Journal of Dragon Heritage
Issue 4, 2011: Meta-Genetics
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Learning Objectives:
Discovery, Awakening, Integration, Implimentation
1. To compare traditional, contemporary and dragonkin thinking about
symbols, myths and themes and their place in the dragon heritage;
2. To analyze the creation, use and misuse (exploitation; coercion) of symbols in cultural and personal life;
3. To create symbolic meaning and describe its impact on individuals and culture;
4. To describe symbolic processes and expression in individual and group transformation;
5. To critique new conceptualizations of our historical symbols and the creation of symbolic meaning.
Genetic Genealogy * Epigenetics * Psychosocial Genomics * Meta-Genetics * KINdling
Take the test. Are You a Dragon?
1. Are you naturally drawn to the secret wisdom of the mystery schools?
2. Do you consciously work with the Dragon Force?
3. Do you practice a healing modality that increases and/or moves the Dragon Force?
4. Have you ever been a collector of Dragon images?
5. Are you currently involved with Alchemy or Yoga?
6. Do you use a mantra for meditation?
7. Do you like ritual that awakens and activates inner and outer power?
8. Are you attracted to the study and practice of magic?
9. Are you attracted to the practices and rites of shamanism?
10. Does your sexual desire sometimes feel uncontrollable?
11. Do you rebel against the control of others?
12. Are your emotions often felt to be extremely strong, even destructive?
13. Are you attracted to those things that society normally considers taboo?
14. Do you normally feel out of place in society?
15. Do you reject religious dogma?
16. Do you believe that Spirit exists within you as you?
17. Do you seek a direct mystical experience of the Truth?
18. Do you seek to find your answers within yourself?
19. Are you consciously on a path to Gnosis?
20. Are you attracted to occult and mystical rituals?
21. Do you have a fascination for what has been called the Left Hand Path and/or the “Dark Side?”
22. Do you feel an affinity to the Goddess and Her Tradition?
23. Do you tend to be a secretive person?
24. Do you have a natural affinity to Elves, Dwarfs, Vampires, etc. ?
1. Are you naturally drawn to the secret wisdom of the mystery schools?
2. Do you consciously work with the Dragon Force?
3. Do you practice a healing modality that increases and/or moves the Dragon Force?
4. Have you ever been a collector of Dragon images?
5. Are you currently involved with Alchemy or Yoga?
6. Do you use a mantra for meditation?
7. Do you like ritual that awakens and activates inner and outer power?
8. Are you attracted to the study and practice of magic?
9. Are you attracted to the practices and rites of shamanism?
10. Does your sexual desire sometimes feel uncontrollable?
11. Do you rebel against the control of others?
12. Are your emotions often felt to be extremely strong, even destructive?
13. Are you attracted to those things that society normally considers taboo?
14. Do you normally feel out of place in society?
15. Do you reject religious dogma?
16. Do you believe that Spirit exists within you as you?
17. Do you seek a direct mystical experience of the Truth?
18. Do you seek to find your answers within yourself?
19. Are you consciously on a path to Gnosis?
20. Are you attracted to occult and mystical rituals?
21. Do you have a fascination for what has been called the Left Hand Path and/or the “Dark Side?”
22. Do you feel an affinity to the Goddess and Her Tradition?
23. Do you tend to be a secretive person?
24. Do you have a natural affinity to Elves, Dwarfs, Vampires, etc. ?
Genetic control architecture, psycho-physiological remodeling, nonlocal communication.
by Iona Miller, 9/2011
Genetic control architecture, psycho-physiological remodeling, nonlocal communication.
by Iona Miller, 9/2011
“My thesis, then, is as follows: In addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.” - Carl Jung, “The Concept of the Collective Unconscious”
"The Saddik finds that which has been lost since birth and restores it to men. It is the same conception as Plato’s philosophical doctrine of the prenatal vision of ideas and their remembrance. The original knowledge of one who is still enfolded in the perfect state is very evident in the psychology of the child. For this reason many primitive peoples treat children with particular marks of respect. In the child the great images and archetypes of the collective unconscious are living reality, and very close to him; indeed, many of his sayings and reactions, questions and answers, dreams and images, express this knowledge which still derives from his prenatal existence. It is transpersonal experience not personally acquired, a possession acquired from “over there.” Such knowledge is rightly regarded as ancestral knowledge, and the child as a reborn forebear.
The theory of heredity, proving that the child has the ancestral heritage biologically in himself, and to a large extent actually “is” this heritage, also has a psychological justification. Jung therefore defines the transpersonal - or the archetypes and instincts of the collective unconscious - as “the deposit of ancestral experience.” Hence the child, whose life as a prepersonal entity is largely determined by the collective unconscious, actually is the living carrier of this ancestral experience." (Erich Neuman, Origins & History of Consciousness)
Asleep In a Sea of Consciousness, Walter Bruneel
Wave Genetics
According to Peter Gariaev’s research, our DNA not only assembles our proteins but also stores and communicates data. His team found that the genetic code in potential DNA follows, for practical purposes, the same foundational rules as human languages. In order to prove this, the syntax, semantics and grammar of human language and DNA were compared. Potential DNA's alkaline sequences closely mirror linguistic communication rules. This strongly suggests that the many human languages did not appear randomly, but reflect our essentially similar genetic structure.
Gariaev and his colleagues also studied DNA's electromagnetic behavior. They concluded, "Living chromosomes function just like holographic computers using DNA's own laser radiation." The Gariaev team modulated certain linguistic frequencies onto a laser. With this technology of language-modulated radio and light waves, they were not only able to heal damaged chromosomes, they also successfully altered genetic expression.
In the early 2000's, the ability of sound and light to heal DNA was scientifically documented by a Russian research team of geneticists and linguists. Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the so-called junk portion, follows regular grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human languages. This invalidates many modern linguistic theories by proving that language did not appear randomly but reflects our shared, divinely endowed genetic structure.
Russian scientists Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin also explored DNA’s extraordinary electromagnetic properties. Their research shows that DNA has a special ability to attract photons, causing the latter to spiral along the helix-shaped DNA molecule instead of along a linear path. In other words, DNA has the amazing ability to bend or weave light around itself.
In addition, it appears that a previously undetected form of intelligent light or intention energy (emanating from higher dimensions and distinguishable from electromagnetic radiation) which the Russian scientists dubbed "torsion radiation" after its twisting shape, gives rise to DNA. "A unified subliminal field of potentially universal consciousness apparently exists," writes Horowitz on the subject of the Russian studies, "and may be explained as emerging from a previously overlooked physical vacuum."
This process emerges from a domain more fundamental than the standard genetic code triplet model. Biophysics can now describe how our form emerges directly from the void, the vacuum substructure. In essence, we emerge from the cosmic void -- pre-geometrically structured nothingness. DNA is the projector of that field which sets up the stress gradients in the vacuum substructure to initiate dynamic unfolding. Genes function as holographic memories of the existential blueprint.
Wave Genetics & Ancestral Memory
According to Iona Miller and Richard Miller, in "From Helix to Hologram," (Nexus magazine, 2004) "Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organising physical form." The far-reaching implication is that DNA can be activated through conscious linguistic expression (much like an antenna) to modify the human bioenergy fields, which in turn (like orbiting communication satellites) can transmit radio and light waves to modify the physical structure and functioning of the human body.
Gariaev's group and and M. U. Maslov, developed a theory of so called fractal representation of natural (human) and genetical languages. Within the confines of this theory they suggest that the quasi-speech of DNA possesses a potentially inexhaustible “supply of words” and, moreover, what had been a sentence on the scales of DNA–“texts” “phrases” or a “sentence” becomes/turns into a word or a letter on the other scale. Genetical apparatus can be viewed as the triunity of its structure-functional organization consisting of holographic, soliton and fractal structures.
This theory allows a refined quantitative comparison of symbolic structure of any texts including genetical. This opens the possibility to approach deciphering of a lexicon of one’s own gene-code, and accordingly, more accurate composition of algorithms, addressing a human genome with the aim of potentially any type of programming of one’s vital activity such as treatment, increasing one’s life expectancy, memory retrieval and so on and so forth. Empirical tests of wave genetic theory in the light of “speech” characteristics of DNA demonstrate strategically correct stance and direction of research.
At the genetic level, sound actually gives rise to light. In a 1973 paper entitled "A Holographic Concept of Reality" first appearing in Krippner's Psychoenergetic Systems in 1975, a team of researchers led by Richard Miller outlined a compelling model of "ener-genetic" expression resulting in "precipitated reality": "Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, first in the acoustic [i.e., sound] domain, and second in the electromagnetic [light] domain." This leads to the manifestation of physical form as a "quantum hologram—a translation between acoustical and optical holograms."
Significantly, this sound-light translation that creates the experience of reality occurs in the genome. Iona Miller and Richard Miller expanded this notion in 2002 for Emergent Mind's Journal of Non-Locality & Remote Mental Interaction.
and republished in DNA Decipher Journal in 2011.
Informational Field
Meta-Genetics functions much like a read-write quantum biocomputer with astounding potential. It acts as a specially tuned laser beam with certain wavelength and frequency characteristics.
The quantum bio-computer can perform:
i. Scanning and reading the wave/field equivalent of the genetical-metabolic data from the (stem) cells, tissues, organs of a donor’s bio-system employing photon of the laser beam;
ii. Conversion of the photons obtained into wide-wavelength-band preserving the scanned and read data;
iii. Precise and pointed introduction of such scanned and converted principal/dominant data radio waves into the organism-recipient, located at a certain distance from the donor’s bio-system (from few centimeters to 20 km);
iv. Strategic control/management of metabolism and postembryonic morphogenesis of the organism-recipient according to two vectors/modes:
a. “Do as/what I do” – that is holographic principle, and
b. Wave/field transmission of a signal that contains commands activating required programs in the stem cells; programs that direct/guide the stem cells development. These vectors/modes modify human behavior, emotions, mentality and spirituality..
Junk DNA may act as an interdimensional doorway to ancestral memories, consciously and unconscious, potentiating the informational function of our living cells, and their collective fields, both at the electromagnetic and scalar level. Such effects, regardless of their biological field basis may be traced through the lifeline in specific impulses, interests, behaviors, and mythemes that recur and compound on one another. Sometimes they meet in the synchronicity where those of dragon heritage awaken to their deep memories and find their dragonkin. Can we also effectively turn on our multidimensional ancestral memory channel and tune into certain channels or memories within our extended family, encoded in this holographic field, known in ancient times as the Akashic? Our experience suggests this is so, particularly in dreams and active imagination.
Proposed Dynamics
Research suggests (1) that there are genetic “texts”, similar to the context-dependent texts in human language. (2) The chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them. (3) The chromosome continuum acts like a dynamical holographic grating, which displays or transduces weak laser light and solitonic electro-acoustic field. In other words, the code is transformed into physical matter guided by light and sound signals.
