerts identifies Iski Khan [Irksi Khan] with Buman's son Kara Kola Khan, but this throws the chronology out of whack; thus, I follow Formhals identification of Iski Khan [Irksi Khan] with Buman's brother Istami, which works out chronologically. Though I follow Formhals rather than Mommaerts on that particular identification; on another identification I follow Mommaerts rather than Formhals, which is where Formhals makes Kushu Mukan Kagan to be a brother of Bumen, but this cannot be correct, and, therefore, here I follow Mommaerts in making Kushu Mukan Kagan to be Buman's son. This is more sound chronologically. Too, Formhals only gives Bumen one son, whereas in nearly every source I have seen Bumen's offspring is referred to as "sons" [plural, i.e., more than one son].
The ancestry of the Ottomans from the Assena Dynasty is based on the identification of Torak Han in the traditional Ottomon pedigree with Turug in Formhals' chart, which works out chronologically. However, if Torak Han and Turug were different persons then they would have to be contemporaries, nevertheless, when one considers that the traditional Ottomon pedigree includes names found in the Assena Dynasty genealogy [e.g. Baz Kagan], one may assume that whoever drew-up the traditional Ottomon pedigree was influenced by the Assena Dynasty genealogy. Too, it is known that the Ottomans wanted to distant themselves from the Assena Dynasty and wanted a unique pedigree. This is evident where the traditional Ottomon pedigree diverges at a certain point from where it is proceeds to trace descent from Adam and Eve.
00. Liu Tsugu (d398)
a. Ashinha
398-43301. Ashinha (Ashina), Duke of Liang 396/8; King of Liang 400/6
(d433), eponym of the Assena clan
a. Apangpu
b. Ichichni Shihtu, father of Asyana Shad, father of Ay Uzhru, 1st
King of Uighurs (487-508)
c. Notuliu
433-46102. Apangpu
a. Hsien I
b. Pusun
c. Kulapan
d. Liangu
e. Wangu Sun, father of Ahingu, Benatru, & Wangu
f. Duku, father of Duku Tasien
461-490 03. Hsien I
a. Hsien II
b. Mengen Kaghan
c. Lilipan (dau), wife of Khuganye XIV, Hunnish Emperor of Asia
490-49104. Pusun
491-49605. Kulapan
496-51106. Liangu
511-52107. Hsien II
521-52308. Mengen Kaghan
issue: Tuwu "Tayehu"
523-54609. Tuwu "Tayehu" [T'u-u Mengen Tsugu]
a. Bumin, reck'd "1st" king (below)
b. Istami
c. Dardo
618-62701. Ziebel, founded new Khazar dynasty, id. with Turkish Khan
Tong Yabghu Khan
a. Harbis [I]
627-?02. Harbis [I] [Irbis]
= Epiphania, dau of Heraclius, Byzantine Emperor
a. Anastasia (dau)
= Khalge Kagan [Harbis II]
(640)03. Kieyue Khan
a. Khalge Kagan
b. Ashena Holo, father of Kaban Kagan, Khazar King
(650)04. Khalge Kagan [Harbis II]
= Anastasia, dau of Harbis [I], Khazar King (above)
a. Ibuzir Glavan
b. Theodora (dau)
= Justinian II, Byzantine Emperor
(670)05. Kaban Kagan
690-71506. Ibuzir Glavan
a. Barjik
715-73107. Barjik
a. Bulan Sabriel
b. Bihar [Bizar]
(740)08. Bulan Sabriel
a. Bagatur
(750)09. Bihar [Bizar]
a. Tzitzak [Chichak] [Irene], wife of Constantine V, Byzantine Emperor
(760)10. Bagatur
a. Obadiah
b. Hanukkah
c. Zebulun
786-80911. Obadiah
a. Hezekiah
809-?12. Hezekiah
a. Manasseh I
XXX13. Manasseh I
XXX14. Hanukkah
a. Yitzchak
XXX15. Yitzchak
a. Manasseh II
XXX16. Zebulun
a. son [name], father of Zachary, rival king
XXX17. Manasseh II
a. Nisi
(860)X. Zachary, rival king
XXX18. Nisi
a. Aaron I
(900)19. Aaron I
a. Menahem
b. Benjamin
(910)20. Menahem
(925)21. Benjamin
a. Aaron II
(940)22. Aaron II
a. Hakan Yusuf [Joseph]
945-96523. Hakan Yusuf [Joseph]
a. David
965-96924. David, dep by Russians, d in exile at Taman 986/8
a. George Tzula
(986/8)25. George Tzula, anti-king at Kerch, defeated in battle,
captured, and taken prisoner by Russians 1016 [last one]

Accounts of the Gokturk and Khazar khaganates suggest that the Ashina
clan was accorded SACRED, perhaps QUASI-DIVINE STATUS in the shamanic
religion practiced by the steppe nomads of the first millennium CE /The
pagan Turks believed that their Ashina Qaghans ruled by virtue of
heavenly mandated charisma (QUT). Since their blood could not be shed,
dethroned Qaghans were strangled with a silk cord. The investiture
ceremonies of the Ashina Turks and Khazar Qaghans included ritual
CLAN, the latter exercised a collective sovereignty over their realms
resulting in frequent succession struggles/.
Originally, the Khazars practiced traditional Turkic shamanism, focused on the sky godTengri, but were heavily influenced by Confucian ideas imported from China, notably that of the Mandate of Heaven. The Ashina clan were considered to be the chosen of Tengri and the kaghan was the incarnation of the favor the sky-god bestowed on the Turks. A kaghan who failed had clearly lost the god's favor and was typically ritually executed. Historians have sometimes wondered, only half in jest, whether the Khazar tendency to occasionally execute their rulers on religious grounds led those rulers to seek out other religions. The Khazars worshipped a number of deities subordinate to Tengri, including the fertility goddessUmay, Kuara, a thunder god, and Erlik, the god of death.
The Krupa family leads research of the ASHINA KHAZAR Ancestory and runs the ROYAL ASHINA DYNASTY DNA PROJECT. Supreme Templar Grand Master, Freddy Krupa, Shamanic Prince of Itil, has written an e-book about the ROYAL ASHINA KHAZAR BEG Y- DNA LINK OF the KRUPA family of Croatia. It has been recognised by both, scientific circles, and Shamans. Seventy-seven year old Shaman/Kam Emelye Ulubayan claimed that spirits of elders/begs of Khazaria during her lucid dreaming, recognized the Krupa family as descents of Obadiah, King of Khazars, and that they called Freddy Krupa Prince of Itil. Mladen Krupa, Freddy’s father is the oldest member of the family and has been recognized as the one that has the shamanic gift. For scientific information, read about IGENEA.
The family is also recognized as the Dragon Princess by the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court of the House of Vere of Anjou, excersing prerogatives given to IRDC in royal warrant of the house Habsburg-Toskana in 1994. The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree, turns out to be, the one of late Stanley Goldfoot (Eliezer Ben Yisrael), Head of Intelligence for the Stern Group and founder of The Times of Israel.
"This family DNA data also shows the descent from the original Levites, the so-called "Babylonian Levites" through frequent intermarriages with the Khazar royals. The Tarnawa-de Vere von Drakenberg and Tarnawa-Krupa de Vere von Drakenberg families, now amalgated, are descended from the same Ha'Melech dynasty." Dragon Cede,pg.79
Originally, the Khazars practiced traditional Turkic shamanism, focused on the sky godTengri, but were heavily influenced by Confucian ideas imported from China, notably that of the Mandate of Heaven. The Ashina clan were considered to be the chosen of Tengri and the kaghan was the incarnation of the favor the sky-god bestowed on the Turks. A kaghan who failed had clearly lost the god's favor and was typically ritually executed. Historians have sometimes wondered, only half in jest, whether the Khazar tendency to occasionally execute their rulers on religious grounds led those rulers to seek out other religions. The Khazars worshipped a number of deities subordinate to Tengri, including the fertility goddessUmay, Kuara, a thunder god, and Erlik, the god of death.
The Krupa family leads research of the ASHINA KHAZAR Ancestory and runs the ROYAL ASHINA DYNASTY DNA PROJECT. Supreme Templar Grand Master, Freddy Krupa, Shamanic Prince of Itil, has written an e-book about the ROYAL ASHINA KHAZAR BEG Y- DNA LINK OF the KRUPA family of Croatia. It has been recognised by both, scientific circles, and Shamans. Seventy-seven year old Shaman/Kam Emelye Ulubayan claimed that spirits of elders/begs of Khazaria during her lucid dreaming, recognized the Krupa family as descents of Obadiah, King of Khazars, and that they called Freddy Krupa Prince of Itil. Mladen Krupa, Freddy’s father is the oldest member of the family and has been recognized as the one that has the shamanic gift. For scientific information, read about IGENEA.
The family is also recognized as the Dragon Princess by the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court of the House of Vere of Anjou, excersing prerogatives given to IRDC in royal warrant of the house Habsburg-Toskana in 1994. The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree, turns out to be, the one of late Stanley Goldfoot (Eliezer Ben Yisrael), Head of Intelligence for the Stern Group and founder of The Times of Israel.
"This family DNA data also shows the descent from the original Levites, the so-called "Babylonian Levites" through frequent intermarriages with the Khazar royals. The Tarnawa-de Vere von Drakenberg and Tarnawa-Krupa de Vere von Drakenberg families, now amalgated, are descended from the same Ha'Melech dynasty." Dragon Cede,pg.79
Krupa de Tarnawa Royal Ashina Family

Cult of Heavenly Ordained Rule
The belief in celestial origin of authority linked up with an ideal of world domination that acquired a prominent and historical form among the sixth-century Turks but existed before as part of shamanic creed. The related idea that domination was an exclusive right of the Turks was later passed on to the Uyghurs and Mongols.
