Mohammed Descent
Caliphate Descent of the Sayeds and Sayedas of the House of El Zhafar Khan ibn Vere and the Ulster House Ua’Hanlon, from the Prophet Mohammed and the lady Khadijah.
Mohammed = Khadijah
570 - 632 d. 619
Seal of the
Fatima = Ali (4th Caliph)
5th Caliph & 2nd Imam
D. 670
Zahra = Abu Farisi of al-Hira
Na’im of al-Lakhmi
Ruler of al-Hira
(Moved to Seville, Spain)
Isma’il, Imam of Seville
Muhammad I Kadi abu’l-Kasim
Emir of Seville (d. 1042)
Muhammad II al-Mu’tadib
Emir of Seville (1042-1069)
Muhammad III al-Mu’tamid
Emir of Seville (1069-1091)
Zaida (Ximena) = Alfonso VI of Castile & Leon
(d. 1107)
Teresa = Henri of Burgundy
Countess (d. 1112)
Alfonso Enriques = Maud of Savoy
1st King of Portugal
Urraca = Ferdinand II
Of Portugal King of Leon
Alfonso IX = Berengaria of Castile
King of
Ferdinand III = Joan, Countess of Ponthieu
King of Castile
& Toledo
(Ua’Hanlon descent from Mohammed via Eleanor of Castile = Edward I, King of England
* From here the line descends Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone through Princess Elizabeth and Humphrey of Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford.)
Princess Eleanor of Castile d 1290
= King Edward I of England
King Edward II Plantagenet
= Princess Isabella of France
King Edward III
= Princess Phillipa of Hainault
Prince John of Gaunt
= Lady Katharine Swynford
Prince John Plantagenet
Princess Joan Beaufort
= King James I of Scots
King James II
= Mary, dau. of Arnold Duc de Gueldres
Princess Mary
= Lord Thomas Boyd
Lady Mary Boyd
James 1st Lord Hamilton
great grandson of
Princess Aenor de Chatellerault
and Guillaume X le Toulousain
Duc de Guyenne, Comte de Poitiers
Lady Euphemia Hamilton
(descent from the High Elves of Ireland,
Princess Melusine and the Scots Kings)
= Lord James Weir of Vere,
Baron Blackwood d. 1599
Sir William Vere of Stanebyres
= Elizabeth Hamilton, his cousin.
(descent from the High Elves of Ireland,
Princess Melusine and the Scots Kings)
Lord Thomas Weir of Vere, Baron Kirkton
= Lady Jane Somerville, The Witch of
the Dragon House of the Earls Somerville.
Major Thomas Weir of Vere of Edinburgh,
The Witch King of Mid-Lothian
= Margaret Bourdon
Lord Thomas Weir of Vere
de jure Baron Kirkton
Hereditary Witch King
= Miss Mary Robison of Cookstown,
County Tyrone, Ulster
John Weir of Vere
Andrew Weir of Vere
Margaret Weir of Vere of Kildress
Archibald Weir of Vere of Kildress
= Rachel Stewart of Desertcreat
Robert Weir of Vere of Kildress
John Weir of Vere of Ardwell, Logan Manor
= Mary Logan dau. of Thomas Logan of
Ardwell, Logan Manor, Galloway
Thomas Logan Weir of Vere of Carlisle
= Anne Grant Macdonnell of Inverness
(asserted descent from the Grant earls of Seafield)
James Weir of Vere of Lewes
= Natalie Hopgood, (descent through her father
from the Collisons of Norfolk, the Plantagenet
Kings and the Imperial and Royal House of Vere.
Descent through her mother from Lt. Col
George Butcher of Windsor Castle, Sarah Butcher
of Framlingham and the Huguenot Bourchier
Counts of Versailles, France)
Nicholas Tarnawa-de Vere von Drakenberg
Nicholas, El Zhafar Khan ibn Halimzai Mohmand Akhundzdkhel.
Mohammed = Khadijah
570 - 632 d. 619
Seal of the
Fatima = Ali (4th Caliph)
5th Caliph & 2nd Imam
D. 670
Zahra = Abu Farisi of al-Hira
Na’im of al-Lakhmi
Ruler of al-Hira
(Moved to Seville, Spain)
Isma’il, Imam of Seville
Muhammad I Kadi abu’l-Kasim
Emir of Seville (d. 1042)
Muhammad II al-Mu’tadib
Emir of Seville (1042-1069)
Muhammad III al-Mu’tamid
Emir of Seville (1069-1091)
Zaida (Ximena) = Alfonso VI of Castile & Leon
(d. 1107)
Teresa = Henri of Burgundy
Countess (d. 1112)
Alfonso Enriques = Maud of Savoy
1st King of Portugal
Urraca = Ferdinand II
Of Portugal King of Leon
Alfonso IX = Berengaria of Castile
King of
Ferdinand III = Joan, Countess of Ponthieu
King of Castile
& Toledo
(Ua’Hanlon descent from Mohammed via Eleanor of Castile = Edward I, King of England
* From here the line descends Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone through Princess Elizabeth and Humphrey of Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford.)
Princess Eleanor of Castile d 1290
= King Edward I of England
King Edward II Plantagenet
= Princess Isabella of France
King Edward III
= Princess Phillipa of Hainault
Prince John of Gaunt
= Lady Katharine Swynford
Prince John Plantagenet
Princess Joan Beaufort
= King James I of Scots
King James II
= Mary, dau. of Arnold Duc de Gueldres
Princess Mary
= Lord Thomas Boyd
Lady Mary Boyd
James 1st Lord Hamilton
great grandson of
Princess Aenor de Chatellerault
and Guillaume X le Toulousain
Duc de Guyenne, Comte de Poitiers
Lady Euphemia Hamilton
(descent from the High Elves of Ireland,
Princess Melusine and the Scots Kings)
= Lord James Weir of Vere,
Baron Blackwood d. 1599
Sir William Vere of Stanebyres
= Elizabeth Hamilton, his cousin.
(descent from the High Elves of Ireland,
Princess Melusine and the Scots Kings)
Lord Thomas Weir of Vere, Baron Kirkton
= Lady Jane Somerville, The Witch of
the Dragon House of the Earls Somerville.
Major Thomas Weir of Vere of Edinburgh,
The Witch King of Mid-Lothian
= Margaret Bourdon
Lord Thomas Weir of Vere
de jure Baron Kirkton
Hereditary Witch King
= Miss Mary Robison of Cookstown,
County Tyrone, Ulster
John Weir of Vere
Andrew Weir of Vere
Margaret Weir of Vere of Kildress
Archibald Weir of Vere of Kildress
= Rachel Stewart of Desertcreat
Robert Weir of Vere of Kildress
John Weir of Vere of Ardwell, Logan Manor
= Mary Logan dau. of Thomas Logan of
Ardwell, Logan Manor, Galloway
Thomas Logan Weir of Vere of Carlisle
= Anne Grant Macdonnell of Inverness
(asserted descent from the Grant earls of Seafield)
James Weir of Vere of Lewes
= Natalie Hopgood, (descent through her father
from the Collisons of Norfolk, the Plantagenet
Kings and the Imperial and Royal House of Vere.
Descent through her mother from Lt. Col
George Butcher of Windsor Castle, Sarah Butcher
of Framlingham and the Huguenot Bourchier
Counts of Versailles, France)
Nicholas Tarnawa-de Vere von Drakenberg
Nicholas, El Zhafar Khan ibn Halimzai Mohmand Akhundzdkhel.