Complex information can be encoded in EM fields, as we all know from coding and decoding of television and radio signals. Even more complex information can be encoded in holographic images. DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information that contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Quantum non-locality of genetic information is fundamental.
The nervous system acts as a coordination mechanism that integrates DNA projection of the rest of the cells in the system, aligning these cellular holograms. The biohologram, projected by the brain, creates standing and moving electromagnetic wave patterns at different frequencies of the spectrum in order to effect different biochemical transformations. There may be specific electrostatic fields, or there may be electrodynamic field varying at various frequencies, from low (radio waves) all the way up the spectrum into visible light (biophotons) and beyond.
Genes are located on chromosomes in a linear order within the cell nucleus. Chromosomes have the ability to transform their own genetic-sign laser radiation into broadband genetic-sign radio waves (the encoded signal transforms from light to sound). The polarization of chromosome laser photons is connected non-locally and coherently to polarizations of radio waves.
Through this mechanism a new field structure is excited from the physical vacuum by an intrinsic creativity that emerges through DNA. The genome genetic and other regulatory wave information is recorded at the polarization level of its photons and is non-locally transferred or played out through the entire biosystem by the polarization code parameter.
According to Peter Gariaev’s research, our DNA not only assembles our proteins but also stores and communicates data. His team found that the genetic code in potential DNA follows, for practical purposes, the same foundational rules as human languages. In order to prove this, the syntax, semantics and grammar of human language and DNA were compared. Potential DNA's alkaline sequences closely mirror linguistic communication rules. This strongly suggests that the many human languages did not appear randomly, but reflect our essentially similar genetic structure.
Gariaev and his colleagues also studied DNA's electromagnetic behavior. They concluded, "Living chromosomes function just like holographic computers using DNA's own laser radiation." The Gariaev team modulated certain linguistic frequencies onto a laser. With this technology of language-modulated radio and light waves, they were not only able to heal damaged chromosomes, they also successfully altered genetic expression.
In the early 2000's, the ability of sound and light to heal DNA was scientifically documented by a Russian research team of geneticists and linguists. Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the so-called junk portion, follows regular grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human languages. This invalidates many modern linguistic theories by proving that language did not appear randomly but reflects our shared, divinely endowed genetic structure.
Russian scientists Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin also explored DNA’s extraordinary electromagnetic properties. Their research shows that DNA has a special ability to attract photons, causing the latter to spiral along the helix-shaped DNA molecule instead of along a linear path. In other words, DNA has the amazing ability to bend or weave light around itself.
In addition, it appears that a previously undetected form of intelligent light or intention energy (emanating from higher dimensions and distinguishable from electromagnetic radiation) which the Russian scientists dubbed "torsion radiation" after its twisting shape, gives rise to DNA. "A unified subliminal field of potentially universal consciousness apparently exists," writes Horowitz on the subject of the Russian studies, "and may be explained as emerging from a previously overlooked physical vacuum."
This process emerges from a domain more fundamental than the standard genetic code triplet model. Biophysics can now describe how our form emerges directly from the void, the vacuum substructure. In essence, we emerge from the cosmic void -- pre-geometrically structured nothingness. DNA is the projector of that field which sets up the stress gradients in the vacuum substructure to initiate dynamic unfolding. Genes function as holographic memories of the existential blueprint.
Wave Genetics & Ancestral Memory
According to Iona Miller and Richard Miller, in "From Helix to Hologram," (Nexus magazine, 2004) "Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organising physical form." The far-reaching implication is that DNA can be activated through conscious linguistic expression (much like an antenna) to modify the human bioenergy fields, which in turn (like orbiting communication satellites) can transmit radio and light waves to modify the physical structure and functioning of the human body.
Gariaev's group and and M. U. Maslov, developed a theory of so called fractal representation of natural (human) and genetical languages. Within the confines of this theory they suggest that the quasi-speech of DNA possesses a potentially inexhaustible “supply of words” and, moreover, what had been a sentence on the scales of DNA–“texts” “phrases” or a “sentence” becomes/turns into a word or a letter on the other scale. Genetical apparatus can be viewed as the triunity of its structure-functional organization consisting of holographic, soliton and fractal structures.
This theory allows a refined quantitative comparison of symbolic structure of any texts including genetical. This opens the possibility to approach deciphering of a lexicon of one’s own gene-code, and accordingly, more accurate composition of algorithms, addressing a human genome with the aim of potentially any type of programming of one’s vital activity such as treatment, increasing one’s life expectancy, memory retrieval and so on and so forth. Empirical tests of wave genetic theory in the light of “speech” characteristics of DNA demonstrate strategically correct stance and direction of research.
At the genetic level, sound actually gives rise to light. In a 1973 paper entitled "A Holographic Concept of Reality" first appearing in Krippner's Psychoenergetic Systems in 1975, a team of researchers led by Richard Miller outlined a compelling model of "ener-genetic" expression resulting in "precipitated reality": "Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, first in the acoustic [i.e., sound] domain, and second in the electromagnetic [light] domain." This leads to the manifestation of physical form as a "quantum hologram—a translation between acoustical and optical holograms."
Significantly, this sound-light translation that creates the experience of reality occurs in the genome. Iona Miller and Richard Miller expanded this notion in 2002 for Emergent Mind's Journal of Non-Locality & Remote Mental Interaction.
and republished in DNA Decipher Journal in 2011.
Informational Field
Meta-Genetics functions much like a read-write quantum biocomputer with astounding potential. It acts as a specially tuned laser beam with certain wavelength and frequency characteristics.
The quantum bio-computer can perform:
i. Scanning and reading the wave/field equivalent of the genetical-metabolic data from the (stem) cells, tissues, organs of a donor’s bio-system employing photon of the laser beam;
ii. Conversion of the photons obtained into wide-wavelength-band preserving the scanned and read data;
iii. Precise and pointed introduction of such scanned and converted principal/dominant data radio waves into the organism-recipient, located at a certain distance from the donor’s bio-system (from few centimeters to 20 km);
iv. Strategic control/management of metabolism and postembryonic morphogenesis of the organism-recipient according to two vectors/modes:
a. “Do as/what I do” – that is holographic principle, and
b. Wave/field transmission of a signal that contains commands activating required programs in the stem cells; programs that direct/guide the stem cells development. These vectors/modes modify human behavior, emotions, mentality and spirituality..
Junk DNA may act as an interdimensional doorway to ancestral memories, consciously and unconscious, potentiating the informational function of our living cells, and their collective fields, both at the electromagnetic and scalar level. Such effects, regardless of their biological field basis may be traced through the lifeline in specific impulses, interests, behaviors, and mythemes that recur and compound on one another. Sometimes they meet in the synchronicity where those of dragon heritage awaken to their deep memories and find their dragonkin. Can we also effectively turn on our multidimensional ancestral memory channel and tune into certain channels or memories within our extended family, encoded in this holographic field, known in ancient times as the Akashic? Our experience suggests this is so, particularly in dreams and active imagination.
Proposed Dynamics
Research suggests (1) that there are genetic “texts”, similar to the context-dependent texts in human language. (2) The chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them. (3) The chromosome continuum acts like a dynamical holographic grating, which displays or transduces weak laser light and solitonic electro-acoustic field. In other words, the code is transformed into physical matter guided by light and sound signals.
Complex information can be encoded in EM fields, as we all know from coding and decoding of television and radio signals. Even more complex information can be encoded in holographic images. DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information that contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Quantum non-locality of genetic information is fundamental.
The nervous system acts as a coordination mechanism that integrates DNA projection of the rest of the cells in the system, aligning these cellular holograms. The biohologram, projected by the brain, creates standing and moving electromagnetic wave patterns at different frequencies of the spectrum in order to effect different biochemical transformations. There may be specific electrostatic fields, or there may be electrodynamic field varying at various frequencies, from low (radio waves) all the way up the spectrum into visible light (biophotons) and beyond.
Genes are located on chromosomes in a linear order within the cell nucleus. Chromosomes have the ability to transform their own genetic-sign laser radiation into broadband genetic-sign radio waves (the encoded signal transforms from light to sound). The polarization of chromosome laser photons is connected non-locally and coherently to polarizations of radio waves.
Through this mechanism a new field structure is excited from the physical vacuum by an intrinsic creativity that emerges through DNA. The genome genetic and other regulatory wave information is recorded at the polarization level of its photons and is non-locally transferred or played out through the entire biosystem by the polarization code parameter.
Dragon Genetics
Drakenberg is a transformative imperative. Many of us sense that, for the world to change in a profound way, a significant number of us need to awaken to--and align with--our true purpose and calling in life. We know deep down that we have a meaningful contribution to bring into the world, and we sense that it's only in discovering and bringing forth this potential, that we will find our own spiritual fulfillment.
The Dragon Mysteries preceded all others. They are primal secrets regarding all human evolution. They are the signposts along the primal path of alchemy leading to Gnosis. The first masters on Earth were all Dragons and Serpents. They bestowed wisdom and the means of experiencing gnosis.
The Akashic records are an energetic pattern, a frequency like a tuning fork vibration. Holographic images are pictures captured in light and hold the feeling of events and emotions so they may be viewed again as a learning tool. We can "consult" with our ancestors. In recent decades modern science has verified what the ancient traditions intuited long ago. In both tangible and mysterious ways, we are all interconnected, and any one of us can have a profound effect on the whole.
The Dragon is the universal energetic field, slumbering at the center of the Cosmos. A hidden Dragon sleeps within our deep nature and guides our collective destiny. Virtual and electromagnetic waves bathe all things in this radiation, in their motion. Through miniscule perturbations, waves can change to forms and images that can speak, becoming voices that can be heard by our sensitive energy bodies, feeding on biophotonic light. Transformed to vision and dreams they produce presentiments in us. Your state tells you about how you're related to other things in the multiverse just as a reference frame tells you how you're related to other stuff in classical physics. In both cases denying the existence of the real thing that underlies those relations results in a bad explanation. We must learn to see through our Dragon Eyes.
Twisted Descent - If you accept the perennial mystical teaching that, at the level of consciousness, we are not only interconnected, but are actually one Self seeing through many eyes, then it should be clear that, like it or not, in the way we conduct our inner and outer lives, each of us is in fact always having an effect on the whole. What would you do if you realized that the entire human endeavor, the evolution of consciousness itself, depended on your willingness to transform your own consciousness?
Crypto-Dragons Rediscovery
We can call anyone of the dragon blood who has yet to discover or prove their dynastic heritage, a "crypto-dragon." Over and over the phenomenon and transformative reaction repeats itself. A seemingly ordinary person somehow develops an interest in their family genealogy, finds a historical Gateway Ancestor, who's pedigree leads them back to medieval times where they find they descend from nobility and royalty. Because of intensive intermarriage among nobles in past eras, finding one royal usually means tapping into several blueblood lines.
At first we are struck with the richness of our personal family story, but soon come to realize many of our noble lines are intimately crossed with those already aware of their Dragon heritage. We come to understand our lineage is that of the greater Dragon Dynasties, who are already deeply involved in their own historical reclamation and heritage projects. We begin to understand that this is, indeed, our tue family.