But the cult of heavenly ordained rule was not peculiar to the Altaic world; even less was the principle of legitimation by descent and of charisma residing in royal blood, which allowed individual members of the clan to be elevated to the Qaghanate.
The second Turkish Empire, in effect, was deeply rooted in urban civilization, the joint enterprise of the Ashina clan and Soghdians, with large number of Chinese bureaucrats being involved as well. The Western Turks, ruling trough scions of the (Ashina) royal clan or older Hephthalite, Kushana and Irana subregimes, controlled the territory between the Syr and the Amu with the entrepots of the Chinese trade, Samarqand, Bukhara and others.
The Babylonian Goddess Queen Tiamat (The Greek Goddess Chaos ), Mother of Gaia
The Babylonian Goddess Queen Kishar (The Greek Goddess Gaia; Mother Earth)
The Babylonian God-King Anu (Chronos-Saturn) and The High Council of Annunaki; The Jewish Elohim; The Old Gods
God Enlil, The Red Haired Zeus of The Greeks, The Jewish Jehowah, Tengri of Turks
Goddess Erish-Kigal = Nergal The King of Underworld
Queen Lilith I, The Beautiful, Lilith of The Ben Sirah; Red Haired Queen of The North, Jewish Leviathan-The Dragon of The Sea, She-Wolf = Shemo The Archer
Imperial and Royal Ashina Clan of Old Turks (500 families)
Khazar Empire Ruling Class
Ashkenazi of Eastern Europe
Krupa de Tarnawa
Gokturk and Khazar Khagan Clan
Accounts of the Gokturk and Khazar khaganates suggest that the Ashina clan was accorded SACRED, perhaps QUASI-DIVINE STATUS in the shamanic religion practiced by the steppe nomads of the first millennium CE /The pagan Turks believed that their Ashina Qaghans ruled by virtue of heavenly mandated charisma (QUT). Since their blood could not be shed, dethroned Qaghans were strangled with a silk cord. The investiture ceremonies of the Ashina Turks and Khazar Qaghans included ritual near-strangulation. As THIS CHARISMA (QUT) RESIDED IN THE ENTIRE ROYAL CLAN, the latter exercised a collective sovereignty over their realms resulting in frequent succession struggles/.
Krupa de Tarnawa
The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree, turn to be, the one of late Stanley Goldfoot (Eliezer Ben Yisrael), Head of Intelligence for the Stern Group and founder of The Times of Israel. and More...
The Imperial Eagle is the acheivement both of the House of Vere of Anjou, showing the House's ancient status, it's relationship to cousin dynasties, (displayed via the inescutcheons on the wings of the Eagle); and also of the Dragon Court as a whole. The origin of the double-headed Eagle-Raven-Phoenix is already well known to us all as a high symbol of the Dragon Ascended.
Originally, the Khazars practiced traditional Turkic shamanism, focused on the sky god Tengri, but were heavily influenced by Confucian ideas imported from China, notably that of the Mandate of Heaven. The Ashina clan were considered to be the chosen of Tengri and the kaghan was the incarnation of the favor the sky-god bestowed on the Turks. A kaghan who failed had clearly lost the god's favor and was typically ritually executed. Historians have sometimes wondered, only half in jest, whether the Khazar tendency to occasionally execute their rulers on religious grounds led those rulers to seek out other religions. The Khazars worshipped a number of deities subordinate to Tengri, including the fertility goddess Umay, Kuara, a thunder god, and Erlik, the god of death.
The Krupa family leads research of the ASHINA KHAZAR Ancestory and runs the ROYAL ASHINA DYNASTY DNA PROJECT. Supreme Templar Grand Master, Freddy Krupa, Shamanic Prince of Itil, has written an e-book about the ROYAL ASHINA KHAZAR BEG Y- DNA LINK OF the KRUPA family of Croatia. It has been recognised by both, scientific circles, and Shamans. Seventy-seven year old Shaman/Kam Emelye Ulubayan claimed that spirits of elders/begs of Khazaria during her lucid dreaming, recognized the Krupa family as descents of Obadiah, King of Khazars, and they called Freddy Krupa Prince of Itil. Mladen Krupa, Freddy’s father is the oldest member of the family and has been recognized as the one that has the shamanic gift. For scientific information, read about IGENEA.
The family is also recognized as the Dragon Princess by the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court of the House of Vere of Anjou, excersing prerogatives given to IRDC in royal warrant of the house Habsburg-Toskana in 1994. The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree, turns out to be, the one of late Stanley Goldfoot (Eliezer Ben Yisrael), Head of Intelligence for the Stern Group and founder of The Times of Israel.
"This family DNA data also shows the descent from the original Levites, the so-called "Babylonian Levites" through frequent intermarriages with the Khazar royals. The Tarnawa-de Vere von Drakenberg and Tarnawa-Krupa de Vere von Drakenberg families, now amalgated, are descended from the same Ha'Melech dynasty." Dragon Cede,pg.79
Jan. 2011, Krupa family of Croatia proven descendants of the Old Turkic Ashina dynasty
Croatian Krupa family found among others to be part of the old Turkic dynasty
The Krupa family of Croatia, along with the Schweitzer family of America and the Akhundzada family of Shabqadar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan found out exciting news regarding their ancestry. On January 14, 2011 an article from the Karlovac Danas Croatian News confirmed the published findings of iGENEA and Family Tree DNA. This exciting news has confirmed for these families the fact that their bloodline flows from the Royal Clan of Ashina of (K) Hazars. The Royal Clan of Ashina ruled during the third to the fifth centuries before the first Turkish empire materialized during the 6th century.
iGENEA, which is located in Zurich, Switzerland, is the largest genetic-genealogy organization in Europe and Family Tree DNA is the first and oldest genetic-genealogy company in the world. The companies collaborated on extensive and complex DNA testing of Y-DNA, along with the analysis of the male Y-chromosomes. The findings that iGENEA concluded have been verified and well documented.
One of the families tested, the Krupa’s, are a family of well known artists, who live in Karlovac, Croatia. They also have a maternal lineage from the ancient Israeli tribe of Levi.
The Y-DNA testing on behalf of the Akhundzada family was carried out by Arif Hasan Akhundzada, on the basis of tests conducted since 2004. Akhundzada, along with Alfred Krupa, is also administrator of the Family Tree DNA Ashina Royal group. He also assisted with the relevant research in Pakistan.
Alfred Krupa1 M, #267525 Alfred Krupa||p26753.htm#i267525 |Mladen Tarnawa Krupa|b. 15 June 1949|p26753.htm#i267526|Djurdjica Benhich|b. 4 Apr 1953|p26753.htm#i267527|||||||||||||
Last Edited=8 May 2008
Alfred Krupa is the son of Mladen Tarnawa Krupa and Djurdjica Benhich.1 He married Lilian Jaksetic.1 Children of Alfred Krupa and Lilian Jaksetic
Mladen Tarnawa Krupa1 M, #267526, b. 15 June 1949
Last Edited=6 May 2008 Mladen Tarnawa Krupa was born on 15 June 1949.1 He married Djurdjica Benhich.1 Children of Mladen Tarnawa Krupa and Djurdjica Benhich
Last Edited=6 May 2008 Djurdjica Benhich was born on 4 April 1953.1 She married Mladen Tarnawa Krupa.1
Her married name became Krupa.1 Children of Djurdjica Benhich and Mladen Tarnawa Krupa
The belief in celestial origin of authority linked up with an ideal of world domination that acquired a prominent and historical form among the sixth-century Turks but existed before as part of shamanic creed. The related idea that domination was an exclusive right of the Turks was later passed on to the Uyghurs and Mongols.
But the cult of heavenly ordained rule was not peculiar to the Altaic world; even less was the principle of legitimation by descent and of charisma residing in royal blood, which allowed individual members of the clan to be elevated to the Qaghanate.
The second Turkish Empire, in effect, was deeply rooted in urban civilization, the joint enterprise of the Ashina clan and Soghdians, with large number of Chinese bureaucrats being involved as well. The Western Turks, ruling trough scions of the (Ashina) royal clan or older Hephthalite, Kushana and Irana subregimes, controlled the territory between the Syr and the Amu with the entrepots of the Chinese trade, Samarqand, Bukhara and others.
The Babylonian Goddess Queen Tiamat (The Greek Goddess Chaos ), Mother of Gaia
The Babylonian Goddess Queen Kishar (The Greek Goddess Gaia; Mother Earth)
The Babylonian God-King Anu (Chronos-Saturn) and The High Council of Annunaki; The Jewish Elohim; The Old Gods
God Enlil, The Red Haired Zeus of The Greeks, The Jewish Jehowah, Tengri of Turks
Goddess Erish-Kigal = Nergal The King of Underworld
Queen Lilith I, The Beautiful, Lilith of The Ben Sirah; Red Haired Queen of The North, Jewish Leviathan-The Dragon of The Sea, She-Wolf = Shemo The Archer
Imperial and Royal Ashina Clan of Old Turks (500 families)
Khazar Empire Ruling Class
Ashkenazi of Eastern Europe
Krupa de Tarnawa
Gokturk and Khazar Khagan Clan
Accounts of the Gokturk and Khazar khaganates suggest that the Ashina clan was accorded SACRED, perhaps QUASI-DIVINE STATUS in the shamanic religion practiced by the steppe nomads of the first millennium CE /The pagan Turks believed that their Ashina Qaghans ruled by virtue of heavenly mandated charisma (QUT). Since their blood could not be shed, dethroned Qaghans were strangled with a silk cord. The investiture ceremonies of the Ashina Turks and Khazar Qaghans included ritual near-strangulation. As THIS CHARISMA (QUT) RESIDED IN THE ENTIRE ROYAL CLAN, the latter exercised a collective sovereignty over their realms resulting in frequent succession struggles/.