As the seeker's search widens, sooner or later they come across some material on the Dragon legacy, or those involved with the Grail lines, Dragon Court or universal dragon culture. Given a few hints on where and who to look for, suddenly they are faced with the mind-blowing distinction that they descend arguably from the oldest royal line on the planet, and that there is a deeper 'reality' to the mythic stories -- a living reality.
The Dragon God-Kings are rooted in mythic prehistory and extended their rule well into the Classical Period, before they were deposed and separated from their divine-rights by socio-political machinations. Looking to their own family lines and/or genetic genealogy reports, such crypto-dragons come face to face with the relevation of their true being.
Thus awakened, they draw new energy from the collective unconscious and their dragon companions on the same journey to pursue the depths of their being and connection to Cosmos. So it has been, from the dawn of time. Suddenly their 'differences' make sense, possibly for the first time. They may experience an infusion of trustworthy Knowledge welling up from the Plenum within, as gnosis, dreams and visions. This is the long-concealed Dragon treasure.
Genealogists are now using molecular genealogy-comparing and matching people by matrilineal DNA lineages-mtDNA or patrilineal Y-chromosome ancestry and/or autosomal tests. People interested in ancestry now look at genetic markers to trace the migrations of the human species. Suchmethods allow us to trace our genealogy by DNA from our grandparents back 10,000 or more years.
Anyone can be interested in DNA for ancestry research, learning how different populations from a mosaic of communities reached their current locations. Who are you descended from? What markers shed light on your deepest ancestry? You can study DNA for medical reasons or to discover the geographic travels and dwelling places of some of your ancestors. Specifically, you can interpret your DNA test and/or genealogy for family history.
Initiation opens a communication link between the aspirant and this divine guiding principle -- our inner genius -- fostering balance in the personality as the firm foundation for spiritual development. Maat or 'Balance' was the prime expression of the Egyptian Mystery Schools, because it gave order and meaning to life. In the East, it is called the Tao, a dynamic blending of yin and yang. Balance helps you to achieve the goals you want in life and to manifest your dreams. You can easily integrate this wisdom tradition in your own life. Empowerment comes through grounding and centering.
Such knowledge transforms and activates a new level of Being, internally and in the world, at large. The Dragon has come calling and collected its own, informing that consciousness spark with a connection to hyperdimensional depth, with a sense of mission and purpose, with a commitment to the recovery of full Dragon nature and inherent potential of genius for clarity. This is the Path of Return.
META-GENETICS: The Metaphysics
"Meta-genetics" transcends genetic science, touching on spirituality, metaphysics, and the hereditary nature of Jungian archetypes. The foundations of meta-genetics lie in intuitive insights as old as the Dragon people, however, this is not an ethnic philosophy, but an emergent science. Genetic bonds are psychic and spiritual, rooted in "knowing", in gnosis. Genetic kinship is a time-transcending unity, unbound by our narrow perceptions of the past, present, and future. Synchromysticism means niticing coincidences, synchronicities, connections, esoterica, symbolism and possible hidden agendas in all aspects of reality. There is an art to realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance. The outer reveals the inner and vice versa; as above, so below.
Living by synchronicity -- paradoxical but seemingly meaningful coincidences -- isn't just about getting messages or reading 'signs'. It is about immersion in the flow state, being at one with the cosmos. It is about nurturing the poetic consciousness that allows us to taste and touch what rhymes and resonates in the world we inhabit. Through opening ourselves we learn how the world-behind-the-world reveals itself by fluttering the veils of our consensual reality. We learn how to live with one foot rooted in the inner and outer world.
Carl Jung had a concept of the Collective Unconscious: “In addition to our immediate personal consciousness, (which we believe to be the only empirical psyche), there exists a second “inherited” psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.” He delivered lectures at the Tavistock Clinic on “The Concept of the Collective Unconscious” in 1935. In 1937, he lectured at Yale on “Psychology and Religion.” Jung called the psyche the soul source of human experience.
There are spiritual and metaphysical implications to heredity, extending back through the whole history of life. DNA itself carries ancestral memories, the collective unconscious, or the "phylogenetic unconscious" (Grof). Meta-genetic principles also apply to animals, plants, other organic kingdoms, and on down into the quantum and subquantal roots of matter. When we let go of our ego orientation in hypnosis, trance, meditation, vision quest, or consciousness journeys, we can experience identifications from any era and scale of evolution. Isolation, fatigue, hunger, and rhythmic sound are re-discovered as psychic drivers by different generations and cultures.
Altered states may be pleasurable, meaningful, and healing. They are likely to be actively sought in every age and methods of inducing them remembered and transmitted across generations. Collective psyche is inherited, including archaic modes of functioning and residues of animal ancestry, which also reiterate in embryogenesis. The primordial image is a psychic expression of the inherited (ever-recurring) potential of the soul for experience that is psychophysically determined. Consciousness is not the whole of the person – all the unconscious embodied circuitry is also "us", and the decisions made by our unconscious circuitry are also "our" decisions. Unconscious change precedes conscious insight.
Evolution appears in our psychic nature. Stanislav Grof reports that people who had phylogenetic meta-memory experiences or identification with existing life forms not only found them unusually authentic and convincing, but often acquired in the process extraordinary insights concerning animal psychology, ethology, specific habits, or unusual reproductive cycles. In some instances, this was accompanied by archaic muscular innervations not characteristic for humans, or even such complex behaviors as enactment of a courtship dance.
The Myth: Crane, Shaman & Magus
Symbols conceal and reveal at the same time. If we 'got' what they are saying we wouldn't need the symbol, because that understanding would cognitive, emotional and experiential. We can understand such multidimensional and mythic links better by examining just one such example from our Neolithic heritage. Such amplification helps us better understand how ancestral memory permeates our consciousness and forms the subtext of Dragon culture. Universal symbols reflect the contents of the collective unconscious. We experience the unconscious through symbols.
In Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, Mircea Eliade recounts how a Shaman must from time to time perform a ritual known as the Spirit Dance. Well known among native Americans, accounts of this practice date back 4,000 years in Chinese records. During the Spirit Dance, the Shaman moves in imitation of his animal spirit to call on its powers. It is said that the animal spirit actually takes possession of the Shaman's body and imbues the Shaman with superhuman strength. This principle is also mirrored in the martial arts, Tai Chi, and other arts of movement. It is a kinesthetic channel.
Cranes dance when they are happy, to establish social relationships, announce territorial claims, cement decades-long pair bonding, and educate their young. Dancing has long captivated human observers. Nerissa Russell and Kevin McGowan of Cornell University believe that Neolithic peoples imitated the dances of cranes as part of marriage rituals in the village of Çatalhöyük in Turkey at about 6500 BC (Antiquity, 2003). Ceremonial wings 8,500 years old were found there.
For cranes, graceful and forceful dancing springs from nature and nurture; genes are important but so is learning. For each species, the basic postures and the style of the dance and have genetic bases. However, details of the steps of a display, use of dramatic plumage, and choreography differ among species. The crane's graceful hopping and turning movements became the basis for the White Crane style, now famous throughout China. The crane's evasion, distraction, and attacking the enemy's weak points was the strategy a smaller person could use to overcome a larger opponent.
In China the crane symbolizes longevity, immortality, happiness and good fortune. It is considered a Messenger of the Gods and an intermediary between Heaven and Earth. As such, it represents higher states of consciousness and the ability to travel to other worlds. Pure white cranes are said to inhabit the Isles of the Blessed and to carry the souls of immortals and others to the Western Paradise. This explains the ancient Chinese practice of placing figures of cranes on coffins.
The crane’s connection with the soul is echoed in another closely related bird, the swan. In Navajo tradition, the Great White Swan can call up the Four Winds. The Great Spirit will use swans to work its will. In the Greek tradition, a Pythagorean fable suggests the souls of all good poets turn into swans. The Hindi language has the same word for ‘soul’ and ‘swan’ – the bird that laid the cosmic egg, giving birth to Brahma (the Creator).
The aborigines saw the Black Swans as the wives of their All Father. In Greek tradition, the Swan is the symbol of the Muses. The swan also has erotic connotations - Zeus seduced Leda in the form of a swan, and Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, had a swan-drawn chariot. The swan, as a symbol of music, is also dedicated to Apollo, who was said to transform into a swan. The Vila, Serbian nymphs, take the shape of swans and serpents. The Norse Valkyries often take the shape of swans and they fly, singing, through the air.
The swan - the Supreme Self or Over-soul, confers the vision of the Supreme Self. Among Druids, the Swan represents the soul, and is associated with the Festival of Samhain. The swan aids us in traveling to the Otherworld. The Swan Maidens play a role in Dragon culture and the quest for "the Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon".
In China the crane symbolizes longevity, immortality, happiness and good fortune. It is considered a Messenger of the Gods and an intermediary between Heaven and Earth. As such, it represents higher states of consciousness and the ability to travel to other worlds. Pure white cranes are said to inhabit the Isles of the Blessed and to carry the souls of immortals and others to the Western Paradise. This explains the ancient Chinese practice of placing figures of cranes on coffins.
The crane’s connection with the soul is echoed in another closely related bird, the swan. In Navajo tradition, the Great White Swan can call up the Four Winds. The Great Spirit will use swans to work its will. In the Greek tradition, a Pythagorean fable suggests the souls of all good poets turn into swans. The Hindi language has the same word for ‘soul’ and ‘swan’ – the bird that laid the cosmic egg, giving birth to Brahma (the Creator).
The aborigines saw the Black Swans as the wives of their All Father. In Greek tradition, the Swan is the symbol of the Muses. The swan also has erotic connotations - Zeus seduced Leda in the form of a swan, and Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, had a swan-drawn chariot. The swan, as a symbol of music, is also dedicated to Apollo, who was said to transform into a swan. The Vila, Serbian nymphs, take the shape of swans and serpents. The Norse Valkyries often take the shape of swans and they fly, singing, through the air.
The swan - the Supreme Self or Over-soul, confers the vision of the Supreme Self. Among Druids, the Swan represents the soul, and is associated with the Festival of Samhain. The swan aids us in traveling to the Otherworld. The Swan Maidens play a role in Dragon culture and the quest for "the Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon".
Yezidism In Europe
Another noble bird, the Peacock, sacred to the Yezidis, is an eastern manifestation of the Dragon. Like the Blue-green Dragon, which is the androgynous union of Spirit (blue) and matter (green), the principal colors of the Peacock are blue and green. The Dragon, a term which derives from "seeing clearly" and related to Osiris, the Many-eyed Green Man and Dragon of Egypt, is manifest as the Peacock with its countless eyes.The Yezidis sect of northern Iraq still venetrate the Primal Dragon as Tawsi Melek, the "Peacock Angel" and "Peacock King". Among the oldest Dragon families on Earth, they refer to themselves as the "People of the Peacock Angel". Tawsi Melek made "his people" following the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He planted the seed of his people, a drop of Adam's sperm, in a jar. It quickly grew into a radiant boy called Shehid bin Jar, the "Son of Jar." Shehid bin Jar took as his wife a supernatural being from Paradise and together they became the patriarchs of the Yezidis. One is Yezidi, with a deeply-held worldview, by birth only.
In Greek folklore, the Crane Dance is said to have its origins when Theseus was returning to Greece with Ariadne, after slaying the Minotaur. They stopped for the night on the island of Delos and performed the Crane Dance in celebration. As this is also a mating dance, it may also be the story’s way of saying that their relationship was consummated.
Shamans of Central Asia still perform the Crane Dance, which has particular importance in early Dragon culture. Humans on stilts copied the dance, which involves stiff-legged marching, running and leaping into the air with spread and beating wings, bowing, pirouetting, stopping and starting and tossing twigs into the air. The crane’s white feathers are seen as a symbol of purity and relate to the AIR element and the yang of the heavens. Their red head feathers are considered to be a sign of vitality and connect to the yang element of FIRE.
We can only speculate why our ancestors performed such rituals of identification with these social birds, but in ancient times the cycles and rhythms of animals were crucial to human survival and marked the seasons. Animals were associated with constellations, as guardians of the four directions, as theriomorphic godforms, and enduring mythic cycles. They were seen as having human similarities and social structures. Even today we speak of animals as part of our families that bring us pleasure and whose loss we mourn.
In The Dragon Legacy, Nicholas de Vere notes, the Crane Dance is known in Britain as the "Dance of Troy", and was also performed by the Ostiak peoples of Siberia, both groups being ancestral dragon cultures. The Trojans were compared to migrating cranes. In Delos, the ancient dance of the labyrinth was called Geranos, "the dance of the crane," and the Druid practice of "crane pointing" as a magical observance links to the appellation of Merlins as "birds without a nest."
In Asia, the Crane is honored in art and literature and symbolizes longevity and good fortune, especially at weddings. Cranes have noble qualities, and elegant manners, and poetic dances. Cranes are credited with great diligence, intelligence and vigilance; they reportedly post sentries while they sleep. They spend a long time preening their feathers and paint themselves with mud to camouflage themselves. Greek letters of the alphabet came from myths about cranes.
The crane was used as a symbol of the astronomer by the Ancient Egyptians. In classical times, cranes were sacred to Hermes, the divine messenger of the gods. Perhaps some even imagined they could speak with and get messages from inner or outer cranes. Dreams of cranes would have been common. Tradition says, "to see a crane in your dream represents happiness, maternal love, and your gestures of good will. You look out for those who are near and dear to you. Alternatively, a crane signifies tact, immortality or vigilance."
Grus is a genus of large birds in the crane family. The Latin word grus and English word crane are cognates as Klein explains: crane, from Middle English crane, crone, Middle High German krone, Old English cranoc, cornoc, German Kranich, 'crane', and cognate with Greek geranos, Cornish, Welsh, Breton garan, 'crane', Latin grus, 'crane', from the Indo-European imitative base *gere-2, 'to utter a hoarse cry'. Related words include the first element in cranberry, geranium, Gruiformes (order Gruiformes, the coots, cranes, and rails), and the last element in pedigree, and the name Pettigrew.
In Greek folklore, the Crane Dance is said to have its origins when Theseus was returning to Greece with Ariadne, after slaying the Minotaur. They stopped for the night on the island of Delos and performed the Crane Dance in celebration. As this is also a mating dance, it may also be the story’s way of saying that their relationship was consummated.
Shamans of Central Asia still perform the Crane Dance, which has particular importance in early Dragon culture. Humans on stilts copied the dance, which involves stiff-legged marching, running and leaping into the air with spread and beating wings, bowing, pirouetting, stopping and starting and tossing twigs into the air. The crane’s white feathers are seen as a symbol of purity and relate to the AIR element and the yang of the heavens. Their red head feathers are considered to be a sign of vitality and connect to the yang element of FIRE.
We can only speculate why our ancestors performed such rituals of identification with these social birds, but in ancient times the cycles and rhythms of animals were crucial to human survival and marked the seasons. Animals were associated with constellations, as guardians of the four directions, as theriomorphic godforms, and enduring mythic cycles. They were seen as having human similarities and social structures. Even today we speak of animals as part of our families that bring us pleasure and whose loss we mourn.
In The Dragon Legacy, Nicholas de Vere notes, the Crane Dance is known in Britain as the "Dance of Troy", and was also performed by the Ostiak peoples of Siberia, both groups being ancestral dragon cultures. The Trojans were compared to migrating cranes. In Delos, the ancient dance of the labyrinth was called Geranos, "the dance of the crane," and the Druid practice of "crane pointing" as a magical observance links to the appellation of Merlins as "birds without a nest."
In Asia, the Crane is honored in art and literature and symbolizes longevity and good fortune, especially at weddings. Cranes have noble qualities, and elegant manners, and poetic dances. Cranes are credited with great diligence, intelligence and vigilance; they reportedly post sentries while they sleep. They spend a long time preening their feathers and paint themselves with mud to camouflage themselves. Greek letters of the alphabet came from myths about cranes.
The crane was used as a symbol of the astronomer by the Ancient Egyptians. In classical times, cranes were sacred to Hermes, the divine messenger of the gods. Perhaps some even imagined they could speak with and get messages from inner or outer cranes. Dreams of cranes would have been common. Tradition says, "to see a crane in your dream represents happiness, maternal love, and your gestures of good will. You look out for those who are near and dear to you. Alternatively, a crane signifies tact, immortality or vigilance."
Grus is a genus of large birds in the crane family. The Latin word grus and English word crane are cognates as Klein explains: crane, from Middle English crane, crone, Middle High German krone, Old English cranoc, cornoc, German Kranich, 'crane', and cognate with Greek geranos, Cornish, Welsh, Breton garan, 'crane', Latin grus, 'crane', from the Indo-European imitative base *gere-2, 'to utter a hoarse cry'. Related words include the first element in cranberry, geranium, Gruiformes (order Gruiformes, the coots, cranes, and rails), and the last element in pedigree, and the name Pettigrew.
“Cranes (grus) took their name from their particular call, for they whoop with such a sound. When they fly, they follow a leader in formation like a letter (i.e. Greek lambda, an upside down V shape). Concerning them Lucan says (Civil War 5-716): And the letter-shape is disturbed and lost in their scattered flight. They seek the heights, from which they can more easily see which lands to make for. The one leading the flock chides with its voice, but, when it begins to grow hoarse, another crane takes its place. At night they divide up the watches, and alternate their vigils; they hold stones in their extended claws to let it be known if they fall asleep - the noise (i.e. of the stones dropping) indicates the need to be on the alert. Their color reveals their age, for they turn black as they grow old.” [The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, 7th century AD, p.264.]
Festus, the grammarian was of the opinion that the words congruous, and similar derivatives are from grues, from Latin grus, crane [An etymological dictionary of the Latin language, p.97], apparently from the sound of their calls which formed the root of the word 'congruence,' from Latin congruus, from congruere, 'to agree'. This word reflects the highly coordinated and cooperative behavior typical of cranes. Cranes disperse when searching for food and nesting and congregate when flying or migrating. The word congruent comes from the Indo-European root *ghreu- 'To rub, grind'. Derivatives: grit, groats, grout, gruel, grueling, great, groat, gruesome, chroma (color), chromatic, chromato-, chrome, -chrome, chromium, chromo-, chromosome, gravel, congruent, congruence, congruous. [Pokorny 2. ghreu- 460. Watkins]
The word 'pedigree' comes from the Old French phrase, 'pie (pied) de grue', which means 'foot of a crane'. The pedigree diagram (symbol /|\) resembles the branches coming out of a crane's foot; for the shape of the sign used in showing lines of descent in genealogical charts. The association of the word pedigree with cranes might relate to the chromosomes (from *ghreu-)which carry the genes or genetic information, coiled threadlike structures of DNA, and found in the nucleus of all plant and animal cells.
In every land where they appear cranes have always been a symbol of longevity. For cranes living in the wild an age of up to 60 years has been cited, and there is one record of a captive Siberian crane living for 83 years and fathering chicks at age 78. By comparison swans only live to around thirty years. The partly gray feathers of cranes, and some species having predominantly gray feathers, might symbolically suggest aging. Geranos is the Greek for crane and geras, from where we get the word geriatrics, is old age, geron, 'old man', gerus, 'old woman; wrinkled skin', from Indo-European root *gere-1 'To grow old'. Derivatives: ageratum (a-, without; + geras, old age; a plant that is called ageless or everlasting), geriatrics (from Greek geras, old age), geronto- (from Greek geron, stem geront-, old man), progeria (aging disease). [Pokorny ger- 390. Watkins]
Klein says the word Zoroaster from Avestic Zarathushtra, literally 'whose camels are old', from *zarant, 'old', and ushtra, 'camel', *zarant is cognate with Greek geron, 'old man'.
"Horapollo, the grammarian of Alexandria, about A.D. 400, tells us that the crane (or ibis) was the symbol of a star-observer in Egypt, presumably from its high flight" [Allen, Star Names], or maybe from a habit of looking up at the sky as a number of pictures of cranes show? The term 'Magos' was used in the Hellenistic world rather loosely for astrologers, astronomers, and magicians (there was no distinction in the Hellenistic era drawn between astrology and astronomy). The magus were the Zoroastrian priestly caste of the Medes and Persians. Magi is used in English for the three 'Wise Men' who visited the infant Christ. “The first interpreters of the stars were called Magi (magus), as we read of those who made known the birth of Christ in the Gospels; afterwards they only had the name mathematicus.” [The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, 7th century AD, p.183.]
A crane, meaning also 'a machine for raising weights' is so called from the long neck of the instrument. People were struck with some kind of similarity between the long-legged bird picking up his food with his long beak and their rude engines for lifting weights. In Greek, too, geranos has both meanings. In Greek and Roman theatre, a crane was used as a stage prop to create the special effects of flying characters. It could lift actors into the air portraying the appearance of gods in flight, hence the Latin term deus ex machina ('god from the machine'). It was usually known as the mechane ('machine'), but also known as the geranos ('crane') or krade ('branch').
The words mechane, and magus, come from the Indo-European root *magh-1 'To be able, have power'. Derivatives: may¹ (from Old English mæg, to be strong, be able), dismay (to deprive of might or the power to act as a result of fear or anxiety), might¹ (power), almighty, main (most important, from Old English mægen), machine, mechanic, mechanism, mechano-, magic, magus, (these words from Old Persian magu, member of a priestly caste < 'mighty one'). [Pokorny magh- 695. Watkins]
The Crane Dance called Geranos, was performed by Theseus after his escape from the Labyrinth. The labyrinth represents the Sun's progress through the year, the inward spiral of her arc as the year grows old. If you magnify the Sun's rays upon a piece of wood such that the surface burns throughout the course of a year, you end up with a scorched spiral. At the center of the labyrinth, according to Pennick, " the omphalos ... a very rich symbol, containing within itself the mysteries of human consciousness, birth, transformation and death."