Krupa de Tarnawa
The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree, turn to be, the one of late Stanley Goldfoot (Eliezer Ben Yisrael), Head of Intelligence for the Stern Group and founder of The Times of Israel. and More...
The Imperial Eagle is the acheivement both of the House of Vere of Anjou, showing the House's ancient status, it's relationship to cousin dynasties, (displayed via the inescutcheons on the wings of the Eagle); and also of the Dragon Court as a whole. The origin of the double-headed Eagle-Raven-Phoenix is already well known to us all as a high symbol of the Dragon Ascended.
Originally, the Khazars practiced traditional Turkic shamanism, focused on the sky god Tengri, but were heavily influenced by Confucian ideas imported from China, notably that of the Mandate of Heaven. The Ashina clan were considered to be the chosen of Tengri and the kaghan was the incarnation of the favor the sky-god bestowed on the Turks. A kaghan who failed had clearly lost the god's favor and was typically ritually executed. Historians have sometimes wondered, only half in jest, whether the Khazar tendency to occasionally execute their rulers on religious grounds led those rulers to seek out other religions. The Khazars worshipped a number of deities subordinate to Tengri, including the fertility goddess Umay, Kuara, a thunder god, and Erlik, the god of death.
The Krupa family leads research of the ASHINA KHAZAR Ancestory and runs the ROYAL ASHINA DYNASTY DNA PROJECT. Supreme Templar Grand Master, Freddy Krupa, Shamanic Prince of Itil, has written an e-book about the ROYAL ASHINA KHAZAR BEG Y- DNA LINK OF the KRUPA family of Croatia. It has been recognised by both, scientific circles, and Shamans. Seventy-seven year old Shaman/Kam Emelye Ulubayan claimed that spirits of elders/begs of Khazaria during her lucid dreaming, recognized the Krupa family as descents of Obadiah, King of Khazars, and they called Freddy Krupa Prince of Itil. Mladen Krupa, Freddy’s father is the oldest member of the family and has been recognized as the one that has the shamanic gift. For scientific information, read about IGENEA.
The family is also recognized as the Dragon Princess by the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court of the House of Vere of Anjou, excersing prerogatives given to IRDC in royal warrant of the house Habsburg-Toskana in 1994. The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree, turns out to be, the one of late Stanley Goldfoot (Eliezer Ben Yisrael), Head of Intelligence for the Stern Group and founder of The Times of Israel.
"This family DNA data also shows the descent from the original Levites, the so-called "Babylonian Levites" through frequent intermarriages with the Khazar royals. The Tarnawa-de Vere von Drakenberg and Tarnawa-Krupa de Vere von Drakenberg families, now amalgated, are descended from the same Ha'Melech dynasty." Dragon Cede,pg.79
Jan. 2011, Krupa family of Croatia proven descendants of the Old Turkic Ashina dynasty
Croatian Krupa family found among others to be part of the old Turkic dynasty
The Krupa family of Croatia, along with the Schweitzer family of America and the Akhundzada family of Shabqadar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan found out exciting news regarding their ancestry. On January 14, 2011 an article from the Karlovac Danas Croatian News confirmed the published findings of iGENEA and Family Tree DNA. This exciting news has confirmed for these families the fact that their bloodline flows from the Royal Clan of Ashina of (K) Hazars. The Royal Clan of Ashina ruled during the third to the fifth centuries before the first Turkish empire materialized during the 6th century.
iGENEA, which is located in Zurich, Switzerland, is the largest genetic-genealogy organization in Europe and Family Tree DNA is the first and oldest genetic-genealogy company in the world. The companies collaborated on extensive and complex DNA testing of Y-DNA, along with the analysis of the male Y-chromosomes. The findings that iGENEA concluded have been verified and well documented.
One of the families tested, the Krupa’s, are a family of well known artists, who live in Karlovac, Croatia. They also have a maternal lineage from the ancient Israeli tribe of Levi.
The Y-DNA testing on behalf of the Akhundzada family was carried out by Arif Hasan Akhundzada, on the basis of tests conducted since 2004. Akhundzada, along with Alfred Krupa, is also administrator of the Family Tree DNA Ashina Royal group. He also assisted with the relevant research in Pakistan.
Alfred Krupa1 M, #267525 Alfred Krupa||p26753.htm#i267525 |Mladen Tarnawa Krupa|b. 15 June 1949|p26753.htm#i267526|Djurdjica Benhich|b. 4 Apr 1953|p26753.htm#i267527|||||||||||||
Last Edited=8 May 2008
Alfred Krupa is the son of Mladen Tarnawa Krupa and Djurdjica Benhich.1 He married Lilian Jaksetic.1 Children of Alfred Krupa and Lilian Jaksetic
- Gabriel Alfred Krupa1 b. 9 Sep 1999
- Eleonora Krupa1 b. 22 Jul 2005
- [S2687] Alfred Krupa, "re: Krupa Family," 18 February 2008. Hereinafter cited as "re: Krupa Family."
Mladen Tarnawa Krupa1 M, #267526, b. 15 June 1949
Last Edited=6 May 2008 Mladen Tarnawa Krupa was born on 15 June 1949.1 He married Djurdjica Benhich.1 Children of Mladen Tarnawa Krupa and Djurdjica Benhich
- Alfred Krupa+1
- Margareta Krupa1 b. 23 Oct 1978
- Magdalena Krupa1 b. 23 Apr 1980
- Mladen Krupa1 b. 10 Feb 1983
- [S2687] Alfred Krupa, "re: Krupa Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 18 February 2008. Hereinafter cited as "re: Krupa Family."
Last Edited=6 May 2008 Djurdjica Benhich was born on 4 April 1953.1 She married Mladen Tarnawa Krupa.1
Her married name became Krupa.1 Children of Djurdjica Benhich and Mladen Tarnawa Krupa
- Alfred Krupa+1
- Margareta Krupa1 b. 23 Oct 1978
- Magdalena Krupa1 b. 23 Apr 1980
- Mladen Krupa1 b. 10 Feb 1983
- [S2687] Alfred Krupa, "re: Krupa Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 18 February 2008. Hereinafter cited as "re: Krupa Family."
- Gabriel Alfred Krupa1
M, #267529, b. 9 September 1999Gabriel
Alfred Krupa|b. 9 Sep 1999|p26753.htm#i267529|Alfred
Krupa||p26753.htm#i267525|Lilian Jaksetic|b. 30 Jun
1977|p28293.htm#i282925|Mladen T. Krupa|b. 15 Jun
1949|p26753.htm#i267526|Djurdjica Benhich|b. 4 Apr
- [S2687] Alfred Krupa, "re: Krupa Family," 18 February 2008. Hereinafter cited as "re: Krupa Family."
"The Khazars' tribal structure is not well understood. They were divided between Ak-Khazars ("White Khazars") and Kara-Khazars ("Black Khazars"). The Muslim Geographer al-Istakhri claimed that the White Khazars were strikingly handsome with REDDISH hair, white skin and blue eyes while the Black Khazars were swarthy verging on deep black as if they were "some kind of Indian".
However, many Turkic nations had a similar (political, not racial) division between a "white" ruling warrior caste and a "black" class of commoners; the consensus among mainstream scholars is that Istakhri was himself confused by the name given to the two groups.
PROMETHEASE reveals within atDNA of the Krupa lineage the following ;
On MCR1 gene (Chromosome 16) I have 3 mutations in connection with increase of production of PHEOMELANIN (in further important correlation with activity of the Pineal Gland and secretion of MELATONIN);
rs1805005(G;T) known as V60L
rs2228479(G;G) known as V92M
rs1805008(C;C) known as R160W
rs1805005, known as Val60Leu or V60L, is a SNP in the MC1R gene associated with light blond hair color in one study.
rs2228479, known as Val92Met or V92M, is one of several SNPs in the MC1R gene commonly associated with red (or blond) hair and poor tanning, but note its high presence in one Asian population
rs1805008, known as Arg160Trp or R160W, is one of several SNPs in the MC1R gene associated with red hair color (redheads), in this case in an Irish population although this has also been reported in Icelandic and Dutch populations
On OCA2 gene I have a mutation in connection with the green-gray blue eye color;
rs1800407 is located in exon 13 of the OCA2 gene at amino acid position 419, and it is therefore also known as the R419Q variant. The (A) allele encodes the amino acid glutamine (instead of arginine), and it is associated with increased odds of having green/hazel eye color in some Caucasian populations. One copy of of rs1800407(A) is sufficient for this effect. [PMID 12163334, PMID 15889046; OMIM 203200.0012] According to tree scanning analysis, the proportion of eye colour variation explained by this nucleotide position is merely 4%. Thus, additional variation present in the OCA2 gene and perhaps some other pigment related genes must be taken into account in order to explain the high phenotypic variation in iris colour.
This SNP influences skin pigmentation. The allele p.A111T, rs1426654(A), indicates light-skinned european ancestry. It appears as if this SNP is a relatively new one in human evolution; one estimate is that the rs1426654(A) allele, in other words, light skin pigmentation, spread through the European population around 6,000 - 12,000 years ago. Prior to that, 'European ancestors' were most likely relatively brown-skinned. This SNP is one of three from the SLC24A5 gene that can be analyzed to categorize the ancestry of a person as either European, African, or Asian, based on a 2009 study.
rs1800414(A;A) Influences appearance gnxp associated with skin pigmentation in two samples of East Asian ancestry and it confirms previous evidence indicating that evolution towards light skin occurred, at least in part, independently in Europe and East Asia. The OCA2 gene has been under positive selection in Europe and East Asia, but different alleles have been selected in each region. spittoon each rs1800414(C) was associated with a 1.3 melanin unit reduction in skin pigmentation. This SNP accounts for 9% of the variation in skin color seen in the study population.
rs4680 (Val158Met) is a well studied SNP in the COMT gene. spittoon summarizes them as *rs4680(A) = Met, more exploratory, lower enzymatic activity *rs4680(G) = Val, less exploratory, higher enzymatic activity Roughly speaking, the predominant wisdom (known colloquially as the warrior/worrier hypothesis) posits that people with Val alleles have increased COMT activity and lower prefrontal extracellular dopamine compared with those with the Met substitution. Val158 alleles may be associated with an advantage in the processing of aversive stimuli (warrior strategy), while Met158 alleles may be associated with an advantage in memory and attention tasks (worrier strategy).
rs3758391, a SNP in the SIRT1 gene, has been reported to potentially have some role in either longevity, or with higher statistical significance, better cognitive function in older individuals. SIRT1 is thought to regulate neuronal metabolism and survival in response to stress, and the equivalent gene in other species influences maximal life span. The study reporting improved cognition for carriers of rs3758391(T) alleles was based on over 1,000 Finnish adults over the age of 85, and a weak trend towards lower cardiovascular disease was also reported for this allele.
Above listed findings (none of them is unique for itself) should be understood and interpreted in context of all previous findings and various test results. Most of them listed on this blog.
More about MCR1 gene;
MC1R is the gene encoding the receptor for melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), one of two pigmentation related hormones encoded by the POMC gene. The MC1R receptor is variously known as the melanocortin 1 receptor, the melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor, or the melanotropin receptor.
SNPs in MC1R have primarily been linked to light (or red) hair, fair skin, freckling, and perhaps not surprisingly, varying risk for both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. For example, in one study of a type of melanoma in an Italian population, individuals having any type of MC1R variant were at 3 fold higher risk than individuals with wild-type MC1R genes. [PMID 16809487]
SNPs in MC1R also influence responses to opioid analgesic drugs used to treat pain. Drugs such as pentazocine (a kappa-type opioid agonist) appear to be most effective in redheaded and light skinned females who have less active MC1R protein activity. [PMID 12663858]
MC1R SNPs include:
* rs1805009, known as Asp294His or D294H; the most common variant associated with red hair and poor tanning ability in one study [PMID 7581459]
* rs2228479, known as Val92Met or V92M; also commonly associated with red (or blond) hair and poor tanning, but note high presence in one Asian population [PMID 7581459, PMID 16463023]
* rs1805006, known as Asp84Glu or D84E; appears to be associated with higher risk of melanoma [PMID 8894704]
* rs1805007, known as Arg151Cys or R151C; associated with red hair, and in redheaded females, linked to being more responsive to the anesthetics pentazocine, nalbuphine, and butorphanol, often used by dentists [PMID 9571181, PMID 12663858]
* rs1805008, known as Arg160Trp or R160W; associated with red hair in an Irish population [PMID 9665397]
* rs1805005, known as Val60Leu or V60L; associated with light blond hair in one study [PMID 9302268]
* The SNP known as Arg307Gly, not (yet?) in dbSNP; if you're carrying a copy of this SNP, you or a very close relative is a Neanderthal [10.1126/science.1147417
Melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), the receptor for alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone, is polymorphic and plays an important role in producing two types of melanin, pheomelanin (red) and eumelanin (black), which are present in human skin and hair. In this study we examined the distribution of MC1R gene polymorphisms in several Eurasian populations. A total of 2591 subjects from 49 populations were included in the present investigation. The subjects were not selected for skin and hair colour and were collected randomly. 5 variants of the MC1R gene (Val60Leu, Val92Met, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Arg163Gln) were tested using ARMS-PCR. Arg151Cys and Arg160Trp alleles, which are common in individuals with red hair and fair skin, were found at highest frequencies in British (AF=0.128 and 0.069, respectively) and Orkadian populations (AF=0.106 and 0.099, respectively), with a decreasing gradient in the populations of European Russia to Central Asia. Previously reported to be common in European populations with light fair skin and light brown hair, allele Val60Leu was identified with high frequency in some populations of the Middle East, Europe and Caucasus. Central Asian populations showed middle range frequencies. The Val92Met variant was found to have an allele frequency from 0.194 to 0.01 in the middle meridian of Eurasia, with a maximum in Central and South East Asian populations. Our data suggest an increasing gradient of Arg163Gln frequency from Europe (0.039) to South East Asia (0.66). As anticipated, our data showed low frequencies of all investigated variants in the populations of South India with dark skin and dark hair. These results indicate that polymorphisms of the MC1R contribute to determining skin and hair colour is one of the significant factor in the phenotypic diversity found in different Eurasian populations and are consistent with the widely held assumption that genes influencing phenotypic variation in human skin and hair pigmentation are probably subject to selection associated with latitude and s unlight.
More about V60L;
Variants of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene are common in individuals with red hair and fair skin, but the relative contribution to these pigmentary traits in heterozygotes, homozygotes and compound heterozygotes for variants at this locus from the multiple alleles present in Caucasian populations is unclear. We have investigated 174 individuals from 11 large kindreds with a preponderance of red hair and an additional 99 unrelated redheads, for MC1R variants and have confirmed that red hair is usually inherited as a recessive characteristic with the R151C, R160W, D294H, R142H, 86insA and 537insC alleles at this locus. The V60L variant, which is common in the population may act as a partially penetrant recessive allele. These individuals plus 167 randomly ascertained Caucasians demonstrate that heterozygotes for two alleles, R151C and 537insC, have a significantly elevated risk of red hair. The shade of red hair frequently differs in heterozygotes from that in homozygotes/compound heterozygotes and there is also evidence for a heterozygote effect on beard hair colour, skin type and freckling. The data provide evidence for a dosage effect of MC1R variants on hair as well as skin colour.
However, many Turkic nations had a similar (political, not racial) division between a "white" ruling warrior caste and a "black" class of commoners; the consensus among mainstream scholars is that Istakhri was himself confused by the name given to the two groups.
PROMETHEASE reveals within atDNA of the Krupa lineage the following ;
On MCR1 gene (Chromosome 16) I have 3 mutations in connection with increase of production of PHEOMELANIN (in further important correlation with activity of the Pineal Gland and secretion of MELATONIN);
rs1805005(G;T) known as V60L
rs2228479(G;G) known as V92M
rs1805008(C;C) known as R160W
rs1805005, known as Val60Leu or V60L, is a SNP in the MC1R gene associated with light blond hair color in one study.
rs2228479, known as Val92Met or V92M, is one of several SNPs in the MC1R gene commonly associated with red (or blond) hair and poor tanning, but note its high presence in one Asian population
rs1805008, known as Arg160Trp or R160W, is one of several SNPs in the MC1R gene associated with red hair color (redheads), in this case in an Irish population although this has also been reported in Icelandic and Dutch populations
On OCA2 gene I have a mutation in connection with the green-gray blue eye color;
rs1800407 is located in exon 13 of the OCA2 gene at amino acid position 419, and it is therefore also known as the R419Q variant. The (A) allele encodes the amino acid glutamine (instead of arginine), and it is associated with increased odds of having green/hazel eye color in some Caucasian populations. One copy of of rs1800407(A) is sufficient for this effect. [PMID 12163334, PMID 15889046; OMIM 203200.0012] According to tree scanning analysis, the proportion of eye colour variation explained by this nucleotide position is merely 4%. Thus, additional variation present in the OCA2 gene and perhaps some other pigment related genes must be taken into account in order to explain the high phenotypic variation in iris colour.
This SNP influences skin pigmentation. The allele p.A111T, rs1426654(A), indicates light-skinned european ancestry. It appears as if this SNP is a relatively new one in human evolution; one estimate is that the rs1426654(A) allele, in other words, light skin pigmentation, spread through the European population around 6,000 - 12,000 years ago. Prior to that, 'European ancestors' were most likely relatively brown-skinned. This SNP is one of three from the SLC24A5 gene that can be analyzed to categorize the ancestry of a person as either European, African, or Asian, based on a 2009 study.
rs1800414(A;A) Influences appearance gnxp associated with skin pigmentation in two samples of East Asian ancestry and it confirms previous evidence indicating that evolution towards light skin occurred, at least in part, independently in Europe and East Asia. The OCA2 gene has been under positive selection in Europe and East Asia, but different alleles have been selected in each region. spittoon each rs1800414(C) was associated with a 1.3 melanin unit reduction in skin pigmentation. This SNP accounts for 9% of the variation in skin color seen in the study population.
rs4680 (Val158Met) is a well studied SNP in the COMT gene. spittoon summarizes them as *rs4680(A) = Met, more exploratory, lower enzymatic activity *rs4680(G) = Val, less exploratory, higher enzymatic activity Roughly speaking, the predominant wisdom (known colloquially as the warrior/worrier hypothesis) posits that people with Val alleles have increased COMT activity and lower prefrontal extracellular dopamine compared with those with the Met substitution. Val158 alleles may be associated with an advantage in the processing of aversive stimuli (warrior strategy), while Met158 alleles may be associated with an advantage in memory and attention tasks (worrier strategy).
rs3758391, a SNP in the SIRT1 gene, has been reported to potentially have some role in either longevity, or with higher statistical significance, better cognitive function in older individuals. SIRT1 is thought to regulate neuronal metabolism and survival in response to stress, and the equivalent gene in other species influences maximal life span. The study reporting improved cognition for carriers of rs3758391(T) alleles was based on over 1,000 Finnish adults over the age of 85, and a weak trend towards lower cardiovascular disease was also reported for this allele.