The labyrinth represents the Sun's progress through the year, the inward spiral of her arc as the year grows old (I believe, incidentally, that if you magnify the Sun's rays upon a piece of wood such that the surface burns throughout the course of a year, you end up with a scorched spiral). At the center of the labyrinth, according to Pennick, " the omphalos ... a very rich symbol, containing within itself the mysteries of human consciousness, birth, transformation and death."
One curious feature of some of the labyrinth myths is the habit of the smiths to fly away in swan skins (Wayland) or the wings constructed by Daedalus. Also, after Ariadne left Crete she founded the crane dance at Delos. In Manx mythology, according to Pennick, three cranes stand at the entrance to the underworld who "call to passers-by to keep away, lest they be dragged from this world", and similarly a swan swims the river that separates the underworld from the world of men in the Finno-Ugraic mythic cycle, the Kalevala.
These birds also feature in shamanic practice - the feathered skins of cranes were used in shamanic flight, and the Siberian Ostyaks danced a version of the crane dance wearing crane skins. Swans or geese are common symbols of magical flight in Europe, and goose fat was often an ingredient in the flying ointments of medieval witches. Similarly, an English variant of the Wild Hunt motif is that of the Seven Whistlers, a death dealing flight of geese.
Theseus had used a ball of thread to find his way out of the Labyrinth, and the dance he performed with the Athenians who escaped with him was an imitation of the windings of the Labyrinth. The ball of thread might relate to the chromosomes which carry the genes, coiled, threadlike structures of DNA, and link the word pedigree to 'crane' and 'grus'.
The Labyrinth is also the term for a system of fluid passages in the inner ear, including both the cochlea which is part of the auditory system, and the vestibular system which provides the sense of balance. It is named by analogy with the mythical maze that imprisoned the Minotaur, because of its appearance. [The word ear (auris) might be adjacent Pisces Australis and Grus was once part of that constellation.] There are mechano-receptors in the cochlea of the ear that detect sounds and the motion of the body. Sound is a mechanical wave, meaning it produces vibrational energy in the medium through which it moves, such as air. The crane standing on one leg might also suggest something to do with balance, which became the prime directive of the ancient Egyptians who personified her balanced order as Maat.
Hercules whose name suggessts 'listening in the air' performed twelve labors, and the word 'labyrinth' may be related to 'labor'. The phrase "the cranes of Ibycus" became a proverb among the Greeks for the discovery of crime through divine intervention. It relates to the story of Ibycus, a Greek lyric poet, of the 6th century BC. While in the neighbourhood of Corinth, the poet was mortally wounded by robbers. As he lay dying he saw a flock of cranes flying overhead, and swore "Those cranes will avenge me." Shortly afterward the robbers were sitting in a theater in Corinth and saw a flock of cranes flying by. One joked to his friend "there go the avengers of Ibycus". The remark was overheard and the robbers were arrested. Cranes pointed to the killers by mysteriously circling over the head of one of the guilty. This old proverb has been referred to as "The Cranes of Ibycus". This legend is probably a play on the similarity between the poet's name and the Ancient Greek word for 'crane' (ibyx).
The crane of Europe was likely equivalent to the similar wading bird, the ibis, of the Egyptians. "Abis, the Egyptian Crane ... the Greeks expressed it Ibis" [A Mythological, Etymological, and Historical Dictionary, Bryant, Holwell, 1793, p.2]. The ibis-headed god, Thoth, was a scribe, whose pen repeatedly dipped in ink in a manner that the long beaks of the ibises dipped into the mud. The word nib (n-ib), a bird's beak, and the tip of a pen, might be related to this source; "nib meant an ibis" [Cleopatra's Needle, p.58]. [Egyptian hib is the official translation for 'ibis'] (Anne Wright 2008),
Precession Star Clock 2012: The Royal Arch & Crane Constellation
The script of the sky is writ large in cyclic rotations of the constellations. Thoth-Hermes was god of the Egyptian mysteries, the prototypical magican and astronomer. As archetypal scribe aand magician, he encoded both skyscript and earthly hieroglyphics. Following the symbolic clue of the Crane today leads us to the impending Precession of the Equinoxes in which the Age of Pisces passes into that of Aquarius at the end of 2012. The prime cycle occurs over a period of 25,920 years, often referred to as Plato's Great Year.
Before 14,000 BCE, the "Cross", the Symbol of the Precession of the Equinoxes, was part of the "Hall of Records" in the night sky. Knowledge carved in stone is temporal. The progenitors of the Ancient Egyptians carved their eternal knowledge in the stars so that it would never be desecrated, worn away or lost. The Constellation of Grus, (the Crane) which is in the shape of a cross, lies directly to the west of the Constellation of Phoenix. Perhaps not surprisingly, the pictogram for astronomers in Ancient Egypt was the crane.
Sky view from the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on July 3rd, 14,000 BCE.
The Cross is a symbol of the Precession of the Equinoxes.
The Constellation of Grus, (the Crane) which is in the shape of a cross, lies directly to the west of the Constellation of Phoenix.
(Software: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5, A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
The Cross is a symbol of the Precession of the Equinoxes.
The Constellation of Grus, (the Crane) which is in the shape of a cross, lies directly to the west of the Constellation of Phoenix.
(Software: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5, A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
The symbol of the "Cross" and / or the "Cross within a circle" and / or the "Cross and a circle", indicating the secret knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes, has been handed down to us in a multitude of forms. These include for example: the Ankh, the Shen, Stone Henge, the Sun Wheel, Stone Circles, Standing Stones, the Celtic Cross, the Christian Cross, the Knights Templar Cross, the Union Jack, and even the Direction Indicator on a Map. Ancient Egyptians first recognized the effects of Precession more than sixteen thousand years ago as a crisis situation. The visible effect of Precession for the remote proto-Egyptians was that their Celestial Sphinx was gradually slipping southwards into metaphorical Darkness.
Their Celestial Sphinx, Hu, was falling out of the sky. Over the centuries, it was gradually shifting its position southwards in the night sky to a point where it would begin to disappear below the horizon at Giza forever. It would seem to them that their Dreamtime, their explanation of Creation built around the Celestial Sphinx, was coming to an end implying their world or Age was coming to an end. By 13,750 BCE (using the Gregorian Calendar) their worst fears would be realized; the Celestial Sphinx would no longer be visible in its entirety from Giza.
Their Celestial Sphinx, Hu, was falling out of the sky. Over the centuries, it was gradually shifting its position southwards in the night sky to a point where it would begin to disappear below the horizon at Giza forever. It would seem to them that their Dreamtime, their explanation of Creation built around the Celestial Sphinx, was coming to an end implying their world or Age was coming to an end. By 13,750 BCE (using the Gregorian Calendar) their worst fears would be realized; the Celestial Sphinx would no longer be visible in its entirety from Giza.
At the Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on July 3rd 13000 BCE- the Celestial Sphinx was disappearing further below the horizon at Giza.
(Software: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5 A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
(Software: Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5 A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
Piscis Austrinus (also known as Piscis Australis, "the southern fish") is a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere. The larger constellation Pisces, represents a pair of fishes. Prior to the 20th century, it was also known as Piscis Notius. Its only star brighter than 4th magnitude is Fomalhaut.
Piscis Austrinus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations. The stars of the modern constellation Grus once formed part of Piscis Austrinus. In 1597 (or 1598), Petrus Plancius carved out a separate constellation and named it after the crane. At latitudes higher than about 45 degrees north, Grus never rises above the southern horizon. This constellation is not visible in the northern temperate extremes, but can be seen on dark nights in most of the United States.
In Greek mythology, this constellation is known as the Great Fish and it is portrayed as swallowing the water being poured out by Aquarius, the water-bearer constellation. The flow of water ends at Fomalhaut, which Ptolemy regarded as being common to Aquarius and Piscis Austrinus. The two fish of the constellation Pisces are said to be the offspring of the Great Fish. In Egyptian mythology, this fish saved the life of the Egyptian goddess Isis, so she placed this fish and its descendants into the heavens as constellations of stars. Pisces Austrinus originated with the Babylonian constellation simply known as the Fish (MUL.KU).
The Egyptians used constellations as seasonal markers and had an astronomical system marking the seasons, older than the decanal and zodiacal systems. In predynastic Egypt, animal processions are not merely a decorative theme, but calendar markings. Another point showing this is that the rows are not disposed in a haphazard fashion, but that certain rules in the grouping of the animals can be distinguished. The presence of a star on two objects may well indicate that the animals are in fact stars or constellations, whose representations have been multiplied for decorative reasons. The Sobek crocodile or dragon was associated with the New Year.
Mystically, the Egyptian King ascends through the northern passageway of his pyramid, from where his soul is going to reach the stars in the northern sky. This part of the celestial vault played an important role in Egyptian religion, because the Ancients had realized that due to their position some of its stars never set below the horizon, i.e. they never “die”. They were called the Ikhemu-sek, the “Never-setting Ones”, and were a powerful symbol of immortality. Having directed their gaze towards this part of the sky, the Egyptians seem to have used its constellations for other purposes also: to mark specific moments of the year, coinciding with the main seasonal festivals. In the exit passage of Unas’ pyramid, the king seems to be identified with three of the northern constellations.
Precession means that constellations would cyclically appear and disappear. The myths knew they would return. All these metaphorical roots suggest their common dragon ancestry in this living symbolism. And, our argument makes the symbolism critically relevant to the present day, the present transitional Age. Such 'seeing' and 'knowing' is one way of retrieving the dragon's hidden treasure from the depths of the collective unconscious.
Meta-Genetics: The Science

Pioneering biophysics work has shown that living tissues interact with electric and magnetic fields in unexpected and dramatic ways. From initial anecdotal accounts of enhanced healing under electromagnetic stimulation, research in this field has progressed to a sophisticated arsenal of investigative tools and theoretical models which include polarized light microscopy to study the liquid crystal properties of living cells and laser-excitation of DNA to induce hybridization through non-molecular information transfer. In almost all cases, the results point to a set of remarkable properties of living tissues, and in particular of genetic material.
The emerging picture is that of biosystems as sources and domains of coherent electromagnetic fields, which account for practically instantaneous inter-cellular communication and a highly efficient mechanism of energy utilization, and which seem to reflect very closely the developmental and patho-physiological state of the organism. In addition, a wide spectrum of genetic mechanisms now appear to be under the influence of surrounding electromagnetic fields. At the same time, an impressive number of studies in the areas of parapsychology and mind-body medicine converge to show that conscious intent can affect practically every single type of genetic program, as well as many physiological parameters. These studies also show that such effects can be produced from great distances, and that occasionally they are accompanied by unusual energy signatures.
Is there a correlation between the effects of electromagnetic fields and those of mental intent on genetic regulation and living tissues? We can formulate several preliminary hypotheses based on this evidence and to sketch some possible directions for future research in this field. The ultimate ‘realm of empty‘ Mindnature prefigures modern quantum discoveries.