Above listed findings (none of them is unique for itself) should be understood and interpreted in context of all previous findings and various test results. Most of them listed on this blog.
More about MCR1 gene;
MC1R is the gene encoding the receptor for melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), one of two pigmentation related hormones encoded by the POMC gene. The MC1R receptor is variously known as the melanocortin 1 receptor, the melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor, or the melanotropin receptor.
SNPs in MC1R have primarily been linked to light (or red) hair, fair skin, freckling, and perhaps not surprisingly, varying risk for both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. For example, in one study of a type of melanoma in an Italian population, individuals having any type of MC1R variant were at 3 fold higher risk than individuals with wild-type MC1R genes. [PMID 16809487]
SNPs in MC1R also influence responses to opioid analgesic drugs used to treat pain. Drugs such as pentazocine (a kappa-type opioid agonist) appear to be most effective in redheaded and light skinned females who have less active MC1R protein activity. [PMID 12663858]
MC1R SNPs include:
* rs1805009, known as Asp294His or D294H; the most common variant associated with red hair and poor tanning ability in one study [PMID 7581459]
* rs2228479, known as Val92Met or V92M; also commonly associated with red (or blond) hair and poor tanning, but note high presence in one Asian population [PMID 7581459, PMID 16463023]
* rs1805006, known as Asp84Glu or D84E; appears to be associated with higher risk of melanoma [PMID 8894704]
* rs1805007, known as Arg151Cys or R151C; associated with red hair, and in redheaded females, linked to being more responsive to the anesthetics pentazocine, nalbuphine, and butorphanol, often used by dentists [PMID 9571181, PMID 12663858]
* rs1805008, known as Arg160Trp or R160W; associated with red hair in an Irish population [PMID 9665397]
* rs1805005, known as Val60Leu or V60L; associated with light blond hair in one study [PMID 9302268]
* The SNP known as Arg307Gly, not (yet?) in dbSNP; if you're carrying a copy of this SNP, you or a very close relative is a Neanderthal [10.1126/science.1147417
Melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), the receptor for alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone, is polymorphic and plays an important role in producing two types of melanin, pheomelanin (red) and eumelanin (black), which are present in human skin and hair. In this study we examined the distribution of MC1R gene polymorphisms in several Eurasian populations. A total of 2591 subjects from 49 populations were included in the present investigation. The subjects were not selected for skin and hair colour and were collected randomly. 5 variants of the MC1R gene (Val60Leu, Val92Met, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Arg163Gln) were tested using ARMS-PCR. Arg151Cys and Arg160Trp alleles, which are common in individuals with red hair and fair skin, were found at highest frequencies in British (AF=0.128 and 0.069, respectively) and Orkadian populations (AF=0.106 and 0.099, respectively), with a decreasing gradient in the populations of European Russia to Central Asia. Previously reported to be common in European populations with light fair skin and light brown hair, allele Val60Leu was identified with high frequency in some populations of the Middle East, Europe and Caucasus. Central Asian populations showed middle range frequencies. The Val92Met variant was found to have an allele frequency from 0.194 to 0.01 in the middle meridian of Eurasia, with a maximum in Central and South East Asian populations. Our data suggest an increasing gradient of Arg163Gln frequency from Europe (0.039) to South East Asia (0.66). As anticipated, our data showed low frequencies of all investigated variants in the populations of South India with dark skin and dark hair. These results indicate that polymorphisms of the MC1R contribute to determining skin and hair colour is one of the significant factor in the phenotypic diversity found in different Eurasian populations and are consistent with the widely held assumption that genes influencing phenotypic variation in human skin and hair pigmentation are probably subject to selection associated with latitude and s unlight.
More about V60L;
Variants of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene are common in individuals with red hair and fair skin, but the relative contribution to these pigmentary traits in heterozygotes, homozygotes and compound heterozygotes for variants at this locus from the multiple alleles present in Caucasian populations is unclear. We have investigated 174 individuals from 11 large kindreds with a preponderance of red hair and an additional 99 unrelated redheads, for MC1R variants and have confirmed that red hair is usually inherited as a recessive characteristic with the R151C, R160W, D294H, R142H, 86insA and 537insC alleles at this locus. The V60L variant, which is common in the population may act as a partially penetrant recessive allele. These individuals plus 167 randomly ascertained Caucasians demonstrate that heterozygotes for two alleles, R151C and 537insC, have a significantly elevated risk of red hair. The shade of red hair frequently differs in heterozygotes from that in homozygotes/compound heterozygotes and there is also evidence for a heterozygote effect on beard hair colour, skin type and freckling. The data provide evidence for a dosage effect of MC1R variants on hair as well as skin colour.
and Tarnawa names and its interlation
Krupa is the Polish-Russian /Slavic/ form of Turkic ARPA or ARPAG, with
the same meaning; barley,barley grain, barley fruits - according to Jewish
Family Names and Their Origins, by Heinrich Walter Guggenheimer, Eva H.,
but it is also founded in north-west India/Bangladesh (E.Pakistan),
unchanged –as Krupa .
Krupa in Sanskrit means "compassion" (grace) according to the Apte's Sanskrit -English dictionary .
Krupa family was catholic in 19th century (the far back as we completely certainly know, in the beginning of 20th century nobody recalled Judaism, so we wasn't sure when and how conversion occured), with tradition to be aristocratic (and how we entered into noble rank).
"List of Nobility of Bila Tzerkva, published in Ukraine in 2001, indeed showed Krupa szlachta in village Bosivka near Bila Tzerkva, again near Lvow.
Again,one of my exact 12/12 marker Y-DNA matches is from Bila Tzerkva, with most distant known male ancestor from that place in early 1800's!
Read more:
Tarnawa is the SHIELD (CoA) and the CLAN of Poland traditionaly associated in old Polish-Lithuanian armorials/ with the Krupa noble family (among other families), and it is labeled as a shield of "szlachta odwieczna“- “Uradel“ (a nobility from ever, self-rooted nobility, ancient nobility, root nobility) .
Tarnawa is a name of several places on territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Kingdom), mainly in Galicia.There are also examples in Bulgaria and Ukraine. Tarnawa is the city in Northern Pakistan in Hazara region (in Karakorum Mtns. region), and the place in Hazarajat (Hazaristan) in Afghanistan (in Hindu Kush Mtns.). Tarnawal is the province in Pakistan. In Afghanistan, we find also Tarnab (Tarnav, Tarnaveh) and Tarnaw.
Krupa de Tarnawa of Croatia family is carrier of a rare Y-DNA haplogroup Q1b (M378) mutation, as subclade of Q (M242) "Central Asiatic" haplogroup
Krupa in the Kingdom of Poland as a name /form of address, title, name, nickname/ is recorded first in 1204, and as family and noble is mentioned /recorded as such in old armorials/ first in 1450 (PETRUS KRUPA DE TARNAWA), and after that in every century with just one or two names, with «holes» in time of hundred or more years, without showing blood /biological/ or some other particular familiar connection between those persons, but always with the very same Clan arms - Tarnawa except Gozdawa arms, but that is actually Peplovski family, not Krupa. As a result of this, today we do not know are they all one single or several male Y-DNA lines, or this CoA was assigned to people of the same surname but of different origin under various circumstances and reasons, before nobility was granted by the way of letters patent, or any other registered event;
1.Polska Encyklopedja Szlachecka, vol.VII, pg.170
2.Herbarz Polski (A.Boniecki), vol.XII, pg.342
3.Rodzina-Herbarz Szlachty Polskiej ( Uruski), vol.VIII, pg.89
4.List of Nobility of Bila Tzerkva, pg.37
5.Herby Rodow Polski, pg.312
6.Polskie Rody Szlachty I Ich Herby, pg.107
7.Spis rycerstwa polskiego walczacego z Janem III pod Wienem
8.Kasprzycki (compedia), vol.VIII, pg.170
9.Zernicki (compedia), vol.I, pg.479
10.Szlachta zagrodova (Zernicki, 1907.)
11.Liber Beneficiorum Ecclesiae Creceviensis (J.Dlugosz)
12.Koronna Metrika
13.Polnische Klein Adel Register (web site)
14.Polish-Lithuanian Armorials of Tadeusz Gajl
Krupa h.Tarnawa family is also recorded /in the same sources/ in number of
different locations of former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, with different
occupations and wealth;
1. Estate Obrazowo, near Sandomierz (1450.,1460.,1470.)
2. Group of villages in Skwarczynska Wola (1539.)
3. Flower Mill in Pusnow (1541.)
4. Village Bosivka, Bila Tzerkva in Ruthenia /Ukraine/(1800.)
5. City House in Mikolow (19th century-1942.)
6. Surrounding of the Castle Drohyczin
7. Knights under command of the king Jan III Sobieski (1683.)
8. Krupa village in Belarus (establ.before 1450.)-not explained connection
* Plus list of recorded names without listed properties (estates) including
16th and 17th century
Original latin text of J.Dlugosz from 15th century ,speaks about noble Krupa de Tarnawa family.
Later sources and Polish versions speaks about Krupa h.(herb) Tarnawa family which is essentially different thing.
Krupa de Tarnawa in translation means Krupa of Tarnawa or Krupa from Tarnawa, designating Tarnawa as a place/location (like in German; Von).
In opposition to that Krupa herb Tanawa in translation means just Krupa Coat of Arms Tarnawa. This form was accepted in all later (newer) texts, but original description, probably the most true one, is of outstanding importance as
we are now discovering full match Tarnawa-Krupa CoA/places/Y-DNA link from Kingdom of Poland to Central Asia. As often in case of Polish Nobility, only surviving in memory of older generations, with lack of paper trail, time and way of original nobilitation of Krupa de Tarnawa family not recorded in historical records.
There is mention (the very last known mention) of the Krupa family AS A NOBLE FAMILY in book «List of Nobility of Bila Tzerkva (Ukraine) in 1800», in village Bosivka (published in 2001 in Ukraine) ,the very last known record of a noble Krupa family.
DNA test /obtained in the FamilyTree DNA, Houston/ of Krupa de Tarnawa Y DNA showed that one of male matches is M. Shainis from New York, who's most distant known ancestor was Joseph Shainis, born in 1843 in Bila Tzerkva, Ukraine
Mladen Krupa, son of Alfred Krupa, has been legitimized by the Polish Nobility Association-USA (2003) and Confederation of Polish Nobility-Poland (2003), while Alfred Freddy Krupa, son of Mladen Krupa, has been accepted into the Ruthenian Nobility Association-Ukraine (2009).
Krupa family of Croatia, today, use addition "de Tarnawa“ simply in order to preserve memory on both Central Asian and Eastern European origin (Asian and Eastern European Tarnawa's) and to distinguish themselves from many other non related Jewish, Catholic and Orthodox Krupa families.
Krupa is the Polish-Russian /Slavic/ form of Turkic ARPA or ARPAG, with
the same meaning; barley,barley grain, barley fruits - according to Jewish
Family Names and Their Origins, by Heinrich Walter Guggenheimer, Eva H.,
but it is also founded in north-west India/Bangladesh (E.Pakistan),
unchanged –as Krupa .
Krupa in Sanskrit means "compassion" (grace) according to the Apte's Sanskrit -English dictionary .
Krupa family was catholic in 19th century (the far back as we completely certainly know, in the beginning of 20th century nobody recalled Judaism, so we wasn't sure when and how conversion occured), with tradition to be aristocratic (and how we entered into noble rank).
"List of Nobility of Bila Tzerkva, published in Ukraine in 2001, indeed showed Krupa szlachta in village Bosivka near Bila Tzerkva, again near Lvow.
Again,one of my exact 12/12 marker Y-DNA matches is from Bila Tzerkva, with most distant known male ancestor from that place in early 1800's!
Read more:
Tarnawa is the SHIELD (CoA) and the CLAN of Poland traditionaly associated in old Polish-Lithuanian armorials/ with the Krupa noble family (among other families), and it is labeled as a shield of "szlachta odwieczna“- “Uradel“ (a nobility from ever, self-rooted nobility, ancient nobility, root nobility) .
Tarnawa is a name of several places on territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Kingdom), mainly in Galicia.There are also examples in Bulgaria and Ukraine. Tarnawa is the city in Northern Pakistan in Hazara region (in Karakorum Mtns. region), and the place in Hazarajat (Hazaristan) in Afghanistan (in Hindu Kush Mtns.). Tarnawal is the province in Pakistan. In Afghanistan, we find also Tarnab (Tarnav, Tarnaveh) and Tarnaw.
Krupa de Tarnawa of Croatia family is carrier of a rare Y-DNA haplogroup Q1b (M378) mutation, as subclade of Q (M242) "Central Asiatic" haplogroup
Krupa in the Kingdom of Poland as a name /form of address, title, name, nickname/ is recorded first in 1204, and as family and noble is mentioned /recorded as such in old armorials/ first in 1450 (PETRUS KRUPA DE TARNAWA), and after that in every century with just one or two names, with «holes» in time of hundred or more years, without showing blood /biological/ or some other particular familiar connection between those persons, but always with the very same Clan arms - Tarnawa except Gozdawa arms, but that is actually Peplovski family, not Krupa. As a result of this, today we do not know are they all one single or several male Y-DNA lines, or this CoA was assigned to people of the same surname but of different origin under various circumstances and reasons, before nobility was granted by the way of letters patent, or any other registered event;
1.Polska Encyklopedja Szlachecka, vol.VII, pg.170
2.Herbarz Polski (A.Boniecki), vol.XII, pg.342
3.Rodzina-Herbarz Szlachty Polskiej ( Uruski), vol.VIII, pg.89
4.List of Nobility of Bila Tzerkva, pg.37
5.Herby Rodow Polski, pg.312
6.Polskie Rody Szlachty I Ich Herby, pg.107
7.Spis rycerstwa polskiego walczacego z Janem III pod Wienem
8.Kasprzycki (compedia), vol.VIII, pg.170
9.Zernicki (compedia), vol.I, pg.479
10.Szlachta zagrodova (Zernicki, 1907.)
11.Liber Beneficiorum Ecclesiae Creceviensis (J.Dlugosz)
12.Koronna Metrika
13.Polnische Klein Adel Register (web site)
14.Polish-Lithuanian Armorials of Tadeusz Gajl
Krupa h.Tarnawa family is also recorded /in the same sources/ in number of
different locations of former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, with different
occupations and wealth;
1. Estate Obrazowo, near Sandomierz (1450.,1460.,1470.)
2. Group of villages in Skwarczynska Wola (1539.)
3. Flower Mill in Pusnow (1541.)
4. Village Bosivka, Bila Tzerkva in Ruthenia /Ukraine/(1800.)
5. City House in Mikolow (19th century-1942.)
6. Surrounding of the Castle Drohyczin
7. Knights under command of the king Jan III Sobieski (1683.)
8. Krupa village in Belarus (establ.before 1450.)-not explained connection
* Plus list of recorded names without listed properties (estates) including
16th and 17th century
Original latin text of J.Dlugosz from 15th century ,speaks about noble Krupa de Tarnawa family.
Later sources and Polish versions speaks about Krupa h.(herb) Tarnawa family which is essentially different thing.
Krupa de Tarnawa in translation means Krupa of Tarnawa or Krupa from Tarnawa, designating Tarnawa as a place/location (like in German; Von).
In opposition to that Krupa herb Tanawa in translation means just Krupa Coat of Arms Tarnawa. This form was accepted in all later (newer) texts, but original description, probably the most true one, is of outstanding importance as
we are now discovering full match Tarnawa-Krupa CoA/places/Y-DNA link from Kingdom of Poland to Central Asia. As often in case of Polish Nobility, only surviving in memory of older generations, with lack of paper trail, time and way of original nobilitation of Krupa de Tarnawa family not recorded in historical records.
There is mention (the very last known mention) of the Krupa family AS A NOBLE FAMILY in book «List of Nobility of Bila Tzerkva (Ukraine) in 1800», in village Bosivka (published in 2001 in Ukraine) ,the very last known record of a noble Krupa family.
DNA test /obtained in the FamilyTree DNA, Houston/ of Krupa de Tarnawa Y DNA showed that one of male matches is M. Shainis from New York, who's most distant known ancestor was Joseph Shainis, born in 1843 in Bila Tzerkva, Ukraine
Mladen Krupa, son of Alfred Krupa, has been legitimized by the Polish Nobility Association-USA (2003) and Confederation of Polish Nobility-Poland (2003), while Alfred Freddy Krupa, son of Mladen Krupa, has been accepted into the Ruthenian Nobility Association-Ukraine (2009).
Krupa family of Croatia, today, use addition "de Tarnawa“ simply in order to preserve memory on both Central Asian and Eastern European origin (Asian and Eastern European Tarnawa's) and to distinguish themselves from many other non related Jewish, Catholic and Orthodox Krupa families.
It logically follows that since Yahshua had no earthy father, his physical bloodlines would be identical to his mother's. Another likelihood is that since God commanded the Levite men to marry only Levite women (Leviticus 21:1) the genetic markers recognized by Him as descendants of Levi were passed down by the mothers in the mitochondrial DNA. All other tribes passed down their genetic markers by their fathers' DNA. The father's markers and the mother's markers do not compete with each other in the process of recombination. Therefore, Mary and subsequently Yahshua, would have had ALL the markers of BOTH tribes. He was 100% Son of David and 100% Son of Levi, fulfilling Psalm 110.1, Jeremiah 33: 14-15, Zecharia 6:12-13, Hosea 3:4-5, Ezekiel 43:23-24, 37:24-25, and 45:14-17.
Yahshua was also adopted before birth by Joseph into the Line of Kings as his eldest son and heir to the Throne of David.
Yahshua was also adopted before birth by Joseph into the Line of Kings as his eldest son and heir to the Throne of David.
My latest appointment as the Vice-President (Europe) of The Royal
Academy of Aristocracy of The Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom (Republic of
RAA is founded (also the PRESIDENT of RAA) by His Majesty King Rukirabasaija Agutamba Solomon Gafabusa Iguru the First, from the Royal Biito Dynasty is the Forty-ninth Omukama (King) of Bunyoro-Kitara. He is the twenty-seventh King (Omukama) of one of the most powerful Kingdoms in the history of Africa.
RAA is founded (also the PRESIDENT of RAA) by His Majesty King Rukirabasaija Agutamba Solomon Gafabusa Iguru the First, from the Royal Biito Dynasty is the Forty-ninth Omukama (King) of Bunyoro-Kitara. He is the twenty-seventh King (Omukama) of one of the most powerful Kingdoms in the history of Africa.
Genesis 49:27: Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he devours the prey, in the evening he divides the plunder
Symbol: wolf.
Symbol: wolf.
Timeline: c.357 AD (first appearance of Chile/Gaoche) -
c. 1048 AD (final fall of Khazaria)
Note that Suishu or Book of Sui completed in 636 AD inform us that "The forebears of the Tiele belonged to those Xiongnu descendants, having the largest divisions of tribes".