The emerging picture is that of biosystems as sources and domains of coherent electromagnetic fields, which account for practically instantaneous inter-cellular communication and a highly efficient mechanism of energy utilization, and which seem to reflect very closely the developmental and patho-physiological state of the organism. In addition, a wide spectrum of genetic mechanisms now appear to be under the influence of surrounding electromagnetic fields. At the same time, an impressive number of studies in the areas of parapsychology and mind-body medicine converge to show that conscious intent can affect practically every single type of genetic program, as well as many physiological parameters. These studies also show that such effects can be produced from great distances, and that occasionally they are accompanied by unusual energy signatures.
Is there a correlation between the effects of electromagnetic fields and those of mental intent on genetic regulation and living tissues? We can formulate several preliminary hypotheses based on this evidence and to sketch some possible directions for future research in this field. The ultimate ‘realm of empty‘ Mindnature prefigures modern quantum discoveries.
Figure 1: Flow of Genetic Information. Summarizes distinct ways in which
genetics, epigenetics and meta-genetics explain the flow of information in biological organisms.
genetics, epigenetics and meta-genetics explain the flow of information in biological organisms.
"Light in the Sound, and the Sound in the Light."
The memories of mankind are mankind's collective inheritance. Jung modeled archetypes as genetically inherited factors, perceived first as forms without content then as action potentials and mindbodyspirit links. Many people have transcendent experiences in heightened states of consciousness. The phenomena of ancestral memories is arguably a more supportable notion than reincarnation.
We function in a nonlinear field that includes the whole ancestral line. Time openings allow constant information exchanges between past, present and future.They give us intuitions, premonitions and vital instincts.Controlling them enables us to optimize our future before we live it. We are in an evolutionary partnership to unleash the genius that lies in the depths of our being. We are literally drawn from the smaller, personal self to the larger, universal possibility.
Meta-genetics is a separate field at the very heart of genetics -- the study of how inheritance itself evolves, even while it mediates all evolution. It attempts to interpret or explain the organization, structure and dynamics of genetic material -- the master program of the archetypal creative "programmer". The meta-genetic program is the inherent intelligence of the life-force itself.
Today, meta-genetics encompasses a group of related fields including quantum bioholography, genetic linguistics, and wave-genetics. Whether or not genetics is evolving, our view certainly is. The discovery of gene-expression transcended the nature/nurture dichotomy. Meta-genetics accepts two of the major premises of genetics and epigenetics, namely that:
1. The coding portion of the DNA molecule is physically responsible for building proteins; and
2. Regulatory proteins play an important role in interacting with environmental signals to determine which genes in coding DNA are silenced and which are expressed.
From the above, it should be obvious that meta-genetics subsumes crucial, irrefutable aspects of genetics and epigenetics and, thus, respects the relative importance of both nature (genetics) and nurture (epigenetics) in human experience.
For over 3 billion years, all living creatures on this planet have used the same 20 amino acids, even though there are hundreds available in nature. Amino acids are will likely be found throughout the galaxy, hinting at a certain level of predictability in the way things turned out. Would changing the amino acids effect the proteins you could build?
The question of life’s amino acid toolbox is interesting both in tracing the origin of the life on Earth,and in wondering about lifeforms on other planets. A different set of amino acid building blocks would likely result in different characteristics in the resultant life. It begs the question, "Is Earth's DNA unique or a universal constant?"
Concentrations of life-chemicals are found in meteorite samples. The physics of the organic jigsaw don’t need a miracle to generate the chemical cocktail for early life, just a decently large asteroid with the right components. That’s all. The original cells would could pick and choose from early Earth’s organic cocktail. The entire universe could be teeming with life, from the earliest prebiotic proto-proteins to fully DNAed descendants. The path from one to the other is long, but in thirteen and a half billion years we know it happened at least once.
Scientists wondered if life could have arisen based on a different set of amino acids. They used computers to estimate the fundamental properties of the 20 amino acids life uses, such as size, charge and hydrophilicity, or the extent to which the molecules are attracted to water. There are three important ways to build proteins, but no other combinations end up producing the numbers of successful offspring that the existing set achieved. Life seemingly did not choose its 20 building blocks of chemical code randomly. Life knew exactly what it was doing.
The Model
By establishing the Primacy of Consciousness, meta-genetics provides an overarching conceptual framework under which the apparent duality between nature and nurture can be resolved. Specifically, meta-genetics proposes that both nature and the reality conditions that allow for nurture emerge from—and are controlled by—conscious energy that constructs and directs our biological experience intelligently.
According to meta-genetics, potential DNA is anything but “junk.” Indeed, potential DNA plays the truly primary role of interfacing “ener-genetically” with our bioenergy blueprint in the consciousness field (Figures 1 and 2). In this way, potential DNA regulates cellular expression—and even the origin and evolution of species—in a manner that genetics cannot begin to account for and epigenetics cannot come close to matching.
In explaining the role potential DNA plays in the origin and evolution of species, meta-genetics reveals that genetics and epigenetics alike control our lives only relatively, compared to the underlying spiritual energy that engenders, supports and develops life: consciousness.
Flow of Genetic Information
Since the discovery of DNA in the 1950s, traditional genetic science has invested an enormous amount of energy establishing and maintaining a theoretical model in which genetic information flows from the top down (Figure 1).
According to the official theory of genetics, DNA passes on genetic information to RNA, the enzyme responsible for building proteins. In this dogma, where nature is considered primary, supposedly there is no information that runs from the bottom up—as in, from RNA or proteins to DNA. In the 1960s, however, Howard Temin conducted experiments clearly indicating that information held in RNA can, and does, travel against the downward flow of genetic information so central to established theory (Figure 1).
As epigeneticist Bruce Lipton explains in The Biology of Belief, Dr. Temin, who was “originally ridiculed for his ‘heresy’,” subsequently “won a Nobel prize for describing reverse transcriptase, the molecular mechanism by which RNA can rewrite the genetic code.” Dr. Lipton hypothesizes that proteins also must have the ability, despite the prevailing genetic theory, to “buck the predicted flow of information.”
Logically, this must be the case, “since protein antibodies in immune cells are involved with changing the DNA in the cells that synthesize them.” There are, however, “tight restrictions on the reverse flow of information, a design that would prevent radical changes in the cell’s genome.” Similarly, Lipton describes epigenetics as the science of how genes can be modified “without changing their basic blueprint.”
These two quotes provide clues as to what lies beyond the reach of epigenetics and nurture. The latter function with “tight restrictions” on the way our own localized consciousness, in response to environmental signals, can flow in reverse and rescript our “basic blueprint” (Figure 1).
Epigenetics is incapable of explaining evolution because it provides no mechanism allowing DNA to be rewritten, spontaneously, sufficiently to create “radical changes in the cell’s genome” that transform a species into a new one. Transcending both genetics and epigenetics, meta-genetics concludes that the origin and evolution of species are driven neither by coding DNA nor by regulatory proteins in cell membranes. Rather, meta-genetics establishes that these two basically similar phenomena are controlled, via potential DNA, by what might be called a life-wave.
Meta-genetics & the Life-wave
The life-wave is best understood as a potentially infinite series of waves, much as an ocean is composed of an endless number of waves while remaining a single body of water. The ocean in our analogy is the “torsion,” Source Field or hyperdimensional sound domain of time-space, where individual waves act as sonic carrier waves for the genetic blueprints of past, present and future species (Figure 2).
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance theory refers to this ener-genetic aspect of time-space as “morphic fields.” Dr. Sheldrake’s notion of “formative causation” stresses that these fields unite entire species universally outside space-time. Sheldrake goes so far as to theorize that these nonlocal frequency fields can be expressed biologically if correctly “tuned into,” even if a species is extinct.
In order for a particular life-wave in time-space to “go live” and become an actual, physical species here in space-time, there is a specific meta-genetic protocol (Figure 2). In biological organisms, potential DNA serves as the principal connection point between time-space and space-time. In other words, potential DNA, far from being inactive, constitutes the hyperdimensional interface between the sound and light domains.
The genetic sound-light translation mechanism indicates the process by which chromosomes assemble themselves into different configurations designed to “translate” standing waves of sound into light (and vice versa). The existence of the genetic sound-light translation mechanism indicates that the flow of information, or conscious bioenergy, through DNA is a two-way street. Light becomes sound, and sound becomes light. Of course, if we accept Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal System of physical theory and the existence of sound (time-space) and light (space-time) domains, this must be the case.
In addition, the conception of the human body as a hologram, the basis of quantum bioholography, depends on such a mechanism, which has been validated empirically. For an excellent overview of this paradigm-changing theory and the research supporting it, see Iona Miller and Rick Miller’s article “From Helix to Hologram,” published in NEXUS magazine and republished in the DNA Monthly, then DNA Decipher Journal.
DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information which contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Only 3% of human DNA encodes the physical body. The remaining 97% of the 3 billion base pair genome contains over a million genetic structures called transposons, that have the capacity to jump from one chromosomal location to another (Kelleher, 1999). We are 99.9% alike in our genetic legacy. Our individuality is expressed in three million small variations in our cells, called single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Gene-expression is the mechanism by which new patterns are called into being (Rossi, 2000). There is also a strong correlation between modulation of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger, 1987; McFadden, 2002). The Gariaev group has discovered a wave-based genome and DNA phantom effect which strongly supports the holographic concept of reality (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1975).
This main information channel of DNA is the same for both photons and radio waves. Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.
For present purposes, we simply must grasp that, in addition to helping maintain the genetic sound-light translation mechanism at the level of chromosomes, potential DNA exists in both time-space and space-time—but in different ways.
Here in space-time, potential DNA appears as an inactive (noncoding) molecule, or part of a molecule. In this capacity, we can say that potential DNA is light-based, lacking any obviously transformational potential. In time-space, however, potential DNA appears as a sound wave in continuous dialogue with the greater life-wave of the consciousness field (Figure 2). The particle-wave duality—in which, say, an electron can be both a particle and a wave simultaneously—is an accepted phenomenon in quantum physics. Importantly, this duality can operate on much larger scales than the subatomic.
Named after Buckminster Fuller, the Fullerene molecule, or “buckyball,” comprises sixty carbon atoms arranged spherically somewhat like a soccer ball. When propelled through a small enough “net,” buckyballs have been demonstrated to transform into waves and back into particles again.
Of special interest to our discussion is that a Fullerene is roughly the size of a DNA molecule. Thus not only does DNA’s network of chromosomes translate sound waves into light waves, and vice versa. It is also reasonable to assume that potential DNA exists with “a foot in two worlds,” exhibiting a molecular form in space-time and functioning as a wave in time-space (Figure 2).
Potential DNA’s ongoing dialogue with the consciousness field allows for a constant, simultaneous exchange of information, in the form of sound and light waves, between time-space and space-time, while bypassing any so-called tight restrictions on the flow of genetic information (Figure 1).