"According to the New Book of Tang, the Ashina were related to the northern tribes of the Xiongnu ... Ashina was one of ten sons born to a grey she-wolf ...The Ashina belonged to the last Xiongnu princedom destroyed by Xianbei-Toba by AD 439. From Gansu, the Ashina retreated to the Altai, taking with them a number of distinctive ethnographic traits."
All this should be understood through lens of Y-STR Comparison Chart
Khazar Kings are somehow related to Ashina.
Deeper in history, I think we should look in direction of Gutian Dynasty of Sumer (Yuezhi-Moon People or Tocharians) fled to Xinjiang. That is under investigation.
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Three Dynasties & Abraham 11092
Chinese “Three Dynasties” and Descendants of Abraham
Susan Xu
The present paper is based on A Brief and New History of Civilization—East Asia Was Backward from the Start , one of my books published in Hong Kong in 2014. As far as I can remember, in the year of 2003 when I began to set down to the studies of the “Chinese civilization originated in the West” (rather than the authorized assumption of the “Chinese civilization of independent origin”), I was convinced that the rise of the “Three Dynasties”, namely, the dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou, had a close relatedness to the Jews. Over a decade has passed as of now, that belief of mine is all the more steadfast with the support of mounting proofs and evidences.
1. Origin and Basic Historical Literatures
1.1 The Mysterious Loulan
In my studies of the “Chinese civilization originated in the West”, I have been focusing on a direct comparison between the indigenous Chinese culture and the Jewish civilization with little attention given to that which is related to geography and diffusion. Lately, I have read some historical literatures on Xinjiang and found that it may create a breakthrough perspective.
Pic. Topography of Xinjiang, China
Loulan was an ancient town located in the Tarim Basin around 2,000 years ago, precisely on the north shore of the Lop Nur, Xinjiang. During the Han Dynasty, over 30 small states were established in the Western Regions, one of them being Loulan. In years that followed, Loulan occupied many a small town or state (e.g. Qiemo, Xiaowan, Ronglu, Jingjue and so forth) and developed into Shanshan Kingdom, its capital locating in the present-day Ruoqiang County (Shanshan). In its heyday, the kingdom had an area half the size of current southern Xinjiang, bordering on the Niya River in the west and Dunhuang in the east . It was a huge presence indeed and provided that the Chinese civilization stemmed from the West, experts on the issue will have to take into consideration the kingdom or the ancestors of its founders.
The earliest archaeological discovery in the place is the Gumugou culture on the Kongquehe River that could be dated back to approximately 4,000 years ago. Loulan arose in 177 BC and began to prosper in the Han Dynasty. Throughout the history of its development, it was invariably under threats from the Huns and many other forces around it on the steppe, its profound engagement and collusion with the Han royalty in Central China having further compounded the complicated situation. The looming effect of Loulan continued up to the Sui Dynasty although it was there as a kingdom only for 600~700 years.
Loulan is significant because it used to be one of the obligatory stops on the Silk Road as well as a location where the route to the Western Regions reassumed. In actual fact, the alleged Silk Road was previously a thoroughfare for human migration that had long been there since antiquity before silk was made. From here on, the Silk Road branched into the southern and northern paths that both led to Greece and other places although the former went on en route West Asia while the latter Crimea. Mr. Lin Meicun has depicted Loulan as a place that used to be affluent and thriving as present-day Hong Kong or Singapore. However, distinct as it was as a passage, civilization in the region was all the way comparatively underdeveloped due to the desertification that started very early in Xinjiang.
If it is true that China is the biggest Buddhist nation in the world, Loulan is the place where the earliest trace of Buddhism in the country has been found. And the discovery is more than suggestive of the fact that Loulan is indeed the first and westernmost place influenced by cultures from the outside. As a matter of fact, Buddhism was accompanying it during a larger portion of its history. Other religions in the place were witchcraft beliefs and Brahmanism although Mohammedanism took hold in the long run. Speculations based on previous archeological finds indicate that the earlier prairie worship belonged to Zoroastrianism or even sun worship.
A close look at the Gumugou site on the Kongquehe River tells us that those who used to populate there were Nomads. The site most distinctly features grouped wooden architectures of religious implications: it has 7 rings of well-arranged wooden poles above the ground and the tomb is placed within the ringed wooden hoops. It reminds us of those ringed religious sites in the region from Turkey to Britain in the Neolithic Age, which shows that they might be culturally related. These people also wore pointed hats as in the case of Scythians and Turks in later days. They were more demonstrably nomadic and wools were very common among them although they knew how to grow wheat.
Older jade axes have been discovered in the proximity of Loulan, showing that it had been peopled since long ago. When it came to the times of Loulan, people settled down in places with adequate grass and water to start farming or grazing. However, no earthenware that connects the west and the east is found in the place, which seems to have discredited the assumed “Chinese culture originated in the West” by Johan G. Andersson. According to Lin Meicun, the major contributing reason for it is that nomads were strange to earthenware. As far as it reveals to me, the absence of earthenware in the place is geographically related: it is only natural that the region was poorly civilized because southern Xinjiang that functioned as a passage had long been suffering severe desertification and grew increasingly cold in recent thousands of years. To my mind, the nature of it as a passage has so beguiled the public that they dare not conjure up in their mind the idea that the Chinese culture should have stemmed from here although it is actually far from being the real headstream. Even if it was during the climatic optimum, Xinjiang was never the spotlight of civilization. In the Neolithic Age, the best civilized place in Central Asia was the Turan Plain surrounding the Aral Sea or in Afghanistan and it was not until Xinjiang became a passage after Central Asia was well developed that it was foregrounded.
As early as in the Paleolithic Age, Xinjiang already began to witness human activities. In Atux southwest of it, fossil hominins of around 17,000 years ago used to be excavated and moreover, they were Mediterranean-type Indo-Europeans, indicating that a passage had been there since ancient times to enable it readily accessible to West Asia or Southeastern Europe. A case in point is the special relationships between Turkey and Turks that facilitated the inevitable rise of what has been termed as the Turkic cultural circle. The passage was so persistently running through the Eurasian Steppe that the ancient culture in northeast China was notably related to it.
In the north, that cultural circle dominated by Indo-Europeans extended all the way to the frigid zone of the Old Continent. Those inhabiting the place were quick like gusts of wind in migration so as to bring themselves to a boundless expanse of land. It has manifested both the nature of nomads and one of the reasons about why civilization is not well accumulated in Central Asia. Meanwhile, the energetic mobility helped pave the way for the birth of the Silk Road because some international trade caravans were taking shape. Actually, the geographical scope mentioned afore has already encompassed the main traffic lines of the Silk Road and Xinjiang where Loulan located was one of the hubs that linked up the Eurasia and the south-north passages or thoroughfares.
Pic. The ancient Silk Road
Inscribed wooden slips were common in Loulan and in archeological discoveries Mongoloids have been found in existence at the time. The official language of the kingdom was Kharosthi which was originally used to spell or transliterate Gandhari, an ancient Indian dialect. Therefore, the region connected the heartland of China and the outside world including India at least in the era of Loulan. In India, Kharosthi was used by both the Maurya Empire and the Kusan Dynasty of which the latter made it its official language. Loulan, however, was the last community to give up Kharosthi until the 4th century AD. It seems that the South Asian culture prevailed over the Chinese culture in the place at least in the Han Dynasty. In practice, this area played the key role in ushering the Western civilization to China. Although the Chinese civilization generally stemmed from the West, the branch that started from the Indus Valley all the way to the hinterland of China via Xinjiang was equally significant. Taking a look at the diffusion of Buddhism, we shall know how significantly the Indus Valley used to affect China in historical periods.
Kharosthi was evolved from the West Asian writing system, and so Loulan was the first nation within the territory of China to adopt Aramaic.
After decades’ efforts, Western scholars have found that Gandhari matched with Kharosthi was in fact not commonly spoken in Loulan. They say that it was only a religious and official language as in the case of English for current Indians. The truth is that people in Loulan at large spoke Tocharian, an Indo-European language uncommon in Asia. It is only natural to say, therefore, that residents in Loulan were Tocharians. Gandhari in Loulan was notably influenced by the Kusan Empire and the rulers of the kingdom were from Darouzhi(大月氏) familiar to the Chinese.
Three Dynasties & Abraham 11092
Chinese “Three Dynasties” and Descendants of Abraham
Susan Xu
The present paper is based on A Brief and New History of Civilization—East Asia Was Backward from the Start , one of my books published in Hong Kong in 2014. As far as I can remember, in the year of 2003 when I began to set down to the studies of the “Chinese civilization originated in the West” (rather than the authorized assumption of the “Chinese civilization of independent origin”), I was convinced that the rise of the “Three Dynasties”, namely, the dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou, had a close relatedness to the Jews. Over a decade has passed as of now, that belief of mine is all the more steadfast with the support of mounting proofs and evidences.
1. Origin and Basic Historical Literatures
1.1 The Mysterious Loulan
In my studies of the “Chinese civilization originated in the West”, I have been focusing on a direct comparison between the indigenous Chinese culture and the Jewish civilization with little attention given to that which is related to geography and diffusion. Lately, I have read some historical literatures on Xinjiang and found that it may create a breakthrough perspective.
Pic. Topography of Xinjiang, China
Loulan was an ancient town located in the Tarim Basin around 2,000 years ago, precisely on the north shore of the Lop Nur, Xinjiang. During the Han Dynasty, over 30 small states were established in the Western Regions, one of them being Loulan. In years that followed, Loulan occupied many a small town or state (e.g. Qiemo, Xiaowan, Ronglu, Jingjue and so forth) and developed into Shanshan Kingdom, its capital locating in the present-day Ruoqiang County (Shanshan). In its heyday, the kingdom had an area half the size of current southern Xinjiang, bordering on the Niya River in the west and Dunhuang in the east . It was a huge presence indeed and provided that the Chinese civilization stemmed from the West, experts on the issue will have to take into consideration the kingdom or the ancestors of its founders.