In one direction, as an example, light-based (holographic) traumas occurring in space-time are recorded as time-space distortions in our sonic bioenergy fields—which are, in effect, nested life-waves within the greater life-wave. This example allows us to appreciate how, in a manner that challenges our notions of causality based on a perception of time as linear, potential DNA both is projected by the consciousness field and simultaneously projects its bioenergy blueprint in the latter.
Here, in order to sketch the basic outline of the meta-genetic model “through the looking-glass” from the vantage of time-space, I have chosen to focus on the way potential DNA appears to emerge from the consciousness field. In a moment, we will explore just how human language can be used to correct sonic distortions, or disharmonies, in the bioenergy blueprint—allowing for information to flow from time-space back through potential DNA into space-time in order to actualize healing (Figure 2).
But before we do this, let us note that a similar protocol is utilized by the consciousness field in order to engender transformation—including the origin and spontaneous evolution of species.
Healing, Transformation & Potential DNA
In the meta-genetic model, potential DNA is both a form and function of the life-wave. In both cases, potential DNA can be theorized to exist as a consciousness blueprint in time-space before its physical manifestation in space-time. As the primary connection point between time-space and space-time, potential DNA’s dialogue with the sound domain is directly responsible for producing the consciousness blueprint that gives rise to a specific species. The previous statement summarizes the basic mechanism behind the origin of species.
Any large-scale changes in this ener-genetic dialogue occurring nonlocally in time-space automatically result in commensurate changes to the wave frequencies in potential DNA. Stated differently, a new dialogue produces a new consciousness blueprint.
As shown in Figure 2, as this new nonlocal blueprint filters through potential DNA into local space-time, potential DNA becomes responsible for reorganizing the three percent of coding DNA into a novel configuration. Coding DNA, in turn, instructs RNA to build specific proteins and, ultimately, organisms. Significantly, a parallel phenomenon occurs during healing—only on a smaller scale.
With the correct equipment, such as the quantum biocomputers used in wave-genetics, it is possible to observe at times subtle, but no less crucial, changes in potential DNA as the latter becomes activated “meta-genetically” during healing and transformation. In both instances, transposons, or “jumping DNA,” are instructed by potential DNA to shift their chromosomal positions—in small numbers when it comes to healing, but by the thousands during evolutionary transformation.
In the case of meta-genetic healing, while the observable molecular shift cannot be said to transmute one’s basic DNA, nevertheless some genes necessarily are activated permanently even as others are switched off. Regarding evolutionary transformation, such a massive molecular rearrangement fundamentally alters genes and creates radically new protein coding sequences that produce distinct and unprecedented creatures. The end result is the spontaneous evolution—which happens neither gradually nor adaptively, but as a veritable metamorphosis within a single lifetime—of an existing species into a new one.
Since the discovery of DNA in the 1950s, traditional genetic science has invested an enormous amount of energy establishing and maintaining a theoretical model in which genetic information flows from the top down (Figure 1).
According to the official theory of genetics, DNA passes on genetic information to RNA, the enzyme responsible for building proteins. In this dogma, where nature is considered primary, supposedly there is no information that runs from the bottom up—as in, from RNA or proteins to DNA. In the 1960s, however, Howard Temin conducted experiments clearly indicating that information held in RNA can, and does, travel against the downward flow of genetic information so central to established theory (Figure 1).
As epigeneticist Bruce Lipton explains in The Biology of Belief, Dr. Temin, who was “originally ridiculed for his ‘heresy’,” subsequently “won a Nobel prize for describing reverse transcriptase, the molecular mechanism by which RNA can rewrite the genetic code.” Dr. Lipton hypothesizes that proteins also must have the ability, despite the prevailing genetic theory, to “buck the predicted flow of information.”
Logically, this must be the case, “since protein antibodies in immune cells are involved with changing the DNA in the cells that synthesize them.” There are, however, “tight restrictions on the reverse flow of information, a design that would prevent radical changes in the cell’s genome.” Similarly, Lipton describes epigenetics as the science of how genes can be modified “without changing their basic blueprint.”
These two quotes provide clues as to what lies beyond the reach of epigenetics and nurture. The latter function with “tight restrictions” on the way our own localized consciousness, in response to environmental signals, can flow in reverse and rescript our “basic blueprint” (Figure 1).
Epigenetics is incapable of explaining evolution because it provides no mechanism allowing DNA to be rewritten, spontaneously, sufficiently to create “radical changes in the cell’s genome” that transform a species into a new one. Transcending both genetics and epigenetics, meta-genetics concludes that the origin and evolution of species are driven neither by coding DNA nor by regulatory proteins in cell membranes. Rather, meta-genetics establishes that these two basically similar phenomena are controlled, via potential DNA, by what might be called a life-wave.
Meta-genetics & the Life-wave
The life-wave is best understood as a potentially infinite series of waves, much as an ocean is composed of an endless number of waves while remaining a single body of water. The ocean in our analogy is the “torsion,” Source Field or hyperdimensional sound domain of time-space, where individual waves act as sonic carrier waves for the genetic blueprints of past, present and future species (Figure 2).
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance theory refers to this ener-genetic aspect of time-space as “morphic fields.” Dr. Sheldrake’s notion of “formative causation” stresses that these fields unite entire species universally outside space-time. Sheldrake goes so far as to theorize that these nonlocal frequency fields can be expressed biologically if correctly “tuned into,” even if a species is extinct.
In order for a particular life-wave in time-space to “go live” and become an actual, physical species here in space-time, there is a specific meta-genetic protocol (Figure 2). In biological organisms, potential DNA serves as the principal connection point between time-space and space-time. In other words, potential DNA, far from being inactive, constitutes the hyperdimensional interface between the sound and light domains.
The genetic sound-light translation mechanism indicates the process by which chromosomes assemble themselves into different configurations designed to “translate” standing waves of sound into light (and vice versa). The existence of the genetic sound-light translation mechanism indicates that the flow of information, or conscious bioenergy, through DNA is a two-way street. Light becomes sound, and sound becomes light. Of course, if we accept Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal System of physical theory and the existence of sound (time-space) and light (space-time) domains, this must be the case.
In addition, the conception of the human body as a hologram, the basis of quantum bioholography, depends on such a mechanism, which has been validated empirically. For an excellent overview of this paradigm-changing theory and the research supporting it, see Iona Miller and Rick Miller’s article “From Helix to Hologram,” published in NEXUS magazine and republished in the DNA Monthly, then DNA Decipher Journal.
DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information which contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Only 3% of human DNA encodes the physical body. The remaining 97% of the 3 billion base pair genome contains over a million genetic structures called transposons, that have the capacity to jump from one chromosomal location to another (Kelleher, 1999). We are 99.9% alike in our genetic legacy. Our individuality is expressed in three million small variations in our cells, called single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Gene-expression is the mechanism by which new patterns are called into being (Rossi, 2000). There is also a strong correlation between modulation of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger, 1987; McFadden, 2002). The Gariaev group has discovered a wave-based genome and DNA phantom effect which strongly supports the holographic concept of reality (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1975).
This main information channel of DNA is the same for both photons and radio waves. Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.
For present purposes, we simply must grasp that, in addition to helping maintain the genetic sound-light translation mechanism at the level of chromosomes, potential DNA exists in both time-space and space-time—but in different ways.
Here in space-time, potential DNA appears as an inactive (noncoding) molecule, or part of a molecule. In this capacity, we can say that potential DNA is light-based, lacking any obviously transformational potential. In time-space, however, potential DNA appears as a sound wave in continuous dialogue with the greater life-wave of the consciousness field (Figure 2). The particle-wave duality—in which, say, an electron can be both a particle and a wave simultaneously—is an accepted phenomenon in quantum physics. Importantly, this duality can operate on much larger scales than the subatomic.
Named after Buckminster Fuller, the Fullerene molecule, or “buckyball,” comprises sixty carbon atoms arranged spherically somewhat like a soccer ball. When propelled through a small enough “net,” buckyballs have been demonstrated to transform into waves and back into particles again.
Of special interest to our discussion is that a Fullerene is roughly the size of a DNA molecule. Thus not only does DNA’s network of chromosomes translate sound waves into light waves, and vice versa. It is also reasonable to assume that potential DNA exists with “a foot in two worlds,” exhibiting a molecular form in space-time and functioning as a wave in time-space (Figure 2).
Potential DNA’s ongoing dialogue with the consciousness field allows for a constant, simultaneous exchange of information, in the form of sound and light waves, between time-space and space-time, while bypassing any so-called tight restrictions on the flow of genetic information (Figure 1).
In one direction, as an example, light-based (holographic) traumas occurring in space-time are recorded as time-space distortions in our sonic bioenergy fields—which are, in effect, nested life-waves within the greater life-wave. This example allows us to appreciate how, in a manner that challenges our notions of causality based on a perception of time as linear, potential DNA both is projected by the consciousness field and simultaneously projects its bioenergy blueprint in the latter.
Here, in order to sketch the basic outline of the meta-genetic model “through the looking-glass” from the vantage of time-space, I have chosen to focus on the way potential DNA appears to emerge from the consciousness field. In a moment, we will explore just how human language can be used to correct sonic distortions, or disharmonies, in the bioenergy blueprint—allowing for information to flow from time-space back through potential DNA into space-time in order to actualize healing (Figure 2).
But before we do this, let us note that a similar protocol is utilized by the consciousness field in order to engender transformation—including the origin and spontaneous evolution of species.
Healing, Transformation & Potential DNA
In the meta-genetic model, potential DNA is both a form and function of the life-wave. In both cases, potential DNA can be theorized to exist as a consciousness blueprint in time-space before its physical manifestation in space-time. As the primary connection point between time-space and space-time, potential DNA’s dialogue with the sound domain is directly responsible for producing the consciousness blueprint that gives rise to a specific species. The previous statement summarizes the basic mechanism behind the origin of species.
Any large-scale changes in this ener-genetic dialogue occurring nonlocally in time-space automatically result in commensurate changes to the wave frequencies in potential DNA. Stated differently, a new dialogue produces a new consciousness blueprint.
As shown in Figure 2, as this new nonlocal blueprint filters through potential DNA into local space-time, potential DNA becomes responsible for reorganizing the three percent of coding DNA into a novel configuration. Coding DNA, in turn, instructs RNA to build specific proteins and, ultimately, organisms. Significantly, a parallel phenomenon occurs during healing—only on a smaller scale.
With the correct equipment, such as the quantum biocomputers used in wave-genetics, it is possible to observe at times subtle, but no less crucial, changes in potential DNA as the latter becomes activated “meta-genetically” during healing and transformation. In both instances, transposons, or “jumping DNA,” are instructed by potential DNA to shift their chromosomal positions—in small numbers when it comes to healing, but by the thousands during evolutionary transformation.