The earliest archaeological discovery in the place is the Gumugou culture on the Kongquehe River that could be dated back to approximately 4,000 years ago. Loulan arose in 177 BC and began to prosper in the Han Dynasty. Throughout the history of its development, it was invariably under threats from the Huns and many other forces around it on the steppe, its profound engagement and collusion with the Han royalty in Central China having further compounded the complicated situation. The looming effect of Loulan continued up to the Sui Dynasty although it was there as a kingdom only for 600~700 years.
Loulan is significant because it used to be one of the obligatory stops on the Silk Road as well as a location where the route to the Western Regions reassumed. In actual fact, the alleged Silk Road was previously a thoroughfare for human migration that had long been there since antiquity before silk was made. From here on, the Silk Road branched into the southern and northern paths that both led to Greece and other places although the former went on en route West Asia while the latter Crimea. Mr. Lin Meicun has depicted Loulan as a place that used to be affluent and thriving as present-day Hong Kong or Singapore. However, distinct as it was as a passage, civilization in the region was all the way comparatively underdeveloped due to the desertification that started very early in Xinjiang.
If it is true that China is the biggest Buddhist nation in the world, Loulan is the place where the earliest trace of Buddhism in the country has been found. And the discovery is more than suggestive of the fact that Loulan is indeed the first and westernmost place influenced by cultures from the outside. As a matter of fact, Buddhism was accompanying it during a larger portion of its history. Other religions in the place were witchcraft beliefs and Brahmanism although Mohammedanism took hold in the long run. Speculations based on previous archeological finds indicate that the earlier prairie worship belonged to Zoroastrianism or even sun worship.
A close look at the Gumugou site on the Kongquehe River tells us that those who used to populate there were Nomads. The site most distinctly features grouped wooden architectures of religious implications: it has 7 rings of well-arranged wooden poles above the ground and the tomb is placed within the ringed wooden hoops. It reminds us of those ringed religious sites in the region from Turkey to Britain in the Neolithic Age, which shows that they might be culturally related. These people also wore pointed hats as in the case of Scythians and Turks in later days. They were more demonstrably nomadic and wools were very common among them although they knew how to grow wheat.
Older jade axes have been discovered in the proximity of Loulan, showing that it had been peopled since long ago. When it came to the times of Loulan, people settled down in places with adequate grass and water to start farming or grazing. However, no earthenware that connects the west and the east is found in the place, which seems to have discredited the assumed “Chinese culture originated in the West” by Johan G. Andersson. According to Lin Meicun, the major contributing reason for it is that nomads were strange to earthenware. As far as it reveals to me, the absence of earthenware in the place is geographically related: it is only natural that the region was poorly civilized because southern Xinjiang that functioned as a passage had long been suffering severe desertification and grew increasingly cold in recent thousands of years. To my mind, the nature of it as a passage has so beguiled the public that they dare not conjure up in their mind the idea that the Chinese culture should have stemmed from here although it is actually far from being the real headstream. Even if it was during the climatic optimum, Xinjiang was never the spotlight of civilization. In the Neolithic Age, the best civilized place in Central Asia was the Turan Plain surrounding the Aral Sea or in Afghanistan and it was not until Xinjiang became a passage after Central Asia was well developed that it was foregrounded.
As early as in the Paleolithic Age, Xinjiang already began to witness human activities. In Atux southwest of it, fossil hominins of around 17,000 years ago used to be excavated and moreover, they were Mediterranean-type Indo-Europeans, indicating that a passage had been there since ancient times to enable it readily accessible to West Asia or Southeastern Europe. A case in point is the special relationships between Turkey and Turks that facilitated the inevitable rise of what has been termed as the Turkic cultural circle. The passage was so persistently running through the Eurasian Steppe that the ancient culture in northeast China was notably related to it.
In the north, that cultural circle dominated by Indo-Europeans extended all the way to the frigid zone of the Old Continent. Those inhabiting the place were quick like gusts of wind in migration so as to bring themselves to a boundless expanse of land. It has manifested both the nature of nomads and one of the reasons about why civilization is not well accumulated in Central Asia. Meanwhile, the energetic mobility helped pave the way for the birth of the Silk Road because some international trade caravans were taking shape. Actually, the geographical scope mentioned afore has already encompassed the main traffic lines of the Silk Road and Xinjiang where Loulan located was one of the hubs that linked up the Eurasia and the south-north passages or thoroughfares.
Pic. The ancient Silk Road
Inscribed wooden slips were common in Loulan and in archeological discoveries Mongoloids have been found in existence at the time. The official language of the kingdom was Kharosthi which was originally used to spell or transliterate Gandhari, an ancient Indian dialect. Therefore, the region connected the heartland of China and the outside world including India at least in the era of Loulan. In India, Kharosthi was used by both the Maurya Empire and the Kusan Dynasty of which the latter made it its official language. Loulan, however, was the last community to give up Kharosthi until the 4th century AD. It seems that the South Asian culture prevailed over the Chinese culture in the place at least in the Han Dynasty. In practice, this area played the key role in ushering the Western civilization to China. Although the Chinese civilization generally stemmed from the West, the branch that started from the Indus Valley all the way to the hinterland of China via Xinjiang was equally significant. Taking a look at the diffusion of Buddhism, we shall know how significantly the Indus Valley used to affect China in historical periods.
Kharosthi was evolved from the West Asian writing system, and so Loulan was the first nation within the territory of China to adopt Aramaic.
After decades’ efforts, Western scholars have found that Gandhari matched with Kharosthi was in fact not commonly spoken in Loulan. They say that it was only a religious and official language as in the case of English for current Indians. The truth is that people in Loulan at large spoke Tocharian, an Indo-European language uncommon in Asia. It is only natural to say, therefore, that residents in Loulan were Tocharians. Gandhari in Loulan was notably influenced by the Kusan Empire and the rulers of the kingdom were from Darouzhi(大月氏) familiar to the Chinese.
Tiele confederation led by Nine Surnames - Toquz Oguz. But it seems to be that there isn't any map. It was confederation of over 40 tribes according to Chinese medieval sources, but nine tribes/clans was considered as main/core element of Tiele. Khazars/Qasar/Ko-sa/Gesa/Gejie/Hesan/Asa are usually listed on 6th place. Tiele replaced Xiongnu and it was huge, from Eastern Europe up to Central China. It is not listed in list of empires as it was tribal alliance led by Nine Tiele Surnames without emperor or central government. Khazars later ruled not only with Khazar empire, and with Uygur empire after fall of of Yaglakar clan, but also earlier with the Kidarite Empire centered in Pakistan. They were also dominant in Red Huns Sijie/Siker tribal group. So, it is historical fact that Qasar tribe was most powerful in Tiele Toquz Oguz Alliance, aside Yaglakars.
"Uigur Y-DNA is a real biological link into the world of Huns. Because Y-chromosome is passed from father to son without modifications, we are able to pinpoint the origin of a chromosome down to a single individual, and because Uigurs were a maternal dynastic tribe of the Huns, the Uigur women were delivering boys carrying Y-chromosome of their royal Hun father into posterity.
With the relocation of the Eastern Huns to the west in the period from the 1st c. BC to the 4th c. AD, along with their Uigur counterparts, many of those Y-chromosome flowed through the Middle Asia into the Eastern Europe. Uigurs also lived in the Middle Asia and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Age, brought over by the activities of the First Türkic Kaganate, and once again in the Middle Age, brought over with the Mongol invasion. The knowledge of the Eastern Turkestan Uigur Y-DNA, and their traces in Western Asia and Europe will be a powerful tool in restoring the ancient events, and hopefully we will read about them. For the history of Türkic people, there is not much deeper then the Huns at the dawn of the historical period."
Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in Chinese Uigur ethnic group,Bo Feng Zhu, Zhen Yuan Wang, Chun Hua Yang, Xiao Song Li, Jun Zhu, Guang Yang, Ping Huang, Yao Liu
Int J Legal Med, Volume 119, issue 5, September 2005, p. 306 - 309, DOI10.1007/s00414-005-0549-5
"Uigur Y-DNA is a real biological link into the world of Huns. Because Y-chromosome is passed from father to son without modifications, we are able to pinpoint the origin of a chromosome down to a single individual, and because Uigurs were a maternal dynastic tribe of the Huns, the Uigur women were delivering boys carrying Y-chromosome of their royal Hun father into posterity.
With the relocation of the Eastern Huns to the west in the period from the 1st c. BC to the 4th c. AD, along with their Uigur counterparts, many of those Y-chromosome flowed through the Middle Asia into the Eastern Europe. Uigurs also lived in the Middle Asia and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Age, brought over by the activities of the First Türkic Kaganate, and once again in the Middle Age, brought over with the Mongol invasion. The knowledge of the Eastern Turkestan Uigur Y-DNA, and their traces in Western Asia and Europe will be a powerful tool in restoring the ancient events, and hopefully we will read about them. For the history of Türkic people, there is not much deeper then the Huns at the dawn of the historical period."
Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in Chinese Uigur ethnic group,Bo Feng Zhu, Zhen Yuan Wang, Chun Hua Yang, Xiao Song Li, Jun Zhu, Guang Yang, Ping Huang, Yao Liu
Int J Legal Med, Volume 119, issue 5, September 2005, p. 306 - 309, DOI10.1007/s00414-005-0549-5