In the case of meta-genetic healing, while the observable molecular shift cannot be said to transmute one’s basic DNA, nevertheless some genes necessarily are activated permanently even as others are switched off. Regarding evolutionary transformation, such a massive molecular rearrangement fundamentally alters genes and creates radically new protein coding sequences that produce distinct and unprecedented creatures. The end result is the spontaneous evolution—which happens neither gradually nor adaptively, but as a veritable metamorphosis within a single lifetime—of an existing species into a new one.
Figure 3: "Suncode of Genetic Programming", Iona Miller, 1980
Since there are four types of nucleotides (A,T,G,C) that are read in words of thee, there are 43 = 64 possible codons: more than enough to encode for the 22 amino acids that make up proteins. There is nothing more basic and fundamental to life on Earth than the three-letter based genetic code. Are the three Hebrew Mother-letters and 22 Paths of the Tree of Life and the Major Arcana an ancient intuitive analog of our DNA? The Ladder of Lights is the Ladder of Life, the tree of our natural heritage. The Trumps serve as Portals to the Paths on the Tree.
Since there are four types of nucleotides (A,T,G,C) that are read in words of thee, there are 43 = 64 possible codons: more than enough to encode for the 22 amino acids that make up proteins. There is nothing more basic and fundamental to life on Earth than the three-letter based genetic code. Are the three Hebrew Mother-letters and 22 Paths of the Tree of Life and the Major Arcana an ancient intuitive analog of our DNA? The Ladder of Lights is the Ladder of Life, the tree of our natural heritage. The Trumps serve as Portals to the Paths on the Tree.
Conscious Creation
Moreover, meta-genetics neatly demonstrates that evolution is driven by consciousness. From a meta-genetic perspective, leaving behind new earth creationism, biology remains nevertheless a product of some kind of innate intelligence. Individually and collectively, there is only conscious evolution—or none at all. And such conscious evolution, personally and universally, occurs by way of DNA activation (Figure 2).
In addition to illuminating how evolution works, meta-genetic theory also explains why DNA appears to contain so little information distinguishing one species from another. The life-wave in time-space, our real Brain, holds the consciousness blueprints for all species—which only manifest in DNA as, and to the extent, they are required for evolution.
Finally, the science of meta-genetics offers a sound intellectual scaffolding supporting the widespread belief that humanity as a whole may be on the verge of a genuinely spontaneous evolution. University of Wisconsin anthropologist John Hawks’ research, focused on genetic information in the fossil record, led to the declaration that for the last 40,000 years—and even more remarkably, within the past 5,000 years—the human species has experienced “supercharged evolutionary change.”
Dr. Hawks is referencing measurable changes in DNA so exponential in the modern era that a human from 3,000 B.C. is more genetically comparable to a caveman than to someone strolling down the street today. Likewise, the Flynn Effect shows dramatic increases in human IQ over recent years that, having to do with abstract or symbolic thinking, simply cannot be explained by better education or improved technology.
What can account for these striking evolutionary developments is the concept of a meta-genetic life-wave in the process of changing its dialogue with—and thus activating—our potential DNA in order to evolve the human species into a new type of human (Figure 2).
Genetic Linguistics
While the theory of meta-genetics is cogent, and even elegant, without research supporting it and documented practical applications, it would remain just that: a theory.
Fortunately, research and documentation that substantiate meta-genetics are available in abundance thanks to the pioneering work of Russian biophysicist Peter Gariaev, the father of wave-genetics. Recently, a team of linguists headed by Dr. Gariaev, while studying a cutting-edge branch of semiotics known as genetic linguistics, discovered that the genetic code in potential DNA follows uniform grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human languages.
This groundbreaking research grew out of Jeffrey Delrow’s stunning discovery in 1990 that the four nucleotides (protein bases) of DNA inherently form fractal structures closely related to human speech patterns. As explained by Gariaev, a “group of scientists headed by M. U. Maslov and myself developed a theory of fractal representation of natural (human) and genetic languages.”
This theory “postulates that the ‘quasi-speech’ of DNA possesses a potentially inexhaustible supply of ‘words’ and, moreover, that ‘texts,’ ‘phrases’ and ‘sentences’ in DNA transform into the letters and words used in human speech.” On the flip side, this theory supposes that human language is “genetic” in nature and can be employed to interface with the genetic apparatus like a key fitting in a keyhole.
Gariaev’s hypothesis that DNA is language-based (and vice versa) is echoed in theories that divine names or The Word is actually code for DNA, with it's chemical components nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Theosophists accurately called it the Audible Life Stream or Voice of the Silence. Does DNA have a universal role as a divine language spoken through the body? Some scholars are convinced.
Human languages creflect our essentially similar “genetically linguistic,” or “linguistically genetic,” blueprint. As pointed out by linguist Noam Chomsky, human speech obviously does not exhibit a linear development from animal to human language patterns. “This poses a problem for the biologist,” admits Chomsky, “since, if true, it is an example of a true ‘emergence.’”
From a meta-genetic perspective, it is worth noting, emergence is an excellent term to characterize how biological species spontaneously evolve. Furthermore, genetic linguistics reveals that DNA not only assembles proteins through RNA transcription, but also stores and communicates data in a patently linguistic fashion. In fact, Gariaev’s team found that the genetic code in potential DNA follows, for practical purposes, the same foundational rules as human languages.
The DNA Phantom Effect
Wave-genetics contends that potential DNA regulates meta-genetic, self-organization functions that occur in a hyperdimensional realm, infolded time-space. According to wave-genetics, potential DNA magnetizes nonlocal streams of information from time-space to its physical location in space-time, then forwards this information to our consciousness -- including our “genetic consciousness” that manifests biologically.
Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, authors of an excellent summary of Gariaev’s findings entitled Vernetzte Intelligenz (“Networked Intelligence”), refer to this data transfer process as hypercommunication, pointing out that it often is experienced as intuition or inspiration. When hypercommunication occurs, according to Fosar and Bludorf, an extraordinary phenomenon is observable in DNA. They relate the story of how Gariaev irradiated a DNA sample with a laser until a typical light-wave pattern formed on his computer monitor. When the DNA sample was extracted, the pattern was still there, unaltered.
Control experiments showed that the pattern emanated from the absent sample, whose bioenergy field remained undisturbed for a whole month—even after being sprayed with liquid nitrogen—causing light to spiral on its own, as it were, tracing the outline of the physically removed double helix. This meta-genetic phenomenon has become famous in new science circles as the DNA Phantom Effect. It appears that torsion waves from time-space continue to flow into space-time—where they manifest electromagnetically—for a month even after the DNA is removed.
The DNA Phantom Effect provides unambiguous evidence that:
1. Hypercommunication is an ener-genetic reality; and
2. DNA functions as a primary connection point between time-space and space-time.
“Most people tend to think that the DNA created the [phantom] energy field, and that the energy field is somehow just a ‘shadow’ of the DNA,” writes Wilcock, who proposes a brilliant reinterpretation: “However, I believe that the wave actually exists before the DNA.”
The “only logical explanation is that the phantom energy of DNA is actually the creator of DNA.” Since this phantom spiritual energy pervades the galaxy, wherever the “materials that create life exist, the subtle, spiraling pressure currents of this energy will arrange the DNA molecule into existence.”
Expounding on the subject of torsion energy and its relationship to DNA, Wilcock has claimed for years that DNA is a wave spiraling ‘nonliving’ material together into a molecule. Is there proof?
Apparently, “loose inorganic materials can spontaneously and intelligently spiral together to form DNA … in the cold emptiness of space. One DNA molecule is as complex as an entire encyclopedia—so without a higher, organized intelligence guiding the process, we really cannot explain this.”
In his research, Dr. Ignacio Ochoa Pacheco found DNA emerged in a hermetically sealed container—containing only distilled water and sand heated to the point of killing any living organisms therein—when exposed to consciousness, or torsion waves.
If this evidence seems fantastical, consider the article “Dust ‘Comes Alive’ in Space” appearing in the UK Times Online in August, 2007, where it was reported that an international panel from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Max Planck institute in Germany and the University of Sydney found that galactic dust could form spontaneously into … double helixes […] and that [these] inorganic creations had memory and … power to reproduce themselves […] The particles are held together by electromagnetic forces that the scientists say could contain a code comparable to the genetic information held in organic matter.
Meta-genetics provides a theoretical basis for understanding how biological life originates from so-called nonliving material. From numerous pieces of hard evidence I barely have touched on, it appears that universal creative consciousness quite literally speaks the physical world, including DNA, into being.
Meta-genetics simply and logically explains why all human DNA is fundamentally linguistic in nature and why language can be understood and utilized from a genetic perspective: the very energy that created DNA is language-based. The idea that “in the beginning was the Word” is central to the vast majority of the world’s most venerable religions and mythologies. Although it is just now coming into its own, this idea is also the key to the evolution of the biological sciences into their mature, Era III expression.
Beyond any reasonable doubt, based on redundant scientific data, behind the DNA molecule exists a template of linguistically-sourced consciousness that directs the formation of organisms at the level of DNA. By modifying this bioenergy blueprint meta-genetically through linguistic means, we can alter organic expression, facilitating both healing and transformation.
One truly mind-blowing implication of Gariaev’s research is that to activate DNA and stimulate cellular healing as well as conscious evolution, we simply can use our species’ supreme expression of creative consciousness: words. This is possible because, as pointed out, the electrical energy involved in producing human speech automatically creates torsion waves of sound and light capable—when properly articulated—of accessing, resetting and transforming our bioenergy blueprint in time-space.
While Western researchers clumsily (and dangerously) splice genes, Gariaev’s team developed sophisticated quantum biocomputers designed to influence cellular metabolism and stimulate tissue regeneration through sound and light waves calibrated to human language frequencies.
Employing pure linguistic frequencies embedded in radio waves and laser technology, Gariaev proved that chromosomes damaged by X-rays can be repaired; that a diseased pancreas in rats and missing adult teeth in humans can be regrown; and even more amazingly, that the genome itself can be rewritten.
Using sound and light waves keyed to human language frequencies to rescript DNA, as opposed to gene splicing, Gariaev’s team transformed frog embryos into perfectly healthy salamander embryos in the laboratory. Moreover, this was accomplished noninvasively by properly applying vibration and light, or sound combined with thought, or words, to DNA. Gariaev’s historical experiment in embryogenesis points to the immense scope of meta-genetics—an area which has an obviously more primary influence on the origin and evolution of species than genetics or epigenetics.
Being the change is woven into your DNA. You are an evolutionary being, from a long line of visionaries. Tap into your innate design to be the change. Reality is flexible. It is woven by visionaries (just like you) activating infinite possibility into the warp and woof of cosmic creation. Love powers vision, vision fuels action, action realigns reality. Be the change! The world clamors for your Essence. (adapted from DNA Monthly, Vol. 7, No. 7)
DNA Monthly, Vol. 7, No. 7
Nerissa Russell and Kevin J. McGowan, 2003. Dance of the cranes: Crane symbolism at Çatalhöyük and beyond. Antiquity 77:445-455. [Please note: this is a large pdf file.]